JongTae: Always the quiet ones

「One-Shot Collection」SHINee One-shots

Foreword: It was always the quiet ones that would shock everyone so they should of expected it from Taemin, but they didn't.

A step to the left, a flick of the hair, just the pretty much every day of dancing of their latest choreography, merely big, better and more dressed up as this was on stage in front of hundreds of adoring fans. Jonghyun loved the chants of the crowd and when they actually sang along it gave him a reason for coming out here and giving it his all rather than stay lazying in bed all day which was actually pretty nice, not to mention relaxing (aside from when Key groaned at him for being so lazy). He grinned at the crowd which consisted of fangirls, boyfriends of fangirls, fanboys, people who just liked their songs and the parents or older siblings who were dragged along. Their excited faces never failed to him a slight boost or amuse him.

He his lips earning screams of excitement, fangirls, you got to love them (and the fanboys, never forget the fanboys, they got quite upset if you do) even though some of them were slightly creepy or annoying at times. He gave a grin at Taemin who was dancing next to him at that moment in time. Taemin grinned back sheepishly before returning on focusing on the dance routine quickly, the last time they had a moment like that they had spent too much time keeping in eye contact with one another and Taemin had nearly crashed into Key. Fortunately, as Taemin got embarrassed so easily over stuff like that, no one had really picked up on it. It was also good that they did not collide, it would not be good for either Taemin or Key to get injured. The incident had sent them both (Taemin and Jonghyun, Key scolded Taemin like the inner umma he was) into series of laughter after the show had ended even though it was not actually that hilarious. He loved it when they had good laughs like that.

Too busy in his thoughts, he nearly bumped into Key, poor Key, why was he seemingly the only one being targeted to be involved in a collision? Taemin coughed in a poor attempt at hiding a laugh, Jonghyun smirked at him just as amused whilst Key pouted at them not amused at all, forgive him for not enjoying the fact that Jonghyun and Taemin seemed to have it out for him. Upon seeing Key's annoyed face, Taemin choked a bit before biting his lip to stop from laughing, an angry diva was not a very nice diva to deal with. Trust him you did not want to see an angry Key, three words, scary as hell. Suddenly Key got an evil look in his eye. Never before had Jonghyun and Taemin wanted to run off the stage so much despite what their manager may do to them, that was just how scary the Almighty Key could be.

Without warning Key yanked on Jonghyun's shirt as he moved away, there was a satisfying rip as the strain on the material caused it to tear making a shocked Jonghyun freeze momentarily as his shirt fell apart, Key's expression was also hilarious, he hadn't expected that to happen so his expression was one of dumbstruck, holding back his laughs and guilt. But Taemin's expression had to be the best and it was mirrored by quite a few (read alot) of fangirls, his expression was one of mild shock and unbridled joy. A huge excited scream let out throughout the entire crowd, they swore some people had even fainted, and all of a sudden the mothers and sisters (the occasional father and brother as well) were all sitting up just as excited as the fans now. Minho and Onew who had been successfully ignoring the antics of their crazed band members so far trying desperately to keep the show running smoothly (which TaeJongKey seemed determined to not do) suddenly turned around to stare as one clear voice echoed around the stage.

"Rip off the trousers as well!" Normally they wouldn't have been so shocked, after all fangirls (and boys) were crazy and often said worse, you should see some of the gifts and cards they recieved. But shocked them was the voice that had shouted excitedly was incredibly familiar, very loud due to a microphone held to the shouter's mouth and oh yeah the shouter was on the stage next to them. Taemin feeling everyone's eyes on him and realised that yes he had just stopped the entire show because of a slip of tongue (you don't really think he shouted that because he was thinking right?) went bright scarlet and chuckled nervously.

"Er, I mean, oh dear hyung what shall we do now? Definitely not rip your trousers off, ha?" Taemin stammered "Can we go back to the song now?"

"No, I think that I should rip off my pants like you said I should." Jonghyun practically purred. Taemin went even redder, if that was even possible.

"Stop flirting, save it for the dorm." Key groaned and they went back to their performance, making everyone doubt what had just happened, if it wasn't for the ripped shirt slung across the stage floor or the shy, flustered glances of Taemin and the grinning, flirtatious grins of Jonghyun they might of thought it was just a beautiful dream. As SHINee bowed and left they could of sworn there was a yelp and an sweeze there. All of the JongTae supporters were made very happy by this, and the people who liked other pairings with either Jonghyun or Taemin, for example 2min and JongKey, let's just say they were suddenly inspired to write/draw a .

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Chapter 10: Aww sneaky Jonghyun and shy Taemin so cute?
Chapter 1: Oh so funny ? I really enjoyed this story
Chapter 2: hahahaha 'go make me grandchildren!'
Chapter 10: Awesome ending!!! Muwahhaahahaha
Chapter 5: Awesome ending! XD
Chapter 5: "I hate the way your lips and the way you swing your hips tease me so!" - Oh my god. That was hell funny :PP
Chapter 17: Omg.All of these were so cute! <33
Chapter 2: "Go and make me grandchildren!" HA!
SadisticSinner #9
Really?! A sequel?! O.O Oh yea! Please make one! I so fell in love with your story xD
luciole #10
#Chapter 4
omfg!!!! So cuuuute!!!