

You woke up feeling anything but refreshed. You didn't know what time it was but you guessed it must be night or early moring. Lying in a dark room eventhough the curtains were open and the house was to quiet. Everybody must be asleep you thought.
Your mouth felt really dry, you needed something to drink. Slowly sitting up you seeing a welcoming glass of water standing on your nightstand .
Who put it there?  You weren't a night drinker, never needing water at night .Maybe one of the sisters brought it to you after you feel asleep or maybe....
The image of Junho appeard infront of your eyes. You rememberd why you fellt so tired and heavy.

You took a deep breath and sighed. You knew it had been just a matter of time that the admirer would try more than flirting, Proposing, blackmailing and threaten you. But you never thought that one of them would push himself on you or your sisters. You got goosebumps all over your body just thinking about the situation that happend on the beach.

Jin must have seen his chance. You walking on the beach,which was deserted, you were lucky nothing worse happend ... How naive and stupid of you to think that you were safe wherever you would go, beeing together with your sisters and your driver. It was nothing new to all of you to be followed by your admires but being attacked that was something new....
You rememberd the conversation that you had just a day ago with you father. You yourself stated that bodyguards werent necessary. You even accused that the bodyguards themselfs would try funny things with you.... How dumb of you.

 After the incident today you had a totaly differnt opinion on that matter. actually a feeling a relief came over you, thanking your father that he made a appointment with these men earlier than you would have thought. True he never took his time to hear your sisters or your choice to that matter, but today showed you in a hard way that the hiring of bodyguards were the proper choice.

Moving a little from you sitting position, grabing the glass of water, feeling the soreness in your arms. Takeing a big gulp of water and puting it back on your nightstand. You moved your arms and wrists a little. They were hurting a little but it was bearable. You were wondering if brusies had formed on them. In the need of more light than the one that came from the window, which was close to nothing. You were standing up to put on the lights, putting your feed on the ground getting in a standing position you felt a piercing pain in your left leg. Hissing in pain you sat back down on your bed.

That bastard Jin. You must have strained a muscle in your leg,when you attemped to fight him off. But when your leg was hurting like that, what did your wrist looked like. Just because they weren't hurting badly didn't mean they weren't bruised. Needing creatiness you got up again, putting must of your weight on your right leg, it itched a little too but nothing compared to the other leg. Limping you made your way to the light switch, putting it on. Limping back in to the room to your wardrobe which had a mirrow included.

Checking yourself in the mirrow, seeing swollen eyes from the crying and some bruises on your wrists.They weren't that visible but when you looked more precise they couldnt be overlooked. Well..... that meant only one thing, you needed to wear sweaters and jackets for the next days. With the weather being over the average for mid September, you were prayin that the weather is getting more chilly.

Suddenly you heard noises from downstairs, who could that be? One of your sisters,your father or one of the maybe new hiried bodyguards.....?
Curiosity killed the cat ... you took a sweater out of your drawer and risked a view out of your door....

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