Accident on the Christmas day

Stay with me this Christmas. . .

And finally…Christmas day !! It was around noon when you finished giving the gifts to your friends. But you weren’t in the mood to go home. You wanted to also buy a present for yourself.

‘I already bought one for mister Jung, I’ll give it to him after he returns from his holiday. Um…should I buy one for mister Jaejoong, too?’ , you asked yourself browsing through the stores. ‘Neahhh. He already the one which was supposed to be mine. Heh’ , you thought then.

The only bad thing left is that you couldn’t find anything to buy yourself. Either you didn’t like it, either it was too expensive.

‘That plush was so cute and perfect! Stupid mister Jaejoong…he had to buy it before I could just because he’s the oh-so-famous Kim Jaejoong. Pft it makes me sick.’

You abandoned your plan of buying yourself a present, intending to leave home. Now you could be found walking slowly on a street, thinking of who knows what, when you suddenly heard a honk. Before you could look at the car, you woke up on the ground, with someone calling your name.

“___!! ____!” , you had your eyes half-open so your vision was blurry. After blinking a few more times, you started being able to see who was the one calling your name : Kim Jaejoong.

“Wh…at happened?” , you asked confused.

“Well you …i…you got hit by a car. By…my car.” , he said looking away while you tried to remember what happened. No use though. You just heard a honk and woke yup on the ground with him trying to wake you up.

“Oh… I see…” , you said and got up easily. ‘Stupid man,  first he stole the plush kitten I wanted to buy, and now I get hit by a car. His car. What if I died?’ , you thought trying not to show your annoyance.

“Wait !! Aren’t you hurt?” , he asked also getting up.

“As you can see, I’m perfectly fine. A few bruises, and scratches but I’m…” , but before you could say whatever you wanted to say, he took you in his arms and forcefully ‘’placed’’ you in the car, leaving you completely shocked.

“Mister Jaejoong, what are you doing??” you asked trying to get off the car, but the door was already locked.

“I’m sorry, ____. But you have to treat your scratches on your face, they look pretty bad.” , he said, making you look in the mirror. Your face was only covered with dust though.

“Thank you, but I can go to the hospital by myself. If I actually need to.” , you replied smiling.

“That’s the point. You can’t go anywhere all by yourself on the streets in this state. And if I take you to the hospital, then I might get recognized and they’ll realize that I was the one who hit you. I was lucky anyway that there’s no trace of person on this street, if it were, I’d be dead right now.”

“But I still don’t need to go to hospital. And…well, it’s your bad that you hit me.” , you said, then thought: ‘Damn! Is he still thinking about himself?’

“I know. I apologize for this.” , he replied starting to drive the car.

“It’s ok. But wait, where are we going?” 

“I was going at home. So now we’re going to my house?”

“What? No, I want to go home !!” , you said angry.

“No. What if you’ll go to a hospital or at the police station and report Kim Jaejoong? I can’t let you do that.”

“Ughh, I won’t go, it’s Christmas. I have no life to go at the police station on the Christmas day?”

“It seems like you haveno life.”

“And what makes you think that?”

“The fact that you were randomly walking on the street on this Christmas day. Weren’t you supposed to be home with your family or something?” , he asked not taking his eyes from the road. After this question, everything got silent. You started looking on the car window to see it started snowing.

“I have no family…” , you said murmuring, but he still heard you:

“Ahh…I’m sorry for bringing this up…”

“It’s ok” , you said not taking your eyes from the window. Then, you heard a chuckle and you looked at him confused. “What?”

“You’re funny! I apologized to you because I got us involved in a car accident. Not my fault anyway, it was slippery. But you said it’s ok. Then, I apologized for asking you personal problems, and you said it’s ok. I wonder…if I’d kill you and I’ll apologize, you’d still say that it’s ok?” , he asked looking at you.

“Ah…maybe. If I become a ghost after you kill me, maybe I’ll still say that it’s ok. But mister, be careful at the road, do you want us to die?” , you asked seriously as he started to pay attention at the road.




hello guys, thanks so much for subscribing !! i'll add the next chapter immediately cause it's already written hehe :) ...what can i say, umm hope you like it and sorry if it's too much dialogue :(

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CassieJYJlhyn #1
Ouwhaaaa.....soooooo! Cheeeeeeeessssy luv it!
kyaaa so sweet!<br />
good thing that i need some sweet stories right now, keke~^^<br />
good work anyway! :D
Awww s sweet
aww.. cute!
Your story is interesting~~ update soon, neh?