A Set Up



            Changmin rolled over in his bed letting his arm fall to the spot where Yunho was supposed to be, only opening his eyes after feeling around for the male. Whimpering when the older was no where insight.

            “Yunnie~” Changmin whined, waiting a minute, then shooting up when he didn’t get a response. He climbed out of bed and made his way down the hall. Checking the living room then the kitchen coming up empty handed in both. No one was in the bathroom, and it was so quiet you would have thought no one else was in the house. Changmin quickly made his way back down the hall towards the bed rooms. 

            “Yunho...Yunh-.”Changmin stopped in the arch of Min’s bedroom door, finding his husband curled up, in a bed too small for his obnoxiously long body, with his daughter. Both of them lying with eyes and mouth wide open, Min sprawled across Yunho’s chest. Changmin giggled at the sight and walked over; placing one hand on Yunho and one on Min he shook them. What happened next was completely unexpected and left Changmin at a loss of what to do.

            “Don’t touch her.” Eyes flying open, Yunho pushed Changmin away and crushed their still sleeping daughter to his chest. Changmin sat frozen on the floor realizing that who he was seeing wasn’t his Yunho, but at the same time, it was.

            “Yunnie! Yunho wake up!”This caused Min to jolt awake and seemed to snap Yunho out of his trance. Changmin followed the older man’s every move as he looked down at Min who was now squirming around in his arms, he winced as the other roughly pushed her off his chest and held her at arm’s length, checking to make sure she as okay before crushing her back to his chest. They sat there for a moment, not knowing exactly what to say.

            “Potty, I got to go.” Yunho reluctantly let her go and she scrambled out of the room. Changmin taking her place, straddling the man’s thighs and resting his head in the groove of the olders collar.

            “You’re getting a little too big for this kind of treatment aren’t you?” Yunho said contradicting himself by pulling Changmin farther into his chest. Changmin lifted his face to giggle, and set his hands on Yunho’s shoulders, gently craning his neck so that his lips met Yunho’s. Yunho went to deepen the kiss, nipping on the taller’s lips until they parted before pushing his tongue through, earning a satisfied groan from Changmin. Hand’s traveled up Changmin’s legs starting at the knees, landing on the soft flesh beneath his sleep shorts, and squeezed gently, cause Changmin to gasp and pull back.

            “Yunho,” Changmin said trying to push the man’s determined hand’s off his . “Min will be back any moment, and you really don’t want her to see any of this do you?”

            “She has to grow up at some point Changmin” Yunho said forcefully connecting their mouths again and kneading Changmin’s fleshy , then spreading the cheeks apart. Changmin finally managed to get the elder’s hands off of him and swatted them away when they went back for more. He held them to his chest kissing the knuckles.

            “Later,” Yunho lunged forward for another kiss before being held back. “I promise. Right now, we have to get ready to go.” Changmin stood from his position and walked out the room, leaving Yunho alone. He sat there and let himself calm down before the smell of food wafted through the air.       


            The briefing was going at its usual pace that is until Ms. Lee decided to bust through the door like a bat out of hell, waving a manila folder back and forth in the air. She ran straight to Mr. Jung, shoving the folder onto the table in front of him.

            “What is this about Lee?”

            “I think I’ve found another potential target sir.” Mr. Jung opened the paper skimming through it quickly not noticing the anxious eyes watching his every move.

            “You gonna tell us what is says?” Amber asked sinking into her chair at the glare that was sent her way.

            “I’d be happy to,” Ms. Lee said standing in the front of the room. “Previously all accounts had led us to believe that Yunho and Changmin were probably our next target, if not, Mr. Jung. I was searching through encounters the two had, had at an earlier age, and a man by the name of Kim Bae, came up. Supposedly this person was Jae Hwa’s caretaker over in the psychiatric ward. So far there are no cases of mistreatment on Kim’s part but Jae Hwa was said to have attacked the man multiple times during his stay.”

            “So where do we find him?” Yunho asked leaning forward on his desk.

            “The week after Jae Hwa left Kim collected his last pay check and bolted, he lives in a house at the edge of the city.”


            “Yunho, Amber, Yoochun I want you to go visit Mr. Kim. Don’t tell him anything except we’re afraid for his safety, if he skips town we can’t protect him. If he seems okay enough get as much information as you can about Jae Hwa’s stay.  Ms. Lee, you and I will head to the hospital.” Changmin handed out orders as if he had been doing it all his life.

            “What about us?” Jaejoong and Kangin said in unison.

            “Would you give me a minute? I want you two in the lab processing until we return. I also need a list of Kim’s co-workers who are still working there. Kangin, I need you on call from now on.” Everyone stood from their chairs and left for their individual jobs.


            The only hit they got at the hospital was an old woman, who had only been there for a day or two before Jae Hwa had been released. They left incredibly disappointed and with hope that the others came back with good news.


            They pulled into the driveway and Amber was out of the car before Yunho even managed to fully stop. Yunho pulled her back instructing her to just observe considering this was the first time she’d be coming face to face, with a suspect of any sort. They walked to the door and knocked, it was a little while before someone actually answered and the elderly woman on the other side of the screen seemed unfazed by their appearance.

            “I take it you’re here to see my husband?” She asked not even moving to open the screen.

            “If we may.”

            “What’s your name?”

            “I’m detective Jung Yunho, these are my colleagues Park Yoochun, and Amber Liu.” After a little interrogation on the woman’s behalf and a flash of their I.D’s they were lead into the house. Passing through a sitting room before finding Mr. Kim at the kitchen table.

           “Bae, they want to talk to you.” The woman then left the kitchen not offering them anything before hand. Yunho found it strange, but quickly pushed it out of his mind.

           “Hello, I’m Jung Yunho I have some information that I think will be very important to you.” The man didn’t respond, his eyes not moving from their view of space. “We have reason to believe that you and possibly your wife are in quite a lot of danger.” The man still wouldn’t respond, Yoochun and Amber shared worried glances, but Yunho had dealt with situations like this before. The man had something to tell them, Yunho knew this.

          “I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. So I suppose you leave now.” The voice was heard, but the man’s mouth hadn’t moved.

          “You used to work at Seoul hospital a few miles from here, but you retired after a certain patient came into your life-”

          “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

          “Oh of course you do, why don’t you tell me about him-“

          “He, who?”

          “Of course you remember the little boy, the little boy who terrorized you throughout his entire stay-“

         “What are you sayin-“

        “You’re barely 65 you know very well who I’m talkin abo-“

        “Shut, up.”

        “Jae Hwa.” Yunho anticipated a response that never came. “You remember him don’t you?”

        “Get out.”


        “Yunho,” Yoochun warned from his position in the other corner of the room.

        “Why don’t you guys go talk to Mrs. Kim out on the porch for me.”


         “What happened all those times you were sent down stairs to the emergency room?” Yunho continued, completely ignoring his partner, Yoochun and Amber reluctantly made their way out the front door.  

        “All of you need to leave now.”

        “Come on.”

        “I’m warning you… just leave.”

         “Make me.”

        “I’ll take him off your hands Mr. Kim.” Came the voice from behind Yunho. The elderly man scrambled from his chair and out of view, the most he had moved since they had entered the house. Before Yunho could respond a fist connected with the right side of his jaw. He stumbled back not expecting the impact of the kitchen skillet to the back of his head. He hit the ground hard and his eyes met Mr. Kims under the table. The man was scared and seemed to be apologizing without really saying anything and Yunho finally understood. Yunho touched the back of his head hand coming back covered in a sticky red substance. Everything went black.


            Amber’s phone rang. It was Mr. Jung calling to tell them that they were requested to return to headquarters as soon as possible.

            “Why didn’t you call Yunho?”

            “He’s not answering, now go.” They walked into the kitchen and were shocked to find it empty. They were about to leave before they heard a trembling voice from beneath the table.

            “Wait, you’re friend.” They stopped and watched as Mr. Kim made an effort to pull himself from under the table only managing with Yoochun’s assistance.

            “You’re friend, he’s gone. Jae Hwa,” the man cringed at the mere thought of the name. “he and the girl came and took him.” Before Yoochun could react Amber was out the back door, and once he realized what she was doing he followed, grabbing her before she could get herself in too much trouble. She fought in his grasp but was over powered by the older man.

            “LET ME GO!”

            “AND THEN WHAT WOULD YOU DO?” she stopped and when Yoochun felt she was okay he let go. “YOU DON’T THINK BEFORE YOU ACT,” a deep breath, “You were going to go and get yourself stuck in the same damn situation.”


            “Tell Mr. Jung and Chang-“ Yoochun stopped at the realization of what had to be done.

            “We have to tell Changmin.”

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Fluff chapter(my version of fluff which i've been told is really twisted) FYI


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please continue this story ;n; i miss it so much
minzyn #2
Chapter 6: omg!!! yunhoa!!!!
please be alive!
please continue on this! it's interesting!
Silverwind_69 #3
wait.. wait..u just killed yunho??
OMG, it keeps on getting interesting....Thanks for updating :D
lovehm92 #6
ahhhh~ can't wait.. keep the good story neh XD
aamuzz #7
love this .... can't wait for more ..
so the mission has started. I wonder if after 5 years, changmin is able to act well as before. haha, min has got aggressiveness from changmin. well, that could be because they are small min and big min. :-) update soon dear. I like the scene you organized. it did catch my heart :-) <3
you described things pretty details as if you in the real situation. I love your story dear. great job dear :-)