The Office



     “What we’re you thinking? You really want to ruin the decision we made, the promise you set for me? You want to throw it away all for this one case?” Yunho slammed the door shut and nearly shoved Changmin to sit on the bed.

     “Yun I’m s-“

     “I’M NOT DONE TALKING. What about Min? She’s the reason you gave up this job because you wanted to keep her safe. Now you’re using the same reasoning to put yourself in a bad situation Changmin. She’s four years old I figured that as long as she had you no matter what she’d grow up having lived a happy normal childhood,”


     “Knowing that she was loved!” Yunho sat down in the plush chair beside their bed leaning back to cross his legs and just stare at Changmin. “Nearly every day you used to tell me how much you loved being at home with her. I’d come home it was always ‘min did this for the first time’ ‘she’s so cute’. You’re willing to risk that for this one case?”

     “Yunho, this was the biggest case of either of our careers. And this was the most personal case we have ever dealt with together. I’m not saying this case is more important than the life of my daughter, I’m saying that this case is important to the lives of the thousands of innocent people inhabiting this city.”

     “And how do you know they’re  even headed back here?”

     “Because, the first thing any criminal wants after leaving prison is revenge.” Silence.

     “Stick to the labs and the office, you’ve been out for too long, there’s no way in Hell I’m letting you out into the field.


     They rode to the daycare the next day, Yunho followed Changmin into the little building as he held a giggly Min in his arms.  When they got in class they were greeted by a smiley young man with a generously sized backside.

     “Ah, Changmin hyung I heard you were going on leave what are you doing here?” The younger happened to be Changmin’s younger assistant.

     “Junsu, I’m here because I have to get Min enrolled.”

     "Yay! Now I get Min all to myself all day.”

     “Don’t get to excited I’ll be back sooner than you think.”

     “And you must be the husband we always hear about, Yunho-shi?” Yunho was taken aback by the younger man’s question.

     “Hyung is fine, and yes I’m the husband.”

     “Well right this way you-“ Changmin stopped the younger by pushing past him.

      “Bye Su.”


     “Where’s my baby?” Jaejoong asked stopping the two on their way to the elevators. Changmin just glared in the younger’s direction before continuing on.

     “We enrolled her in a day-care today, against Changmin’s wishes, and he’s a little upset about it.” Yunho said stopping to lean over the elder’s desk and steal a mint from the jar he kept hidden in his top drawer.

     “Why would you do that? You know he loves taking care of her.”

     “Cause he’s back on the ‘Jae twins’ case”


     “YUNHO” Changmin’s angry voice radiated from down the hall.

     “gotta go.”

     “Tell Mr. Jung I’ll be in there in a moment.”


     The room they met in was a familiar but slightly unwelcomed sight for Changmin. The only thing inside the room besides a large empty wall and the huge mahogany round table, were the other four members of the team that had been brought in for the mission.

     At the head of the table was Mr. Jung; beside him were two empty seats where Yunho assumed he and Changmin were meant to sit. In the seat beside Yunho sat Yoochun a young field agent that doubled as a translator, he had worked this case for the final hour and capture of the two murderers. Beside him is where Jaejoong was seated. He had been a field agent before an injury a couple years back that left him with an obvious limp.

      Across from them were two women. The younger of the two, Amber, afield agent dressed in the men’s uniform attire (it’s more comfortable she says). And beside her was another woman that neither Yunho nor Changmin had ever seen.

     “This is Ms. Lee,” Yunho’s father stood from his seat and leaned over the table, “ she has been hired to help as a profiler for this case specifically. Ms. Lee, the team, you’ll get to know them better in time but for now we have business to discuss.” Mr. Jung gestured to Yunho and took his seat. Yunho stood and walked over to stand in front of the empty wall that, with the press of a button, was now a light with document photos.

     “As everyone who read the briefing knows, this case is had been closed, so any other damage done by the two just furthers any sentence already given to them. Because of the two’s records we have sent out a dead or alive notice. As part of our team though, you are expected to refrain from immediate eradication unless absolutely necessary. For now we need to figure out where these two could possibly be and what they’re after. Of course we already have a theory as in their objective.” Yunho said scrolling through the papers projected on the large wall.

     “You already have a motive?” Amber asked leaning back into her chair.

    “We have an idea, these two were spree killers at first. It started off as an accident when the brother, Jae Hwa, lost his temper in the back room of a bar. Jae-sun was left to clean up her brother’s mess. We later realized she had OCD one of the reasons they were so hard to track. They had no signature because there wasn’t ever a true crime scene.”

      “The point being?” Ms. Lee cut in.

     “The point being, that it began as an accident but when they found out how easy it was to confuse law enforcement, it became fun, they turned it into a game. How stupid could they make us look? In the end WE won THEIR game. The only possible motive we have so far is revenge.”

     “So you think they’re after us?” Amber.

     “Not so much you, as the people that put them in jail in the first place. Changmin you’re up.” Changmin stood and took Yunho’s place as Yunho made his way back to the table before speaking.

     “As we all know these two are twins Jae Hwa the older brother by about 5 minutes and Jae-sun his sister. Their mother died after giving birth to Jae Hwa and the doctors barely managed to save the girl. Their father was a dead beat who left the two kids to fend for themselves when they were only 6. Jae Hwa, has a large array of anger management issues, he’s been institutionalized twice, once when he was 12 and once when he was16, because of risk to himself and others around him. Each time he was picked up off the street during a brawl, shockingly enough neither of his visits lasted longer than two months.”

     “Good behavior?” Jae inquired still looking through his brief sheet.

     “No, his sister removed him both times. We’re sure it would have happened sooner but it was just the two of them and she didn’t have enough money.”

     “Says here the cost was around $1,100 each time how does a 12 year old girl make that much money in two months?”

     “The same way most desperate girls make money this day in age. She worked the streets only when he was institutionalized. Outside of that we don’t know what she did. The point is her brother is easily aggravated always has been, that’s what you get from being forced to protect yourself all your life. Amber I know you’re tough, Yunho’s told me plenty of times, but we don’t need you trying to take him down yourself.”

     “Got it.”

     “Very well. Now the sister’s a whole other story. She’s seems quiet, shy like she wouldn’t harm a fly, but she has no problem watching and she has no problem scrubbing blood off a floor or helping to bury a body.”

     “She’ll have to snap eventually.” Ms. Lee commented throwing a look to Yunho and Mr. Jung.

     “That’s what we’re worried about,” Changmin continued. “She’s destined to snap and from what we’ve seen that could have a devastating effect. She’ll get tired of sitting on the side lines, and that is exactly what we’re waiting for as well.”

     “Why would you wait for her to snap when you already know what she’s capable of?” Ms. Lee argued. Changmin smirked and walked to the edge of the table to peer down at everyone.

     “Because when she does she’ll ruin everything. Their clean little game will become on great big ery. They’re siblings, they’ll fight, and they’ll make mistakes. And that’s what we’re waiting for, a mistake, not a body.”

     “So what are we to do for now?” Yoochun spoke up for the first time.

     “This one’s mine.” Yunho said as Changmin took a seat.“Ms. Lee, I I want you to look through all of their files, we know them well but if we happened to miss anything I’m sure you can find it. Changmin, Jaejoong, I want both of you on locations. I want to know where those two could possibly be. While we have your skill set here, Changmin, I also want you to help Ms. Lee out. Amber, Yoochun, you two are with me. We’re headed to the prison to see if we can find anything. Let’s go.”

     “Hold on.” Mr. Jung spoke rising from his seat “Changmin, I’ll give you three hours, after that I want you to get a quick lunch then down to the training room, I want you in the field as soon as possible.”

     Yunho stopped to look at his spouse. He could see the panic in Changmin’s eyes. Knowing how much he didn’t want to break the promise he had mad,  but not knowing how to decline an order from the head of the organization.

     “He’ll be there.” Yunho said. Changmin looked up at Yunho and gave him a soft apologetic smile, Yunho returning it the same way. “Now let’s go.”

A little lengthy but wateves. Comments? Critism? COME AT ME BRO! =)

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Fluff chapter(my version of fluff which i've been told is really twisted) FYI


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please continue this story ;n; i miss it so much
minzyn #2
Chapter 6: omg!!! yunhoa!!!!
please be alive!
please continue on this! it's interesting!
Silverwind_69 #3
wait.. wait..u just killed yunho??
OMG, it keeps on getting interesting....Thanks for updating :D
lovehm92 #6
ahhhh~ can't wait.. keep the good story neh XD
aamuzz #7
love this .... can't wait for more ..
so the mission has started. I wonder if after 5 years, changmin is able to act well as before. haha, min has got aggressiveness from changmin. well, that could be because they are small min and big min. :-) update soon dear. I like the scene you organized. it did catch my heart :-) <3
you described things pretty details as if you in the real situation. I love your story dear. great job dear :-)