A Day In The Life




     “Changmin?! You haven’t changed a bit!” Came the loud, boisterous voice from the other corner of the large training room.

     The room he was in was a simple sparring room. The floors were padded and there were a few weapons on thewall. There was one glass opening to a dark empty corridor that connected the sparring room to the gun range and lab.

     “Well I hope I haven’t changed too much in 4 years.” Changmin said looking at his old friend from the agency.

     “Not at all, well beside the fact that the last time I saw you, you looked like you were trying to hide a basketball in your shirt. How is the baby….”

     "Girl, her name is Min and she’s just fine. How have you been Kangin?”

     “Fine, but I don’t think you’ll really be interested in what I’ve been doing.”

     “Maybe we can catch up some other time.”

     “I already know why you’re here, sorry I missed the briefing, I’ll be a field agent on this case but for now my job is to get you ready.”


     Yunho came down about an hour later just in time to catch Changmin nd Kangin in the middle of a brawl.

      “Aw come on you moved faster when you were eight months pregnant!” Kangin yelled after managing to dodge a two piece combo. At this point it seemed like the two were doing a very elaborate dance, one would punch while the other would dodge. The kick to the side of Kangin’s head was caught. Changmin brought his other foot up to hook around his neck and turned so that his hands were on the ground, and he pulled Kangin down with him. He managed to scramble and rap his arms around the other’s neck.

     “Tap out old man before you kill yourself.”

     “Let him up Minnie.” Yunho said before walking across the mats to stand beside the two who had managed to get to their feet. Changmin walked into Yunho’s arms and let the other take his lips.

     “Aw don’t start this up again. Keep the PDA to hugs and high fives please.”

     “Whatever. Come on it’s time to go home.”

     “I need to shower first, I’ll meet you at Jae’s desk in 20.” Changmin gave Yunho one more peck before turning back to Kangin flipping him off then sashaying out of the room.

     “You do realize that Changmin has been out of the field for nearly 5 years he still just whipped your .”

     “Shut up and get the hell out of my training room.” Yunho left with a wave and a laughing fit. As planned he met Changmin at the desk and they headed out to get Min.


     “Min-boo,” Changmin said when he saw his girl sitting on the swing of the playground. At first she couldn’t locate the source of the voice but when she did she got and ran straight for the two.


     “Miny, how was your day?”

     “Fine, big oppa not leave me alone.” She said tugging at Changmin’s shirt as he picked her up and set her on his hip.

     “Junsu did you harass my child all day?”

     “I couldn’t help it, look at her.”

     “umma where’s appa?”

     “Ah, he’s in the car, why don’t you go over and tell him about your day while I talk to big oppa.” Changmin watched as Yunho stepped out the car and swept the little girl into his arms before turning back to look at Junsu.

     “How was she?”

     “Just the way I expected, considering she’s your kid; introverted, temperamental, and oddly aggressive for a little girl.”

     “What’d she do?”Changmin sighed

    “There was a crayon issue this little boy ended up with a bloody nose kindergarten stuff really. I asked her about it she said she didn’t care about the crayons, the boy was talking too loud or something.”

     “I’ll talk to her….um…. you have a neice right?”


     “Well….I was wondering if we could set up a play date or something.”

     “You sure about that because I’m sure I’ve told you plenty about my little princess or a neice.”

     “Yeah I just want her to be around some more feminine girls her own age. My sisters can only do so much considering their so busy with their own families-“


     “SHUT UP YUN. I’ll call you about it sometime?”



     “So what’s this I hear about you giving a kid a bloody nose at school today?” Changmin asked casually between spoonfuls of rice.  Yunho looked across the table to Min who was sitting there eating innocently.  Min continued eating without so much as a flinch.

     “Min.” Yunho sighed.

     “He started it.”


     “No appa let her continue. Tell him Min.” Changmin said, continuing to enjoy his meal.

     “He’s noisy.”


     “He try to take my crayons.” Yunho threw his hands up before letting his upper body collapse onto the table. Changmin watched this with a giggle, before turning from his meal for a moment.

     “Now, Min.”

     “Ne umma.”

     “That was a no-no, so when you’re done eating excuse yourself and go straight to your room.”

     “You said we watch Ponyo!”


     “I go now.” She said leaving her plate on the table and slinking her way to her room. Changmin finished his food and went to the sink picking up Min’s plate on the way. Leaving Yunho, in his stupor, at the table. He the tap to wash off the plates which is probably why he didn’t hear Yunho when the man came up behind him, slipping his arms in around Changmin’s waist while dropping his plate in. Changmin continued on with what he was doing and let Yunho continuously sigh into the ridge between his neck and his shoulder. By the time he had finished Changmin had come to terms with the fact that Yunho wasn’t letting go any time soon, so they slowly waddled their way to the master bedroom.

     “Appa,” Changmin said pushing the older man off of his back, “We have to get ready for bed.” He managed to wrench Yunho off his back and turn to look at the man who was now slung over the bed like a towel. Changmin made his way to the bathroom and changed his clothes it wasn’t until he had begun brushing his teeth did Yunho manage to say something.

     “I should probably go talk to her about it.” He said sitting up with a groan.

     “No, she’s probably asleep already. We’ll talk tomorrow when we get back.” Changmin rinsed his mouth and went to sit beside Yunho who had lain back down.

     “Come on, go change and come back to bed.” Changmin said nudging the man.

     “You know she gets her aggression from you right?” Yunho said finally going to change his clothes.

     “Where else would she get it, you giant teddy bear?” Changmin giggled and climbed under the blankets. Yunho made his way to the bathroom but was interrupted by the ring of his cell phone.

     “Min babe, can you get that?” Changmin groaned and leaned across the bed to grab Yunho’s phone before getting up and walking the phone to Yunho. He leaned against the sink while the older answered.

     “Ne?....Yoochun-ah ….what?!” Changmin watched with worry as Yunho’s facial expression changed from exhaustion to anger. He put a hand on Yunho’s shoulder that was brushed off as Yunho ran back into the bedroom and picked his things up from the nightstand. “Yeah I’ll be there in 15….why?” He questioned looking over to Changmin who gave him a questioning look. “Fine…..bye.”

     “What’s wrong?”

     “Get your clothes on we have our first victim.”

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Fluff chapter(my version of fluff which i've been told is really twisted) FYI


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please continue this story ;n; i miss it so much
minzyn #2
Chapter 6: omg!!! yunhoa!!!!
please be alive!
please continue on this! it's interesting!
Silverwind_69 #3
wait.. wait..u just killed yunho??
OMG, it keeps on getting interesting....Thanks for updating :D
lovehm92 #6
ahhhh~ can't wait.. keep the good story neh XD
aamuzz #7
love this .... can't wait for more ..
so the mission has started. I wonder if after 5 years, changmin is able to act well as before. haha, min has got aggressiveness from changmin. well, that could be because they are small min and big min. :-) update soon dear. I like the scene you organized. it did catch my heart :-) <3
you described things pretty details as if you in the real situation. I love your story dear. great job dear :-)