Hyun Seung & Dong Woon

Dancing Love?!

Hyun Seung's pov

"oppa? where are we going???" she asked. i just keep driving, "can i guess?" Grace asked. "if you can" Dong Woon replied.

"beach?" Grace asked. "nope" Dong Woon replied.

"amansumen park?" Jin Ae asked. "wrong" i replied.

"we will play bowling?" Grace asked to me. "haha... no" i replied.

"fishing?" Jin Ae asked Dong Woon. "i hope, but no" he replied.

"gave up!" Jin Ae and Grace yelled and raised their hands.

i keep driving and let them guessing.


Jin Ae's pov

"hiking?" i asked when i get down from the car. "i'm going home!" Grace says and get inside the car. Dong Woon grab her hand, "we not go here for that" he says. "good!"

"so?" i asked. "we have to walk for 30 minutes for reach the place" Hyun Seung replied. "how about the car? can we just bring it?" i asked. "no, the car cannot past the road, it was so small for this car" He replied again.

"faster! we have to get there!" Dong Woon yelled. he already left us and walk with Grace. "Kaja!" Hyun Seung gra my hand and pulled me towards Dong Woon.


Grace's pov

"still far?" i asked. "no, just little bit more" he replied. "oppa, give me one of your earset, you listening to what song?" i asked, he give me one and i put in my ear.

"you listen to your own song?" i asked. he listen to breath song. he just smirked and changed the song to i got a feeling by black eyed peace.

"we here!!!!" he suddenly yelled and pulled me. i saw a beautiful lake there, "how can you find place like this?" i asked to myself.

"i always play in here when my childhood times" he replied. "we can see sunrise from here" he added. "ow yeah? ah! oppa, you must bring me later okay! i never see sunrise before! pleeassee" i begged.

he kiss my cheek, "i promise, wanna cano-ing?" he asked. i'm not replied it ang just pulled his hand.


Hyun Seung's pov

"they having so much fun" i says as i watch Dong Woon and Grace. "what are we gonna do now?" she asked. i think for 5 minutes, "i know, follow me" i  says and get her hand. i bring her to a tree house.

"why there is so amazing place in this world?" she mumbled. "can you?" i asked and help her climbing the tree. "yeah!" she replied after she reach the house. "wait for meee!!!" i yelled and climb the tree too.

she was looking at the view. i put my hand on her wrist and hug her from back, i rested my head on her right shoulder. "you like it?" i asked. she nod. "this is the best day in my life" she added.



hoho... i will not write the rest :)... ck... school start tomorrow == i'm so lazy

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sileenntt readdeerrss... i love your comments! :D

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I read this story and it was good..:D
Congrats for the new daily random story ^^
Congrats xD
xoxo__ #4
congratz <33 and i love this :D
Congratulations on the feature!
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 8: congrats on the feature :)
skylarjung #8
Congratulations on the feature~