The Baby Sister

Hate You


Seungri sat there against the back wall in the practice room.  The other members had left him to go see if they could find either Jiyong, or a medical kit to help Seungri.  In the meantime Seungri sat there, sulking and holding a t-shirt to his head.  He wasn’t even sure who’s it was, but he didn’t care.  Jiyong’s words rang through his head like they were just then being spat at him.

Lifting his head slightly from the shirt he looked across the way.  Examining himself closely in the mirror he looked deeply into his own eyes.  It seemed as if he was searching for something, but in the end it didn’t seem to be there.  Sighing to himself he hugged his knees.

“A burden?”  Seungri whispered out loud.  He couldn’t help but let the tears brim in his eyes, although he was fighting his hardest to not let him escape.  Sitting there for what seemed like an eternity, he couldn’t hold back the tears threatening to fall.  Letting out a sob, he never had he seriously thought that maybe he could have been a burden to his Hyungs.

Eventually Taeyang returned with something to help with Seungri’s face.  Bending down in front of the maknae he heard the sobbing and saw Seungri’s shoulders heaving.  Scooting to one side of him Taeyang put his arm around Seungri.

Leaning his head back against the wall Taeyang sighed, “It’s alright Seungri.  Jiyong didn’t really mean all those things he said, and we certainly don’t think like that either.”

Lifting his head Seungri saw his Hyung through blurred vision.  Realizing that it was Taeyang’s shirt that he had used to apply pressure to his wound he passed the shirt back, “Sorry I bled all over it,” Seungri sobbed out, his shoulders still heaving up and down from crying so much.

Laughing to himself Taeyang smiled at his maknae, “It’s alright.  now let’s get that head of yours fixed.”  Sitting as still as he could Seungri let Taeyang bandage his head, but once he was done Taeyang told him, “Alright, there you go.  All done.”

“Thanks Hyung,” Seungri replied while whipping the remaining tears from his eyes.

“Now if only we could get the rest of your head fixed!”  Taeyang joked.

“Hey!”  Seungri laughed a little at his Hyung’s comment.

“I see Seungri’s doing better,” a deep voice rang from the doorway.  Both looked back to see T.o.P. standing there.  Walking into the practice room he ruffed up Seungri’s hair and smiled at him, “Just know that you’re never a burden to us Seungri.”

“Even if you can be a bit of a dork sometimes,” Taeyang slapped Seungri lightly on the arm.

After the whole thing with Jiyong had happened the company excused the rest of the group to go back to the dorms, and they had all ordered pizza for the time being.  Eating in silence they all just watched the TV.  Finally Daesung spoke up, “Hey guys, why don’t we go out and do something?”

“Can we really do that?”  Taeyang asked, “You know, with fans and all?”

“Yeah you’re right,” Daesung sighed.

Standing up Seungri gulped down the rest of his pizza and headed for the door.  Everyone just looked at each other.  “Hey Seungri!”  T.o.P. called out from his chair as Seungri was about ready to close the door, “Where are you going?”

“Outside!  Duh!”  Seungri looked back at his Hyungs and smiled a cheery smile, and with that he slammed the door shut.  The other three just sat there for a second looking at each other.  After a few seconds T.o.P. stood up and began to walk towards the door too.

“Hyung, where are you going?”  Taeyang asked.

“Out with Seungri.  You guys going to come too or what?”

Daesung got up first to go join T.o.P., whereas Taeyang had to think about it for a second before finally getting up.  Following the other members outside they noticed Seungri was standing across the way waiting for them.  Quickly crossing they hoped no one would notice them since they didn’t bother to even cover their identities up.

Catching up to Seungri Taeyang asked, “So what now?”

“Hm,” Seungri stood there for a second thinking about what it was that they should do.

“I know!”  Daesung jumped in, “How about we go to the Han River?  Play in the water a bit?”

“Yeah!”  Seungri shot up and grabbed Daesung by the wrist and began to drag his Hyung behind him.

“Yah!”  Taeyang called after them, “Seungri!  Slow down a bit!”

Finally stopping Seungri pulled out his phone seeing that he had several missed calls and multiple text messages from family members.  Getting worried he looked through the text messages first.  They were all urgent sounding, and from his parents among other members.  Quickly calling his mother first, considering it had only been a few days since he had argued with his dad, he told the other guys to be quiet for a second as he used the phone.

“Who’s he calling now?”  T.o.P. asked Daesung, who also had no clue.

“Yoboseo?”  Seungri’s mother asked from the other end.

“Mom?  What is it?”  He asked a little worried.

Suddenly a sob came from the other end of the phone, “It’s your sister Seunghyun.  She’s ill.”

“Sick?  With what?”  Seungri’s voice started to quiver, but he tried to mask it.

“They don’t know,” his mother tried to hold back another sob, “but it’s bad Seunghyun.  She’s having mini , and there could be possible brain damage.”

That’s when Seungri dropped his phone to the ground.  Standing there in shock his mind was a whirl.  Not knowing what to do he stood there, but quickly lost balance and fell to his .  Sitting there in shock the only thing he could think of to say was, “My baby sister.”
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farhanabila #1
Chapter 6: Please dont hate seungri..try to read the news in a clear mind
Heymama #2
Chapter 5: Yeah ..2017 ..still waiting
anchelita #3
Chapter 5: 2016 and still waiting..... I will keep hope :'(
anchelita #4
Chapter 5: 2016 and still waiting..... I will keep hope :'(
Chapter 5: hope you update soon, author-nim^^
Chapter 3: ODG ! baby Ri T_T Poor baby He Need Ji Right Now oh god ! No Why What happen to his sister ! I am Really Excited I think his hyungs Will Call Ji and Tall him and then he'll Come ....I Hope ^^
LOVE you 감사합니다 언니
ekimide #7
Chapter 3: What is wrong with jiyon?!!!
Oh bad lock Ri ..
to stop G-Dragon from leaving.
( why ! , , don't leave maknae love you )
감사합니다 언니 ^^
AWW poor Seungri!!