The Lyrics

Hate You

It had been a couple days since anyone had seen G-Dragon and everyone was starting to get worried.  But as they had begun to practice he walked in, “Hey!  Guys look who decided to show up!”  Taeyang announced as his friend walked into the room.  Everyone but Seungri got up to greet him.

Nothing was said between the two for quite a while.  Practice went on like it usually did--although everyone could tell that two certain members weren’t exactly all in it.  Seungri still felt really bad about breaking one thing that was close to his Hyung’s heart.  Although he knew there was probably worse he could do, there wasn’t much.  In fact Seungri felt so bad that he had stayed up the night that G-Dragon left crying himself sick.  Once it was break time for the group Taeyang, Daesung, and T.o.P. sat down against one wall and Seungri was preparing to show them what he had in mind so far for their next dance routine.  

G-Dragon didn’t pay much attention.  Instead he just sat against the wall next to where the others had sat and pulled his notebook out of his bag.  Writing down lyrics he was practically scribbling he was going so fast.  He had been stuck on these lyrics for the longest time and inspiration had finally hit!  In fact G-Dragon was so happy that he had for a second forgotten that he was mad at Seungri.

That’s when disaster struck.  Seungri, while showing his Hyung’s what he had choreographed, was too busy dancing to notice that he had inched his way closer to where G-Dragon was sitting.  Then while doing a spin he held out one arm as he slowed, but while stopping he ended up hitting the opened bottle of water that was on the table.  That particular table just so happened to be mere inches away from his Hyung, who was still furiously scribbling at his paper to notice the liquid flying towards him.

Time seemed to slow for all the members, including Seungri, as they saw the water fly towards G-Dragon.  They all knew that he was still upset with Seungri, and this would probably send him over the edge again.  As the water reached G-Dragon Seungri just stood frozen in horror as his Hyung realized what had just happened.  He just sat there for what seemed like forever to everyone, just staring at the soaked page.

Seungri was the first to speak up, “Hyung I-.”

He was cut short by a very angry G-Dragon, “You know what?  No!  I don’t want to hear it!”  He stood up abruptly and marched over to Seungri.  This was a new side of their leader that none of them had seen before.  Sure he could lose his temper like everyone else did, but this was new.  After he had marched right over to Seungri G-Dragon threw the notebook full force at Seungri’s head.

“Jiyong!”  Taeyang responded first.  Standing up himself along with all the other members they immediately went over and grabbed G-Dragon to hold him back.  Daesung though went over to Seungri who was holding his forehead where the notebook had hit him.  Letting Daesung help him up Seungri removed his hand to find a sticky redness on it.

Everyone just stood there not knowing what to do.  Feeling that everyone had released their grip on him G-Dragon lurched forward and got back into Seungri’s face, “Do you know how long I had been working on those lyrics?  You’ve just been ruining everything lately!  You’re nothing but a burden!”

Seungri’s face went solemn upon hearing this.  The others though came to his defense, “Hey!”  Daesung started it all off, “Hyung, I don’t think that’s fair to be blaming Seungri for all this.  It was just an accident, I’m sure it was.  And Seungri is definitely not a burden to anyone!”

T.o.P. spoke up next, “Jiyong you really shouldn’t have gone that far.  I’m not just talking about throwing the notebook, but everything you’ve said so far,” he stepped forward to grab hold of G-Dragon again.

G-Dragon just shook him off, “No!  I’ve had enough of this,” and with that he smacked Seungri knocking him back a bit, luckily Daesung was there to help steady him.  No one saw that one coming, and they were a little too in shock to stop G-Dragon from leaving.

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farhanabila #1
Chapter 6: Please dont hate seungri..try to read the news in a clear mind
Heymama #2
Chapter 5: Yeah ..2017 ..still waiting
anchelita #3
Chapter 5: 2016 and still waiting..... I will keep hope :'(
anchelita #4
Chapter 5: 2016 and still waiting..... I will keep hope :'(
Chapter 5: hope you update soon, author-nim^^
Chapter 3: ODG ! baby Ri T_T Poor baby He Need Ji Right Now oh god ! No Why What happen to his sister ! I am Really Excited I think his hyungs Will Call Ji and Tall him and then he'll Come ....I Hope ^^
LOVE you 감사합니다 언니
ekimide #7
Chapter 3: What is wrong with jiyon?!!!
Oh bad lock Ri ..
to stop G-Dragon from leaving.
( why ! , , don't leave maknae love you )
감사합니다 언니 ^^
AWW poor Seungri!!