

it was the second day of school and you were talking with sulli

"at the end of the school year we get to go on a trip" you said excitedly

"yeah i wanna go on a ski trip" she said

"no a water park trip is better!" you said

"no ski"

"no water park" you both argued but was cut off by K.Will the teacher he was telling us who was on cleaning duty for today

me... and Hannah i looked at her, she was sitting by herself and she had a annoyed look on her face. the bell rang for lunch rang. you ran into the cafeteria before everybody else and got sushi and a ice cream parfait, you turned around and was face to face with kwangmin

"kwangmin!" you smiled

"oh hi there Hillary" he smiled back 

"you got your lunch?" he asked

"yep ill wait for you" he nodded and you wated outside of the cafe for him, both of you walked side by side toward the tables

"KWANGMIN!!" you heard a guys voice yell out, both you and kwangmin turned around to see a boy shorter then Kwangmin but taller then me. he ran towards us

"annyeong" you bowed

"annyeong Minwoo imida" he bowed back and turned to kwangmin

"whos this?" i asked

"ah~ hes my dongseang hes a freshman here" kwangmin smiled

"and whos this hyung?" he smiled

"this is my friend Hillary and also your noona" kwangmin explained

"nice to meet you hillary noona" you looked up at him and smiled. 

"oh well i got to go before my friends get worried" you smiled and ran off 

"what took you so long? key asked

"oh i just met some of my friends" you flashed a smile and began to eat. after school SHINee invited you to have ice cream with them but you told them that you couldnt

"sorry guys i cant" you pouted

*aigoo so cute they all thought "oh well nothing can be done well wait for you ok? like 30 mins?" you nodded and ran to the classroom while the guys went to the library to finish off theyre on homework. Hannah was sitting there at the desk looking like she was waiting for somebody. she looked up and saw you

"your late" her face expression didnt change

"sorry" you said and began to clean the board while she cleaned the windows

"so... hows it going" you asked she didnt respond. you tried to make conversations but she never replied. 

"OH MY GOD! why do you hate me when you dont know me?" you turned to her with a mad look on your face. she turned to face you with her arms crossed


"you REALLY dont know why?" her voice got louder

"no! i dont care to explain?" she got closer to me, she was pretty intimidating but im not a person who backed out of fights easily i hold a strong grudge

"YOU! stop flirting with SHINee" she gave me a death glare

"what do you mean theyre my best friends" you said

"YOU IDIOT! you follow them every where EVEN to work" she said you looked at her carefully and gasped

"oh my god your that girl that punched me! let me get this straight to you ITS you that should stop they dont know you ok? they never talked about you and no offense but arent you the one that FOLLOWs them not me!" you yelled at her.

Hannah raised her hand and slapped you across your cheeck

*smack!" everything turned black for a second. you knew you cant do anything to her as much as you wanted because of your red belt you couldve seriosly hurt her but instead you held it in because you couldve gotten into serious trouble. instead you got your backpack because you were done cleaning and headed outside, but right before you left the room this is what you said

"have fun but your not gonna get anything" you smiled at her and ran out.

you ran to the guys 

"Hey~ sorry for being late" you smiled. they looked at you

"why is your cheek red?" minho asked, you covered it

"ah nothing" you forced a fake laugh even though it actually really hurt

"no, it looks like somebody slapped you" said Jonghyun. and your eyes widened

"I KNEW IT! who slapped you!?" teamin asked his voice got a lot louder

"haha its nothing really" you walked away frocing a smile, they looked at each other because they knew something was wrong. while you were walking you kept thinking "why is Hannah so mean? they can have the guys theyre just my friends" 

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100percent22 #1
This is great! Please update soon :3
Chapter 15: This story is so cute!!!
shawoloverhere #3

*woot woot
choiminhosunsun #4
nawwww.. cuuuute<3
Awww cute story :) <3
I hope Taemin and "me" will get together as a couple <3 ^^
and i have that ipod...but its pink...hehehe :D <3
Love this story ^^
choiminhosunsun #6
soo cute! onew is adorable. how i just want to give him chicken. xD
shawoloverhere #7
i love this storrrryy!
Pls update!!! ^_^
choiminhosunsun #9
lol. luv.
choiminhosunsun #10