good morning


Hillarys POV

after helping SHINee my fave kpop band with thier rehearsal Onew bought us out to a restaraunt at 7pm. we all sat down to my right was Teamin and on my left was Onew. the lady came up to us and gave our menus

hi welcome what would you like to order?- waitress

everybody except me and onew ordered, the waitress then turned and smiled at us

what about you two?- waitress

CHICKEN PLEASE- both you and onew said it at the same time

the waitress nodded and walked to the kitchen, me and onew stared at each other for a while


WELL DUH its like the best food in the world- Hillary

you both high fived and laughed, the waitress then came with the food and you shared a plate with onew. after you ate you all decided to go on a ferris wheel


you all sat down and watched the night sky

"so why are you staying with Teamin by the way" minho asked

"oh uhm... my parents passed away and im too young to live alone, and teamin's family and my family used to be good friends until they moved away" you choked up when you realized you didnt have your beloved parents anymore

"oh im sorry for asking" minho said sadly

"dont be.. if they didnt i wouldnt have been able to meet you guys" you said brightly, they didnt know why but everytime you smiled they always smiled.

"i just wish that sometimes I could treat them better" you said while looking out the glass window

"what do you mean" asked jonghyun curiosly

"well i yelled at them sometimes and told them i hated them even though they still stayed by my side and supported me" tears were going down your cheecks. they all saw how sad you were and gave you a hug 
"ahaha sorry guys im emotional arent i?" you said as you wiped your tears away

"its ok to be" teamin hugged you and let you rest your head on his shoulder. before you knew it you fell asleep. when your ride was finished everybody saw that you fell asleep they looked at your cute face and wished you goodnight as Teamin carried you to his car and drove you back home.

you woke up the next morning at 8 am the sun was shining and you could hear the voices of guys screaming downstairs you reconized those voices of shinee. you washed up and changed into fresh clothes

201110251526572277.jpg(cute but simple :))

the kitchen fire alarm was beeping and there was smoke everywhere.

*cough cough good morning WHAT!! " you were surprised to see smoke everywhere and fires, you looked around teamin was covering his ears because of the beeping, Onew ad minho were trying to get rid of the fire.

"oh HILLARY!! no go away you cant see!!" said key as he was trying to push you out of the kitchen

"are you kidding me theres a fire! JONGHYUN THROWING ONIONS AT THE ALARM ISNT GONNA MAKE IT STOP!!" you pushed key away and climed on the counter and pressed multiple buttons to turn of the beeping, teamin uncovered his ears and made a relieved face 

"why didnt i think of that?" jonghyun said while laughing quietly to himself. you walked out of the kitchen and and came back in with a fire extinguiser and sprayed the fire on the stove. after that you turned around slowly to face the boys, you practically gave them a death glare before shouting 

"were sorry we were trying to make you breakfast..." they all said innocently while playing with thier thumbs, you sighed and slid into the chair 

"sigh* thanks guys sorry for shouting.. im just glas you didnt get hurt" they hearts flutterd when they heard that you cared bout them.

"so what now" minho said innocently

"well i should clean this up.. how bout i make breakfast for you instead?" you said with the idea

"hm ok but we feel bad well help clean too" key sadi brightfully

'NO NO NO! i dont want a fire starting now do we?" you teased them and sat them at the table. they saw how quickly you cleaned up the ashes and food, and saw how quick and easy cooking for you was

"wow shes really good at cooking she would be a great mother" thought teamin

"she looks so pretty when shes concentrating" though onew

"wah she would be a great wife" thought minho

"what i wouldnt do to have a girlfriend like her" thought key

"she actually really cute" jonghyun thought

"ahh what am i thinking" they all thought at the same time and got back to realitynice-breakfast.jpg

you put 6 plates on the table in front of them and one for you

"wow you cooke really good" they said while chewing on thier pancakes

"haha eat properly" you wiped thier mouths like a mother, they all blushed and turned away afraid to show thier faces to you.

all of you ate your breakfast laughing and talking to each other

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100percent22 #1
This is great! Please update soon :3
Chapter 15: This story is so cute!!!
shawoloverhere #3

*woot woot
choiminhosunsun #4
nawwww.. cuuuute<3
Awww cute story :) <3
I hope Taemin and "me" will get together as a couple <3 ^^
and i have that ipod...but its pink...hehehe :D <3
Love this story ^^
choiminhosunsun #6
soo cute! onew is adorable. how i just want to give him chicken. xD
shawoloverhere #7
i love this storrrryy!
Pls update!!! ^_^
choiminhosunsun #9
lol. luv.
choiminhosunsun #10