school :D



Hillar's POV

after 4 weeks of settling in into mr and mrs Lees home you finally had to go to school "seoul arts school" you were worried because the main reason you got in was because your friends  SHINee would be going there. teamin and you drove to school. all the other students were wearing the same thing as you

for guys (XD its b2st i couldnt find anything else :/ but i really like this unifrom its CHARMING **** sparkle :))

and for the girls


you and teamin walked to the front gates and saw Onew and Minho first you waved at them and ran over to them

"Good morning oppa" you smiled at them and gave them a hug. they didnt know why but EVERYTIME they see you smile they always get happy no matter how tired or mad they are.

"good morning hillary" onew flashed you his smile that looked like a prince.

"you look good in that uniform" minho said charismatically, you looked down at it and twirled around for them to see and flashed a model pose

"hahah that was great" teamin mockingly clapped and laughed. 

"yeah i should get a job as a model" you back and he ruffled your hair, while you were walking with Teamin, Onew and Minho girls were giving you dirty glares

"who is she?" "what is she doing with them?" they whispered thinking you couldnt hear them. you knew EXACTLY why they were giving you glares and hung your head down. the three saw how sad you were they glanced at each othere and gave a smirk at one another all of a sudden you were grabbed by three pair of arms and flung into the air

"YAY!! ITS YOUR FIRST DAY" they threw you up and caught you

"HAHAH!! LET ME DOWN" theyre hands were tickling you, you forgot all about the dirty stares and insults that you recieved before. you all laughed as you walked down to the board to see which class you were in while you were looking you were attacked by a BIG bear hug by Jonghyun and Key. yeah you got close to them and they were practically your best friends, you said good morning and continued to look at the class list luckily you were all in the same class... but there was one name that bothered you 

"hannah Kim" it sounded fimiliar, you thought long and hard about it but never got it *oh well

the 6 of you walked in class and in the front was a man who seemed to be young but also old maybe around his 30's he had a nice smile and was handsome

"good morning" you bowed to him and gave him a smile

"ah~ you are hillary yes?" you nodded "ive been waiting for you :) i look forward to teach you and SHINEE welcome back" shinee was here the year before so they know him. i got to my seat but i was sort of bothered by what he said "ive been waiting for you" what does he mean?

oh well. you got to your seats you had assigned seats so you didnt get to sit with the whole SHINee only jonghyun, he sat next to you. on across from you was a girl by the name of Sulli she was from F(x) your favorite girl band she was so cute and had a nice eye smile, she flashed you a smile

"hi im Sulli hope we can be friends :D"

"yeah i hope so too im Hillary" you shoke hands and giggled at each other


Sulli and Jonghyun exchanged greeting they were friends from last year but they werent so close. Next to Sulli so across from Jonghyun was a boy by the name of Kwangmin he had a nice smile you smiled at him, he only gave you a nod and small smile


"im hillary" you smiled at him and held out your hand. he slowly took hold of it and gave you a bright smile 

"im kwangmin lets be friend" 

"you should smile more dont be shy! were friends :D" he laughed at you and nodded.

after meeting sulli and kwangmin the bell rang and class begun. the teacher that said ive been waiting for you was K.Will .he talked about Grades and all that other stuff the bell rang for lunch, Shinee waited for you outside while you were packing up stuff at your desk

"wanna sit with my and my friends?" Sulli asked

"no its ok im siting with SHINee" you thanked her

"OMO! your friends with SHINee" she aked surprised

"uhm yeah why?" you asked concerned

" well SHINees like the most popular guys in school and theyre only friends with people already debuted like my band, girls generation and boyfriend all those others"

"owh~ well theyre my bestfriends" you flashed her a smile. she nodded and went of with her friends. you meet shinee

"hey there kiddo" key grabbed your shoulder

"IM HUNGRY~~" you pouted

"you can share with me k?" key said proudly. you nodded and sat down key and you shared the food it was a bento box he made

"wah key you can cook really well" you smiled with the chopsticks in your mouth

"hahah ill cook some more for you if you come over ok?"

"OK promise :)" you intwined his pinky with yours and made a promise. you guys decided to go to the rooftop and just lay there but before going to the roof top you went to the bathroom. inside you saw a fimiliar face... not sure why though you decided to let it go and just go out as you were walking you bumped into somebody but before you could fall somebody caught your hand a twirled you around sorta like princess style, you of course didnt know who it was but assumed that the person was rude for just touching somebody they didnt know but before you could you saw that the person was kwangmin


"are you ok?" he looked frantically up and down your body to look for any signs of being hurt, he looked at your foot there was a deep cut and it was bleeding, you got it right before kwanmin caught you, your foot hit something sharp but you didnt bother

"WE NEED TO GET YOU TO THE NURSE!" he eyes widened and grabbed your hand, you laughed and covered your mouth

"hahah your too innocent its ok im fine" he blushed when he noticed he was holding your hand

"are you sure?" he still asked concerned

"yeah im pretty sure oh i have to go bye bye see you in class" you laughed at him as you waved.

you walked up the stairs and you foot started to hurt, you looked down at it and the cut was bleeding a bit, you wiped it away with a tissue and ignored it, you opened the door to see the guys lying down, they didnt hear you come in. you slowly walked up to them and looked down at them

"hey guys" you smiled all of them suddenly sat up

"hillary! your here" key was nervously patting the side next to him giving you a signal to sit there. you sat in between key and jonghyun and laid down, they all stared at you but before you knew it your eyelids feel and you went to sleep

SHINee Pov

"hey guys she feel asleep" key twirled Hillary's hair around his finger

"the suns shining on her face" teamin covere the sun from your face

"guys... her if she sleeps in that position her body will hurt" onew carefull caried Hillary's head onto his lap

"idiots shell get cold" minho glared at everybody and covered your body with a jacket

jonghyun just stared at you while smiling.

Hillarys Pov

you woke up to the sound of the last bell but you noticed that SHINee was sleeping next you peacefully.

you covered your mouth and giggled


well thats the end of this chapter... i know the ending but i didnt know how to end this chapter :( 

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100percent22 #1
This is great! Please update soon :3
Chapter 15: This story is so cute!!!
shawoloverhere #3

*woot woot
choiminhosunsun #4
nawwww.. cuuuute<3
Awww cute story :) <3
I hope Taemin and "me" will get together as a couple <3 ^^
and i have that ipod...but its pink...hehehe :D <3
Love this story ^^
choiminhosunsun #6
soo cute! onew is adorable. how i just want to give him chicken. xD
shawoloverhere #7
i love this storrrryy!
Pls update!!! ^_^
choiminhosunsun #9
lol. luv.
choiminhosunsun #10