work work work and PLAY!!!


after breakfast the 6 of you went to thier workplace, at the front of the building there were fans holding signs and other fan merchandise






"JONGHYUN YOUR MINE!. you walked slowly behind them with the fan girls glaring at you, Shinee already reached the doors and walked in right before you were about to step in one of the fan girls grabbed your collar "HYAH!! WHO ARE YOU"

"im .. im.." you were to scared to speak

"SPEAK UP!!" more fangirls were ganging up...

meanwhile... Teamins Point of view

we walked into the front counter to check ourselves in... but then i noticed that Hillary wasnt there... i looked around but didnt see her, i looked at the the guys and asked them if they saw her, but then all of a sudden we heard Hillary scream

"STOP" she yelled as if crying, we ran outside to see her on the floor with the fangirls around her,

"YAH!! what is happening here?" jonghyun and minho bursted with anger

"this girl! was following you as if she was your friend" the fan girls said with their arms crossed

"SHE IS!!!" key and onew were at Hillarys side, and she wasnt moving, i looked at Hillary with terrified eyes

"id appreciate it if you dont touch her or do anything to her anymore" I yelled at them. all of the girls apologized accept for the girl who seemed to be the leader instead she ran away one of her friends called for her "HANNAH WAIT!".

 after all the girls apologized i kept wondering about that one girl who ran away but i was too busy to focuse on her but instead i focused on hillary. I carried her inside and set her in the couch of our practice room.

she was sweating and unconcious. after 15 minutes Hilllary finnaly woke up

"hm? teamin? onew? key? minho? jonghyun" she looked around curiosly at the room

"Hillary~ ah you finnaly woke up" key went to her side and strocked her hair. 

"HILLARY!!!" the most childish yet oldest onew came in and hugged her, to tell you the truth i kind of wanted to punch him when he hugged her. everybody explained to her what happened and all that except for me. she finally turned to me and gave me a sweet smile,

"ah~ that smile could make any guy melt" i thought to myself but snapped back to reality. she got up and started walking towards me

"teamin" she giggled while walking but then all of a sudden she fell to the floor. we all ran up to her

"Hillary! are you ok?" minho asked as he grabbed her shoulder to help her up. 

"yeah, those girls just hit me is all" she said with her innocent but stupid smile. everybody looked at her and just smiled

"any why didnt you do anything?" all eyes were on me

"well what could i do?" she looked at me confsued

"you have  FREAKING RED BELT" 

"and am i supposed to use it on them? I CANT! ill get in trouble" she while almost shouting

"and you could get hurt?" i yelled back at her

"teamin! you know i cant do that"

"JUST SHUT UP!! be lucky that we were there to save you" i left the room with rage and anger

"FINE GO AWAY! I DONT NEED YOU!!" i heard her words that almost made me feel hurt.

Hillary pov 

"whats his problem?" i turned to face onew while pouting

"hahah calm down~ hes just worried" he patted my head

"about what?" i blinked innocently at them

"HAHAH! oh well you'll now soon" he winked at me and headed for the door

"yah oppa~!" i chased them downstairs. minho was of course the fastest

"minho!" he laughed at came back for me

"ah~ im tired" i said while trying to catch my breath.

"ok then..." all of a sudden he carried me bridal style and rand outside with everybody

"yah~ thats not fair why do you ONLY get to carry her?" onew pouted. 

"wanna go eat?" jonghyun asked

"YES! im hungry" my stomach grumbled, and everybody bursted into laughter.

"we can see that!" onew wiped the tears of his eyes due to too much laughing

"aish what ev~" i got in the car with my arms crossed and we drove off.


wth?!?!? she yells at me? and then goes off?. i kicked a rock on the floor

"what am i gonna do now?" 

"she got mad at me for worrying about her"

''I KNOW!!" i ran to my car and followed thier car. they drove into a parking lot of a chicken restaraunt

"aigoo~ chicked again? onew" i saw them walking. i put on sunglasses and a hat so nobody recognized me and followed them i sat behind them at a different table...

Hillary's point of view

we all sat at the table onew was on my left and key was on my right while minho and jonghyun were sitting across the table

"so what should we order" key asked

"CHICKEN!!" me and onew shouted with a big smile on our faces

"aigoo~ these children" he laughed and patted my head, while we were waiting for the food we talked

"so do you guys like sports?" i asked curiosly, minho who didnt say much suddenly burst up with a big smile on his face 

"I DO!!" it was kind of cute so i laughed at him, he noticed his rudness by shouting and quickly sat down with a face of guilt 

*so cute~ you thought

"what kind of sports do you like?" he continued with his big smile

"hmm~ i like basketball and soccer" i replied 

"those are my favorites too we should play sometimes too" i agreed with that and continued talking, i took glances and jonghyun he looked kind of sad because nobody was talking to him so i decided to play with him, i gently kicked him under the table he was suprised by my sudden action and looked at me

"hehhehe" i did a peace sign to him with the biggest smile

he laughed and we continued to play footwar under the table we kept laughing and the others found it wierd that we were laughing just between the two of us, jonghyun kicked really lightly so i decided to play trick, when he kicked me ill go

"OUCH ! THAT HURTS!" kikikiki i got ready for my plan,

he kicked and i saw the words, everybody at the table was shocked but mostly jonghyun he quicly got under the table and grabbed my ankle and checked it,

"HILLARY!! MIANHE!!" his worried face was so cute and hilarious, key onew and minho stared at him as if he was a wierdo

"hahah i was just joking XD" i grabbed my stomach, jonghyun sighed and got back up

"thats not funny" he crossed his hands over his chest and sat back down, by the look of his face i knew he was about to laugh

"hahah ok but i won" he looked at me with a face of disbelief

"nu uh i won"

"no me" we both aruged until the food came, after we ate we all exchanged numbers and talked some more

"so how old are you?" key turned his head to face me

"im 16 going on 17" i smiled

"oh~ whens your birthday?" he asked

"august 26th"

"so were your oppas right?" he asked

"i think so..." i thought of the idea

"OK!! call us oppas now" onew ruffled my hair 

"your ridicilous" i laughed

onew and key looked at me with puppy dog eyes

"please~" they came closer

"no..." i looked away, for the record i fall so easily for puppy dog eyes

"please.." they came alot closer

"FINE! thats not fair" i pouted puffing my lips out,

"such soft lips" onew thought

"whoah she has really nice kissable lips"

"no.. thats TOO cute" Minho thought

"dammit those are sum kissable lips" jonghyun thought

they all realised what they were thinking and snapped back to reality, we finally decided to go home. i noticed there was a pretty suspicious man wearing a hat and sunglasses who was kind of following us, we went outside the restaraunt

"do you need a lift home" jonghyun asked

"nah im fine its not that far anyways :)" i smiled at them and wished them good night, they left and i started walking in the dark the only light was from the lamps and the bright shining stars, i was all alone on the road. i only heard my foot steps but then i heard someodys else foot step i got freaked out and started to walk faster, i zipped up my jacket and walked but the footsteps became louder AND louder

"oh my god oh my god calm down your a red belt Hillary" you tried saying to yourself. somebody grabbed your shoulder and you jumped up the first thing you did was turn and threw a kick up high, they guy managed to duck down befor eyou could kick him

the guy grabbed your hand and pulled you down

"AGH!! IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!" you could feel tears coming out of your eyes

"geez its just me" you opened you eyes and saw teamin, you hugged him

"pabo! i was so scared" he was shocked at your hug but he eventually hugged back he smelled your sweet fragrance but was cut off when you stoped hugging me

"aish! what were you doing" you scolded him and continued to walk home

"well i wanted to say sorry but it was hard" he glanced at you with puppy eyes * he knew you always gave in to them

"hmph aplogy not accepted you shouted at me in front  of the oppas" you

"oppa :O? since when did you call them that?" he got kind of jealouse

"ever since today" 

"oh i see im sorry for shouting at you" he put his hands in his pockets


"what can i do to make you forgive me?" he asked his voice felt full of guilt

"a boyfriend" you laughed at your own joke

"i can give you that i can be that" he though but knew how wierd it would be to say it

"how bout some ice cream?" he had a grin on hise face

"fine good enough" you laughed and continued to walk home.



HEY GUYS!! thanks for reading this far and i REALLY mean it, THANKS SO MUCH!! you guys really make me happy so far i got 2-4 comments i think :) if you can, can you please help promote my stories to get more readers? please? thanks <333333

oh yeah if you like this story i also have another story called "i love you" please check it out 




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100percent22 #1
This is great! Please update soon :3
Chapter 15: This story is so cute!!!
shawoloverhere #3

*woot woot
choiminhosunsun #4
nawwww.. cuuuute<3
Awww cute story :) <3
I hope Taemin and "me" will get together as a couple <3 ^^
and i have that ipod...but its pink...hehehe :D <3
Love this story ^^
choiminhosunsun #6
soo cute! onew is adorable. how i just want to give him chicken. xD
shawoloverhere #7
i love this storrrryy!
Pls update!!! ^_^
choiminhosunsun #9
lol. luv.
choiminhosunsun #10