Chapter 9 (updated the last part)

How i met you


Donghae was already perfecting his plan when he suddenly had the urge to check on his friend that was currently lying on the sofa he had complimented earlier. Donghae went to his room grabbed a blanket and tucked the sleeping boy. he sat on the floor and began to admire the other's Features once again.

he loved his Jawline, His eyes which were currently closed, his milky smooth skin, and last but not least those lips he had tasted at least three time. He took his thumb and began to caress those lips softly and drawing loops on them, then his had made his way to his cheek and he cupped it. his eyes still fixed on those plump lips that just asked to be kissed. he suddenly started to lean down carefully as to not wake Eunhyuk up, his lips felt the others lips and soon he found him self closing his eyes and kissing the others lips, moving them softly his hand made his way to his hair and moved away from the eyes that were currenly wide open.

Eunhyuk felt something on his lips, he opened his eyes to see Donghae kissing him again caressing his face with delicate touches he couldnt help but feel happy. he heard a sigh and soon found himself closing his eyes so the other didnt know that he was awake. he did have a shy smile playing at his lips. his lips lost the warmth of the others lips yet he could still feel the hand playing with his hair.

Aish i wish i could make him smile like that everytime i kissed h

Donghae thanked the heavens for allowing him to kiss those lips once more, he get up from the floor kissed the others forehead and headed to his room to grab his pillow and his blanket and laid down on the floor by the sofa. his eyes suddenly began to close in drowsiness and fell sleep.

Eunhyuk waited for Donghae to sleep, he peeked at the sleeping boy on the floor and began to touch his lips where  he had kissed him earlier. he laid down with a smile on his lips and he too soon began to fall sleep.

The next day Donghae woke up wanting to execute his plan. he wanted to make the boy his and now!.

the snow had already melted the night before and he thought that it would be romantic for them to go on a picnic and then there he could confess to his best friend.

"Hyukkie we are going on a picnic!!"

"Really? when?!" asked a curious Eunhyuk as he got up from the sofa and sat on the kitchen table were his friend was currently at.

"Today!!!!" Eunhyuk couldnt help but laugh as he saw his friend almost fall out of his chair as he was jumping up and down. Donghae began to pout when he saw that Eunhyuk was laughing at him.

"Aww you are too cute when you pout!!" and with that he pinched Donghae's cheek making him blush and making his heart skip a beat.

" that  a yes.. or no?" Donghae asked with his puppy eyes and a pout forming at his lips once more making Eunhyuk beam at his best friend

"awww Hae tell me when have i ever said no to you specially when you pout like that! i swear one of this days ill..." Kiss that pout Eunhyuk thought  with a smirk playing at his lips.

"You are gonna what Hyukkie?" Donghae asked as he saw his friend looking at his lips with a smirk on his face.

"Youll know if you pout again so please dont!"

and with that Eunhyuk stood up heading for the door when suddenly he felt arms snaking their way to his waist bringing him closer to his friend's body. he was so glad that Donghae couldnt see that he was blushing like a mad man. his mind went completely blank when he suddenly felt a pair of lips on his ear blowing hot air and whispering " Hyukkie today will be a day that you will never forget trust me..." and whith that Donghae mustered all the courage he had and kissed the others ear. He ran to the kitchen to began to prepare everything they were gonna need for the picnic. 

"Uhhh.. I'll be leaving now Hae i need to take a shower ill be back in an Hour ok?"

"Mhm" was all he heard when he closed the door to his friends apartment. his cheeks were burning red as headed to his apartment. He opened the door to be welcomed by his dog Choco. "Aww hey there buddy, sorry i didnt come last night.. hopefully you didnt miss me..!" 

As Eunhyuk made his way into the shower he began to wonder what was gonna happen in the picnic "Aish i feel like im going on a date with Donghae.." 

he made his way to his room and began to rummage through his closet he found his favorite pair of skinnies and his leather jacket and  his black  V-neck shirt.


he was finished and headed to the kitchen to leave some food for dog since he didn't know how long he was gonna take out on the picnic. he grabbed his keys and decided to take the stairs since he was kind of nervous as he reached the door to Donghae's apartment he stood there for what seemed like hours but in reality it was just a few seconds when he decided to know on the door, he heard running and then a cry of pain when suddenly the door flew open to reveal Donghae wearing a pair of black skinnies and a red shirt that had a hoodie and a black beanie on his head covering most of his brown locks 


Eunhyuk thought he looked "Amazing!.."

"what did you say Hyukkie??" Donghae's eyes were as wide as dinner plates as he heard those words come out of Eunhyuk's Kissable lips.

"I said you looked Amazing Donghae" he had a smirk on his face as he saw Donghae's blush and couldnt help but find him adorable. "Aww you are too cute Donghae!!'

Eunhyuk thought Donghae looked adorable as he looked down. Donghae took this chance to look at what Eunhyuk was wearing. if he thought I looked Amazing, Eunhyuk looked "Hot"

now it was Eunhyuk's turn to blush a bright red and turn away from Donghae as he heard that. "What did you say Donghae?"

He felt a familiar embrace and he felt lips ghosting around his ear for the seconfd time today. "I said you looked Hot eunhyukkie.."

"Omo dont lie to me!"

"Oh but im not lying Hyukkie you trully are hot.. and cute whenever your shy whenever you blush and basically all the time." he felt Hae's nose skim through his jawline and he suddenly froze he couldnt believe Donghae was doing all this. Well he did kiss him when he was sleep but man now he was awake and he couldnt take it!. he was litteraly nervous for what was to come later today.

Donghae took this chance to grab his backpack and the picnic basket and his keys to his apartment and his car. and grabbed Eunhyuk who was suddenly frozen in his spot. 

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Chapter 35: Finally.. . I finished all the chapters.. .
Yup this is fun to read.. :D
College life start~~ :)
Chapter 6: This chapter really cute.. . Hehehe..
Chapter 34: Aw! They have finally moved in together! <3 Real married couple! <3
MyeolchiHyuk #4
heyyloo... new reader here..
love tis story...

i am really into it..

awwwww the last?! will do not forecs your self if you think ending it is good that do it, but i really love this fic and i'm glad that i found it and read it :D
awwwwwwwww~~just so sweet~ being indoors on rainy day and cuddling is the best!
ahahha...serve that Kyu :P kekeke..and the couple monkey shirt just so cute~
hahaha..Hae on Top..making both limp just so awesome! kekekeke..and damn it! Kyu is freaking rich brat!

erted couple!!!!!!!! XD