The Boyfriend

The Perfect Birthday Gift [Minho]

Minhyuk, ___'s boyfriend has been in a relationship with her for about two years now. She loves him a lot,

but he never seemed to learn how to truly appreciate or respect her. Unfortunately, _____'s love for him blinded her from seeing this.

As she walked to her first class, English, she met up with Minhyuk in the hallway, who had all the same classes with her.

They walked to their class together, Minhyuk holding her by the waist very close to himself.  When they got to the classroom,

Minhyuk and _____ sat in the back of the room. He never let her concentrate, whispering in her ear and holding her

hand the whole time. It seemed sweet, but ____'s grades have gone down because of this. She stopped doing homework on

school nights to go see Minhyuk and hang out with him. She used to have straight  A's, and they've gone down to B, it's not a

bad grade, but she's only been able to maintain it at just that because her parents have made her go to see a tutor after school

three times a week. Minhyuk wasn't the most supportive in this idea. He only wanted her to be with him. He almost never lets

her leave his sight. Something Minho found irritating. If Minhyuk knew how early ____ came to school in the morning, he'd

come as well and the little time that ____ spent with Minho, Taemin, Onew, Key, and Jonghyun would be reduced to nothing.

Minhyuk was the ultimate possessive boyfriend.


*Lunch Time*



I was walking into the cafeteria and was waiting on line with Key to get food. I saw Minhyuk in a table in the corner.

As usual, he was waiting for ____ to get their food. He was texting someone...and smiling...and....blushing?

What? He doesn't even blush when he's around _____.... I kept wondering what was going on but Key brought me out of my trance

to inform me that the line was moving and that he was dying of hunger. "Hyung, that's what happens when you don't eat breakfast"

I told him, but he rolled his eyes and nudged me forward as an indicator to stay quiet and just get food. Yea I know what he wants to

say through just a nudge. We're close like that haha. I smiled at him as I put a pudding cup on his tray and one on mine and we got

the rest of our food, paid, and then sat down a few tables away from Minhyuk.

I saw ____ begin to walk toward him and then I looked over at Minhyuk.... He just hid his phone... why is he acting so suspicious...?

I saw him look at me so I looked back at my food and continued eating... I should tell my hyungs about this...but what if I'm just

overreacting? It can't he? can't.... why would he? I shook the thought from my head and continued eating my

food and conversing with Key hyung about random things and what we should do over the weekend.

I glanced over at Minhyuk and ____ once more. He had her arm around her. I noticed she's lost weight.

She's told me that Minhyuk doesn't let her eat to much so she can 'keep her figure'...I think that's kind of mean...but...

I can't tell them's their relationship, not mine. I guess if ___ is happy with him, it should all work out...right?





A/N: hey hey hey! I hope you guys like this lil chapter~

Also, I'd just like to say thank you to all my readers and

and to those who comment~ ^^ <3

I'll try to update the next chapter sometime over the weekend~ :)

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Chapter 4: AW.... >.<
homaygash.. Minhyuk are you cheating on her?? .-.
update real soon i just want to red more of this f.f :)
i want to read more i love this fanfic update soon <3
i love it i want to noe what happened to minho and why key and them r acting so weird around here...... update soon :)
kyaaaaa~!! being best of friends with SHINee is daebak!! author-nim daebak!! :3
U have to update the next chapter this book is good no it is not good it is fantastic to say I LOVE THIS SO FAR and it is only 2 chapters so far i need to noe wat happens :)