Chapter 1 - Just Another School Day

The Perfect Birthday Gift [Minho]


Narrator POV

______ was walking to school. It was early and the sun was beginning to rise.

The sun’s emerging rays shone on _____’s hair, defining the natural red highlights that usually hide within her dark, straight hair.

She always went to school early. Why? She had a habit of forgetting a homework assignment at school so she’d

go to school early to complete her homework before school would begin. It sometimes annoyed her that she was so forgetful,

but she didn’t mind it when the mornings were beautiful and she could enjoy her walk to school.

Something else she didn’t mind was her friends, a group of boys she’d grown up with who call themselves SHINee,

would always be there early as well, waiting for her and also doing their own things at school.

These few hours before school would begin was their time to do whatever they wanted to do.  ______ made her way to school

and at the entrance, was her closest friend of the group, Jonghyun. He was holding two apples in his hands; one for himself,

and another for _____. They smiled at each other as ____ approached him. “Good morning, Oppa!” ____ said

as he handed her an apple and replied with a cheerful smile and a melodious “Good morning, _____”.

They talked and walked to herr locker to get ____’s missing homework (today it was Physics) and then made their way

to the music room, where Jonghyun began to play the piano and sing random songs to try to distract _____ from her work. It

worked. He had her laughing for a good 5 minutes straight before she was able to calm down and ignore him long

enough to finish her homework. It didn’t take too long, so as soon as she was done, they decided to look for the other boys.




They decide to go to the dance studio first, since it was closest to the music room, and there’s no doubt that Taemin would be

in there practicing his routines. They heard hip-hop music playing quite loudly from the room as they got closer.

It was perfect for them to sneak up on Taemin without him noticing them. Jonghyun held his finger up to his lips as a signal for

____ to keep quiet. She smiled and nodded, already knowing his plan. He slowly opened the door and they snuck in to see

Taemin stretching. His facial expression showed that he was lost in his own world. Eyes closed, face directed upwards, head

bobbing up and down rhythmically to the beats of the hip-hop music blasting from the speakers behind him.

____ stayed in her hiding spot, observing the scene, while Jonghyun tip-toed around the oblivious Taemin

for a few moments before….. “YAH!” Taemin screamed at the top of his lungs in a high pitched voice and jumped

up in the air after Jonghyun had suddenly poked his sides. _____ burst out laughing and fell to the floor at Taemin’s reaction.

Jonghyun fell back into a fit of laughter as he pointed at Taemin, as if to make it more obvious that

he was the root of all the laughter. The mushroom haired boy rubbed his sides and went to turn off the music,

so that now all that could be heard was the echoes of laughter from Jonghyun and ____ and the soft-voiced

complaints coming from Taemin, frustrated with the break in his concentration caused by his two mischievous friends.

He rolled his eyes and said “Alright, enough. Let’s just go find the others” and walked out of the room. ____ stopped laughing

and walked after him, followed by Jonghyun who was finally able to calm himself down. Walking behind Taemin,

they gave each other a look and then both hugged him from behind and began to yell out pleads for

forgiveness. Taemin sighed and smiled, pushing them off lightly and stopping their pleads by covering their mouths

and saying, “Alright, alright! Geez, you guys sure know how to push my buttons.”

The two partners in crime smiled and stopped bothering him…for now. Now it was time to find the other boys.

They decided to go to the library, where Onew could normally be found reading recipe books on the different ways to make

chicken and other dishes…

but mostly chicken....

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Chapter 4: AW.... >.<
homaygash.. Minhyuk are you cheating on her?? .-.
update real soon i just want to red more of this f.f :)
i want to read more i love this fanfic update soon <3
i love it i want to noe what happened to minho and why key and them r acting so weird around here...... update soon :)
kyaaaaa~!! being best of friends with SHINee is daebak!! author-nim daebak!! :3
U have to update the next chapter this book is good no it is not good it is fantastic to say I LOVE THIS SO FAR and it is only 2 chapters so far i need to noe wat happens :)