Minho Is Back

The Perfect Birthday Gift [Minho]

She ran towards Minho and held him in a tight hug. Minho smiled and hugged  her as well.

Suddenly she pushed him away from her and hit his arm, scolding him. "Minho oppa! why were you missing for so long? and why

didn't you respond to my texts? It's not polite." She pouted and folder her arms across her chest.

He blushed a bit and patted her on the back as a sign for her not to worry. She simply rolled her eyes and then said,

"don't scare me like that again! I almost ran to your house last night to make sure you were ok."

"Then why didn't you?" Minho asked, curious.

She just blinked at the sudden question and began to stutter"...w-what?...um...I...didn't....because.... bah! pabo!"

______ quickly walked out of the gym to hide her blushing face,

leaving Minho feeling guilty and a spectating Onew quite puzzled. The older boy walked up to Minho with a quizzical look on his face.

Minho sighed and then laughed nervously when he realized Onew was looking at him. He quickly changed the subject.

"Oh class is starting in like 10 minutes! We should get going!" the younger boy said and ran out of the gym, leaving Onew even more

confused, but he shrugged and let his thoughts go as he looked at his watch. He had 9 minutes to get ready before the bell would ring

and the school halls would flood with students. He ran out after Minho and they walked to their lockers together, Minho keeping to himself,

probably because of the scene that just occurred between him and _____. Onew decided it'd be better not to question anything and they

went their separate ways as the bell rang to their first class of the day.


Minho's POV:

The rising sun is really beautiful today. I got on my bike and rode to school to go practice some basketball in the gym.

I haven't really gone to school for two days. I called in sick but i really wasn't... but it was really important for me to not go to school.

I hope _____ hasn't been worried that I've been gone this long....

I've just been so busy preparing for her birthday. I wanted to make her gift really special.

Well, it's more than one gift. But I haven't told any of the other guys for fear that they'd tell her by accident.

and I haven't talked to her either in these past two days... I know she doesn't know my true feelings for her.

But I hope with this surprise, she can know my feelings and accept them.

And she'll leave that jerk of a boyfriend she has....stupid Minhyuk.... ugh, I can't stand him....

Anyways.... I hope she's not angry at me for not speaking to her or any of the other guys in the past two days...

I make my way to the gym and start to shoot some hoops. Not five minutes afterwards I hear ____'s voice.

"OPPAAA!" she hugged me tightly. I always get a warm comfortable feeling inside when she's this close to me.

like nothing else exists. but then she pushed me away! Oh....uh-oh... she is mad. i guess I should've at least replied

to her texts...wait...did she say she almost came to my house??? "Why didn't you?"

...oops....did I say that out loud?.... oh, I've embarrassed her... Oh no... uh.... ugh, she'll probably never forgive me for this...

I feel so stupid....wait, why is Onew looking at me like that. Ah! he doesn't know I like her! no one does! they can't! not yet!

umm....quick, Minho, you pabo... change the subject! "Oh class is starting in like 10 minutes! we should get going!"

I ran out of the gym... whew! that was close.... I made my way past the wave of students coming in and went to my locker.

Onew caught up with me..... Oh thank goodness he's not asking me any questions over what just happened....

Ugh just breathe Minho... ok, what do I have first period today? hmmm, oh yeah! history. easy.

I'll just plan how to approach ____ today after school during history class. I need to somehow get Minhyuk away from her...

He's always around her.... especially around their birthdays.... it's annoying. I've known her longer and we're way closer

but still she chooses him as her boyfriend. He doesn't deserve her. I hope I can change her feelings and make her mine.

I go to my history class and sit by the window. Taking in the scenery outside, I get a feeling of confidence.

I can do this. Minho~ fighting~ hehehe

Minho's POV end


A/N: ah *writer's block* i don't really know where this story is going.... -shot-

anyway~ i hope this chapter didn't disappoint~

btw, I always read comments so if any readers have any advice for how I can improve my writing

I'd love to hear from you~ pleaseeee~ I'm kinda begging for advice here.... ^^;;

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Chapter 4: AW.... >.<
homaygash.. Minhyuk are you cheating on her?? .-.
update real soon i just want to red more of this f.f :)
i want to read more i love this fanfic update soon <3
i love it i want to noe what happened to minho and why key and them r acting so weird around here...... update soon :)
kyaaaaa~!! being best of friends with SHINee is daebak!! author-nim daebak!! :3
U have to update the next chapter this book is good no it is not good it is fantastic to say I LOVE THIS SO FAR and it is only 2 chapters so far i need to noe wat happens :)