Happy Birthday...

The Perfect Birthday Gift [Minho]

A/N: Sorry i haven't updated in a while. school and life are like so unavibafiluvbva right now, i can't even.

excuses, excuses, blah blah blah, SATs, college visits, being a junior , blah blah blah ok

those are my excuses sooooo, please forgive me ^^;

and I'm sorry this chapter is so short but i'll make the next one longer! promise! :D




They went to the library to see Onew on one of the bean bag chairs near the large windows of the library,

allowing the rising sun to provide him with the light to read the recipe book he was currently reading.

They approached him to say good morning. He looked up and smiled. “Happy Birthday, _____”. She smiled and exclaimed “Thank you!”

Taemin’s eyes went wide and Jonghyun smacked his own forehead. They had forgotten that today was _____’s birthday.

“I’m going to bake you a cake today!” Onew said as he showed her the book on how to bake extravagant cakes.

“Wow! Oppa, you don’t have to do that. Just saying ‘Happy Birthday’ is a great gift for me.”

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY _______! SORRY WE FORGOT!” Jonghyun and Taemin both exclaimed while hugging _____ so tightly that they

were practically smothering her. ______  struggles to speak, let alone breathe and begins to squirm in their tight grip to get free.

In a calm voice, Onew told them to let go so she could breathe. Catching her breath, ____ smiled and said thank you to the

embarrassed boys, ashamed that they had forgotten the birthday of such an important person in their lives. “Let’s go eat”

said Onew, ignoring Taemin and Jonghyun and taking _____’s hand, leading her out of the library and heading for the cafeteria,

thinking only of his stomach, which was now rumbling quite loudly. ____ simply smiled at Onew’s focus on food and followed

him into the almost empty cafeteria, to find some food. Unfortunately for Onew, there was no chicken, but there were some muffins

and other sweet pastries that called their attention. They bought a few items and sat down on a table near the windows,

getting a view of the school’s field. Casually conversing, they ate and laughed for a few minutes

until they were disrupted by a pleasant surprise.

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Chapter 4: AW.... >.<
homaygash.. Minhyuk are you cheating on her?? .-.
update real soon i just want to red more of this f.f :)
i want to read more i love this fanfic update soon <3
i love it i want to noe what happened to minho and why key and them r acting so weird around here...... update soon :)
kyaaaaa~!! being best of friends with SHINee is daebak!! author-nim daebak!! :3
U have to update the next chapter this book is good no it is not good it is fantastic to say I LOVE THIS SO FAR and it is only 2 chapters so far i need to noe wat happens :)