What's Really Going On? [Edited]

Run JaeJoong Run!!! --Hiatus

Hi everyone, this is my re-post for this chappy, i put some changes ^-^


YunHo then sped up until he reached YooChun’s house, he stared at YooChun’s house with his evil smirk, he then went off the motorcycle and slowly walks towards the door and knocked. The door then opened revealing YooChun, he then smiled at YunHo in which YunHo smiled back.

“Hey there Chun, you mind if I sleep over?” YooChun then happily nodded and motioned Yunho to go inside, in which YunHo did, he then greeted YooChun’s parent’s after that, they head to YooChun’s room.

Once they where inside YooChun’s room, YooChun then tooked his pj’s from his closet and handed it to YunHo.

“Thank you Chun, mianhae for the trouble” YooChun then smiled at YunHo.

“oh it’s nothing hyung, feel at home ne?, and I have extra toothbrush on the water sink, the tootpaste is beside it and you know where the soap is” YunHo then smiled and nodded.

“thank you” with that he went inside the bathroom and locked the door. He then walked towards the mirror and stared at his reflection with a smirk.

On the mirror, he see’s JaeJoong not YunHo’s reflection.

“Now time to get my plan into action, Park YooChun prepare to say goodbye to the world” YunHo’s eyes then glowed, with one flick of his hand a block out happened.



“seriously? Aish” YooChun then carefully walked towards his window and pulled the curtain’s up to bring light to his room from the outside.

Not far from YooChun a figure was slowly walking in his direction with a bat in his hand, once he reached YooChun he readied himself to hit YooChun, but before he could hit, YooChun then turned his body, facing him.

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” YunHo then hurriedly hid the bat and placed his left hand on YooChun’s mouth.

“shhh, Chun why did you scream?” YunHo then released YooChun’s mouth, while YooChun on the other hand calmed himself, as his heartbeat was beating like a drum from being scared.

“m-m-mianhae hyung, I was shock and scared, it’s just that I didn’t feel or notice your presence on my back, that’s why” YunHo then patted YooChun’s shoulder.

“there, there, mianhae about that, so what are we gonna do now? Seem’s you guys have a block out” said YunHo as he slowly put’s the bat on the floor and carefully kick’s it away.

“your right hyung, aish… I hate block out… maybe we should go to sleep hyung, I prepared the extra bed, it’s near my bed hyung”

“your right, thank you…let’s go to sleep then” with that they head towards their bed’s and lye down.

“good night hyung and sweet dream’s” said YooChun as he covered his body with the blanket.

“ne, good night” a minute later, YunHo then slowly roused from the bed and took a peek at YooChun to see if he’s asleep. When he saw that YooChun’s knock out, a smirk appeared on his lips.

YunHo then took his pillow and slowly walked towards the sleeping YooChun.

“this won’t hurts a bit” YunHo then slowly bend and moved his arms to put the pillow on YooChun’s face.




YunHo then hurriedly jump on the bed, and closed his eyes.

“seem’s their already asleep” whispered YooChun’s mother. After YunHo heard the door closed, he then opened his eyes and sighed. But before YunHo could move again, everything turned black. A minute later a guy in dark clothes went out of YunHo’s body tiredly, once he was out, he lye down on the floor staring at YunHo’s bed.

“I hate this….seem’s it’s gonna be a change of plan” The guy then slowly disappeared.



JaeJoong guards himself by looking at his surrounding’s until he reached their bathroom, once he was inside, he hurriedly switched the lights on, he didn’t closed the door instead he then hurriedly went to the water sink and once again he looks to his surroundings.

JaeJoong then hurriedly washed his face with soap, when he felt a presence in his back, he hurriedly rinsed his face with water, and hurriedly looked to his back only to see no one, with a sigh, and since there is still a little soap on his forehead, he then rinsed his face with water. After he was done, he dried his face with the towel, as he was about to put the towel on his shoulder, the lights started to flicker that scared JaeJoong, he then slowly walked backwards until he bumped into someone, that send’s shiver’s to JaeJoong’s body.

“oh god!...” The flickering of light’s stopped and JaeJoong was then hugged on the waist, that made JaeJoong’s eyes went wide.

“AAAAHHHH!!!!” made JaeJoong to bumped his head to the person and fall forward.

“OUCH!....aish…JOONGIE! why did you do that?” Clutching a hand on his chest, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart. He hurriedly turned around and looked at his angry noona whom is rubbing her forehead.

„noona!“ He whispered with a frowning expression. “Don’t ever do that again. I thought I was caught by my doppelganger” His noona just stared at him strangely.

“and you believe doppelganger’s? aish, just go to sleep, your watching to much horror movies”

“bu..” his noona pushed him out of the bathroom and he just stared at the door as it closed.

“but it’s true” whispered JaeJoong as he walk back to his room.



The guy in black coat then slowly climbed at YooChun’s bed, once he was on the bed, he slowly stood up pantingly, his eyes then turned into white, and a smirk appeared on his face, he then his hand as long nails slowly grows and fangs appeared, he then jumped on YooChun and started choking him with his nails leaving mark on poor YooChun’s neck. YooChun on the other hand, struggle’s as he was now awake and was scared with what he’s seeing.

“What the hell is this?....” He then tried kicking, but nothing works, he then slowly moved his eyes to his sleeping hyung, while his hand was reaching for YunHo.

“h-h-Hyung!! **cough**cough**” the doppelganger then smirked.

“HAHAHAHAHA, no one can save you, YunHo can’t save you” YooChun then stared shock at the doppelganger for he used JaeJoong’s voice. YooChun then struggle but seem’s he’s no match for the doppelganger’s strength.

“what am I suppose to do? I don’t want to die, Lord please save me” YooChun then snapped from his thought’s when he heard, voice’s. Voice’s whom he can’t understand, a voice of young children singing an un-familiar song, slowly the doppelganger’s grip is loosening, the nail’s where disappearing and the eyes where turning back to normal, with that YooChun took it as cue and he kicked the doppelganger in which the doppelganger fell on the floor.

YooChun on the other hand hurriedly stood up, still coughing. The doppelganger then slowly climbed on the bed, YooChun on the other hand jumped off his bed and runs near the window trembling, the doppelganger on the other hand, stood up on YooChun’s bed and faced YooChun pantingly.

“your lucky my energy got drained because of those stupid voice’s, but I assure you next time, you won’t see the daylight” with that he fall on the bed and disappeared like an ash. YooChun slowly sat on the ground with his back on the wall, thinking of what just happened, but then he covered his ear’s with his hands as he hear’s the voice’s of the singing children again.

“Don’t be afraid, everything’s alright now….your safe” after hearing an angelic voice, the voice’s the Yoochun kept hearing stopped and he then slowly removed his hand’s from his ear and hurriedly stood up, he then looked for the source of the voice only to find a black figure on the door with glowing butterfly’s on his back.

“You and your friend’s have to be careful, your lives are in danger. One thing I want you to know, you should fight the doppelganger, don’t let it win you…and don’t believe the doppelganger nor follow. If you do that, it’ll be the end of you or your friend’s. Remember this” with that everything turn’s black.



“AHHHHHH!!” YooChun’s eyes then opened, and he pantingly looked at his surroundings.

“It’s a dream? But why do I felt like it was real?” YooChun was then startled when he felt a tap on his shoulder, he then turned his head and saw his worried hyung, staring at him.

“are you alright?” YooChun then nodded and he slowly roused from his bed and faced his hyung.

“omo what happened to your neck Chun?” YooChun then slowly touched his neck, and felt a little pain.

“i..uh….i… don’t know” YooChun then hurriedly run towards his bathroom and checked his neck on the mirror, he gasped after seeing a nail mark.

“What the?”



“You and your friend’s have to be careful, your lives are in danger. One thing I want you to know, you should fight the doppelganger, don’t let it win you…and don’t believe the doppelganger nor follow. If you do that, it’ll be the end of you or your friend’s. Remember this”

End of Flashback….


As YooChun was occupied with his thought he didn’t notice YunHo entered the bathroom.

“Chun? How did I get here? No matter how many times I think, I couldn’t remember….all I remember, was I was in the bathroom with Jae and Min” after hearing that YooChun stared at YunHo.

“y-you don’t remember how you got here?” YunHo then nodded.

“could hyung be possessed? But what’s really going on? I still don’t understand…. So doppelganger’s are real?”

“hyung I think..” “but I could be wrong..aish”

“I don’t know why you don’t remember hyung, but all I know is you knocked at my door last night and asked me if you can sleep over” YunHo then nodded his head with confusion written on his face.

“I see, I really don’t understand, why I can’t remember….anyways let’s get ready for school” YooChun then nodded and YunHo left thinking about how he end up sleeping at YooChun’s place.



“Welcome to DongBangUniversity, here’s your class schedule” greeted the principal in which the new student just nodded and tooked the paper. He then left without saying a word leaving the principal speechless.

All the student’s he passed to, where looking at him with sparkle and admiration for his beauty.

“who is that?” Whispered one student.

“so beautiful” said by all the student he walked passed to. But he just ignored all and continued walking like he didn’t hear anything.

To be Continued....


i'll update this later, anyways thanks to all that still support's me love you guys ^-^


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hey everyone, here's my new update, sorry if it's supper late **bowed 90 degrees** hope you all liked it ^-^


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Krsobsessions #1
mimi seriously……
how many old fic of yours that i'm stumble on? =.="
Chapter 6: Even i im scared of 'horror' thing T^T
Chapter 6: I WILL WAIT!!
Chapter 5: who is that mysterious person that keeps on saving them? so curious,, i wonder why the evil copy of jae didn;t attack yunho straight away..
Chapter 5: no wonder i'm not received any notification so you do edit and repost..
i hope it's update though, update soon mimi
Chapter 5: so much mistery ...
subs this :D
Chapter 5: the story is getting more and more interesting !!
keep up the good work!!
the voice in chun drean is ren right?
subscribed again!!

It's getting creepier! The voice in Yoochun's dream, is it from the new student? Omo.. he's really pretty but looks scary! Still hope he's the good one.