Chapter 8: The past

Is this allowed?

a/n: LOL YAY FOR FILLER CHAP~. well its not really a filler /cough/ i wonder what i'll do with it~. hmm? ;D thank you BrightParadise for giving me Hyuna as a girl's name LOL.



Sunggyu sat in his office, filling out papers hastily. Gosh, working makes him exhausted. It’s his job now, not that he asked for it. His dad’s will said that the eldest would inherit everything he had, including the school. Sungyeol was pretty sad though, being 5 years younger, he wasn’t as appreciated as Sunggyu.

                “Take care of your little brother alright? I won’t be back for a while so make sure he studies hard! If he tries to torture you by kissing, give him a good slap for me! Even though you two aren’t blood related, that’s still nasty.” His mother gave a motherly smile. That was the last time Sunggyu saw his mom.

                He laughed a bit. He forgot to slap Sungyeol! Ah, oh well. He wouldn’t be able to do it anyway. He was born too kind hearted.

                “And… DONE!”  Sunggyu dropped his pen and raised his arms into the air.

                “Woooooh! It’s Friday~ Tomorrow I will spend a lovely day with ----“

                Someone barged into his office, “SUNGGYU KIM.” Myungsoo screamed at the top of his lungs.

                “Myungsoo-AH!” the presiden’ts hand pulled up the older’s coller, making him face Myungsoo directly in the eyes.

                “How could you just give someone a position like that? Do you WANT me to strangle you to death?” Myungsoo released his grip, but not his harsh glare. He was filled up with hatred for the relentless principal. Class rep is almost like an award, a priviledge. Not some title to give away.

                “It’s alright Myung-ah”

                He interrupted, “ Don’t call me Myung.”

                “… Myungsoo. He promised to stop acting like a trouble maker. He’ll do bett-“

                “And you just believe him? You’re too guliable Kim Sunggyu. Or is it because you like him? There’s nothing in the rules about a principal dating a student. And I can’t classify you as a teacher either, so you’re basically going around a loop hole!”

                Sunggyu looked away. Myungsoo would be the perfect general when he gets drafted into the army, he was sure of that. He decided it was useless arguing with a stubborn child.

                “Give him a week. If he gives you any trouble then he’ll be done with, okay? Don’t freak out.” Sunggyu calmly replied.

                “Just tell me one thing.” Myungsoo headed towards the door. “Why did he want to be a class rep? To annoy the out of me?”

                Sunggyu shook his head, not like Myungsoo could see.

                “He wants to graduate…”



                Woohyun laid in his sleevless T-shirt and grey sweatpants, feeling exhausted. His eyes started hurting even more and the icepack really didn’t help.

                “Psh, nurses. Just givin’ these out ‘cause they can’t do anything else.” Woohyun threw the pack on the floor, a protest came after from his roommate.

                “Woohyun! Pick that up! I will not tolerate any ‘litter’ because this room is not a garbage can.”

                “Aight Jongie. I’ll get it in the morning.” Woohyun waved his hand, putting a pillow over his head.

                “Speaking of tomorrow,” Sungjong plumped onto his bed, “ are you doing anything?”

                “yeah, I do.” Woohyun mumbeled under his pillow.

                “Really, what?”

                Woohyun uncovered his face, turning it to face Sungjong.

                “A date.”

                The younger’s eyes shot open.

                “ A date? Really? Who, who, who, who!”

                Woohyun grinned, turning his head to face the wall.

                “Goodnight Jongie~”

                “Why do I get a pet name?”

                “just ‘cause.”


                Woohyun tossed and his bed, too frustrated to sleep. Sungjong slept soundly across from him; his body hidden under thick blankets. Woohyun thought the boy would dye of the heat.

               He sighed, and arm behind his head. What exactly did he get himself into? Class rep? As if he could pull this off. Plus, Myungsoo’s out to get him even more now! He has to be extra careful. How he acts, how he talks, heck, how he even breaths!

                Woohyun closed his eyes, taking in deep breaths. This is all for California. Just one more year, graduate, then leave.

                “I wonder what my dad was talking about.” He recalled his father talking about an ‘incident’. What incident? He actually stayed out of trouble in Cali. Well, minimumly stayed out of trouble.

                He let his mind float back into the past while his body fell into slumber.


                The blazing sun shone on everyone, its heat radiating and burning,the perfect condition for a day at the beach. He laid on the beige sand, the ground sunk to replicate his figure beneath him.

                He heard kids’ shouts on the beach, the calm waves hitting shore, and the nagging parents calling for their children’s help. Surfers sat at the edge of shore, waiting for the waves to get higher. Everyone should just sun bathe.

                He had skipped school once again, but that wasn’t new. Today may be his 200th time ditching! What an accomplishment! With his eyes closed, all he could see was red underneath his eyelids. It soon turned to black as another man hovered over him, a cheeky smile on his face.

                “Woohyun! Wake up, wakeup. Joonie is tha here!” Joon sang happily.

                “Bro, I ain’t sleepin’. Move over, blockin’ my sun.” Joon sat down, placing a six pack into the burning sand. Today was such a hot day, it would’ve been possible to fry eggs on the pavement.

                “Where’s Kevin?” Joon asked, opening a bottle.

                “Comin’ soon. Says he’s getting’ a girl.” Woohyun smirked, “ Didn’t know girls even talked to him.”

                Joon laughed loudly; Woohyun turned to look at him, still smirking. Joon wore a summer straw hot, hot risking his face to be damaged by UV rays. His dress shirt ed, showing off his toned abs. Adding on to his odd fashion, he wore his black swimshorts with a strip of rainbow. An adult wearing such odd clothes, that’s Joon for you.

                “Why are you staring at me? Like my body that much? You know you’re jealous of my abs~” Joon joked.

                “My abs are way better than yours, and you know it bro.” Woohyun sat up, grabbing a can for himself. He chugged half of it, feeling dehydrated after lying in the sun for who knows how long.

                “Plus, why would I stare at someone wearin’ rainbow pants.”

                “I’m just promotin the acceptance of gays, just for you!” Joon winked, Woohyun punched his shoulder in reply.

                “Well I’m so thankful.”

                They sat, bickering like they usually did when they met up. But today was no normal meet up. It was a celebration of Joon’s debut as an actor! He worked so hard for it. Practicing his lines every day, even though there weren’t many. He worked out at the gym almost every day to be even more fit and building up his self-esteem since he was going to be bald soon. That’s right, bald.

                “Guys, I’m here!” the boys turned around, greeted by a dashing smile and wave. Kevin was the youngest out of them. He didn’t ditch school like Woohyun. He was homeschool. How could they meet then? Well, right at this beach. Another reason why Woohyun love California so much.

                Kevin walked over, hand in hand with a girl the other two never met before. Her hair, brown and flowing, captured Woohyun’s attention immedietly. Her face sparkled under the rays of sun, suddenly worrying Woohyun if she’ll get burnt. Her dark brown eyes matched her fair, cute nose and her lips. Not too thin, not too full. And to top it all off, her summer dress made her look even more like a goddess. True beauty.

                Woohyu n stood up immedietly, Joon followed his actions.

                “Joo,n Woohyun, this is Hyuna, my cousin.” She smiled shyly, moving her hair behind her ear.

                “nice to meet you Hyuna, I’m Woohyun.” He greeted. He never felt his heart leap like this before. Such a new, interesting feeling.

                “H-hyuna.” Her voice sounded as smooth as chocolate, ready to melt on Woohyun’s tongue.

                “I’M LEE JOON. I’M GONNA BE A MOVIE STAR!”


                “They really hit it off” Joon took a sip of his shot, getting a nod from Kevin.

                Woohyun danced with Hyuna on the dance floor, strobe lights filling the dark bar. They laughed everytime Woohyun tripped on his shoes, or on air. He was just a nervous wreck.  He was going to do it today, tonight, right now.

                Woohyun whispered into Hyuna’s ear, telling her he’ll be right back. He then sped away from her, his heart beating faster than a humming bird’s wings. He made his way to the stage, persuading the DJ to hand him the mic. He stopped the track, boos attacked him instantly.

                “Calm down, calm down.” Someone threw a shot glass at him.

                “YO PUNK, BETTER WATCH YO NOW.” He shouted. “All of you shut up for a sec aight? I’ve got something to ask someone.” Everyone quieted down, curiosity filled the room.

                “Hyuna. Raise your hand.” She stood uncomferably, everyone’s eyes wandered around, hoping to see a risen arm.

                “Com’on, don’t be shy. This is important.”

                She reluctantly extended her arm, everyone stared at her. Woohyun pointed at Hyuna, a greasy smile on his face.

                “This, amazing girl. We met exactly a month ago. She’s beautiful in every way possible. She can make you faint with a wink, and probably make you die from a kiss.” Hyuna blushed intensly, unsure of what Woohyun was doing.

                “I’m here,” Woohyun cleared his throat,” because I’m telling all you single guys to stop eyeing her. I am almost positive she won’t be single in a few seconds. So, Hyuna. Will you be my girlfriend?”



                BBBBBB—BBBBBBBBB—BBBBBBB—BBBBBB— a vibration woke up Woohyun from his slumber. Grumpily, he grabbed it from under his pillow, unlocking the screen. He opened his eyes slightly, looking onto the screen.

10:30 alarm.

                “Ugh…” he groaned, placing his phone back under his pillow. He doesn’t want to get up. He’s too tired. But he still has to go on the date. He made a promise. He pushed himself off his bed, landing onto the floor. Unfortunately, he’s always clumsy on weekends. Woohyun face palmed himself. He has to get ready.

                “Why did I agree to do this? Why would I even go on a date with him?”

                “WOOHYUN!” Sungjong yelled, “ get off the floor! Don’t you have a date to go on or something?”

                He to his stomach, his face pouting.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I don’t wanna.”




a/n: hi guise. I'm watching Naruto movies right now. /liek a boss/
LOL at the ice pack part. That's seriously how i feel whenever i go to the nurse.
me: hey nurse i have like. internal bleeding and my arms cut off. can you call the hospital
nurse: no it's fine. take this icepack.
me: ...........


but rlly guise, you dont know how much my herat explodes when i see "new story comments".
and "new subscribers" AWO;EIRJA;WOIEFJ~!.


pst. joonie is my main bias. just look at how cute and adorable he is. liek really. plus he's so funny ; a ;!.its impossible fo rme to ship him with anything besides leo/cough/ so. yeah. LOL

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hi everyone! so i've been sick the whole last week and missed school. ._____. AND I HAVE STATE TESTING THIS WEEK,orz. so i'm not gonna write, sorry. ; a ;.


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i can't believe i just found this story! i love it :) update soon, ne?
woah they're not blood related, kekeke their mom is really something when she asked gyu to gve yeol a good slap LOL..
aw myungsoo you hve to give woohyun a chance ne.. like yeol hahaha.
is it bcuz of hyuna, woohyun back to korea? or smthg happened with her n woohyun
Cookie7 #3
Woah so 2Sung aren't blood related? Then what are they? Me counfusy lol SungYeol's dad died... But was it SungGyu's dad or his real dad? And I'm so happy SungGyu is giving WooHyun a chance so that he can graduate! Your story is awesome!
it's fine because it's you! whoaaa uri OCD oh well normal hoya is sooo sweet >///<
aaand im not gonna pity woohyun's eye bwakakakakaka, good job Dino.
oh sungjong. he's really gossip king "its my job" LOL..
myungsoo, stop being a jerk kay? teehee how cud u ignore that adorable dolphin??
btw congratulation to Yadong >.<
Seriously, first I'm gonna murder Myungsoo for being such an . Then, I'm gonna go and congratulate Dongwoo for making up with Hoya, and more importantly for punching that grease ball in the face. I've been wanting to do that for such a looooooong time. Then I'm gonna hug Sungyeol and never let him go.

So yeah, seems like Woohyun and Sunggyu have a secret. I'm really wondering what that third condition is. Seems a little suspicious and all, but I'm gonna wait patiently for an update to find out. *nods nods*

*still hugging Sungyeol and sure as hell not planning on letting him go*
MYUNGSOO. D:< i love you but asdfghjklinb/// stop being a jerk to Sungyeol </3

Jeez. Seriously, Myungsoo is too stupid for words, Hoya and Dongwoo are just plain weird. I don't know what's going on with Woohyun. If he's being serious, he actually likes Sunggyu and wants to be close to him, but he doesn't need to be a class rep for that. Oh well, whatever. They are all weird. >.<

*hugs and squishes Yeollie so hard so he'll never cry again*
OCD?? kukuku remind me to death the kid..
Lol, Hoya's therapy talk show..
ow ya, what happened to woohyun's eyes?