Chapter 5:: Drama.

Is this allowed?

a/n:: ;a; from your comments i was pretty sad about how you guys didn't like the random sungyeolxsunggyu kiss.LOL /not that i ship them. i dont.../
//just needed it for some myungyeol drama guise//


Sungyeol was stressed… like REALLY STRESSED. Myungsoo obviously doesn’t like him at all. Sungyeol couldn’t help but to feel sad. He worked so hard to become a class rep, just to see Myungsoo more. He made sure all of his grades were high; never get into trouble, and OH SO MUCH MORE. Along the way, he came to love organization… odd.

                Sungyeol decided to visit the principal, since he’s really friendly. Sunggyu just became Principal last semester when the founder passed away. Everyone wore black for a month… it was really depressing. Sungyeol hates depression.

                “Principal Kim, I’m coming in!” Sungyeol pushed the door open, not surprised at what he saw. Sunggyu was eating a cup of noodles, but he was staring into thin air.

                ‘He looks pretty off today.’

                “Principal Kim~ Sunggyu~ Mr.Kim~” Sungyeol crept up behind the older, and rocked his chair front and back.

                “Ah, Thungyeol, dphon’t dew phat!” Sunggyu chewed and swallowed. “ I was eating!”

                Sungyeol laughed, patting the Principal’s shoulder lightly.

                “Ah, no manners.” Sunggyu tossed the empty cup away.

                “ Like you have any.” Sungyeol responded.



                Sungyeol laid on the soft leather couch, watching the clock tick, tick, tick, tick. It was 9:00, ugh. Sungyeol usually skipped first period since he hates math. He’ll occasionally go to talk to Sungjong. Having a best friend that knows everything about anything sure is handy. Sungyeol rested his hand over his eyes, feeling exhausted.

                The room was oddly quiet. Sunggyu would usually read aloud or show Sungyeol something really corny or they would talk.

                “Sunggyu-hyung!” no reply.

                Sungyeol sat up, “ SUNGGGGGGYYYUU!!”

                The principal’s feet were on his grand table, one arm sluggishly hanging down the side while the other covered his eyes.

                ‘He’s sleeping…’


                “W---… Woo…” Sunggyu mumbeled. Woo? Woo-hyun? Sungyeol didn’t fully understand. Why would the principal dream about the new kid?

                Sunggyu twisted to his side, his feet fell from the table.

                Sungyeol poked the body, but it didn’t react.

                “Guy, Guy.” Sungyeol formed a fist, “ PUNCHHH!!!” Sungyeol jabbed his hand right into the man’s stomach, earning a shout.

                “AH, SUNGYEOL. WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” Sunggyu fell off his chair with Sungyeol kneeling in front of him.

                Sungyeol had a playful smile on, “ Oh you just wouldn’t wake up so I hit you!” Sungyeol chuckled.

                It soon fell to a frown when Sunggyu sat back up into his chair whithout replying.

                “Principal, what’s wrong?”

                “Hm, what? Nothing.”

                “Don’t say that. You’re never this sad looking.”

                Sunggyu looked away, “ No really, I’m fine.”

                “HAHAHA, DON’T MAKE ME LAUGH~ I think you know that I can tell when someone’s sad from a mile away.” It was true, Sunggyu knew it. Sungyeol could probably smell sadness, too. He soon saw the light disappear from his eyes, a weight on his arm rest, and someone’s breathing on his cheeks.

                “Tell me hyung~” Sungyeol whispered.

                “S-Sungyeol, get away!” Sunggyu tried pushing the choding back, but he was already against the wall, trapped in his chair.

                “Don’t make me kiss you hyung!” Sungyeol leaned in closer and closer… too close for Sunggyu’s comfort.

                “Stop it! I’ll expel you!”

                “You won’t do that! You promised Mom either way~. Hurry up or you’ll kiss a student!” Sunggyu didn’t want to answer. He didn’t want to say that he dreamt of Woohyun. Dreaming of a student, really? But Sunggyu couldn’t get the boy’s image out of his mind. His nice features, his warming smile, and how much of a free spirit he was!

                Sunggyu felt a hand tilt up his chin, a chubby boy in front of him. Sunggyu gulped, knowing Sungyeol would actually kiss him. The boy never lies.

                Sunggyu shut his eyes, hoping a bird would break into the room and smack Sungyeol in the face. Their lips soon met, just slightly touching each other. Sunggyu scrunched his face, hearing a snicker from the student. He’s probably amused that this was torturing Sunggyu.

                “Sungyeol, I suggest you remove yourself from the principal. Unless you want to be kicked out of school.” A cold voice warned. Sungyeol immedietly pulled away, his face in a shape of a “O”

                “Myung-Myungsoo, I can exp-“

                Myungsoo held up his hand, cutting off Sungyeol.

                “I don’t care about what happened just now, I don’t need an explanation. I hope you know that I’ll be holding this against you now, right Sungyeol? Sunggyu, make sure you finish your paperwork.” Myungsoo turned around; he slammed the door after he exited.



                Woohyun felt at peace. Who knew a desk could be such a good pillow? The teacher’s yapping bored him to death. He doesn’t care that math is essential to life, sleeping is essential to life!

                “Woohyun.” A finger poked him.




                “NAM WOOHYUN!” a high pitched voice pierced his ears. He opened his eyes, seeing a frustrated Sungjong in front of him.

                “ I’ve been calling your name for 100 hours! Class ended, do you want to waste your passing time?”

                “Ah, stop nagin;. You can go. I’ll sleep.” Woohyun covered his head with his arms, but they were pulled away by Sungjong.

                “Stop talking with that slang of yours, it annoys me! Gym’s next, it takes a while to get there, let’s go!” Sungjong grabbed the heavy Woohyun, then ran out the door.



                “What’s your favorite color?”

                “ I don’t know… Blue? Maybe.”

                “Favorite food?”

                “I don’t know.”


                “… I don’t know.”

                “So indecisive.” Woohyun smirked at the diva. Since he was going to live with this kid; Woohyun tried to like the boy. It was hard. REALLY HARD. It seemed like Sungjong wouldn’t shut up for even a millisecond. He’s always asking Woohyun questions about everything.

                “What did you eat today?”

                “In a relationship?”

                “Why did you move to Korea?”

                “Done anything illegal?”

                “You drink and smoke?”

                ‘Why don’t I have some super glue to shut his trap.’ Woohyun thought.


                The gym teacher gladly let the students have the period off. It was too hot outside, and the air conditioner broke as well.

                Woohyun laid on the floor, resting his head on his folded arms. ‘Ah, how relaxing.’ A foot nudged his sides, disturbing his nap.

                The foot belonged to his slave, who Woohyun was glad to see.

                “Oh hey slave,” he smiled, “ miss your master?”

                Dongwoo let out a forced laugh, then sat down next to his ‘master’.

                “Why would I miss an .”

                “Tsk, tsk. Master will have to punish you for talking back~”

                Dongwoo raised an eyebrow, curious.

                “And what would that be?”

                Woohyun closed his eyes and thought a bit. Make him a teacher? How about saying something really stupid about himself? Uh… fail a test? Nah, those are lame.

                Wait. He knew what to do! He has Sungjong.

                Woohyun sat up and cupped his hands around his mouth.

                “SUNGJONG. LEE SUNGJONG.”

                “Yah, Woohyun what are you doing.”


                “S-Sungjong? THE SUNGJONG? WOOHYUN, SHUT UP!”

Too late(kekekeke).

                Sungjong ran over from a group of girls who started to shriek and high five each other. Probably told them a relationship status of their crush or something.

                “Oh, so the loner finally calls me over! What do you need WOohyun?” Sungjong sat down, crossing his legs.

                “ I need to teach my slave here a lesson. Care to tell me what I can do?” WOohyun pouted. Hoping his aeygo will earn an answer.

                “Ew, don’t do that. Save it for Principal Kim.”

                “Wait, wha-“

                “SO, A PUNISHMENT FOR DONGWOO? Do you want to get him into trouble? He’s a class rep, he really shouldn’t.”

                ‘Ah, a class rep? AHA, MORE FUN!’

                Dongwoo gulped, he now acknowledged how evil the new kid was. Woohyun seems like one of those dare devils. He won’t care if he dies or makes somsone else die. Oh how Dongwoo is scared now.

                “Okay, so Dongwoo has been crushing on the vice president Ho-“

                Dongwoo immedietly tackled Sungjong, his face turning red.

                “DON’T SAY ANYTHING!” he shouted.

                “Ah, get off of me!” Sungjong flaied around his free legs, but his strength was no match for the soccer captain.

                “Want double punishment Dongwoonie?” Woohyun smiled widely, Dongwoo loosened his grip around Sungjong.

                “Aish, my hair! Thanks Dongwoo. I was gonna make it an easy punishment, now you’re dead.”

 Sungjong fixed his shirt while Dongwoo face-palmed himself.

                Woohyun motioned his hands in a circular motion, signaling Sungjong to continue.

                “Anyways… Hoya’s the vice president. I WAS going to say ‘Make Dongwoo confess!’ but look what happened.” Sungjong glared at Dongwoo.

                “You, are going to go in Hoya’s office and tilt his lamp, misplace his pencils, and make sure you tilt his pictures, too. And leave your name on a little post-it!” Sungjong poked Dongwoo’s forehead.

                ‘What? Tilting pictures? Pencils? What’s that going to do?’ Woohyun looked confused.

                “Hoya’s an OCD freak.” Sungjong answered, noticing Woohyun’s questioning glare.

               “OOOOH, I get it~ Hey Sungjong, I think we’ll be great friends.” Woohyun pulled the boy over, giving him half a hug.

                “Aha, thanks for just using me. But you have to pay.” Sungjong pulled away, fixing his shirt.

                “What? I don’t have money. I”l lhappily rob someone for you.”

                “Not that. A trade. I told you a secret, you tell me one.” Woohyun didn’t quite understand. What secrets? Does he look like a girl?

                Woohyun looked over to Dongwoo for an explanation, but the poor boy was rolling around on the floor.

                “Why, why, he’s going to hate me. No, no, no.” the blond muttered.

                “You and Sunggyu. Tell me something~” Sungjong put his head on his hands; he then batted his eyes a bit with a cute smile.

                ‘That’s some professional aeygo….’

                “Hmm. Sunggyu and my dad knows each other. Anything else?” Woohyun spoke convincingly. He IS the best liar after all~.

                “… that’s boring. Okay, uality?” Woohyun fell back to the ground, laughing.

                “AHAH, WHY? Are you interested in me?” Sungjong shook his hand, shaking his head.

                “You don’t know HOW many girls ask me about you. Just answer the question. I’m not interested in you. Not my type.”

                “Oh, so you’re gay?”

                “Yeah, and you?”

                Woohyun sat up again, he thought for a bit. What should he answer?  He sure isn’t straight. But he isn’t only interested in girls or guys…

                “Uh, bi-curious?” Woohyun answered.

                “You really are indecisive.” Sungjong answered.

                “Fine, I’m a cow.”





SO MANY SUBS, GUISE ;A;. HELLO TO YOU ALL! i hope you all like the story so far.. it really didn't start LOL
YADONG NEXT CHAPTER~. well... //dongwoo's punishment. keke//

Can i just say that Woohyun's slang comes and goes? Becuase you can't really ..... well i can't really type it all out all the time.

i have uploaded all the 5 chapters i have written so far. MEANING, I HAVE NO CHAPTER 6 SO FAR. AHAHAH.
so it'll take a while, i'm sorry ;a;.


p.s. i didn't know how to end the chapter, and one of my friends always likes to call me a fat cow, SO AHAHAH.
but obviously im not hurt since its like a pet name. she also calls me pink fishie.

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hi everyone! so i've been sick the whole last week and missed school. ._____. AND I HAVE STATE TESTING THIS WEEK,orz. so i'm not gonna write, sorry. ; a ;.


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i can't believe i just found this story! i love it :) update soon, ne?
woah they're not blood related, kekeke their mom is really something when she asked gyu to gve yeol a good slap LOL..
aw myungsoo you hve to give woohyun a chance ne.. like yeol hahaha.
is it bcuz of hyuna, woohyun back to korea? or smthg happened with her n woohyun
Cookie7 #3
Woah so 2Sung aren't blood related? Then what are they? Me counfusy lol SungYeol's dad died... But was it SungGyu's dad or his real dad? And I'm so happy SungGyu is giving WooHyun a chance so that he can graduate! Your story is awesome!
it's fine because it's you! whoaaa uri OCD oh well normal hoya is sooo sweet >///<
aaand im not gonna pity woohyun's eye bwakakakakaka, good job Dino.
oh sungjong. he's really gossip king "its my job" LOL..
myungsoo, stop being a jerk kay? teehee how cud u ignore that adorable dolphin??
btw congratulation to Yadong >.<
Seriously, first I'm gonna murder Myungsoo for being such an . Then, I'm gonna go and congratulate Dongwoo for making up with Hoya, and more importantly for punching that grease ball in the face. I've been wanting to do that for such a looooooong time. Then I'm gonna hug Sungyeol and never let him go.

So yeah, seems like Woohyun and Sunggyu have a secret. I'm really wondering what that third condition is. Seems a little suspicious and all, but I'm gonna wait patiently for an update to find out. *nods nods*

*still hugging Sungyeol and sure as hell not planning on letting him go*
MYUNGSOO. D:< i love you but asdfghjklinb/// stop being a jerk to Sungyeol </3

Jeez. Seriously, Myungsoo is too stupid for words, Hoya and Dongwoo are just plain weird. I don't know what's going on with Woohyun. If he's being serious, he actually likes Sunggyu and wants to be close to him, but he doesn't need to be a class rep for that. Oh well, whatever. They are all weird. >.<

*hugs and squishes Yeollie so hard so he'll never cry again*
OCD?? kukuku remind me to death the kid..
Lol, Hoya's therapy talk show..
ow ya, what happened to woohyun's eyes?