Chapter 7: explanations

Is this allowed?

And its all so much dialogue too. /shame/ 



               “You first.”         

                “No, you.”

                “I would prefer if you start”

                “But I insist.”

                “Insist? You love to be first in anything. Something’s really wrong, eh?”

                “And you, too. You’re not being all OCD right now. I think your story is more interesting.”

                Hoya sighed. It was indeed impossible to win an argument against Myungsoo.

                “I see you admit defeat. Please, take your time.” Myungsoo placed his glasses back on and crossed his arms.

                “Well, let’s see…”


                Hoya couldn’t control what he was feeling. He felt… happy? Angry? Frustrated? Sad? Confused? The only thing he could think of was ‘Dongwoo?’ Hoya knew someone would eventually come and mess up his office, but didn’t expect it to be Donwoo. Dongwoo, his reliable friend. Dongwoo, his competitive but nice, friend. Dongwoo… what exactly is Dongwoo to him?

                One glimpse at the nervous boy made Hoya calm down immedietly. Dongwoo was reathing heavily like he always does when he’s nervous.

                Now Hoya knows what Dongwoo is to him. Dongwoo is his perfection. Everything about Dongwoo is perfect in Hoya’s eyes. Nothing was the slightest bit off. He felt his rage disappear completely, not minding the destruction before him.

                “Ho-hoya… are you mad at me?” the boy’s voice cracked.

                Hoya smiled, “No, not really.”

                “But,” Dongwoo blinked, “you hate it when other people touch your things. I even broke your lamp..”

                Hoya pulled the tearing boy into his embrace, caressing his head.

                “It’s fine because it’s you.” He whispered.


                “And then we stayed like that for a while. He told me that Woohyun and Sungjong made him do it as a ‘punishment’. I suggest you keep an eye out on Woohyun.”

                Myungsoo nodded in his seat, hand supporting his head.

                “I already promised that bastard I won’t be nice to him. Did you confess to Dongwoo?”

                Hoya’s face grew warm,”What? Confess what?”

                “You know you like him. There’s nothing wrong with liking a guy.”

                The vice president laughed, ”Hyprocrite.”

                “What did you call me?”

                “A hy-po-crite!”

                Myungsoo glared at his comrade, “When are you going to return being OCD again. The normal you is annoying.”

                “Never~ all of my frustrations are gone. There’s no need to be perfect when you have the most perfect thing in the world.”

                The younger flinched,”cheesy.”

                “Your turn.”

                “For what.”

                “Why did you fire Sungyeol?”

                “Don’t tell Sungjong.”

                “He’ll find out either way.”

                He sighed,”That choding aggravates me.”


                Myungsoo sat in his office massaging his eyes. So much work to be done, such little time. He held his silver pen, its surface as cold as he was.

                He has to finish all these paperwork; approving club avtivites, members, and even try and find someone that’ll take his place in a year.

                “And then there’s Sungyeol…” Myungsoo sighed, dropping his pen. Lee sungyeol. Myungsoo couldn’t decide what he should do with the kid. He is loud and abnoxious but also organized and keeps his grades up. Sungyeol became class rap just this year and honestly, the best at his job.

                “maybe I’ll give him one last chance to redeem himself…” he placed his finger on the red button, a loud buzz rang after.

                “lee Sungyeol please report to my office, Kim Myungsoo.” Not even a second later, Sungyeol came through the door.

                The president raised an eyebrow,” were you standing out my door?”

                “N-no…” Sungyeol sat down quickly.

                “Sungyeol, I belive you did break a rule a few hours ago; therefore, you wanted to speak with me, but were too afraid. Am I correct?”

                Sungyeol nodded but did not speak.

                “Well,” Myungsoo slouched back, “ I’ve decided to give you another chance to pull your act together.”

                “All I want to do right now is to explain something.” Sungyeol held an intense gaze.

                “Go ahead.”

                “There is nothing going on between Sunggyu and me. You can even ask him yourself. I don’t like him, he doesn’t like me. Well we do, but in a family way… because we are.”

                Myungsoo stared in disbelief. They’re family? Wouldn’t that be though… ah, don’t think about it.

                “And you’re telling me this, why?”

                “I just didn’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

                “Does anyone else know you two are siblings?”

                Sungyeol shook his head.

                “I’ll keep it a secret then. You may go.”

                Sungyeol stood up but didn’t move.

                “There’s one more thing…”

                “Quickly.” Myungsoo faced his papers, pen in hand.

                “I love you Kim Myungsoo.”


                “That’s why I didn’t want you to get the wrong i-“

                “Me?” the president interrupted.

                The older nodded. Myungsoo was flabbergasted. Is this why Sungyeol annoys him all the time? Because of this thing called ‘love’? Pathetic.

                “How do you want me to reply?” he said codly.

                Sungyeol felt his heart stop.

                “If… you even appreciate me?”

                “Not really, no.”


                “Then we got into some argument then you and Sungjong heard the rest.”

                Hoya listened cautiously, feeling pitiful to Sungyeol. Myungsoo was never the type to let someone come into his life. That cold barrier of his has always been there since elementary. He didn’t have any problems with his life; he was simply born that way. Even his parents can’t get through him sometimes.

                “You could be nicer.”

                “I could.”

                “I mean, you will.”

                Myungsoo chuckled, “Yeah sure.”

                “Such an .” Hoya muttered.


                “nothing. Let’s go eat.”


                He sat surrounded by a forest of flowers. The bright happy colors of red, pink, white, and yellow flowers could not change the dark feelings within him. He would prefer the flowers to turn blue and black, to match his despair.

                He doesn’t remember the last time he was so sad. It’s definitely been a while. A few months at most. No, he remembers. It’s when his father died of illness. Don’t think about it, don’t.

                “Ah, Sungyeol. You really are a crybaby. Man up!” he pulled in his legs, hiding his head between them.

              “What do I do now? He hates me. I can’t miss class anymore. Ugh. Is this what heartbreak feels like? I feel like a girl.”

                He lifted his head up, face dried of tears.

                “heh, I have electives after lunch, I can miss those.” Sungyeol got up, stumbling towards the door that lead into school. He halted, his eyes caught someone sleeping under the sakura tree. He crept in closer, he smiled. It was Dongwoo!

                “Dongwoo! What are you slacking around for?” he nudged the lfifeless body.

                “Trying to cope with my feelings like you just did.”

                Sungyeol stuttered, “ W-what? You-you heard what I just said?”

                “Sure did.” Dongwoo faced Sungyeol, a big smile plastered on his face.

                “Want to know something?” he asked.

                Dongwoo Beckoned Sungyeol to lower his head down.

                “I punched Woohyun in the face.” He whispered.

                Sungyeol shot back, “WHOAH, SERIOUSLY?”

                Dongwoo nodded, “Square in the eye. It’s all black and throbbing now. Haha~”

                “Ah, what’d he do to you?”

                “Almost ruin my life…”

                Sungyeol became curious, “ want to share?”

                “Trade. You tell me what happened to you.”

                “Alright. Don’t tell Sungjong.”

                “Same here.”


                Woohyun bite into his sandwhich, enjoying the breeze through the windows. The cafeteria was seriously huge, fashionable, and there was great food… If only Woohyun could afford it.

                “Stop starin’ at me…” Woohyun mumbled.  Usually he would love the stares of everyone, but Sungjong’s glare felt like a bullet to the head.

                The boy blinked, “ Sorry, your eye is just… there.”

                Woohyun stuck his tongue out.

                “Who punched you?”

                Woohyun coughed,”punched? Me? Psh noooooo. No one can lay a finger on me.”

                “yeah, like you punched yourself for show.”      

                “Maybe I did.”

                Sungjong leaned in, “ was it principal kim?”

                “Sunggyu-hyung? Why would you think that.”

                “I don’t know,” Sungjong grined,” lover’s quarrel?”

                Woohyun spit out his food, landing all over Sungjong who held his hands up, appaled.

                “AHAHAHAHA. LOVER’S QUARELL. REALLY? SUNGJONGIE, YOU’RE TOO FUNNY.” His face straightened,” no, that’s stupid. He’s just a friend.”

                “Friend? Principal and you?”

                Woohyun nodded.

                “one more question.”


                “Why do you have a class rep badge?” Sungjong whispered, “ did you torture Myungsoo for that?”

                The older shook his hands.

                “I asked Sunggyu-hyung.”

                “And he just let you?”

                Woohyun nodded happily. It actually was pretty difficult to convince the principal. He’s not as lax as Myungsoo thinks he is.

                “Seriously? Just like that?”

                “Well. There was one condition… Actually a few.”

                “They are?”

                “Geez you want to know everthing.”     

                Sungjong crossed his arms, “ it is my job.”

                “Well, one; I have to get better grades. Two, stay out of trouble, and the last one I can’t say.”

                Suungjong’s face glowed at the hint of a secret.

                “oooh, what is it? Tell me, tell me!”

                Woohyun placed a finger on his lips.

                “it’s a secret~” then he winked.

                Sungjong frowned, “ I can’t get anything out of you.”

                “I’m a hard shell to crack.”

                “Principal Kim can crack that shell easily.” The younger muttered.




               Myungsoo followed Hoya towards the cafeteria, his stomach growled with hunger. He hadn’t eaten since last night. He was too busy dying from the loudness of party goers. He still has to find out who they were… Oh the work.

                They walked through the double doors, a pleasant aroma covered them. Not many people were in the cafeteria, using the rest as free time.

                ‘well, the less, the better.’ Myungsoo walked slowly, his vision blurry. He forgot to wear contacts and left his glasses back in his office. He could only make out the blob in front of him, positive that it was Hoya.

                “oh, Myungsoo, Hoya! Come here right now and give me an explanation!” a high voice called out.

                “Sungjon?” Myungsoo squinted, not that it helped.

                “yes it’s me. Woohyun’s here too, sit!” he felt an arm pull him down , making him land on a cushion. He had no idea who he was sitting next to, and didn’t bother to ask.

                “Myungsoo blinked a few times, trying to make his eyes adjust to whoever was in front of him. He could make out the brown hair with a cute face, yup that’s Sungjong.

                “Why did you make Sungyeol cry? Why did you fire him? Why did—“

                Woohyun interrupted, “Woah, woah. Myungsoo, you made that happy kid cry? What’s wrong with ya.”

                Myungsoo twitched, realizing he was sitting next to a person he actually hates. He won’t run away from his seat though. He doesn’t know where he would go, none less see where he’s going.

                He sighed, “ I don’t need to share my story. You can ask Sungyeol yourself if you’re so interested.” Myungsoo grabbed a fry from a random plate, but was stopped by a strong grip.

                “yo, that’s mine.” As much as myungsoo didn’t want to face a person he despise, he really didn’t want to answer either. He turned his head, instantly shocked.

                “WHOAH, YOUR EYE. WHO PUNCHED YOU?” Myungsoo yelled.

                “Wow, I think that was the most conciderate thing you’ve ever said to me.” Woohyun answered sarcasticly.

                “AHA, tell me who it is. I want to thank him.”


                “For punching you, idiot. I wanted to do that for such a long time.”

                Woohyun scoweled, “ I’ve only known you for 2 days.”

                “Felt like a millennia to me.” Myungsoo giggled, completely happy now.

                Hoya sighed,” calm down guys. Just get alon—“

                “And you!” Sungjong pointed, “ you’re acting normal! Hoya, explain yourself.”

                “Hoya?” Woohyun asked. “Ah, Dongwoo’s lover? Nice to meet you. I’m Woohyun, your lover’s master.”

                Hoya raised an eyebow in curiosity. This is the Woohyun that made Dongwoo ‘prank’ him? Wait, did he just say ‘lover?’ He knows that they like each other? Wait, Woohyun is friends with Sungjong. Lovely.

                “You’re a funny guy Woohyun. I hope you won’t meddle into other people’s business now. If you do, I’m sad to say that you’ll have to put up with seeing Myungsoo’s face every day.”

                Woohyun laughed sincerely, “You’re cool too Hoya. If you want to date my slave, I’ll let you. Just don’t make out with him so much. My revenge for this black eye.”

                Woohyun drank his soda, then placed it down. All eyes were on him, mouths in sthe shape of an o.

                “What?” he asked.




                Woohyun nodded. “ I thought you would know, Hoya.”

                The vice-prez shook his head.

                “Ah, well its fine. I deserved it anyway. Like you said, don’t meddle with other’s lives.”

                Everyone stayed quiet.

                “Woohyun,” Myungsoo started, “When did you stop being a no brainer?”

                “Since…” Sungjong trailed off, “Since he became class rep…”

                Myungsoo’s shot up from his seat and slammed his hand onto the table.

                “CLASS REP?!”





a/n: hai hai!. I am happy to know that all of you hate Myungsoo atm. LOL.  I didn't know that i was gonna make him such an at first, BUT. THAT'S HOW I WROTE IT. AHAHA..........

So! Yadong is unofficially together. Sungyeol is sad, but always optomistic. Woohyun has a lil secret?  ;D .

HELLO TO ALL NEW SUBSCRIBERS! i love you guise. ;a;. it's the only reason why i keep writing this fic LOL.

and i love all of your comments too. //nodnod// i think i put way too much dialogue in this. ._. idk how to write guise, im sorry.

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hi everyone! so i've been sick the whole last week and missed school. ._____. AND I HAVE STATE TESTING THIS WEEK,orz. so i'm not gonna write, sorry. ; a ;.


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i can't believe i just found this story! i love it :) update soon, ne?
woah they're not blood related, kekeke their mom is really something when she asked gyu to gve yeol a good slap LOL..
aw myungsoo you hve to give woohyun a chance ne.. like yeol hahaha.
is it bcuz of hyuna, woohyun back to korea? or smthg happened with her n woohyun
Cookie7 #3
Woah so 2Sung aren't blood related? Then what are they? Me counfusy lol SungYeol's dad died... But was it SungGyu's dad or his real dad? And I'm so happy SungGyu is giving WooHyun a chance so that he can graduate! Your story is awesome!
it's fine because it's you! whoaaa uri OCD oh well normal hoya is sooo sweet >///<
aaand im not gonna pity woohyun's eye bwakakakakaka, good job Dino.
oh sungjong. he's really gossip king "its my job" LOL..
myungsoo, stop being a jerk kay? teehee how cud u ignore that adorable dolphin??
btw congratulation to Yadong >.<
Seriously, first I'm gonna murder Myungsoo for being such an . Then, I'm gonna go and congratulate Dongwoo for making up with Hoya, and more importantly for punching that grease ball in the face. I've been wanting to do that for such a looooooong time. Then I'm gonna hug Sungyeol and never let him go.

So yeah, seems like Woohyun and Sunggyu have a secret. I'm really wondering what that third condition is. Seems a little suspicious and all, but I'm gonna wait patiently for an update to find out. *nods nods*

*still hugging Sungyeol and sure as hell not planning on letting him go*
MYUNGSOO. D:< i love you but asdfghjklinb/// stop being a jerk to Sungyeol </3

Jeez. Seriously, Myungsoo is too stupid for words, Hoya and Dongwoo are just plain weird. I don't know what's going on with Woohyun. If he's being serious, he actually likes Sunggyu and wants to be close to him, but he doesn't need to be a class rep for that. Oh well, whatever. They are all weird. >.<

*hugs and squishes Yeollie so hard so he'll never cry again*
OCD?? kukuku remind me to death the kid..
Lol, Hoya's therapy talk show..
ow ya, what happened to woohyun's eyes?