Chapter 6:: What happened...?

Is this allowed?

Dongwoo swayed in the halls, accidently running into people or hitting the wall. He couldn’t keep his head straight.

                ‘I have to do this? Do i? What if I don’t? I bet WOohyun would think of something worse.’

                “AHH!” Dongwoo screamed, heads turned to him.

                “Wh-what are you looking at?!”


                Hoya hesitantly opened his office door, afraid of seeing any imperfectness in the halls. He was safe in his own office next to Myungsoo’s. It was the only place where everything was ‘perfect’.

                Hoya doesn’t believe that he has OCD since the doctors said nothing about it when he went for a checkup. He was simply a perfectionist. Everything has to look nice and neat. Plus, Woolim is a prestigious high school. Everything SHOULD look nice and neat.

                The time was 12:30, lunch break and free time has begun! A whole hour of freedom for students. Hoya darted out of his office, heading to the main entrance. He has to pick up his sister from daycare!

                A certain boy was standing next to the door frame as Hoya ran away, a hand blocked the side of his eyes.

                ‘Probably afraid someone tilted the founder’s portrait again…’ Dongwoo looked right and left with his hands on the door knob.

                ‘Hoya should look his room when he leaves.’

                Dongwoo slipped in, shutting the door behind him.

                Dongwoo gawked at the sight. Everything was just… perfect. Of course, the simplicity wasn’t Dongwoo’s  style, but everything was SO NEAT.

                “Ooh, that is one shiny pen!” DOngwoo sprinted towards Hoya’s desk and extended his arm. He knocked over a pile of files that happened to be next to the writing utensil.

                “OH, .” Dongwoo grabbed the scattered papers, frantically pilling them back up. He completely forgot his original purpose was to mess up the room, he only worried now about how Hoya would react.

                “Okay, he might not notice anything’s wrong. Ahahaha.” Dongwoo tried to convince himself. Hoya would obviously notice a difference; he has eyes of an eagle.

                Dongwoo stepped back, accomplished that he piled the stack of files back as neat as he could. His heart was without worry until he turned around swiftly, his elbow knocking over a lamp. It crashed onto the floor, scattering its broken pieces all over.

                “AH, WHAT. NO, WHY?!” he bent down to gather the sharp ceramic remains until he heard the door open.

                “Dong—dongwoo?” Hoya said incredulously.

                Dongwoo stood up, his mout agape.

                “What are you…”

                “I-OH I CAN EXPLAIN!” Dongwoo walked toward Hoya, but he halted.

                “Get out now.” Hoya spoke through grinted teeth.



                “I’m sorry, I-“


                “I didn’t mean to!”


                The warm wind blew down flower petals across the rooftop, creating pink rain. Sunggyu laid on the bench next to the two grand trees that were a part of the Garden Club.

                He took a big breath “Ah, I love spring air.”

                He was about to fall asleep until he heard footsteps. Woohyun stood with his hair a mess, his tie in his pocket, his blazer torn slightly, and a… black eye?

                “Woohyun?” Sunggyu stood up, “ What happened to you?” Sunggyu touched Woohyun’s eye, but the younger moved away.

                “Don’t… it hurts like a donkey.” Woohyun grabbed Sunggyu’s hand, dragging him back to the bench.

                “Does it look bad?” Woohyun sat.

                “Of course it looks bad! It’s freaking purple and black! What happened?” the principal asked once again.

                “I should bring you into the infirmary or something. Who did this to you?” Sunggyu frowned, his eyes disappearing.

                “Haha.” Woohyun quietly chuckled.

                “What. What’s so funny?” Sunggyu obviously heard.

                “You look cute like that.”

                “Y-yah, don’t change the topic!” Sunggyu slapped the younger’s arm.

                “ Before I answer anything, can I ask you a question?”

                “What is it?”

                “Well, I don’t have a good reason for asking at all. It’s just because I want to spend more time with you…” he trailed off.

                 Sunggyu stayed quiet.

                “Uhh… Will you make me… a class rep?”

                “… WHAT?!”



                Sungjong wobbled down the sparkling hallway, a stack of paper in front of him blocking his view.             ‘Ah, so heavy!’

                He suddenly tripped, time froze into slow motion. His papers leaned forward, as did he. Sungjong closed his eyes, ready for the floor to meet his face, but was instead welcomed by a pair of hands.

                “Sungjong! What where you go. Please…” the voice was familiar to Sungjong. He would know it from a mile away.

                “Hoya-hyung! Thank god you’re here! Want to help me take this to Myungsoo?” Sungjong tilted his head to the side.

                “Sure dongsaeng~”


                “You sure seem ‘normal’ today.” Sungjong commented, breaking the silence.

                “Hm ? Normal? Aren’t I always normal?” Hoya questioned.

                “You’re not nagging me about anything. Something wrong?”

                Hoya chuckled, “Isn’t one supposed to nag when something’s wrong?”

                “Like I said, you’re not normal.” Sungjong kicked Myungsoo’s door, his hands occupied by paper.

                “Myungsoo! Open the door!” Sungjong yelled.

                “ I got it Sungjong, no yelling.” Hoya turned the knob, pushing the door open.


                “YOU ARE STRIPPED OF YOUR TITLE AS CALSS REP. LEAVE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I PERSONALLY KICK YOU OUT.” His voice full of anger.  Myungsoo never yelled like that before. He’s always kept his calm composure. The only person who always sets him off is Lee Sungyeol.  The one who bothered him every day and every second. What did Sungyeol want from him?

                Sungjong and Hoya stood in awe, unsure if they should speak or not. Sungyeol’s face was red, his eyes puffy.

                ‘He…cried?’ Sungjong ran in front of Myungsoo’s desk, slamming the paperwork down.

                “Myungsoo, what are you doing?!” he shouted.

                “F-fine. If that’s what you want, then fine! I’ll just be a student now. Are you happy? Because I am SO HAPPY!” Sungyeol screamed, loud enough for the whole world to hear. He ran out of the door, tears welling up in his eyes once again.

                “Tsk, that…” Myungsoo sat down, taking his glasses off.

                “Myungsoo, what happened?” Hoya spoke calmly.

                “Wow, you didn’t lecture me. What’s wrong with you?” Myungsoo changed the topic.

                “There isn’t anything wrong with m-“

                Sungjong interrupted, “He confessed didn’t he.”

                Myungsoo turned his head, astonished. This kid is really smart.

                “There’s no reason to fire him because he likes you!” Sungjong pointed at Myungsoo, his finger shaking a bit.

                “You-you better tell him he’s a class rep again, alright?”

                “Hell no.”

                “Myungsoo, let’s talk. Care to leave for a sec Jongie, and don’t eavesdrop.” Hoya pulled Sungjong toward the door, ignoring the secretary’s complaints.

                Hoya closed the door and locked it.

                ‘This’ll stop Sungjong for about 15 minutes…’

                “Let’s begin Hoya’s therapy talk show!”

                “Let me guess. Dongwoo?”

                “Okay, Hoya and Myungsoo’s therapy show.”


                Sungjong banged on the door, shouting at it, and even kicking it. He stopped, remembering that it was soundproof and he wasn’t strong.

                “ugh, I would’ve said a gravy load to that stupid president!” Sungjong turned, only to run into someone.

                “Woah, roomie. I know I’m gorgoue but ask for a hug okay?” Woohyun joked, hoping for a remark in return, but got nothing.

                “Sungjong? Woohyun looked at the pouting boy who was fixing his hair.

                “Not in the mood right now Woohyun.” Sungjong spat.

                “Then, want to grab a bite?” Woohyun offered.

                “yeah, sure” Sungjong lifted his head, ”WOAH , YOUR EYE!”

                “Yeah I know, looks bad. Let’s go!”



                “Is that really Sungyeol?”

                “I’ve never seen him cry!”

                “Cry? I’ve never seen him frown!!”

                “And quiet.”

                “I wonder what happened…”

                “Where’e his class rep badge?”

                “Hm it’s… it’s gone!”

                “Hey, you know I saw Woohyun wear a badge.”

                “Seriously? Let’s go ask Sungjong! He’ll know something.”




a/n: lalalalallalalaalalalalalallalalalalala. SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING in forever.
I'm seriously a big lazy donkey so, yeah. Are you guys okay if i put curses in here?

----------------also~ being a class rep is a big deal here.
You can't just simply ask to be one, it's more like an award to be won.

LIke sungyeol said before, it took him a while and ALOT OF HARD WORK TO ACHIEVE IT.



i think that i'll make hoya/dongwoo together first. that's simple enough. Myungsoo and Sungyeol will be difficult..
Same with woogyu ;a;. ugh.




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hi everyone! so i've been sick the whole last week and missed school. ._____. AND I HAVE STATE TESTING THIS WEEK,orz. so i'm not gonna write, sorry. ; a ;.


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i can't believe i just found this story! i love it :) update soon, ne?
woah they're not blood related, kekeke their mom is really something when she asked gyu to gve yeol a good slap LOL..
aw myungsoo you hve to give woohyun a chance ne.. like yeol hahaha.
is it bcuz of hyuna, woohyun back to korea? or smthg happened with her n woohyun
Cookie7 #3
Woah so 2Sung aren't blood related? Then what are they? Me counfusy lol SungYeol's dad died... But was it SungGyu's dad or his real dad? And I'm so happy SungGyu is giving WooHyun a chance so that he can graduate! Your story is awesome!
it's fine because it's you! whoaaa uri OCD oh well normal hoya is sooo sweet >///<
aaand im not gonna pity woohyun's eye bwakakakakaka, good job Dino.
oh sungjong. he's really gossip king "its my job" LOL..
myungsoo, stop being a jerk kay? teehee how cud u ignore that adorable dolphin??
btw congratulation to Yadong >.<
Seriously, first I'm gonna murder Myungsoo for being such an . Then, I'm gonna go and congratulate Dongwoo for making up with Hoya, and more importantly for punching that grease ball in the face. I've been wanting to do that for such a looooooong time. Then I'm gonna hug Sungyeol and never let him go.

So yeah, seems like Woohyun and Sunggyu have a secret. I'm really wondering what that third condition is. Seems a little suspicious and all, but I'm gonna wait patiently for an update to find out. *nods nods*

*still hugging Sungyeol and sure as hell not planning on letting him go*
MYUNGSOO. D:< i love you but asdfghjklinb/// stop being a jerk to Sungyeol </3

Jeez. Seriously, Myungsoo is too stupid for words, Hoya and Dongwoo are just plain weird. I don't know what's going on with Woohyun. If he's being serious, he actually likes Sunggyu and wants to be close to him, but he doesn't need to be a class rep for that. Oh well, whatever. They are all weird. >.<

*hugs and squishes Yeollie so hard so he'll never cry again*
OCD?? kukuku remind me to death the kid..
Lol, Hoya's therapy talk show..
ow ya, what happened to woohyun's eyes?