Uh... nice to meet you?

Is this allowed?

Woohyun woke up startled, sweat pouring down his neck and forehead. He had a bad dream, but what was it about? He couldn’t remember.

                The room was dark now. No light sown through the windows besides the city lights. What’s this? A blanket laid on top of WOohyun, probably placed by Mr.Kim. Wouldn’t he wake up Woohyun?

                Woohyun eyed his surroundings, noticing a lump on the other couch. Oh, it’s a person. Woohun sat up and turned, facing the stranger. The caramel haired man also slept peacefully, his chest rising and falling. Is this Kim Sunggyu? He looks really young.

                “Oh, you awake?” the ‘sleeping’’ figure asked.

                “Y-yeah. Are you Sunggyu? What time ‘s it?” Woohyun couldn’t locate a clock in the room, and his cell phone was still in his gym locker.

                “Mm yeah, I’m Sunggyu. Principal of Woolim High! I think it’s… 7pm? You should get going, it’s late.”  Sunggyu got up and the lights, making both of them squint, the sudden brightness burns.

                Woohyun got a clearer image of the principal. They were the same height, maybe Sunggyu was a bit taller, or its just his bed hair. He wore a white v-neck and navy skinny jeans with sandals. Well, Myungsoo’s description was  pretty accurate.

                “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

                “You looked tired. I didn’t want to bother you.” Sunggyu gave a small smile.

                ‘He reminds me of my dad.’ Woohyun bowed, “ Thanks.”

                “Mind if I crash here? The couch is much more comfortable than my bed and…”  Woohyun paused. What should he say? He didn’t want to go home of course. No one would be there and nothing’s in the empty house anyway.

                “Really? You know I am the principal right?” Sunggyu questioned.

                “I’ve heard that you’re laid back. So why not?” Woohyun smirked, earning a bright smile from the older.

                “Well, why not then!” Sunggyu exclaimed. “I’ve always wanted a student to sleepover, like one of those sleepover parties, but of course that’ll be extremely weird wouldn’t it? But, you’re the one that asked, SO ITS FINE!” Sunggyu clapped his hands happily, running to give Woohyun a hug.

                The principal hugged Woohyun so tight; Woohyun thought he was going to die from lack of oxygen. Why is this principal so … lax? WHY IS HE HUGGING WOOHYUN?

                Woohyun pushed Sunggyu away, finally taking in a big gasp of air.

                “Oh, I’m sorry. I got too excited.” Sunggyu apologized.

                “Ah, it’s fine, it’s fine. Gosh, you’re pretty strong.” Woohyun sat back down on the couch, Sunggyu sat next to him.

                “Are you just going to sleep?” Sunggyu asked concerned, “ you should eat dinner!”

Sunggyu ran to the door and turned back, “ I’ll be back in a second!” and rushed out.

              Woohyun smiled to himself after Sunggyu left. The principal was so cute, like a little kid. How could he be a principal? Every other principal he’s met was an a—hole to him, yelling at him that he’s “ RUINED THE SCHOOL IMAGE”. Something was different about Kim Sunggyu… Kim Sunggyu, he’ll remember that name now. Woohyun put his feet up onto the couch, his arms behind his head.

                ‘It feels so comfortable here. Wish my house was like this. Well, it was, back in California. My dad should really stop getting promoted.’ Woohyun sighed.

                ‘Sunggyu really reminds me of my dad when he was… happier. When he didn’t have to move every 2 seconds to a new state… or country. Wish he’ll stop being a bossy person now.’


                Woohyun’s eyelids grew heavy as he kept thinking to himself; he didn’t notice that Sunggyu returned with a bowl of ramen.

                He fell asleep.






oh hai. okay so, LOL i didn't update yesturday cause i took a nap //guilty// and... lazy to type 8D. i have horrible typos and i never revise okay ; a;

this was a pretty short chapter wasnt it? LOL
it was wayyy longer in my journal, but it seemed pretty stupid to me, so i rewrote half of it C:


btw, who loves kiddie Sunggyu... LOL
(oh and idk if some of you read the foreword or not, but Woohyun will have like .. slang i guess. but he usually talks 'normal; to people he respects, LIKE HIS FATHA)


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hi everyone! so i've been sick the whole last week and missed school. ._____. AND I HAVE STATE TESTING THIS WEEK,orz. so i'm not gonna write, sorry. ; a ;.


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i can't believe i just found this story! i love it :) update soon, ne?
woah they're not blood related, kekeke their mom is really something when she asked gyu to gve yeol a good slap LOL..
aw myungsoo you hve to give woohyun a chance ne.. like yeol hahaha.
is it bcuz of hyuna, woohyun back to korea? or smthg happened with her n woohyun
Cookie7 #3
Woah so 2Sung aren't blood related? Then what are they? Me counfusy lol SungYeol's dad died... But was it SungGyu's dad or his real dad? And I'm so happy SungGyu is giving WooHyun a chance so that he can graduate! Your story is awesome!
it's fine because it's you! whoaaa uri OCD oh well normal hoya is sooo sweet >///<
aaand im not gonna pity woohyun's eye bwakakakakaka, good job Dino.
oh sungjong. he's really gossip king "its my job" LOL..
myungsoo, stop being a jerk kay? teehee how cud u ignore that adorable dolphin??
btw congratulation to Yadong >.<
Seriously, first I'm gonna murder Myungsoo for being such an . Then, I'm gonna go and congratulate Dongwoo for making up with Hoya, and more importantly for punching that grease ball in the face. I've been wanting to do that for such a looooooong time. Then I'm gonna hug Sungyeol and never let him go.

So yeah, seems like Woohyun and Sunggyu have a secret. I'm really wondering what that third condition is. Seems a little suspicious and all, but I'm gonna wait patiently for an update to find out. *nods nods*

*still hugging Sungyeol and sure as hell not planning on letting him go*
MYUNGSOO. D:< i love you but asdfghjklinb/// stop being a jerk to Sungyeol </3

Jeez. Seriously, Myungsoo is too stupid for words, Hoya and Dongwoo are just plain weird. I don't know what's going on with Woohyun. If he's being serious, he actually likes Sunggyu and wants to be close to him, but he doesn't need to be a class rep for that. Oh well, whatever. They are all weird. >.<

*hugs and squishes Yeollie so hard so he'll never cry again*
OCD?? kukuku remind me to death the kid..
Lol, Hoya's therapy talk show..
ow ya, what happened to woohyun's eyes?