Chapter 1:: A new life

Is this allowed?

The light shined into a spacious room with only a bed and a cabinet near the corner. The birds chirped loudly, happy that spring was coming. A dark haired boy entered his new room, the floors squeaking under him.

                He squinted his eyes, the sun’s rays shining directly onto him. His clothes were as dark as his hair, not giving off a welcoming aura. He lifted up his silver watch, his 17th birthday present, already 20 minutes late for school.

                He didn’t care though. He can always lie that he got lost along the way, even though his school was only a few blocks down the road. Honestly, he didn’t want to be the new kid again. He’s transferred so many times in the U.S, now Korea. What next? Africa?

                He chuckled. No matter how much he hated school, he loved the looks the students would give him every time he walked down a new hall. They adored him, he knew it. His short, slightly curly, black hair was to die for. His sharp jaw-line, intense eyes, as well as his fit body just add up to it. They would gawk at his perfection, hoping to get close to him, but of course he’ll just laugh at them.

                He doesn’t want friends. He doesn’t want to socialize. Nothing good would come out of making friends. He would move eventually.

                He felt a vibration from his pockets, shocking him a bit. He didn’t have a phone in the U.S. Well, he did, but he usually lost it. The screen light up and revealed a short message from his dad.

                ‘School, now.’


                Woohyun strolled down the streets, recognizing some places from when he was a kid. Many things changed. The buildings grew taller; some local shops disappeared, including his favorite ramen shop.

                Woolim High glistened under the azure, much grander than Woohyun’s schools before. Students’ cars pulled up, along with walkers and bikers. Woohyun wasn’t used to walking to school, since U.S. provided school buses. Thanks to his fit body and short distance, Woohyun didn’t break a sweat.

                He entered the school gates, earning curious eyes as he made his way to the front doors. A ‘WOOLIM HIGH’ sign proudly hung above the entrance, worrying Woohyun that it’ll fall and crush him.


                “Here is your schedule, your class started about 30 minutes ago, but since it’s your first day; you’re off the hook.” The desk lady handed Woohyun a pile of papers and an ID.

                “Make sure you wear that ID. Wouldn’t want to get hunted down by Myungsoo!” the lady gave a big smile, creeping Woohyun out.

                Woohyun walked comfterably in his casual clothes, his uniform not yet ordered. He strutted down the wide hallways, missing just a few more minutes of class. He was about to head to the court yard until a hand landed on his shoulder, and it spun him around.

                A tall boy with brown hair stood before him, a large smile plastered on his face.

                “I’m Lee Sungyeol! C-3 class rep, you lost?” the boy, Sungyeol, put his arms around Woohyun’s neck, pulling him into the hallway again.

                “Yo, let go.” Woohyun pushed Sungyeol, but the taller stayed in place.

                “Can’t do that! A class rep will help others! You’re new right? Sungjong was waiting for you in class; you’re like… 40 minutes late! Class ends in 5, at least go there and introduce yourself.” Woohyun obliged, not wanting to talk to such a strange person.


               Sungyeol slammed the door open, revealing a classroom full of students. Sungyeol’s arm was still around Woohyun, bothering the shorter one.

                “Teacher Nimmmmm! I bring you a new student!” Sungyeol dragged Woohyun to the front, girls snickering at the side. Woohyun noticed a boy sitting in the front who seemed too happy. That might be that Sungjong the choding was talking about, Woohyun thought.

                “Oh, this is Nam Woohyun? Welcome, welcome. I understand that you would be late. Every new student is.” Mr. Nim grinned, irking Woohyun. People should stop being nice to him. Mr. Nim seemed to notice Woohyun staring off into stpace, making him frown.

                “Well Nam Woohyun, you can sit next to Sungjong. He’ll guide you around school. Class dismissed!”

                The students ran out of class, gossiping among one another about the handsome new student. Woohyun headed for the door until a hand blocked his way out.

                “Oh no you don’t! You’re not leaving yet~. My name’s Lee Sungjong, nice to meet you.” A fairly tall boy now stood in front of Woohyun, his facial features seemed quite girly. Woohyun didn’t respond. Sungjong’s smile turned into an irritated frown.

                “Not social are you.” Woohyun gave a thumbs up, pushing his way past the diva.

                “This school and its happy-go-lucky students. Disgusting.” Woohyun whispered.

                “SO, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” Sungjong appeared next to Woohyun once again.

                “Gym.” Woohyun answered.

                “Oh, you have a nice voice! What a coincidence, I do too!” Sungjong’s smile reappeared.

                ‘He probably knows my whole scheduale’ Woohyun thought.


                Sungjong explained the school’s system and classes as they walked to gym, another section of the school.

                “There are districts like art…”

                -Who cares.

                “You can sign up for—“

                -Not happening

                “10 minute breaks—“

                -That’s short..

                “Free period and lunch are together—“

                -Yay, ditching time!


                “Here we are! THE GYM!” Sungjong pushed the door, revealing a space as big as a football field… maybe larger.

                Students were already sitting in their circle of friends with their gym clothes on. Gym clothes? Woohyun hates changing…


                Woohyun received his gym clothes from the gym teacher, a white v-neck and black gym shorts. The teacher called everyone to start exercising in their stations, rotating every 10 minutes, then a lap around the gym afterwards.  Woohyun sat through all of them, not wanting to sweat. He noticed a blond boy laughing a lot… mainly at him. Woohyun, having short temper, snapped at him.

                “What ‘cha laughin’ ‘bout?” Woohyun pulled the blond boy’s shirt towards himself.

                “Woah, woah. New kid’s got strength! I’m Dongwoo. I wasn’t laughing about anything.” Dongwoo tapped Woohyun’s chest with a dumbbell he was holding.

                “Yeah right. Your teeth were just in my face the whole time. I even smelt your disgusting breath.” Woohyun let go of Donwoo’s collar and sat back down. Dongwoo looked appaled, and laughed.

                “You got a mouth, kid. I was laughing because you seem like you can’t do much. Competition is a big thing at this school. You don’t win, you don’t survive.” Dongwoo gave a teasing smile, resuming his weight lifting. Woohyun chuckled mockingly, amused by this Dongwoo.

                “So you think I can’t do much? I bet I can beat you at a half mile dash.” Woohyun challenged, earing a row of white teeth from the other.

                “What does the winner get?” Dongwoo extended his arm, offering his hand to Woohyun.

                Woohyun slapped it away.

                “Loser becomes slave for a month.”

                “You’re on.”



                The ground reflected the sunglight, making it seem as if it was covered in glass. Rubber soles placed firmly on the wooden floor, right behind a thin red line.


                The runners leaped from the starting point, their hair falling to the sides, revealing their foreheads.

                Woohyun ran briskly, criss crossing to pass other students. Dongwoo came close behind, following the same route.

                Woohyun felt the wind pass through his hair, reminding him of how it felt back in California, the slight breeze that would overcome him everytime a wave crashed. He saw a hint of blond at the corner of his eye, but didn’t mind. He is going to win, he knew.

                He heard shouts of encouragement from the other students, clapping and cheering. Even if it wasn’t for him, he still felt good.

                No sweat poured down his head or neck, no sighn of exhaustion or shortness of breath. Wohyun ran plenty of marathons before, this was nothing.

                He noticed Dongwoo breathing heavily, but still keeping his pace. Only a few yards away, Woohyun and Dongwoo only a few centimeters apart. They both stepped hard on the floor, propelling them into the air, the lep determing the winner.

                They landed, one across the line, one only a foot behind. The dashing dark haired boy smirked at the sweating blond, bending over. Meeting eye to eye.

                “Hello slave~”







8D.... how was that. LOL. //4 more chapters written in journal to type!.//im so lazy.

Hey Dongwoo. wassup. WASSSUP.

Just a heads up, this story really doesnt pick up that much until chapter 5. LOL

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hi everyone! so i've been sick the whole last week and missed school. ._____. AND I HAVE STATE TESTING THIS WEEK,orz. so i'm not gonna write, sorry. ; a ;.


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i can't believe i just found this story! i love it :) update soon, ne?
woah they're not blood related, kekeke their mom is really something when she asked gyu to gve yeol a good slap LOL..
aw myungsoo you hve to give woohyun a chance ne.. like yeol hahaha.
is it bcuz of hyuna, woohyun back to korea? or smthg happened with her n woohyun
Cookie7 #3
Woah so 2Sung aren't blood related? Then what are they? Me counfusy lol SungYeol's dad died... But was it SungGyu's dad or his real dad? And I'm so happy SungGyu is giving WooHyun a chance so that he can graduate! Your story is awesome!
it's fine because it's you! whoaaa uri OCD oh well normal hoya is sooo sweet >///<
aaand im not gonna pity woohyun's eye bwakakakakaka, good job Dino.
oh sungjong. he's really gossip king "its my job" LOL..
myungsoo, stop being a jerk kay? teehee how cud u ignore that adorable dolphin??
btw congratulation to Yadong >.<
Seriously, first I'm gonna murder Myungsoo for being such an . Then, I'm gonna go and congratulate Dongwoo for making up with Hoya, and more importantly for punching that grease ball in the face. I've been wanting to do that for such a looooooong time. Then I'm gonna hug Sungyeol and never let him go.

So yeah, seems like Woohyun and Sunggyu have a secret. I'm really wondering what that third condition is. Seems a little suspicious and all, but I'm gonna wait patiently for an update to find out. *nods nods*

*still hugging Sungyeol and sure as hell not planning on letting him go*
MYUNGSOO. D:< i love you but asdfghjklinb/// stop being a jerk to Sungyeol </3

Jeez. Seriously, Myungsoo is too stupid for words, Hoya and Dongwoo are just plain weird. I don't know what's going on with Woohyun. If he's being serious, he actually likes Sunggyu and wants to be close to him, but he doesn't need to be a class rep for that. Oh well, whatever. They are all weird. >.<

*hugs and squishes Yeollie so hard so he'll never cry again*
OCD?? kukuku remind me to death the kid..
Lol, Hoya's therapy talk show..
ow ya, what happened to woohyun's eyes?