C h a p t e r T w o

Love... Are We Able To...?
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C h a p t e r T w o

Young Saeng stopped momentarily before he got into his black car and whispered a few words to his men whilst Seung Yeon and Jae Joong stood and watched nervously.

Two men returned to the dark alley and came out with a man in their arms; the face of the man could no longer be defined, for it was covered in cuts and bruises. His once white shirt was soaked in his own fresh blood and perspire.

Jae Joong’s eyebrows furrowed in disgust as he watched the lifeless man being dragged away like a piece of rag. He pulled Seung Yeon closer to him as the cruel men dragged the half-dead man into the back of the seven seated car. Mutters and groaning could still be heard as the man tried to fight for his life.

Young Saeng looked back once more at Seung Yeon with a sly smile and then he climbed back into his car. The two siblings stood and watched in silence as the car drove off, the backlights of the car gradually disappearing.

Seung Yeon stood in disgust and horror at the unexpected sight that she witnessed tonight as her body trembled in fear.


"Seung Yeon-ah! I'm telling you, never get caught up with those kind of people! You know my heart nearly jumped out just then!" Jae Joong lectured his sister as he drove home.

Seung Yeon's heart was still beating at rapid paces; she sat in the front seat in a daze as her brother continued to rant on.

“Did you see the way he looked at you? You must keep your distance from them, understand? If you see them, turn and walk the other way immediately! You never know what those kind of people would do to you – Seung Yeon? Are you listening?” he momentarily took his eyes off the road and nudged his sister.

Jae Joong sighed at the site of his lifeless sister; he took one hand off the steering wheel and placed it over Seung Yeon’s cold hand, giving her reassurance.

“You think we should move again? Look at the state you’re in… It’s hardly been a month since we moved into central Seoul and look what’s happened already… We will never know how often they will appear here –”

“Oppa… Apart from those people thi

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erlyxic #1
You're such an amazing writer! I look forward to your nex chapter! Please update soon!
Ahhh sorry for not commenting on the previous chapters.. Anyway, I just caught up with your new updates and I'm like WOAH!! You develop the characters so well. Kyujong,youngsaeng,the siblings..wahhh I was totally nervous and anxious when I read every line of it. lol. Kyu became a baddie in this fic,keke interesting! When Seungyeon got caught by kyu and his men, I was praying so hard that YS would at least know about this.. and thank god HE CAME TO HER RESCUE! the almighty cool and calm youngsaeng keke. Wow Kyujong is not going to let this matter rest... don't he dare hurt Youngsaeng! Hahahaha. ahhh update soooooooon! I'm anxious to read on!! If not, I'll just keep re reading over and over again till you update >.<
New Reader Here !!!
I Love your story, specially because the relationship between the two is starting to get more powerful.
It seems like Young Saeng has now become attached to Seung Yeon <3
Update Soon <3 <3 <3
It's getting intense, love it!
spica?? yeah!~ im their fan.. they were awesome.. their voices were powerful and amazing.hehe :D
oh yeah!~ kyu.. heehee..wow..kyu is really hot tempered huh?? he's opposite to young saeng soft and calm.. this is exciting!~ i always love every updates of yours.. awesome.. heehee.. and btw..why does young saeng came back?? is he now falling for her?? kyaaa.. i want more chapters.. soo~~~

extraordinarygill: I hath updated~! Please comment again so I know how I'm doing with my writing and story development~

YSotter1103: Ahh... the reason as to why he lost... will be revealed soon... Mehehehe~~

amyra961: Seriously?! You've read it thrice? Or are you exaggerating...? Kyaak your comment made me feel so happy~~!
i want kyu...hehe
wow..you really update..hehe..kamsahamnida..hehe..nice update..really very interesting story..wonder how did young saengie lost to those men as we know he's such a fearless one..btw..its ok if u will not update so soon..take your time..i know your busy..:))HWAITING!!~~