Questionable Decisions

Life unlived

Studying was my unconventional way of unwinding.

After yet another day of dodging bodily fluids and deciphering the colorful language of both patients and doctors alike, I decided to treat myself to the serene ambiance of the library. Because what better way to unwind than to dive headfirst into a sea of textbooks and drown my sorrows in the pages of medical journals? It's like a spa day but with more paper cuts and existential crises. 

I happily walk towards my favorite spot by the window, almost skipping like a Swiss child in the Alps on her way to her grandmother's cottage with a basket of flowers and blueberries. Snatching a medical textbook at random, I plop down at an empty table, preparing to delve into the labyrinth of neurological diseases. It's my idea of a wild Friday night, right up there with watching paint dry and counting the tiles on the ceiling. I beam with genuine enthusiasm, retrieving my notebook, eagerly poised to dive into the world of note-taking, my excitement akin to a child opening presents on Christmas morning.

As time slipped away unnoticed, enveloping the world outside in the darkness, a familiar silhouette tiptoed through the aisles, ensuring every corner of the library was pristine before closing. Yet, upon encountering a figure slumped over a wooden table, the individual halted abruptly, their steps stuttering to a standstill. With a derisive snort, they sauntered over and dropped into the seat opposite me, their chin resting lazily on their fist as they observed my slumber with exaggerated amusement. 

As I slowly blinked my eyes open, the scene around me seemed to swirl in a dizzying haze, reminiscent of the surreal dreams I'd often have during late-night study sessions. Confusion knitted my brows together as I took in the deserted library, now cloaked in shadows, with only the dim glow of the table lamp illuminating the space around me.

"Took you long enough." a voice suddenly remarks teasingly, cutting through the silence, accompanied by a snicker. At that, I jerked upright, my eyes meeting the amused gaze of a pair of dark eyes that twinkled with mischief. Groaning at the stiffness in my neck from my awkward slumber, I blinked in disbelief. 

There he was, headphones perched atop his head and a book in hand, none other than Kim Hanbin, wearing his signature smirk. His dark hair barely covered the abyss of his eyes, the faint bruising from the fall still sporting his cheekbone like a kiss marked by his grandmother's old Chanel lipstick. His lips curved teasingly as he observed my disheveled state, his amusement evident in the twinkle of his eyes. My embarrassment surged as I noticed the telltale signs of my unintended nap: saliva pooled at the table, a sure sign of my obliviousness. Hastily, I wiped my lips and table with my sleeve, hoping to conceal my unintended drool. I forced a smile, attempting to smooth down my unkempt hair in a futile effort to appear composed.

"Mr. Kim! Uh... Hi! What brings you here?" I blurted out, my words stumbling over each other in my attempt to salvage the moment. But instead of easing the tension, his chuckle only deepened my mortification. Heat rushed to my cheeks, painting them with a blush of embarrassment as I struggled to maintain composure under his amused gaze. His casual demeanor only heightened my sense of unease, and I found myself fidgeting nervously, unsure of how to navigate the sudden shift in our interaction. With each heartbeat, I could feel the weight of his scrutiny bearing down on me, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable in a way I hadn't anticipated. As he his lips in that habitual gesture, a shiver of apprehension ran down my spine, the intensity of his gaze sending a ripple of uncertainty coursing through me.

"Well, Miss Sooyoung, I actually happen to work here. But, the real question is what are you doing in my library one hour and forty-three minutes after closing?" he teased, arching an eyebrow in mock inquiry. My eyes widened, my jaw dropping in disbelief as I fumbled for my phone, desperately checking the time. It was far past my self-imposed curfew, a fact that I had somehow managed to overlook in my studious fervor.

"Ah, " I muttered under my breath, mentally berating myself for my foolish oversight. Hastily, I began to gather my scattered belongings, my movements clumsy with embarrassment. But instead of easing the tension, my frantic actions only seemed to amuse him further, his chuckles ringing out like a mocking soundtrack to my embarrassment. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, a fiery blush added to my already red cheeks that seemed determined to betray my mortification to the entire world. In that moment, I couldn't help but wonder if the universe was playing some cruel joke at my expense, leaving me to flounder helplessly in the wake of my own foolishness.

"I'm so sorry! I'll, uh, just show myself out now" I blurted, my words tripping over each other in my haste to escape the awkward situation. Before I could finish packing away my belongings, my wrist was ensnared in a warm, firm grip, pulling my attention back to Hanbin's mischievous gaze.

"No need to rush. No one else is here, and it's pouring like crazy out there," he remarked casually, gesturing toward the window as lightning illuminated the darkened sky followed by a deafening rumble of thunder. Mouth agape, I watched as rain lashed against the window, the wind howling in mockery. Defeated, I slumped back into my seat with a resigned sigh, feeling the absurdity of the situation weighing heavily upon me.

"But... it's past closing hours," I protested weakly, my eyes still wide with disbelief.

"Yep," Hanbin affirmed with a playful pop of his lips, releasing my wrist before reclining back in his chair, a smug smile playing on his lips as he watched my internal struggle unfold before him.

"And we're still here!" I reiterated, desperation creeping into my tone in a hint of panic.

"Yep," he repeated nonchalantly with another pop, his grin widening as he savored my mounting panic. 

"And we can't be here past closing hours!" I exclaimed, feeling like I was stating the obvious, and the realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Well, you can't be here past closing hours," Hanbin clarified, his smirk growing wider at my crestfallen expression. The surrealness of the moment sank in, and I couldn't help but let out a disbelieving laugh, shaking my head at the sheer audacity of it all.

His playful banter only served to heighten my sense of impending doom, as I grappled with the absurdity of my predicament, feeling like a fugitive in my own sanctuary of books. I, Ahn Sooyoung, was a criminal. No. I was made a criminal. As Hanbin's smug smile widened, a chill ran down my spine, anticipation mingling with dread as I braced myself for whatever mischief he was about to propose. 

"How about this," he began, his voice dripping with faux innocence as he leaned closer as if proposing a grand bargain, "I'll graciously allow you to remain here until the rain decides to take a breather."

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, fully expecting there to be a catch. There was no way Hanbin would offer me a reprieve without some ulterior motive lurking beneath the surface. After all, Kim Hanbin was the epitome of the devil's child in high school. And everyone knows that one should never make a deal with the devil. Raising an eyebrow, I regarded him skeptically, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"But...?" I prompted, my tone wary as I prepared for the inevitable twist.

Hanbin merely grinned, leaning back in his chair as if the weight of the world rested solely on his shoulders. "No buts. Just enjoy the solitude."

I continued to regard him with narrowed eyes, my suspicion hanging in the air like a bad smell in a crowded elevator, or worse, like my own drool on the library table. Sensing my hesitance, Hanbin let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes in mock frustration.

"Is it really that hard to believe that I'm capable of an act of kindness?" he questioned, his tone laced with feigned hurt as he laid a hand over his heart, pretending to be wounded by my lack of trust. I couldn't help but let out an involuntary snort, the irony of the situation hitting me like a poorly timed punchline.

"I mean, you weren't exactly kind to me in high school," I retorted, injecting a dose of sarcasm into my tone. His smile faltered, a shadow passing over his features, betraying a hint of what almost looked like remorse. It was a fleeting moment, but enough to catch me off guard. Internally, I braced myself for a dismissive response or a witty retort, but Hanbin's silence lingered longer than expected.

As he sighed, his jaw tensing before he averted his gaze, I detected a shift in his demeanor. It was as though he was wrestling with his own demons, battling against the weight of his past actions. The air between us grew heavy with unresolved tension, and for a brief moment, I found myself wondering if perhaps the joke was a step too far over the line.

Then, out of the blue, he uttered words I never expected to hear from him.

"Then consider this a part of my apology," his voice carried a weight of sincerity that caught me off guard. As he turned to face me, his eyes held mine in a steady gaze, and I found myself momentarily lost in their depths. The genuineness shining through left me speechless, my mind whirling with a tumult of conflicting emotions.

I could only muster an uncertain nod, my lips parting as if to speak, but no words came out. It was as if my brain had hit the pause button, leaving me stuck in this surreal moment of unexpected sincerity from the one person I least expected it from.

But accepting his apology was't that easy. It's not like I've been harboring grudges or expecting any remorse from him. I've long moved on from our high school days, buried the memories under layers of indifference and apathy. So why did his apology feel like a crack in the walls I've built around myself? Why does it make me question everything I thought I knew about him and about myself?

Hanbin's expression softened as he seemed to pick up on my hesitation, a warm smile spreading across his lips as if relieved that I'm not immediately fleeing from him. In that moment, I sensed a shift in the air between us, an unspoken understanding that transcends our past interactions. It was a moment of unexpected vulnerability, one that left me feeling both apprehensive and oddly curious about what lied ahead.

I couldn't deny the flicker of curiosity that ignites within me, the urge to peel back the layers of his apology and understand the motivations behind it. But beneath that curiosity lied a wariness, a reluctance to let down the walls I've carefully erected around myself. So I remained guarded, my expression neutral as I silently observed Hanbin, wondering what this newfound vulnerability meant for our dynamic.

"So, what's with the nerdy stuff?" he asked, gesturing towards the textbook on the table, successfully diverting the serious mood, "Aren't you a nurse already?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling a flicker of offense as I defensively retort, "There's nothing wrong with expanding my medical knowledge."

He snorted, amusement dancing in his eyes, his lips quirking up in a playful grin. "Who said anything about it being wrong? I'm just wondering where the fun is in all that."

I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest. "Believe it or not, some people find studying fun."

He raised an eyebrow, his grin widening in amusement, "Well, aren't you just a wild one."

I rolled my eyes, unable to suppress a smirk at his teasing tone. Despite myself, I felt a warmth spreading through me, grateful for his ability to lighten the mood with his playful banter.

"Well, some of us like to expand our minds instead of... I don't know, climbing trees in the middle of the city at 3 AM" I retorted, unable to resist a half-teasing jab.

Hanbin chuckled, shaking his head in mock disbelief, "Touché."

"But hey, if you're ever in the mood for a real adventure, you know where to find me," he offered, a mischievous glint in his eye. I can't help but smile at his antics, feeling a spark of curiosity about what kind of trouble he might have in store. 

"I'll keep that in mind," I sarcastically replied, a hint of amusement in my voice. He smiled, eyes shining with genuineness. 

"I'm serious, Sooyoung," he said with a lively laugh, his gaze locking with mine in a silent challenge. "As thrilling as I'm sure it is reading medical textbooks for fun can be, why don't you try to... Live a little?"

As Hanbin's words washed over me, a subtle tension crackled in the air, charged with unspoken possibilities. His playful invitation carried a hint of something deeper, a silent invitation to step beyond the boundaries of familiarity and embrace the exhilaration of the unknown. My heart fluttered nervously, the idea of venturing into uncharted territory both exhilarating and daunting.

For so long, I had confined myself to the safety of routine and responsibility, content to tread the well-worn paths of familiarity. But now, faced with the prospect of breaking free from the confines of my comfort zone, I couldn't help but feel a surge of apprehension mingled with excitement.

Yet, amidst the uncertainty, there was something about Hanbin's genuine enthusiasm that tugged at my heartstrings, urging me to trust him, despite the fact that we were practically strangers. In his eyes, I glimpsed a spark of adventure that ignited a flicker of longing within me, a desire to seize the moment and experience life in all its vibrant hues.

"Live a little, huh?" I repeated, my voice barely above a whisper, yet tinged with a newfound sense of anticipation. In his gaze, I saw a reflection of my own desire for something more, an unspoken yearning for adventure and spontaneity that resonated deep within my soul. With each heartbeat, I felt myself inching closer to the edge of possibility, ready to take that leap into the unknown. As I contemplated Hanbin's invitation, a small spark of rebellion ignited within me, urging me to seize the opportunity before it slipped away. With a newfound resolve, I offered him a tentative smile, my curiosity piqued by the prospect of venturing into uncharted territory. Maybe chasing cats and falling from a tree at 3 AM was exactly what I needed. 

With a mix of excitement and anticipation coursing through my veins, I squinted my eyes at him, and I concede, "Humor me, Mr. Kim."

Hanbin's grin widened at my response, a glimmer of excitement dancing in his eyes as he leaned in closer.

"Trust me, Sooyoung," he said, his voice soft yet filled with unwavering conviction. "You won't regret it."

As the night settled into a serene calm, the storm's fury waned to a gentle drizzle, the raindrops creating a rhythmic symphony against the city pavement. The cool air enveloped us, offering solace from the humidity of the passing storm. When I decided it was time to make my way home, Hanbin gallantly offered to walk me, citing his duty as a self-proclaimed "awesome guy" not to leave a woman to navigate Seoul's dimly lit streets alone. Although I couldn't decipher the exact meaning behind his words, I accepted his offer, mindful of the safety concerns that lurked in the shadows.

As we walked through the quiet streets, a comfortable silence settled between us, broken only by the occasional sound of our footsteps splashing through puddles. The rain had tapered off to a gentle drizzle, casting a serene atmosphere over the city.

Despite the troubled past we shared and the fact that we were essentially strangers, I couldn't help but feel surprised by how effortlessly our conversation flowed. Hanbin's presence beside me felt strangely familiar, his words weaving a thread of connection that seemed to bridge the gap between us. It was as though we were two puzzle pieces, finally finding our perfect fit amidst the chaos of the world around us.

As we ambled along, the conversation flowed effortlessly between us, meandering from one topic to the next like the winding streets we traversed. It was Hanbin who led the verbal dance, his questions like breadcrumbs guiding our path forward. His next inquiry caught me off guard, its simplicity starkly contrasted by the depth of its implications.

"If you could choose to be anything in the world, what would you be?" Hanbin asked, his tone surprisingly serious for someone who usually oozed sarcasm.

I couldn't help it. The question caught me so off guard that I burst out laughing, doubling over with amusement at the sheer unexpectedness of it all. But as I glanced up, expecting to find a smirk on Hanbin's face, I was met with a look of unironic seriousness that sobered me instantly.

"Oh," I murmured, the laughter dying on my lips as I registered the genuine curiosity in his expression. Suddenly, his question didn't seem so ridiculous anymore. It was as if he was genuinely searching for something profound, something meaningful.

"I don't know," I admitted after a moment, my amusement giving way to thoughtful consideration. As I looked at him, I noticed a thoughtful furrow in his brow, as if he was carefully weighing his own answer.

"I would want to be earth - the world itself," Hanbin said softly, his eyes scanning the sky above us with a contemplative gaze. His words hung in the air, as heavy as the rain with meaning, and I found myself drawn into the depth of his sentiment.

"I want to feel what it's like to hold all living things in my hands," he continued, his voice filled with a quiet intensity that resonated with me in a way I hadn't expected.

As I listened to his answer, a realization dawned on me. Hanbin's perspective was shaped by experiences I couldn't even begin to imagine. His answer came from a place of having lived and embraced life in a way that I, with my sheltered existence, could only dream of. His answer revealed a world so different from my own, one colored by experiences and insights I could only imagine. It was as if he had lived a thousand lives, each one leaving its mark on his soul.

As Hanbin's words lingered in the air, a sense of awe washed over me, mingled with a hint of envy

As we reached the familiar doorstep of my apartment building, a sense of reluctance tugged at me, urging me to prolong our conversation just a little longer. Despite my initial apprehension about Hanbin's intentions, I found myself reluctant to part ways with him. I wanted to hear more about his view of the world. Little did I know that there was in fact something more exciting the reading about medical mysteries. There was an undeniable charm in his company, a magnetic pull that I found hard to resist.

"So... I guess this is where we part ways," I said tentatively, my tone guarded.

Hanbin's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned in closer, his playful smile hinting at a suggestion beyond mere parting.

"Unless you're up for some late-night ramen," he teased, a daring smile quirking up his lips.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his audacious suggestion, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips. Despite my reservations, there was something about Hanbin's playful banter that warmed my heart. With a playful roll of my eyes, I unlocked the door, shooting him a mock glare as I stepped inside.

"Good night, Mr. Kim," I said with a hint of amusement, hoping to quell his mischievous antics. Yet, I couldn't shake the lingering warmth of his presence. As I closed the door behind me, I stole a glance at Hanbin standing on the threshold, his hair glowing in the soft glow of the lampposts, his expression softened by the night.

"Good night, Sooyoung," he murmured softly, his sincerity echoing in the quiet of the night.

As I settled into the comfort of my home, a gentle warmth spread through my chest, a feeling of contentment washing over me. Maybe, just maybe, I could trust him enough to let him into my life, even if just for a little while.


Dear, Reader,

Remind me to never trust Kim Hanbin ever again. 

It was a foolish mistake, I knew, to let myself be drawn into his world of spontaneity and mischief. But there was something undeniably alluring about the prospect of breaking free from the confines of routine, even if it meant venturing into uncharted territory with Hanbin as my guide.

Sure enough, there was Hanbin, leaning casually against his bike as I stepped out into the crisp spring air. His mischievous grin greeted me, accentuated by the playful glint in his eyes. Despite the casual attire of a hoodie, a beanie, and jogger pants, he somehow managed to exude effortless style in his boyish way, whereas I resembled nothing less than an A4-sized sheet of paper. 

"Ready for a day of questionable decisions?" Hanbin teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he leaned against his bike. I rolled my eyes at his playful remark, but couldn't suppress the smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Despite my uncertainty about what Hanbin had planned, there was something infectious about his enthusiasm that was hard to resist. It was as if he held the key to a world of adventure, and I found myself strangely drawn to the prospect of exploring it, even if it meant diving headfirst into a sea of unpredictable escapades.

"I suppose I have no choice," I replied, my tone laced with mock resignation.

With a laugh, Hanbin gestured towards his bike. "Hop on. I've got something special planned for today."

As I hesitated, a sudden realization dawned on me.

"Wait... I don't actually know how to ride a bike," I confessed sheepishly, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping into my cheeks. A 27-year-old woman not knowing how to ride a bike was as shameful as a 27-year-old man chasing cats in the middle of the night - don't tell Kim Hanbin that, though. I couldn't suppress a chuckle as I contemplated the sheer absurdity of my predicament. Spending my whole childhood cooped up in my bedroom, stuck indoors playing emotional dodgeball while Dad's off on his own wild ride to prison. And now, here I am, a grown woman, expertly navigating the treacherous terrain of emotional landmines, but put me on a bike, and suddenly I'm a fish out of water, or in this case, a human without wheels. It's like the universe has a twisted sense of humor, giving me a crash course in evading flying objects but skipping Bike Riding 101. Maybe I should add it to my resume: skilled in emotional acrobatics, but liable to fall flat on my face when it comes to two-wheeled transportation.

Hanbin's grin widened, undeterred by my admission, and completely oblivious to my childhood trauma.

"No worries," he said, flashing me a reassuring smile as he patted the rear rack of his bike, "You can ride with me. I'll do all the pedaling, you just enjoy the view."

"Is this even safe?" I asked hesitantly as he helped me on the back of his bike, and he smiled, casually shrugging to which I widened my eyes at him in utter horror, all my red alarm bells ringing. I instinctively grab onto his seat for dear life, hoping it would save me from whatever catastrophe awaited.

"That's where the fun lies," Hanbin declared nonchalantly as if he hadn't just sentenced me to a potential disaster. I shot him a look of disbelief, half expecting him to pull out a waiver form for me to sign. Was this his audition for a new career as a daredevil, or was he just determined to give me a heart attack for dinner? Either way, it seemed I was strapped into this wild ride (literally), whether I liked it or not.

"You know, if we fall and I crack a bone, I'm killing you," I remarked with a gulp, half-serious, half-fearful, as I contemplated the potential consequences of our impending disaster. Hanbin chuckled, his eyes dancing with mischief as he rolled his eyes in mock exasperation.

"That's against your medical oath," he reminded me, his tone teasing yet oddly reassuring. "And besides, you can just work your nursing magic, and we'll be fine."

I snorted, shooting him a pointed glare.

"If my skull is cracked open, there is very little of my nursing magic that could help," I retorted dryly, fully aware of the ludicrousness of the moment. After all, there were limits to what even a seasoned nurse could do in the face of imminent catastrophe.

Hanbin only snickers at my banter before starting to pedal. As we set off, I clung to the seat for dear life, my knuckles turning white with the effort. With every bump in the road, I silently cursed my decision to trust Hanbin, envisioning myself flying off the back of the bike like a ragdoll. Despite my mounting panic, Hanbin pedaled on with the confidence of someone who had done this a thousand times before, his laughter floating back to me on the wind. I couldn't decide if I wanted to scream or laugh hysterically at the absurdity of it all. 

"Sooyoung," he called suddenly, his voice cutting through the air like a knife. I could only muster a groan in response as I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for impending doom. His laugh traveled through the air, a sound both comforting and unsettling as it caressed my skin, soothing despite the thunderous beat of my heart ringing loudly in my ears. I wasn't sure if it was the thrill of anticipation or an incoming panic attack.

"Open your eyes," Hanbin advised, his laughter still lingering in the air.

Hesitantly, I slowly opened my eyes, peeking at my surroundings only to gasp in surprise.

Before me stretched the majestic Han River, its waters glistening under the golden hues of the setting sun. Along the riverbanks, cherry blossoms danced in the gentle breeze, their delicate petals painting the air with a soft pink hue. The scene was a harmonious blend of nature's beauty and human joy, with families picnicking beneath the blooming trees, their laughter mingling with the rustle of leaves. Against the backdrop of the Seoul skyline, the cherry blossoms added an ethereal touch, transforming the urban landscape into a scene from a fairy tale. It was a moment of serenity and splendor, a reminder of the fleeting beauty of life, and I couldn't help but wonder how I could have missed to be a part of it.

"Doesn't compare to your textbooks, does it?" Hanbin remarked, glancing back at me with a playful grin. I could't help but smile back, feeling a sense of liberation wash over me as I took in the beauty of the moment. With a newfound sense of freedom, I released my grip on his seat and spread my arms wide, embracing the wind rushing past us. It was exhilarating, feeling the breeze tousle my hair and dance through my fingers as we pedaled through the park. I couldn't contain my laughter, the sheer joy of the experience bubbling up inside me. Hanbin's smile widened at my laughter, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he continued to pedal along at a leisurely pace.

At that moment, my heart was aflutter with a mix of emotions. The rush of adrenaline from the bike ride mingled with a sense of awe at the breathtaking scenery unfolding before me. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself swept up in the beauty of the Han River, its tranquil waters casting a spell of serenity over my troubled mind.

As I soaked in the tranquil beauty of the river, a wave of introspection washed over me, stirring a sense of longing deep within my soul. Here I was, a mere spectator in the theater of life, content to watch from the sidelines while others dared to embrace the unknown.

In that moment, I realized the extent to which I had been merely existing, not truly living. My life had been a series of routines and obligations, devoid of spontaneity or adventure. I had allowed fear to hold me back, clinging to the safety of familiarity instead of embracing the exhilaration of the unknown.

As I reflected on the missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams that littered my past, a flicker of determination ignited within me. It was time to break free from the chains of my own making, to seize each moment with a newfound sense of purpose and passion.

With each pedal of the bike, I felt a surge of curiosity and excitement coursing through my veins. The world stretched out before me like an unexplored landscape, full of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. And as the Han River flowed serenely beside me, I couldn't help but wonder what other wonders life had in store.

But just as I was lost in the moment, Hanbin's demeanor suddenly shifted. His carefree expression darkened, replaced by a look of concern tinged with urgency. Before I could question him, the sharp sound of a whistle pierced the air, jolting me from my reverie. Hanbin's grip tightened on the handlebars as he began to pedal faster, his movements betraying a sense of urgency that mirrored the tension in his voice.

"Ah, ," he muttered under his breath, his eyes darting ahead with a sense of purpose. Confusion gnawed at me as I glanced over my shoulder, trying to discern the source of Hanbin's sudden alarm.

"Is that the police?" I asked gawking at the scene of a uniformed officer shouting and pointing at us, only for realization to hit me like a ton of bricks. Eyes widening, I looked back at Hanbin as he veered past the public, "Wait, is this illegal?!"

Hanbin only grined mischievously as he shrugged, "Well, I don't plan to find out!"

Just as I was about to protest, he suddenly stood up, paddling even faster, "Hold on tight!"

I let out a strangled scream as the world blurred around us, instinctively clinging to Hanbin's torso for dear life as we zipped past bewildered pedestrians. In my panicked state, I found myself inadvertently getting a hands-on experience of Hanbin's... ahem, physical fitness as his muscles flexed with every powerful pedal . But instead of feeling exhilarated, all I could think about was the impending doom that awaited us if we were to get caught. The thrill of the moment was lost on me as panic gripped my chest like a vice.

As the distant sound of whistles and shouts echoed in the air, my heart leaped into my throat, and I couldn't help but imagine the police charging after us on bicycles like some comically inept circus act. But to my relief, they remained on foot, their efforts to catch us looking increasingly futile against our swift getaway.

As the bike screeched to a halt amid the bustling crowd, Hanbin wasted no time in taking action. He leaped off the bike, his hand immediately finding mine in the chaos. Warmth surged through me at his touch as he propelled us forward, weaving through the throng of people like a pair of escape artists navigating a crowded carnival.

With a sudden jerk, Hanbin yanked me into a small, cramped alleyway, and I gasped as my body collided with his sturdy frame. Before I could process what was happening, the sound of running footsteps grew closer, and Hanbin's arms instinctively wrapped around me, pulling me close. I found myself burying my face into his chest with the logic of a child playing hide-and-seek—if I can't see them, they can't see me.

Despite the chaos and adrenaline pumping through my veins, I felt Hanbin's chest heaving, feeling the steady rhythm of his fast heartbeat beneath my cheek, and I couldn't suppress the thought of what the actual . As we huddled together, pressed against the grimy brick wall, I couldn't decide whether to laugh or panic. Hanbin's arms around me felt oddly comforting, I couldn't decide if I was more concerned about the impending capture by the police or the fact that I was practically nose-deep in Hanbin's hoodie, inhaling a curious mix of sweat and floral fabric softener.

As the sound of the police faded into the distance, I released a shaky breath of relief, my heart still pounding in my chest like it's trying to escape. Hanbin mirrored my gesture, his breath warm against my face as he exhales heavily from the unexpected exertion. I glanced up at him, finding his face just inches from mine, his gaze holding mine captive in a swirl of brown hues and indiscernible emotions.

For a moment, time seems to stand still as we locked eyes, lost in the chaos of the moment and the intensity of our proximity. His gaze was captivating, drawing me in like a moth to a flame, and I found myself unable to look away as I drowned in the depths of his dark eyes, swirling with emotions I can't quite decipher.

A snort escaped me, breaking the spell as laughter bubbled up between us, uncontrollable and infectious. We shared a moment of pure hilarity, our laughter echoing off the walls of the alley like a chorus of joyful chaos. Eventually, we managed to compose ourselves, though the adrenaline still coursed through my veins like a wild river.

"I can't believe that just happened!" I gasped in horror, finally grasping the sheer madness of the moment. Another gasp escaped me as the gravity of the situation sank in, feeling like I stumbled into a sitcom plot gone terribly wrong. "Oh my god, I'm a criminal,"

I looked at Hanbin with wide eyes, trembling at my own ability to sin, "I have to turn myself in! And I'll be executed!""

"Woah, there, drama queen," Hanbin chuckled, his voice laced with amusement as he watched my meltdown unfold. His reassurance did little to calm my frantic nerves, as I gripped my hair in a panic. "Calm down. Nothing is going to happen."

His calm demeanor only added to my hysteria, and I shot him a wild-eyed look. "Easy for you to say! You're not the one facing a lifetime of hard labor in a maximum-security prison!"

"Let's not forget who the mastermind behind this grand escape was," he quipped, his tone light but teasing as he stepped out of the alleyway while I followed suit.

I raised an eyebrow, staring at him with a glare as I retorted, "Oh, believe me, I won't be forgetting anytime soon. I'll forever remember you as the criminal mastermind who roped me into this madness."

Hanbin's grin widened, but there was a hint of mock indignation in his expression, "Hey now, don't go tarnishing my good name," 

"I'll have you know, I'm a man of culture and intellect." he continued, feigning hurt as he palmed his chest. I couldn't help but chuckle at his exaggerated protest, but before I could respond, he dropped the bombshell. "In fact, I have a degree in Korean History."

My laughter died in my throat as I stare at him in surprise.

"Wait, what?" I sputtered, momentarily taken aback by this unexpected revelation. "You? Mr. I'll-Climb-Up-A-Tree-To-Help-An-Imaginary-Cat actually has a degree?"

Hanbin rolled his eyes before nodding smugly, a self-satisfied grin spreading across his face.

"Believe it or not, I do have a few brain cells rattling around up here," he said, tapping his temple lightly. "It's not all just mayhem and rescuing beautiful damsels in distress that fall asleep in my library, you know."

I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief, the term "beautiful" running over my head completely, as a mixture of amusement and admiration bubbled up inside me. Who knew there was more to Hanbin than met the eye? 

"Oh, and by the way," I added, a mischievous glint in my eye, " Thanks, Hanbin. It was fun."

Hanbin's eyes widened slightly at the use of his name, a flicker of surprise passing over his features before a soft smile curved his lips, adding a dimple to his cheek. It was a subtle change, but one that didn't escape my notice. For a moment, there was a warmth in his gaze, a sense of closeness that I hadn't expected.

"Anytime, Sooyoung," he said softly, his voice gentle as he returned my gaze. There was a hint of something deeper in his tone, a quiet sincerity that caught me off guard. I returned his smile just as he continued, "Maybe next time you'll actually crack a skull open."

I snorted, rolling my eyes at him, "Yeah, but I'll make sure it's yours."

He only laughed at my retort, and I couldn't help feeling carefree at the moment as if a lock inside me suddenly unlocked. His laughter felt like a warm embrace, enveloping me in a sense that I hadn't realized was missing. As we walked down the streets, arms brushing against each other, I found myself stealing glances at Hanbin when he wasn't looking, admiring the way the sunlight caught the strands of his hair and the curve of his smile. It was a strange feeling, unfamiliar yet comforting in its own way.

But as the realization sunk in that we were walking in the opposite direction of where we came from, I turned to look at him in confusion, "Hey, what about your bike?"

Hanbin turned his head to look at me, the signature mischievousness returning to his dark brown orbs as he smirked, and I could already feel my heart fall to my stomach as he admitted in a sing-song, "Not my bike."

An exasperated groan escapes me as the realization of bike theft was added to my criminal record. 

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