Driven Crazy

Life unlived

Raesung and Jiwon were doubled over with laughter, their raucous chuckles reverberating off the walls of the cramped club. Their hands clutched their sides, struggling to contain the eruption of amusement that threatened to consume them. The sight of them, barely able to stay upright, made the whole situation even more absurdly comical.

"Did you see their faces?" Jiwon wheezed between fits of laughter, slapping Raesung on the back in sheer glee. "Priceless! Absolutely priceless!"

Raesung nodded vigorously, tears of laughter streaming down his cheeks as he struggled to catch his breath. "I thought Hanbin was going to faint on the spot! Who knew Sooyoung had that in her?"

Meanwhile, I stood there, feeling like I wanted to disappear into the floor, my face burning with embarrassment. Hanbin’s frustration was palpable, his clenched jaw and narrowed eyes betraying his annoyance. He shot his friends a withering glare, but they were too caught up in their mirth to notice, their laughter echoing off the walls like a chorus of hyenas.

"Seriously, you two," Hanbin muttered, his voice tinged with exasperation as he crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently. "It's not that funny."

"Not that funny?" Raesung managed to choke out between snickers, attempting and failing to compose himself. "I half expected you to wet your pants, Hanbin! Sooyoung totally owned them."

"I'm actually going to kill you guys," Hanbin muttered through gritted teeth, his frustration boiling over as he shot another pointed look in their direction.

As the laughter continued to echo around, I couldn't help but feel mortified, my face buried in my hands in a desperate attempt to hide my embarrassment.

"I can't believe I did that," I muttered, my voice muffled by my palms. "I think I need an exorcism."

Hanbin let out a dry chuckle, his tone tinged with irony as he rubbed the back of his neck, clearly trying to regain his composure amidst the chaos of laughter.

"I think I need therapy," he retorted, a wry grin playing at the corners of his lips as he tried to mask his own embarrassment.

Jiwon finally straightened up, his laughter still reverberating through the crowded club like a contagious melody. "Sooyoung, you were like a character straight out of a drama! I mean, the way you just... wrapped yourself around him! Oh, god. It was too good!"

Raesung chimed in, his own snickers adding to the chorus of amusement. "And that line! 'Baby, how about we take this somewhere more private?' Classic!"

I couldn't help but groan, feeling the heat of embarrassment flush my cheeks like a wildfire. "Please, stop. I think I've died of embarrassment twice already."

"Honestly, if Hanbin won't fall for that act, I will," Jiwon joked, his grin widening mischievously as he playfully nudged Hanbin's arm. Hanbin shot him a glare, clearly unamused by his friend's teasing.

"Remind me why I'm here again," Hanbin muttered under his breath, his frustration evident in the way he rubbed a hand over his face, attempting to hide his embarrassment behind a facade of irritation.

"Because you love me!" Jiwon declared with a cheeky grin, throwing an arm around Hanbin's shoulders in a playful gesture. "And seeing that spectacle was the grandest gesture ever!"

Despite his annoyance, Hanbin couldn't suppress a small smile at Jiwon's enthusiasm. It was moments like these that reminded him why he put up with his friend's antics, even if they did sometimes lead to embarrassing situations like this.

As the party surged on, Jiwon vanished into the swarm of guests, leaving Raesung to commandeer the DJ booth. The thumping bass reverberated through the air, amplifying the chaotic energy of the club. I found myself involuntarily glued to Hanbin's side, partly because of his gravitational pull, but mostly because my introverted self couldn't bear the thought of navigating the sea of bodies alone.

In the midst of the swirling crowd, I trailed behind Hanbin, his movements brisk as he weaved through the throng. Whenever I found myself shoved a little too forcefully by the pulsating mass of dancers, Hanbin would instinctively reach out, his hand wrapping around my waist with a firm grip. He'd mutter something under his breath with a stoic expression, almost as if reciting an incantation to ward off evil spirits, before hastily retracting his touch as if I were emitting a dangerous level of static electricity.

Despite his physical closeness, it was evident that Hanbin's mind was elsewhere. Every attempt I made at conversation was met with a distracted nod or a vague response, leaving me feeling like I was attempting to converse with a particularly unresponsive statue.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion mingled with amusement at Hanbin's sudden change in behavior. One moment, he was the epitome of stoic coolness, effortlessly gliding through the crowd with an air of detached confidence. The next, he seemed as flustered as a teenager at their first school dance, desperately trying to maintain his composure in the face of overwhelming sensory overload.

"So, uh, enjoying the party?" I ventured, casting him a sideways glance, hoping to break through the barrier of his sudden awkwardness. Hanbin blinked as if snapping out of a trance, his brows furrowing slightly as he glanced around the crowded club.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. It's... great," he replied, though his tone lacked the usual conviction.

His response was so lackluster that I couldn't help but suppress a chuckle, finding humor in his unexpected discomfort.

"Wow, you sound thrilled," I teased, nudging him playfully with my elbow. He shot me a half-hearted glare, though the corners of his lips twitched in a reluctant smile.

"Yeah, well, parties aren't exactly my thing," he admitted, his admission tinged with a hint of self-awareness.

I raised an eyebrow, unable to resist teasing him further.

"Oh, really? I never would have guessed," I remarked with mock surprise, exaggerating my incredulity for effect.

Hanbin rolled his eyes in response, but there was a glint of amusement in his gaze that betrayed his attempt to feign annoyance. "Ha ha, very funny."

As the night wore on and Hanbin's erratic behavior persisted, a growing sense of frustration gnawed at me. It was like trying to hold a conversation with a distracted toddler or decipher the cryptic messages of an ancient oracle. Enough was enough.

Summoning what little patience remained, I finally decided to take matters into my own hands. With a determined set to my jaw, I reached out and grabbed Hanbin's arm, pulling him aside from the pulsating crowd to confront him about his baffling behavior.

"Hanbin, we need to talk," I declared, my voice cutting through the cacophony of the club. Hanbin blinked, startled by the sudden seriousness in my tone, his expression a curious mix of confusion and apprehension.

"About what?" he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of defensiveness.

"About you," I shot back, my frustration bubbling to the surface like a pot on the verge of boiling over. "What's going on with you tonight? You've been acting weird, and frankly, it's driving me insane."

Hanbin's eyes widened in surprise, his guard momentarily slipping as he struggled to come up with a plausible response.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered, a flush creeping into his cheeks as he attempted to maintain his composure.

"Don't play dumb with me," I retorted, folding my arms across my chest in a gesture of defiance. "What's up?"

For a moment, silence hung heavy between us, the pulsating beat of the music serving as the only soundtrack to our tense exchange. The room felt charged, each heartbeat echoing in my ears as I waited for Hanbin's response. Then, with a defeated sigh, he relented, his shoulders slumping as he finally dropped the facade of indifference.

"It's nothing," he answered curtly through gritted teeth, his tone terse and defensive.

With a raised eyebrow, I pressed for answers, refusing to accept his dismissive reply. "Nothing? Hanbin, you've been about as transparent as a brick wall tonight. Whatever's bothering you, you can tell me."

His eyes flashed with darkness, the tension between us thickening like a storm cloud on the horizon. Before I could say anything more, Hanbin's frustration seemed to reach a boiling point. In a sudden, fluid motion, he cornered me against the wall, his body pressing into mine with an intensity that stole the breath from my lungs.

I could feel the heat radiating from his body, the magnetic pull between us almost tangible. My pulse quickened, my skin tingling where his hand gripped my waist. The world around us seemed to blur, the thumping bass of the music fading into the background as all my senses zeroed in on Hanbin. The look in his eyes was intense, filled with a hunger that made my stomach flutter and my knees weak.

"Sooyoung," he rasped, his voice thick with something I couldn't quite place. "You have no idea what you're doing to me."

The intensity in his eyes made my heart skip a beat. This was a side of Hanbin I hadn't seen before—vulnerable yet fiercely passionate. His usual cool demeanor had crumbled, replaced by a raw, unfiltered need. I struggled to find my voice, my own breath coming in shallow gasps as the reality of our proximity sank in.

My heart raced, my thoughts a chaotic mess. I wanted to push him away, to demand answers, but a part of me was drawn to him, curious about this unexpected side of Hanbin. The tension between us crackled like a live wire, the air thick with unspoken desire. His eyes flickered to my lips, and for a moment, I wondered if he was going to lean in. The thought sent a shiver down my spine, a mix of anticipation and fear.

Confusion swirled within me. Why did Hanbin, of all people, have this effect on me? It was unsettling, this magnetic pull between us that I couldn't quite explain. I cared for him—maybe more than I cared to admit—but the intensity of my feelings scared me. I didn't want to acknowledge the flutter in my chest whenever he was near, the way my thoughts became jumbled when he looked at me like that.

He bit his lower lip, a low, frustrated groan escaping him before he turned away abruptly.

"I'm going to the restroom," he muttered, his voice strained, before leaving me standing there, my heart pounding in my chest.

I watched him walk away, my heart still pounding in my chest, my skin still tingling from his touch. The intensity of the moment left me reeling, my thoughts a jumbled mess of confusion and longing. What had started as a playful evening had suddenly turned into something far more complex and charged. The distance Hanbin had kept all night now made sense, but it left me with more questions than answers. The tension between us was undeniable, and I couldn't shake the feeling that everything was about to change.

Flustered and disoriented, I stepped away from the pulsating crowd, my mind racing with the intensity of what had just happened. Finding a quieter corner, I sank into a plush chair, my heart still pounding. The room around me buzzed with laughter and conversation, but it felt distant, like I was trapped in a bubble of my own confusion and turmoil.

I replayed the moment in my mind: Hanbin's eyes, dark and filled with something I couldn't quite place, his touch searing against my skin, his whispered words echoing in my ears. 'You have no idea what you're doing to me.' The memory sent a shiver down my spine, and I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to make sense of the overwhelming emotions.

What was this hold he had on me? How had he managed to burrow under my skin and twist my heart into such knots? As the night wore on, the answers remained elusive, leaving me with nothing but the echo of Hanbin's words and the relentless beat of my own heart.

"Hey, you okay?" Jiwon asked, his tone light but laced with concern as he pulled up a chair next to me. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I'm good. It's just Hanbin who's being weird," I grumbled, trying to shake off the lingering unease that had settled over me like a heavy blanket. Jiwon raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by my statement.

"Speaking of, where is he?" he asked, glancing around the room in search of our elusive friend.

"He went to the bathroom or something," I replied, feeling a sense of disorientation creeping in as I tried to make sense of Hanbin's sudden disappearance. Jiwon chuckled, a knowing smirk playing on his lips.

"Ah, so he finally exploded, huh?" he said with a snicker, his words cryptic and enigmatic. I furrowed my eyebrows, completely lost as to what he was referring to.

"What?" I asked, genuinely baffled by his comment. Jiwon's eyes twinkled with mischief, as if he was privy to a secret that I was not.

"Don't worry about it," he said, waving his hand dismissively as if to brush off my confusion. Then, with a reassuring squeeze of my shoulder, he added, "Trust me, he'll be good in a few minutes."

I frowned, feeling increasingly frustrated by Jiwon's cryptic remarks. "Wait, Jiwon! What are you talking about?"

But he simply chuckled and shook his head, his laughter trailing behind him as he walked away, leaving me to ponder his mysterious words.

"All I can say is that Kim Hanbin is just a simple man," he called back over his shoulder before disappearing into the crowd, leaving me none the wiser.

I blinked, trying to process his words, but still unable to comprehend the meaning. The pulsating beat of the music felt distant, the vibrant crowd around me fading into a blur as my mind raced.

What did he mean by that? Hanbin's sudden, intense behavior replayed in my head. His eyes, his touch, the way he cornered me—it was all so unlike him. Jiwon's cryptic comment only added to the mystery, leaving me more confused than before.

I sat there, trying to piece it all together. Hanbin had been distant, then suddenly so close, so intense. Jiwon's words echoed in my mind, stirring a mixture of curiosity and frustration. What was going on with Hanbin? And why did Jiwon seem to know something I didn't?

Still confused about what Jiwon had said, I decided to step outside for a breather. The cool night air was a welcome contrast to the stifling atmosphere inside the club. I found a quiet corner near the entrance and leaned against the wall, trying to make sense of everything. Hanbin's weird behavior, Jiwon's cryptic comment—none of it added up.

What could have made Hanbin so frustrated? Was it something I did, or was it something else entirely? I replayed our interactions in my head, searching for clues. As I pondered, the sound of approaching footsteps pulled me from my thoughts.

I looked up to see a girl walking towards me. Her confident stride and the way she carried herself seemed familiar. My heart sank as I recognized her: Han Sohee. The same girl who had been pressuring Hanbin to do substances, and repeatedly called him to pressure him more during his hard days.

"Are you Hanbin's girlfriend?" she asked, her tone dripping with disdain. Wow, rumors spread fast, I thought. Her tight dress hugged her curves perfectly as she looked me up and down, her long eyelashes fluttering by the motion. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms.

I straightened up, meeting her gaze with a mixture of surprise and defiance. "What's it to you?"

A part of me wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. I wasn't Hanbin's girlfriend, but just moments ago, I had pretended to be one to help him out of a tight spot. The idea of continuing the charade in front of Sohee seemed like the best way to keep her at bay. Besides, I couldn't deny the thrill of the moment—the chance to stand up for Hanbin and maybe, just maybe, keep this toxic woman away from him. Either way, I wasn't backing down.

Sohee's eyes narrowed, a smirk playing on her lips. "Just curious. You don't seem like his type."

I scoffed, raising a brow in amusement. What is this, high school? She was clearly trying to rattle me, but I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction. If she thought she could intimidate me, she had another thing coming.

"Well, maybe you don't know him as well as you think," I said calmly with a smirk, my tone dripping with cool confidence. The surge of protective anger bubbled beneath the surface, but I kept it in check, channeling it into my words instead. "And whatever you're trying to do, it's not going to work."

I felt a strange sense of satisfaction standing up to her. The way Hanbin had looked at me earlier, the way he'd trusted me to play along, gave me confidence. I had no idea where this was going, but I wasn't about to let some petty girl mess with him—or me.

Sohee's smirk faltered for a moment before she quickly regained her composure, her eyes narrowing with thinly veiled hostility.

"Oh, I know Hanbin very well," she retorted, her voice dripping with disdain. "And I know what's best for him. Someone like you is just going to hold him back."

I tilted my head, feigning curiosity as I met her gaze head-on. "Is that so? Because from where I'm standing, it seems like you're the one who's been dragging him down, not me."

Her eyes flashed with anger, and she took a step closer, her voice lowering dangerously. "You have no idea what you're talking about. Hanbin needs someone who can keep up with him, someone who understands his world. You’re just a distraction."

I sighed, already fatigued by the lack of capacity in this 's brain. "You know what? I really don't have time to spend on someone who's dragging people down for their own gain."

As I turned to leave, ready to wash my hands of this drama, I felt a sudden yank on my hair, followed by an aggressive shove that sent me crashing back against the wall. Gasping, I watched in disbelief as Sohee's eyes blazed with fury, her usually composed demeanor crumbling away to reveal the raw intensity of her rage. Her petite frame trembled with pent-up aggression, her fists clenched tightly at her sides. She had lost it. 

"Who the do you think you are?!" she screamed, her voice dripping with venom as she advanced towards me with reckless abandon. Her hair was wild, strands falling loose from their carefully arranged style, and her makeup was smeared from the heat of her anger, giving her an almost feral appearance.

I raised my hands defensively, trying to keep her at bay, but she was relentless in her assault. With a fierce growl, she aimed a wild hit at my face, her nails clawing at my skin with vicious intent. The pain was searing as I felt the warm trickle of blood. But I refused to back down, meeting her attack with steely determination. I hit back. 

"Back off, Sohee!" I snapped, my own voice edged with frustration and anger. But she seemed deaf to reason, her eyes burning with an almost manic intensity as she continued to advance, her movements erratic and unpredictable.

Caught off guard by her sudden aggression, I struggled to maintain my balance, my heart racing as I braced myself for her next onslaught. It was clear that Sohee was completely unhinged, consumed by her own rage and desperation. And as she lunged at me once more, I knew that I would have to fight back with everything I had to protect myself from her dangerous outburst.

I tried to dodge her swipes, but her nails managed to catch my arm, leaving red, angry scratches in their wake. I winced but quickly retaliated, grabbing her hair and giving it a hard yank. She shrieked, her hands flailing wildly as she tried to claw at my face again. Desperation fueled my movements as I kicked out, my foot connecting with her shin. She stumbled back, momentarily thrown off balance.

With no real fight experience, it was more of a chaotic scramble than a coordinated battle. We were both driven by raw emotion and instinct, each of us determined not to let the other have the upper hand. Though she was fighting for Hanbin's attention, I was fighting for his dignity. I swung my arm, aiming for her shoulder, but she ducked, causing me to lose my footing and almost fall.

Sohee took advantage of my misstep and charged at me, pushing me against the wall. I grunted as my back hit the hard surface, but I quickly shoved her away, using all the strength I could muster. She staggered, but quickly regained her balance, her eyes wild with rage.

As the altercation escalated, a crowd began to form around us, drawn by the spectacle of two women locked in a heated confrontation. Hanbin emerged from the crowd like a protective force, his expression a mix of fury and concern as he pulled us apart and positioned himself between Sohee and me, shielding me from her wrath.

"What the are you doing, Sohee?!" Hanbin's voice boomed, his tone laced with unmistakable anger as he glared at her.

But Sohee remained defiant, her eyes flashing with unchecked rage as she turned her fury towards him. "Hanbin, she's just a ing distraction! You don't need her! I got what you need!"

Hanbin's jaw clenched, his fists tightening at his sides as he shot Sohee a scathing look.

"I told you I'm done, Sohee! I'm done dealing with all of your ing bull." he retorted, his voice low and seething with barely contained fury.

"But Hanbin, I-"

Before Sohee could continue, I stepped between them, my own frustration boiling over. With a swift motion, I raised my hand and delivered a resounding slap across her cheek, the force of the blow sending her stumbling backward until she crashed to the ground. The impact reverberated through my palm, sending a shockwave of sensation up my arm as Sohee recoiled, her hand flying to her cheek in stunned disbelief. For a moment, time seemed to freeze as we locked eyes, the intensity of the moment hanging heavy in the air.

The crowd fell silent, stunned by the sudden turn of events. Sohee lay there, dazed and defeated, while I stood over her, my chest heaving with exertion but my resolve unwavering. It was clear that I would not let anyone, not even Sohee, threaten the fragile peace I had fought so hard to maintain.

"I ing pity you, Han Sohee," I spat, my voice dripping with contempt. "You're nothing but a pathetic excuse for a human being."

"You're so consumed by your own petty desires that you can't see the damage you're causing to yourself and everyone around you. You're like a parasite, feeding off the misery of others to satisfy your own selfish cravings." I continued, my voice rising with every word, "You think you can manipulate people like puppets on strings, but you're wrong."

Sohee's eyes widened in shock, her mask of arrogance crumbling in the face of my unbridled fury.

"You're nothing but a sad, pathetic little girl who will never know true happiness because you're too busy trying to tear others down to lift yourself up." I declared, my voice ringing out clear and defiant, "I'm not going to let you drag Hanbin down - heck, anyone down with you anymore."

As I spoke, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, the release of my pent-up emotions like a cleansing fire burning through my veins. Sohee's stunned silence was all the validation I needed, a testament to the power of my words and the strength of my resolve.

The crowd murmured in agreement, some nodding in approval while others simply watched with wide eyes, stunned by the intensity of our confrontation. Sohee glared at me, her fists clenched in frustration, but I refused to let her intimidation tactics work.

With one last scathing look, she got up from the ground, her heel, and stormed away, defeated, "This isn't over!" 

But I paid her threat no mind, knowing that I had stood up for what was right and defended the person I cared about. As the tension dissipated and the crowd began to disperse, I felt a sense of pride swell within me. Hanbin deserved better, and I was determined to make sure he got it, no matter what obstacles stood in our way.

If I were the Ahn Sooyoung of a decade ago, I'd have recoiled, cowered, my mind blanking out in the face of impending harm, echoes of past trauma reverberating through every fiber of my being. If I were the Ahn Sooyoung who couldn't defend herself, I'd have allowed her to continue her assault, resigned to the pain, as if it were somehow deserved. But I was not that Ahn Sooyoung anymore.

I was the Ahn Sooyoung who clawed her way through nursing school, who faced down doctors and patients alike with unwavering resolve. I was the nurse who refused to take from anyone, who stood tall in the face of adversity, ready to defend herself and others in need. I was ing Ahn Sooyoung, who had faced her demons, who had battled her past and emerged victorious, with Kim Hanbin by her side every step of the way.

I refused to be a victim, refused to let her tear me down. I was Ahn Sooyoung, and I was done being pushed around.

Turning to face Hanbin, I found him standing there, his expression a mix of relief, gratitude, and something else I couldn't quite place. There was a tenderness in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the courage it took to stand up to Sohee.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, stepping closer and reaching out to gently touch my cheek, his thumb grazing over the spot where Sohee's nails had left angry red marks. I nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"I'm fine," I assured him, feeling a rush of warmth at his touch. "But are you?"

His gaze softened, and for a moment, it was just the two of us, standing in the midst of the chaos, connected by an unspoken understanding.

"I am now," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. He smiled, grabbing my hand in his, "Let's go."

As we left the chaotic scene behind us, Hanbin and I made our way back to my apartment in silence, the weight of what had transpired still lingering in the air between us. Back at my apartment, the tension of the evening began to fade as we settled into a comfortable silence. Hanbin carefully tended to the cuts on my cheek and arms, his touch gentle and reassuring as he cleaned the wounds. Despite the seriousness of the situation, there was a sense of intimacy in the air, a quiet understanding that bound us together in the aftermath of the chaos.

"Who would've thought that you would be the one nursing me?" I said with a chuckle. Hanbin chuckled softly, his eyes meeting mine with a hint of warmth.

"Life has a funny way of turning things around, doesn't it?" he remarked, his voice tinged with amusement.

I smiled, feeling a sense of ease wash over me as I leaned back against the couch, allowing myself to relax in his presence. Despite the chaos of the evening, there was a comforting sense of familiarity in the way Hanbin cared for me, a reminder that no matter what challenges we faced, we always had each other's backs.

"I guess it's your turn to be the hero," I teased, playfully nudging him with my elbow. "Who knew you had such a knack for first aid?"

Hanbin chuckled, his smile widening as he reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Just call me Dr. Kim," he joked, his eyes sparkling with affection. 

As he worked, his expression turned solemn, his brow furrowed in deep concentration. I could tell that there was something weighing heavily on his mind, something he wanted to share but didn't quite know how.

"What's on your mind?" I asked softly, my voice barely above a whisper. He paused, his movements faltering for a moment before he let out a heavy sigh.

"It's just... Sooyoung, there's something you deserve to know," he began, his voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and regret. "About Sohee."

Sohee. The name sent a shiver down my spine, a flood of memories and emotions rushing to the surface. Jiwon had told me of her involvement in Hanbin's troubled past, but I had never dared to ask for the full story. Now, it seemed, Hanbin was ready to share.

"A couple of years ago, back when I still worked for YG, when I was in a really dark place, Sohee... she offered me drugs," Hanbin confessed, his words heavy with remorse. "I was so lost. I felt like I had lost my inspiration for music, I was under constant pressure for my responsibilities, and I didn't know where to turn. So when Sohee offered me an escape, I took it."

My heart sank as I listened to his words, the weight of his confession hanging heavy in the air between us. I knew that Hanbin had struggled in the past, but to hear him speak so openly about his battles with addiction was both heartbreaking and eye-opening.

"I used for a little while," Hanbin continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I knew deep down that it wasn't right, for me or for my family. I tried to stop, Sooyoung. I really did. But Sohee kept pressuring me, even after I made it clear I didn't want anything to do with that lifestyle anymore. She was relentless, always pushing me to go back to those dark days. She kept pressuring me, year after year. I thought I'd never be able to break free."

"But you did," I said. I grabbed his hands, "and I'm so proud of you for that. Fighting the urge to give in to something like that takes immense courage and resilience. You've been through so much, and yet here you are, standing strong. You deserve to see just how far you've come. And I'm so glad you're here, Hanbin. The world is a better place with you in it."

He looked down, a touch of vulnerability in his eyes, and then back up at me. "You always know the right thing to say, Sooyoung."

"It's because I mean every word," I said, giving his hand one last squeeze before letting go. "And I want you to know that no matter what, I'll always be here to support you."

My words hung in the air, the silence between us deafening. As Hanbin finished tending to the cut, he cupped my cheek before looking up at me with a soft smile, his eyes reflecting gratitude and admiration. I reached up, placing a comforting hand on his arm, my heart aching for the pain he had endured.

"Thank you, Sooyoung," he said sincerely, his voice warm with appreciation. "For standing up for me back there. For everything. It means a lot."

His words touched me deeply, and I felt a swell of warmth in my chest knowing that my actions had made a difference to him. It wasn't just about defending him; it was about showing him that I was there for him, through thick and thin. I reached up to squeeze his hand gently, returning his smile with one of my own.

"I told you, Hanbin. I'm your rock. So go ahead and throw me at anyone you'd like."

He chuckled softly, the tension of the earlier confrontation easing between us.

"I'll keep that in mind," he replied, his tone lighter now. "But promise me that you'll never do that again."

I hesitated for a moment, considering his request, before relenting with a playful grin.

"No promises," I teased, earning a mock stern look from him. "Alright, alright. But if they come at me first, I'm putting up my dukes."

He laughed, the sound warm and genuine, before leaning in closer until our foreheads touched. "That's my girl."



As I burst into the boardroom with all the flair of a dramatic entrance, the room fell into stunned silence. All eyes turned to me, their expressions ranging from confusion to amusement as I stood there, water gun held aloft like a weapon of mass mischief.

Hanbin's reaction was priceless. Startled, he turned in his seat, his eyes widening at the sight of me standing there like a water-wielding vigilante. His lips twitched with a suppressed smile, a hint of laughter dancing in his gaze as he watched my antics unfold.

"Sooyoung, what on earth are you doing?" he asked, his voice laced with amusement as he gestured towards the water gun in my hand. With a grin, I squared my shoulders and lifted the water gun higher, pointing it directly at him with mock seriousness.

"I'm kidnapping you, Kim Hanbin," I declared, my tone firm but playful. "You're coming with me, whether you like it or not."

The room erupted into murmurs at my audacious declaration, the tension of the meeting momentarily forgotten in the face of my impromptu performance. Hanbin chuckled along with the others, his eyes twinkling with amusement and a hint of fondness.

I took a step closer, waving the water gun dramatically. "Let's go, Kim Hanbin. No funny business."

He chuckled, his eyes twinkling with disbelief and pride. He playfully put his hands up in surrender, his expression teasing. "Alright, I'm coming with you, just don't hurt me."

Amidst the confusion and concern, one of Hanbin's colleagues spoke up. "But sir, the meeting-"

Hanbin's response was nothing short of brilliant. With a casual shrug and an infectious grin, he dismissed the notion of work with a single phrase: "I'm being kidnapped. Take a day off."

"But the deadline-"

"Day. Off," Hanbin repeated, emphasizing each word with a playful tap on the table. His grin widened, clearly enjoying the chaos.

With that, he stood up, his demeanor light and carefree despite the lingering responsibilities of the office. The room erupted into laughter and applause as Hanbin made his way towards the door, his colleagues sharing amused glances and playful jabs at the unexpected turn of events.

As Hanbin made his way towards me, I couldn't help but feel a surge of exhilaration, my heart racing with anticipation of our upcoming escapade. With a playful glint in his eyes, he reached out to take my hand, his touch sending a thrill coursing through me.

"Lead the way, kidnapper," he said with a chuckle, allowing himself to be pulled along by my playful antics.

I grinned, squeezing his hand, as a rush of excitement coursed through me as we made our escape from the confines of the office.

With a mischievous glint in my eye, I motioned for him to follow me out of the building. Despite the uncharacteristic spontaneity of my actions, I felt a surge of exhilaration as I led Hanbin to the rented car parked just outside. Sliding into the driver’s seat, I couldn't help but grin, my heart racing with a mixture of excitement and nerves. This wasn't like me at all, but something about the look on Hanbin's face made every moment of this absurd adventure feel worth it.

"Where are we going?" Hanbin asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice as he settled into the passenger seat beside me.

"It's a surprise," I replied with a playful smile, the thrill of spontaneity coursing through my veins as I started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. I could feel Hanbin's eyes on me, a mixture of curiosity and amusement in his gaze. It wasn't every day that I took the lead in such a bold, unpredictable way, but the thrill of the moment was contagious. The city lights blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors as we sped away, leaving the seriousness of the boardroom far behind.

The anticipation of our spontaneous adventure bubbled within me. For once, I had thrown caution to the wind, and as we drove toward the unknown, I couldn't shake the feeling that this impromptu journey was just the beginning of something extraordinary.

The cityscape faded behind us as we hit the open road, the wind whipping through the open windows as we ventured further and further away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. With each passing mile, the anticipation grew, a sense of freedom and adventure guiding us toward our destination.

As we neared our destination, the landscape transformed from urban sprawl to picturesque coastal views. The sound of crashing waves grew louder with each passing mile, a soothing melody that beckoned us toward our temporary escape. The beach house awaited us, nestled amongst swaying palm trees and overlooking the endless expanse of the ocean.

"We're here," I announced with a grin, my heart swelling with excitement as I pulled into the driveway. The beach house stood before us, its weathered exterior a testament to the countless memories that had been made within its walls.

With a smile, I turned to Hanbin, excitement dancing in my eyes. "Welcome to paradise."

Hanbin's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the picturesque scene before us, a sense of wonder dancing in his gaze as he turned to me with a smile. 

"Sooyoung, how the hell did you manage to pull this off?" he inquired, his tone filled with genuine curiosity. I chuckled, feeling a sense of satisfaction at his reaction.

"Let's just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve," I replied coyly, not wanting to give away all of my secrets just yet. The truth was, I had spent days meticulously planning this trip. From renting the car to booking the beach house, every detail was carefully arranged. I even roped Hanbyul into the plan, ensuring he packed Hanbin's essentials without arousing his suspicion.

Hanbin raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, whatever you did, I'm impressed. This place looks amazing."

I grinned, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of spending time together in such a beautiful setting.

"Just wait until you see the view from the balcony," I teased, already imagining the memories we would create in our little slice of paradise.

As we entered the beach house, the sound of crashing waves greeted us, instantly soothing our senses. Hanbin followed me eagerly as I led him through the spacious living area, the sunlight streaming in through the large windows, casting a warm glow over everything.

"So, what do you have in store for us?" he asked, his eyes dancing with anticipation as he surveyed our temporary retreat. I grinned mischievously, reveling in the freedom of the moment.

"Absolutely nothing," I declared with a dramatic flourish, enjoying the puzzled look that crossed his face. "Besides getting you absolutely wrecked!"

Before he could even process my words, I whipped out my trusty water gun with a flourish, unleashing a torrent of water in his direction. Hanbin's expression shifted from confusion to sheer disbelief as he found himself drenched from head to toe in a matter of seconds.

His mouth fell open in astonishment, water dripping from his hair, but before he could retaliate, I was already darting away with a mischievous laugh, the sound of his laughter echoing behind me.

"Oh, Sooyoung," he muttered, his voice a playful blend of surprise and amusement. "You're gonna pay for that!"

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