Kim Hanbin, The Intellectual

Life unlived


Eyes widening at the sight of me, Hanbin's lips parted in shock as he still panted from his apparent marathon sprint.

"Sooyoung," he muttered, his voice barely audible above the rush of adrenaline and confusion. His expression was a jumble of emotions, caught between surprise, anxiety, and perhaps a hint of relief buried deep beneath the surface. As for me, a whirlwind of conflicted feelings surged within, mingling with the fiery flames of pure anger and fury threatening to erupt.

I could practically feel a headache brewing, courtesy of this unexpected encounter. It was like stumbling upon a unicorn in the middle of a bustling city—an odd mix of disbelief and wonder.

"Hanbyul," I called out, my tone sharp and commanding, sparking the attention of the mischievous girl. Without moving my gaze from Hanbin, I gritted through my teeth, "get inside."

Noticing the tension crackling between Hanbin and me, a wicked smile spread across Hanbyul's face like a cat that got the cream.

"Oooh, oppa is in trouble!" she sang, her voice dripping with amusement as she merrily started walking towards their house, reveling in the drama unfolding before her. The little troublemaker seemed to thrive on chaos, and I couldn't help but wonder if she had inherited that trait from her brother.

Face paling in what appeared as realization and fear, Hanbin opened his mouth in protest, "No, Byul, don't leave me alone!"

Hanbyul only stuck her tongue out at him, relishing the tormented look on her brother's face like a mischievous pixie. Gaping at his sister's antics, Hanbin looked back towards me, his mouth forming words that seemed to die in his throat at the sight of my glare. He wisely chose silence over whatever ill-advised retort he had been considering.

A sheepish smile spread across his face, his hand instinctively coming up to rub the back of his neck.

"Long time no see?" he murmured unsurely, his voice tinged with a hint of awkwardness.

At that, the flames within me seemed to go ablaze with fury. Without saying a word, I gritted my teeth, grabbed the man by the ear, and dragged him away as he yelped in surprise. His eyes widened in shock as he stumbled along, clearly caught off guard by my sudden display of aggression. But I was beyond caring about his discomfort—I had some words to exchange, and I wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily.

"Ow, ow, ow! Sooyoung!" Hanbin yelped, his face contorted in pain, his hand instinctively reaching for his ear in a futile attempt to ease the discomfort. Finally far enough from his house, I let go of him, huffing with frustration as I released my grip. As Hanbin pouted and rubbed his ear tenderly, I shot him a withering glare, my eyes practically shooting daggers into him.

"Long time no see?" I echoed mockingly as I crossed my arms, incredulous at his audacity. Hanbin stared back at me, his expression resembling that of a scolded puppy, which only fueled my irritation.

"Are you ing kidding me right now, Kim Hanbin?" I snapped, the words escaping through clenched teeth, my frustration boiling over. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

"Do you have any idea how long I waited to just hear anything from you?" I seethed, my voice trembling with anger. "I was terrified that something had happened to you, and you just..."

My voice faltered, choked by the weight of unshed tears. The thought of Hanbin in harm's way sent a shiver down my spine, a relentless ache gnawing at my heart.

As I spoke, a whirlwind of emotions swept through me—anger, frustration, fear, and beneath it all, an overwhelming sense of relief at the sight of him standing before me. But right now, all I could focus on was the burning question: Why did he leave me to suffer in silence?

Eyes widening in alarm, Hanbin instinctively closed the distance between us, his hands reaching out in a gesture of comfort.

"Oh, no, no, no. Don't do that," he pleaded softly, his voice filled with genuine concern and regret. But despite his heartfelt plea, my anger burned too fiercely, an inferno fueled by the fear and frustration that had consumed me in his absence. As much as I longed for his reassurance, I couldn't bring myself to accept it so easily. The wounds were too fresh, the hurt too deep, and his sudden reappearance stirred up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within me.

The tears frustratingly built up in my eyes, each drop carrying the weight of my exasperation and disappointment. They welled up relentlessly, threatening to spill over and betray the turmoil raging within me. With each blink, I felt the frustration intensify, a silent testament to the anguish I had endured during Hanbin's absence. These tears were not just tears of sadness; they were tears of pent-up emotion, of unanswered questions, of the ache of longing for reassurance and understanding. They spoke volumes, revealing the depth of my frustration and the struggle to contain it within the confines of my trembling facade.

His eyes, captivating and enigmatic, held a mixture of concern, gentleness, and an underlying depth that seemed to draw me in. Like pools of midnight ink, they shimmered with emotions that were both comforting and unsettling. In their depths, I could sense a tenderness, a longing, and a silent plea for forgiveness, yet they remained elusive, as if concealing secrets and desires beyond my comprehension. Despite the turmoil between us, I couldn't deny the beauty of his gaze, a mesmerizing blend of warmth and uncertainty that left me conflicted and vulnerable.

His big, warm hands finally came in contact with my face, his touch as gentle as a whisper, tentative yet filled with an unspoken longing to ease my pain. With each of his thumbs, there was a careful tenderness, as if he feared breaking the fragile barrier of my emotions. His touch spoke of a silent apology, a plea for forgiveness, yet it was laced with an unmistakable hesitance, as if he feared overstepping boundaries he wasn't sure existed.

"Don't cry, beautiful. Please, don't," he murmured, his voice filled with desperation. But his touch only fueled the fire of my anger, each gentle feeling like a mockery of the pain he had caused me. With the frustration built up inside me, I balled my hands into fists as I struck his chest, the tears spilling like a waterfall.

"You absolute horse ," I cursed him, my voice trembling with a mix of rage and sorrow, the words escaping in a raw outburst of emotion. Each hit was a release of the pent-up worry that he had left me with in the absence of his contagious presence. And with each hit, I could feel his body tense, but it wasn't my blows that hurt him—it was the pain he had inflicted upon me. "Why would you do that to me?"

Cursing under his breath, he sighed, his arms quickly enveloping me in a tight embrace as I continued to strike his chest in anger. His face buried into the nape of my neck as I sobbed, the warmth of his breath a stark contrast to the chill of my anger.

As his arms tightened around me, pulling me close, I felt the tension in my fists dissipate, replaced by the overwhelming weight of his sincerity. With my fist falling limp by my side, I sobbed into his chest, feeling the steady thump of his heart against my forehead, a comforting rhythm amidst the chaos of our emotions. 

The anger that had once consumed me slowly dissipated, replaced by a sense of comfort as I breathed in his familiar scent. With each breath, his warmth enveloped me, soothing the ache of my heart and calming the storm within my soul. And as I nestled closer to him, his arms wrapped around me protectively, I knew that despite the pain of his absence, his presence was the only remedy I needed.

"Where were you?" I whispered out exhaustedly, the weight of my words carrying the fatigue of uncertainty and longing. Each syllable seemed to hang in the air, heavy with the weight of unanswered questions and unspoken fears, as I sought some semblance of understanding in his embrace.

Hanbin's voice was soft, tinged with regret as he replied, "I was lost, Sooyoung. Lost in my own thoughts, my own fears. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just... I didn't know how to face everything."

As Hanbin's words washed over me, laden with remorse and vulnerability, a surge of powerlessness rose within. His admission painted a vivid picture of inner turmoil, of battles waged silently, away from my reach. It was as if he was standing at the edge of a vast ocean of troubles, yet instead of reaching out for the lifeline I offered, he chose to brave the waves alone.

The realization hit me like a sudden storm, stirring a whirlwind of emotions. Anger and disappointment clashed within me, fueled by the understanding that Hanbin had shut me out, retreating into the shadows of his own mind. Despite my readiness to stand by his side, to share his burdens and soothe his fears, he had chosen isolation.

The frustration gnawed at me, a relentless ache in the depths of my being, as I grappled with the notion of being kept at arm's length. Why couldn't he see that I was here, willing to weather the storm with him? But as he held me tight, searching for a sign of understanding, a sense of disappointment washed over me, mingled with a tinge of sadness at the distance he maintained.

I shook my head, biting my lip as I tried to suppress another sob, "Then stop trying to face everything alone!"

My words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of my plea. I searched his eyes, hoping to convey the depth of my longing for him to lean on me, to share his burdens rather than carrying them alone. His eyes flickered with bewilderment, his gaze shifting between mine as I balled the shirt around his waist in a tight fist, silently urging him to understand the significance of my words.

"Do you not trust me?" I whispered, the ache in my voice betraying the depth of my longing. It wasn't merely a question; it was a plea, a desperate reaching out for him to lean on me as he had let me lean on him. For a moment, silence stretched between us, heavy with unspoken emotions, as he wrestled with his response.

"I do trust you, Sooyoung. More than you know," he whispered, his voice soft and resolute, "I just couldn't bear the thought of burdening you with my troubles."

His words held a sincerity that cut through the tension like a ray of light in the darkness. But even as he spoke, it seemed like a whirlwind of conflicting emotions churned within him, a silent battle between his desires and realizations. His words were a silent promise hanging in the air like a delicate thread.

"But I'm not going to run away anymore. I'm not going to leave you."

His words carried a weight of determination, a solemn vow that resonated deeply within me, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows of uncertainty. As Hanbin's promise hung in the air, a sense of relief washed over me, soothing the raw edges of my emotions. With a steadying breath, I leaned into his embrace, finding comfort in his warmth and the reassurance of his presence. 

Feeling the fear of his absence lingering, I tightened my grip around his waist, as if holding onto him with all my strength would anchor him to this moment. Sensing my apprehension, Hanbin gently leaned down and rested his chin on top of my head, his gesture a silent reassurance that he wasn't going anywhere.

The simple act sent a wave of warmth through me, melting away the remnants of doubt and fear. But as quickly as the warmth came, it was replaced by a surge of pent-up frustration and anger.

Without a second thought, I balled my hands into fists and delivered a sudden, forceful blow to his stomach. The impact was enough to double him over with a groan, catching him completely off guard.

"What was that for?!" Hanbin groaned breathlessly, his arms instinctively shielding his core in case another fist struck him. Forcefully wiping the tears from my face, I scowled at him, my frustration still simmering beneath the surface.

"That's for making me take care of you when you were sick, only for you to leave without saying anything," I retorted, my voice edged with bitterness. And then, without warning, I delivered another whack to his head, causing him to groan once more. "And that's just because you deserve it!"

"Damn, Sooyoung," he gasped, staring at me in disbelief, though his expression quickly shifted to one of amusement. "You've grown so feisty since I last saw you."

"Don't make me hit you again," I deadpanned, my tone stern, causing his amused face to morph back into one of fear as he took a large step back, as if anticipating imminent danger.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, his voice filled with contrition, to which a teasing smirk grew on my face. His apology was accepted, but not without a painful reminder of the consequences of his actions.


"Wow, you actually look intellectual right now," I remarked, eyeing Hanbin's unusual choice of lounging on the grass with a book in hand. It was a sight so out of character for him that I couldn't help but tease. Hanbin, usually the epitome of rebellion and spontaneity, had surprised me by opting for a quieter afternoon in the park. Today, he had decided to shake things up by immersing himself in literature. And being his appointed adventure apprentice, that meant pulling me along for the unexpected ride.

The sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees above us, casting dappled shadows across the grassy expanse of the park. It was a perfect day for lounging outdoors, with a gentle breeze stirring the leaves and carrying the faint scent of freshly trimmed grass.

"Well, that's a rude way to start a conversation," he replied, his voice tinged with amusement as he sat up from the blanket, the book momentarily forgotten in his hand. His tousled hair ruffled slightly in the breeze, and the sunlight caught the highlights in his dark locks, giving them a warm, golden hue.

"May I remind you of my degree?" he added with a smirk, adjusting his glasses with a casual flick of his wrist. Despite his relaxed demeanor, there was a certain air of confidence about him, as if he were fully aware of his own charm and intellect.

Rolling my eyes, I settled down beside him on the blanket, reaching for the cold drink I had brought along. With a teasing smirk of my own, I handed it to him, enjoying the playful banter between us. "I'm not sure I believe that anymore."

His eyebrows shot up in mock offense, but there was a twinkle of amusement in his eyes as he accepted the drink, lips twitching with a suppressed counter.

"You wound me," he said dramatically, accepting the drink. "And what do you mean you don't believe it? Do I need to bust out my diploma?"

"You were never in Mr. Yoo's classes, so it's hard to believe," I countered, grinning mischievously. Hanbin raised an eyebrow, feigning indignation as he lowered his glasses to peer at me over the frames.

"So you're saying that you actually took notice of me during high school?" he teased, a playful twinkle in his eyes. I couldn't help but smack my tongue at him, feigning annoyance.

"Well, it wasn't exactly hard to ignore you after you glued my skirt to the chair," I shot back, recalling one of his infamous pranks. His sheepish grimace was all the confirmation I needed.

Hanbin chuckled, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Okay, fine, you caught me. I only got that degree in Korean history because of a stupid bet with my friends."

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his confession, shaking my head in disbelief. "You're telling me you spent years studying Korean history just to win a bet?"

He shrugged, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Hey, it seemed like a good idea at the time."

I rolled my eyes, still chuckling at his audacity. "You're unbelievable, Hanbin."

He flashed me a playful grin, shifting so he could rest his head on my lap. "But you love me anyway, right?"

My heart skipped a beat at his casual remark, panic seizing me for a moment. Did he just...? He was probably just joking, right? Did he mean what I think he meant? No, he couldn't have meant it like that. Could it be possible that he saw something more in our relationship, something I wasn't ready to acknowledge?

No, I couldn't allow myself to entertain such thoughts. We were just friends, or at least that's what I kept telling myself. I couldn't deny the warmth that blossomed in my chest at the thought of Hanbin's playful grin, his head resting comfortably in my lap. But along with that warmth came a sharp pang of fear, a fear of admitting to myself the feelings I had long buried beneath layers of denial.

Our relationship had always existed in a gray area, undefined and unexplored. We weren't friends, not in the traditional sense, but we weren't strangers either. We were something in between, something neither of us had dared to put a label on.

And now, with Hanbin's casual remark hanging between us like a delicate thread, I found myself teetering on the edge of a precipice, unsure of whether to take the plunge into the unknown or retreat back into the safety of familiarity.

With a forced laugh, I brushed off his words, attempting to play it cool despite the tumult of emotions swirling within me. But deep down, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that his question had struck a nerve, awakening a truth I wasn't ready to confront.

"Love you? Please, I barely even tolerate you." I replied, my voice coming out a little too high-pitched for comfort. "You wish."

As I retorted with a playful jab, my voice edged with a hint of nervousness, I watched as Hanbin's smile faltered ever so slightly. His reaction was a delicate balance of amusement and confusion, his eyebrows furrowing in a moment of contemplation. Did I just ruin the moment? Was he actually serious?

The uncertainty gnawed at me, my heart racing as I second-guessed my response. Maybe I had misread the situation entirely, and my attempt at humor had fallen flat. But as I met his gaze, searching for any hint of disappointment or frustration, I found only a flicker of something else—puzzlement.

"Ouch," he said, pretending to clutch his heart in mock pain. "That hurts, Sooyoung. Right here."

As Hanbin's playful response echoed in the air, I couldn't help but release a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. His theatricality, a familiar comfort in moments of tension, served as a welcomed distraction from the unspoken question lingering between us. With a hint of relief, I allowed myself to be swept along by the lighthearted banter, burying the underlying truth beneath layers of playful jest.

But beneath the surface, the uncertainty still gnawed at me, a persistent reminder of the uncharted territory we dared not venture into. I cast a fleeting glance at Hanbin, his features softened by the golden hues of the setting sun, and wondered if he, too, harbored doubts masked by a facade of amusement.

Yet, for now, I chose to push aside those lingering thoughts, content to bask in the fleeting warmth of our shared moment. After all, some questions were better left unanswered, and some truths better left unexplored.


I sighed dramatically, my hair transforming into a wild tangle of knots as the Seoul summer breeze swept through it like a tornado. Of course, on a Friday night in this city, chaos reigned supreme, with people stumbling around like drunk penguins trying to find their way to the next watering hole. Meanwhile, here I was, still rocking my fashionable ensemble of -stained scrubs that had seen better days, desperately longing for the tranquility of my humble abode.

Dodging the occasional drunkard who veered dangerously close to tripping over their own feet, I couldn't help but marvel at the stark contrast between their glamorous attire and my less-than-glamorous ensemble.

"Who needs designer labels when you've got scrubs?" I muttered to myself, trying to find solace in the fact that at least my outfit was timeless.

As I trudged along the dimly lit streets, my mind couldn't help but drift back to Hanbin and the whirlwind of adventures we'd shared over the past few days. Despite my best efforts to push him to the back of my mind, his image danced tantalizingly at the forefront of my thoughts, a constant presence I couldn't seem to shake.

I couldn't deny the warmth that spread through me at the memory of his infectious laughter and mischievous grin. The way his eyes sparkled with mischief whenever he roped me into one of his spontaneous escapades. It was as if he possessed some secret magic that turned even the most mundane moments into something extraordinary.

But just as quickly as the warmth enveloped me, a cold shiver of realization washed over me like a bucket of ice water. No, I couldn't allow myself to entertain such thoughts. Hanbin was nothing more than a passing acquaintance, a temporary blip on the radar of my otherwise mundane existence.

I shook my head, as if physically trying to dispel the lingering traces of his presence from my mind. This was ridiculous. I was Ahn Sooyoung, the clinical nursing extraordinaire, not some starry-eyed schoolgirl pining over a guy she barely knew.

With a mental shake, I forced myself to focus on the task at hand—getting home safely and putting an end to this absurd train of thought once and for all. After all, there were far more important things to worry about than some fleeting crush on a reckless rebel like Hanbin.

As I rounded the corner onto a quieter street, the faint echo of my own footsteps was accompanied by the distant hum of laughter and chatter. Glancing ahead, I noticed a group of figures loitering at the end of the street, their voices carrying on the night breeze with a certain rowdy edge.

My steps faltered slightly as I approached, instinctively wary of the drunken antics that often accompanied such gatherings. Ignoring the uneasy flutter in my stomach, I quickened my pace, hoping to slip by unnoticed and avoid any potential confrontation.

But luck was not on my side that night, as one of the men in the group seemed to spot me approaching. With a loud guffaw, he nudged his companions, their drunken laughter growing louder as they turned their attention towards me.

"Hey there, sweetheart! Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" slurred one of the men, his words punctuated by a raucous burst of laughter from his friends.

My heart skipped a beat as I felt their eyes boring into me, their drunken gaze filled with a predatory gleam that sent a shiver of unease down my spine. Instinctively, I tightened my grip on my bag, my mind racing as I searched for an escape route.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to get home," I muttered, attempting to keep my voice steady despite the rising panic in my chest.

But the men seemed undeterred by my response, their laughter growing louder as they closed in, their drunken swagger making it clear that they had no intention of letting me pass without a fight. 

The man's voice cut through the night air like a sharp blade, tinged with a sinister edge that sent shivers down my spine. His words dripped with an unsettling charm, a facade that barely masked the danger lurking beneath the surface.

"Ey, the night is still young," he drawled, his grin stretching across his face like a predator sizing up its prey. "How about joining us for a little fun?"

His companions loomed in the shadows behind him, their presence casting an ominous aura that made my blood run cold. It dawned on me with a sinking feeling in my stomach that I had stumbled upon more than just a group of rowdy drinkers – these men were trouble, plain and simple.

As the reality of the situation sunk in, a wave of fear washed over me, threatening to overwhelm my senses. I knew I had to tread carefully, to choose my next words wisely if I wanted to escape unscathed from this encounter.

His words hung in the air like a dark cloud, thick with insinuation and menace. I felt a chill run down my spine as I backed away, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and indignation.

"No thanks," I replied curtly, trying to keep my voice steady despite the tremor of unease that threatened to betray my bravado.

But the man seemed undeterred by my refusal, his grin widening into a predatory smirk as he took a step closer, his alcohol-laden breath hot against my skin.

"Aw, don't be like that, sweetheart," he slurred, reaching out to grab my arm in a vice-like grip. "We just wanna have a little fun, that's all."

Panic surged through me as I struggled to break free, the weight of his hand like an anchor dragging me down into the depths of despair. With each passing moment, the situation grew more dire, the laughter of his companions ringing in my ears like a cruel taunt.

Desperation clawed at my chest as I frantically searched for an escape route, my mind racing with fear and uncertainty. In that moment, all I could think about was getting away, getting back to the safety of my own home where I could lock the door and shut out the world. For a brief moment, I longed for the numbness of anti-depressants, the artificial calm they offered in the face of overwhelming emotions. But there was no escape, no easy way out of this nightmare. With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I realized that I was alone, trapped in a situation that seemed all too familiar

As the man's grip tightened, I realized that escape might not be so easy. In the blink of an eye, my world had been turned upside down, the shadows of the night closing in around me like a suffocating embrace.

With each passing second, I felt the walls closing in, the darkness threatening to swallow me whole. The man's grip tightened, his foul breath hot against my cheek, and panic surged through me like a tidal wave.

"Let go of me," I managed to get out, but only as a low whisper than anything else. I struggled against his hold, my heart pounding in my chest as I desperately searched for a way out. Fear gripped me like a vice, squeezing the air from my lungs, and for a moment, I felt utterly helpless.

Then, just as despair began to settle over me like a suffocating blanket, a sound shattered the silence of the night—a sharp crack, followed by the thud of impact. The man's grip loosened, his attention momentarily diverted, and I turned to see Hanbin standing there, his fist still clenched from the punch.

There was a dangerous glint in his eyes, a silent promise of violence held in check by a thin thread of restraint. His jaw was clenched, the muscles in his arms taut with tension, and for the first time, I realized just how menacing he could be when pushed to the edge.

"Get your ugly, disgusting hands off her," he growled, his voice barely above a whisper but laced with a lethal edge that left no room for argument. His dark eyes burned with an intensity that sent a chill down my spine, and for a moment, I felt as though I was staring into the depths of a storm. My breath caught in my throat as I watched him, a mixture of fear and awe coursing through me. I had only seen this side of Hanbin once before—the steely determination, the ferocity in his gaze. It was as if he had tapped into some primal instinct, unleashing a side of himself that I had never imagined existed.

This was not the Hanbin I knew—the playful, carefree spirit who always had a joke or a smile at the ready. No, this was someone else entirely—a dark, menacing presence that seemed to tower over us all.

Finally realizing the gravity of the situation, I gasped, my heart hammering in my chest as I took a step back, my eyes wide with shock and fear.

"Hanbin!" I yelped, my voice trembling with disbelief. The man who had been struck chuckled from where he lay on the ground, blood staining his face and a tooth rolling from his lips as his friends helped him back to his feet.

The air crackled with tension, a palpable sense of danger hanging heavy in the air as Hanbin faced off against the men who had threatened me. And in that moment, I knew that things were about to get ugly.

"That was a dumb idea, young boy," the man sneered, his voice laced with arrogance as he tried to regain some semblance of control over the situation.

But Hanbin remained eerily calm, his eyes narrowing into icy slits as he took another step forward, closing the distance between them. "Maybe," he replied, his voice low and dangerous, "but it's nothing compared to the mistake you're making right now."

The man's bravado faltered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features before he quickly masked it with a defiant smirk. "We'll see about that," he spat, bracing himself for whatever came next.

With a surge of energy, the tension exploded into action as fists flew and bodies collided in a chaotic whirlwind of violence. Hanbin moved with fluid grace, his movements swift and precise as he countered every attack with calculated efficiency.

Amidst the chaos, I found myself frozen in place, unable to tear my eyes away from the brutal spectacle unfolding before me. Each blow landed with a sickening thud, accompanied by grunts of pain and shouts of anger.

But despite the odds stacked against him, Hanbin remained unyielding, his determination unwavering as he fought to protect me from harm. It was a terrifying display of raw power and primal instinct, leaving me both awestruck and horrified.

And as the dust settled and the last of the assailants retreated into the night, I was left standing amidst the aftermath, shaken but unharmed. Beside me, Hanbin stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion as he surveyed the scene with a steely gaze. 

In that moment, I realized just how dangerous he truly was, a force to be reckoned with in a world that showed no mercy. And yet, despite the violence that surrounded him, there was a flicker of something else in his eyes—a glimmer of tenderness that spoke of a deeper, more complex truth.

As I looked at him, I couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath the surface of his enigmatic demeanor, and what secrets he held hidden within the depths of his soul. But one thing was for certain—whatever demons haunted him, I was determined to stand by his side, come what may.

As Hanbin finally snapped out of his trance, his gaze softened into one of tenderness and concern as he reached out, his large hands gripping my shoulders gently. Despite the chaos that had just unfolded, his touch was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the violence that had surrounded us moments ago.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern as he scanned my form for any signs of injury. His eyes, once filled with a dangerous intensity, now held only warmth and compassion, a testament to the depth of his care for me.

Heart still pounding in my chest, I found myself momentarily speechless as I met his gaze, the events of the night replaying in my mind like a broken record. But as his question registered, I shook myself out of my daze, my concern shifting to him.

"I'm fine, Hanbin!" I yelped, still shocked, "The question is, are you?!"

Hanbin's grip tightened slightly, his eyes flickering with a mixture of relief and lingering tension. A small cut marred his cheek, a thin trail of blood marring the otherwise smooth surface of his skin. His knuckles were bruised and scraped, evidence of the force with which he had fought to protect me. But despite the visible wounds, there was a resilience in his stance, a quiet strength that belied the pain he must have endured.

"Let's get you to the hospital," I insisted, my voice laced with concern as I reached for his arm, ready to guide him to safety. But Hanbin remained rooted to the spot, a weary smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Sooyoung, I'm fine," he reassured me, his voice soft but firm. "Just a few scratches."

I couldn't help but scoff, my worry overshadowing any attempt at humor. "A few scratches? Hanbin, you look like you just went ten rounds with Dwayne The Rock Johnson!"

He chuckled softly, his thumb brushing gently against my cheek in a fleeting gesture of reassurance. "Well, you know me, always attracting trouble wherever I go."

Despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn't suppress a laugh at his self-deprecating remark. "Yeah, that's one way to put it."

"Let me at least clean up your wounds," I insisted, feeling a surge of protective instinct as I looked at Hanbin's injured hands and face. Reluctantly, he agreed to walk home with me, and as we made our way through the dimly lit streets, I couldn't help but feel a sense of security with him by my side.

Gone was the primal intensity that had flickered in Hanbin's eyes during the altercation. In its place was a quiet calmness, a reassuring presence that enveloped me like a shield against the dangers of the night. With each step, I felt a growing sense of safety, knowing that Hanbin was by my side. His once primal nature, the fierce intensity that had both captivated and unnerved me, now seemed distant, replaced by a gentleness that I had grown to know.

As we walked, I couldn't help but steal glances at Hanbin, the tension of the earlier encounter now replaced by a sense of ease in his presence. His usual rebellious demeanor seemed to have melted away, leaving behind a quiet strength that radiated from him like a protective shield.

As Hanbin settled onto my couch, I fetched the first aid kit with practiced efficiency, determined to tend to his wounds with care. With gentle hands, I cleaned the scrapes and cuts on his skin, mindful of his comfort and well-being.

Despite his stoic facade, I noticed a flicker of discomfort in his eyes as the antiseptic stung his raw skin. Suppressing a wince, Hanbin remained remarkably composed, his jaw clenched in silent determination. I couldn't help but admire his resilience, even in the face of pain.

"Sorry," I murmured, my voice laced with apology as I continued my ministrations. "I'll try to be more gentle."

Hanbin offered a faint smile, his eyes softening with gratitude. "It's alright, Sooyoung. I trust you."

As Hanbin uttered those simple words, his words filled me with a sense of warmth, and a wave of gratitude and relief washed over me like a gentle breeze on a hot summer day. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, knowing that Hanbin had chosen to lean on me for support, if only for a moment. For so long, I had yearned for Hanbin to lean on me, to share his burdens and fears without reservation. And now, as he lay before me, entrusting me with his wellbeing, I felt a profound sense of gratitude and validation. It was as if he had lifted a weight off my shoulders, allowing me to finally exhale after holding my breath for far too long.

With each gentle touch and tender word, I savored the opportunity to care for him, to be the source of comfort and solace that he needed.

His eyes traced my every movement, lingering on me with a soft gaze filled with a warmth that sent shivers down my spine. Despite the coolness of the room, the heat of his body radiated to mine as he sat close, our proximity igniting a subtle but undeniable tension between us.

With each touch, a silent exchange of longing passed between us, unspoken words hanging in the air like a tantalizing promise of something more. As I tended to his wounds, the tenderness in his gaze spoke volumes, stirring emotions within me that I dared not name.

As I dabbed at his wounds with gentle care, I couldn't resist a playful jab.

"You'll have to pay me for all the extra hours I spend treating you, you know?" I teased, glancing up to meet his gaze.

Cocking an eyebrow, His eyes sparkled with amusement, a soft chuckle escaping his lips like a melody that danced in the air.

"Oh, really?" he replied, his tone light and teasing, the warmth of his gaze melting away any lingering tension. "And what's the going rate for medical services these days?"

I feigned a contemplative expression, tapping my chin thoughtfully.

"Hmm, let's see... How about a lifetime supply of your mom's cooking?" I suggested, a mischievous glint in my eye. His smile widened, a warmth spreading between us like the gentle glow of candlelight.

"Deal," he agreed, his voice filled with sincerity. "But only if you promise to forever be my personal nurse."

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