Rock Hard Determination

Life unlived

The night wore on with our usual banter, the air filled with the sound of our laughter echoing off the walls of my apartment. I found myself leaning into Hanbin's warmth, his lap a comfortable pillow for my head as we lost ourselves in the rhythm of our conversation.

Despite the events of the evening, there was an undeniable sense of peace that settled over us, a shared understanding that we were in this together, facing whatever challenges life threw our way as a team.

In that moment, with Hanbin's gentle touch and playful spirit by my side, the worries of the world seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the warmth of companionship and the promise of tomorrow.

"You went to Jeju?" I echoed in surprise. His fingers gently twirled the strands of my hair as he chuckled sheepishly, his eyes dancing with amusement.

His chuckle was like a soft melody, weaving through the air and wrapping around us in a comforting embrace. As his fingers continued their gentle dance through my hair, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth in my chest at the sight of his amused gaze.

"Yeah, it was kind of a spontaneous trip," he confessed, his voice carrying a hint of sheepishness as he glanced up at the ceiling, as if lost in the memory of his adventure. "But it was nice, you know? Just... getting away from everything for a while."

His words painted a picture of carefree exploration and spontaneous adventure, and for a moment, I found myself transported to the sun-kissed shores of Jeju Island, basking in the tranquility of the moment. The topic of conversation, a subtle inquiry into his whereabouts during his absence, hung in the air between us, unspoken yet understood. With Hanbin's playful spirit and the gentle caress of his touch, the worries of the world seemed to melt away, leaving only the warmth of affection.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Hanbin exploring the picturesque island of Jeju, his carefree spirit finding solace in the beauty of nature. It was moments like these, when his guard was down and his heart open, that I felt closest to him, connected by an invisible thread that bound us together.

"Did you get what you needed?" I asked tentatively, my voice a whisper in the quiet intimacy of the moment. As Hanbin's deep and enigmatic gaze met mine, a myriad of emotions swirled in their depths that danced like constellations in the night sky. 

In that fleeting exchange, it felt as though time stood still, the world fading away to leave only the two of us suspended in a universe of our own making. And in the quietude of that shared gaze, I sensed that Hanbin had found his answer, but not in the distant shores of Jeju. 

"No," he smiled softly, his lips curving into a gentle arc that held a hint of mystery, as if he were holding back a secret known only to him. The warmth of his smile enveloped me, stirring a curious flutter in the depths of my being. "I realized that I didn't need to go that far."

As the words hung in the air between us, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a deeper significance to Hanbin's words, a hidden truth waiting to be unearthed. With each passing moment, the mystery only seemed to grow, casting a tantalizing allure that beckoned me to delve deeper into the enigma of his spell. And so, I let the thought linger within me, like a puzzle begging to be solved, eager to uncover the meaning behind his cryptic revelation.

"You should go to sleep, Sooyoung," he advised in a murmur, his voice low and husky, his tone laced with amusement. His words sent a shiver down my spine, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he poked the soft flesh of my cheek. "It's not wise to be home alone with a man in the middle of the night."

As his words hung in the air, a tantalizing tension enveloped us, stirring something deep within me. Beneath the surface banter, I sensed a genuine concern for my well-being, his subtle invitation echoing with an unspoken promise of protection and comfort.

His words broke through the haze of my thoughts, pulling me back to the present moment with a gentle insistence. I blinked, momentarily disoriented, before his playful smirk brought a hint of amusement to my lips. 

"Yeah, you're probably right," I conceded with a soft chuckle, feeling the warmth of his touch on my cheek. "Wouldn't want the neighbors to start spreading rumors."

With a teasing twinkle in his eyes, Hanbin leaned closer, his breath tickling my ear as he whispered, "And here I thought you enjoyed scandalizing the neighborhood."

An electric thrill surged through me at the intimate proximity, a tantalizing hint of something more lingering in the air between us. Despite the playful facade, there was an undeniable undercurrent of tension, a magnetic pull drawing us closer with each whispered word.

As Hanbin's whispered words hung in the air, a charged silence enveloped us, thick with unspoken emotion. In that suspended moment, I felt like I was teetering on the edge of something profound, my senses heightened and my heart pounding in my chest.

His gaze bore into mine, intense and searching, and I found myself unable to tear my eyes away from his. It was as if time had slowed to a crawl, allowing me to savor the intensity of the connection between us.

But just as I gathered my thoughts to respond, the shrill sound of Hanbin's phone shattered the fragile bubble of intimacy, jolting me back to reality with a jarring force. Startled, I blinked rapidly, the sudden intrusion disrupting the delicate balance of the moment.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I struggled to regain my composure, my mind reeling from the abrupt shift in the atmosphere. It was as if I had been rudely awakened from a dream, the lingering traces of warmth and vulnerability quickly dissipating in the wake of the interruption.

With a self-conscious shift, I sat up from Hanbin's lap, casting a furtive glance at him as he reached for his phone. But instead of answering the call, his expression darkened in an instant, his once mischievous eyes clouded with an unspoken turmoil. Without a word, he declined the call and tossed the phone aside, the action sharp and decisive.

The sudden change in Hanbin's demeanor sent a ripple of unease through me, a gnawing sense of apprehension taking root in the pit of my stomach. Something had shifted, something that lay just beyond the reach of my understanding. And as I watched him in silence, a thousand questions clamored for attention, but the words remained trapped in the depths of my throat, swallowed by the weight of uncertainty.

I could only speculate that the caller was Sohee, perhaps once again attempting to lure Hanbin back into the clutches of temptation and self-destruction. The mere thought sent a shiver down my spine, stirring a mixture of concern and apprehension for Hanbin's well-being.

With a surge of determination coursing through me, I knew I couldn't let him spiral into the depths of whatever thoughts were plaguing him. With a resolute nod to myself, I made a silent vow to distract him, if only for a moment, from the weight of his troubles. 

"Hanbin," I called out, my voice breaking the silence of the room and pulling him out of his own dark bubble. I bit my lip nervously, my fingers fidgeting with each other as I gathered the courage to speak. "How about you stay the night?"

His reaction was immediate and unmistakable. Eyes widened, his mouth fell open, his cheeks flushing a bright shade of red. It was as if my words had caught him off guard. Embarrassment danced in his gaze as he struggled to find his words, caught off guard by the unexpected offer.

"Sooyoung," he stammered, his voice wavering with uncertainty, a mixture of disbelief and hopeful anticipation swirling in the air between us. His eyes darted nervously, searching for some semblance of reassurance in the dimly lit room. Gulping audibly, he swallowed his hesitation, his gaze flickering to mine as if seeking confirmation.

"Do you understand what you're saying?" His words came out slowly, punctuated by a nervous tremor, betraying the startled nerves that danced beneath his surface calm. 

Eyes widened, my cheeks flushed crimson as the implications of my words sank in, my heart pounded erratically in my chest. Panic surged through me as I realized the unintended suggestion behind my invitation. Frantically, I began to backtrack, my words stumbling over each other in a desperate attempt to clarify.

"Oh, no, no! I mean, yes! No, I mean..." I blurted out, my hands gesturing wildly in a futile attempt to undo the awkwardness that hung heavy in the air. "I just meant... I..."

My attempts at explanation only seemed to make matters worse, my mind racing to salvage the situation as Hanbin watched me with a bemused expression, his lips quirking into a playful grin. I sighed, biting my lip at my failed attempt to cheer him up. 

"Will you trust me?" I asked, my voice soft yet earnest, hoping that my sincerity would convey the true depth of my intentions. Hanbin looked at me amusedly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"Always," he affirmed, his voice carrying a quiet confidence that resonated within me. With a soft smile, I reached out to grasp his hand, a silent gesture of gratitude for his unwavering trust. As I led him through the dimly lit corridors of the apartment building, a sense of rebellion tingled in the air, fueling my determination to make this night memorable.

As we ascended the steps, the air grew thick with anticipation, the thrill of breaking the rules mingling with the exhilaration of the unknown. With each step, I felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins, propelling us forward toward the forbidden territory that awaited us atop the rooftop. Finally reaching the door, I hesitated for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest as I glanced back at Hanbin.

"Sooyoung, are you sure about this?" Hanbin's voice held a hint of caution, his eyes flicking to the bold red sign warning against trespassing. But there was also a glimmer of excitement in his gaze, a shared anticipation for the adventure that lay ahead. I squeezed his hand reassuringly, my own excitement bubbling over as I met his gaze.

"Live a little, yeah?" I echoed his words from countless adventures past, a playful challenge dancing on my lips.

At that, Hanbin's smile widened, his eyes alight with a mix of amusement and awe. In that moment, the thrill of rebellion mingled with the warmth of companionship, urging us forward into the unknown.

With a deep breath, I pushed open the door, the cool night air wrapping around us like a comforting embrace. Hand in hand, we stepped onto the rooftop, greeted by the breathtaking sight of the city skyline painted against the canvas of the night. A sea of twinkling lights stretched out before us, each one a beacon of life and energy pulsating through the urban landscape.

Releasing Hanbin's hand, I couldn't resist the urge to twirl and spin in the open space, my laughter mingling with the gentle breeze that rustled through my hair. The city below hummed with the melody of life, the distant sounds of traffic and conversation blending into a harmonious symphony of urban living.

As I tilted my head back, the starlit sky unfurled above us like a vast tapestry, its depths swirling with an infinite array of colors and constellations. The moon cast its silvery glow over the scene, bathing everything in a soft, ethereal light that seemed to shimmer with magic.

In that moment, I felt small yet infinitely connected to the universe, a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things yet filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty that surrounded us. It was as if time stood still, allowing us to bask in the magnificence of the night and the boundless possibilities it held.

As I spun in the open space, reveling in the freedom of the night, Hanbin's voice broke through my laughter with a teasing tone.

"Careful, Sooyoung," he called out, his voice carrying a playful edge. "You might just fly away with all that spinning."

Taken aback by his unexpected comment, I paused mid-twirl, turning to shoot him a playful glare. But before I could respond, Hanbin surprised me by swooping in and lifting me effortlessly off the ground, his laughter mingling with mine as he twirled us around, his movements fluid and graceful despite the weight of my body in his arms. I let out a squeal of surprise, my arms instinctively wrapping around his neck as he hoisted me up, our laughter mingling in the cool night air. The world blurred into a whirl of lights and laughter as we twirled under the starry sky, the rooftop becoming our own private dance floor.

But soon, the force of our twirling became too much, and with a final burst of laughter, we stumbled and collapsed onto the rooftop, side by side.

As we lay there catching our breath, the adrenaline of our impromptu dance still coursing through our veins, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Hanbin. His eyes sparkled with mirth, his smile lighting up the darkness around us. In that moment, with the city spread out before us and the stars twinkling overhead, I felt an overwhelming sense of contentment wash over me.

Hanbin's laughter danced in the air, a melody that harmonized with the gentle rustle of the night breeze.

"You surprise me every day, Miss Ahn," he chuckled, his eyes tracing the constellations above as if seeking answers in their celestial dance, the stars reflecting in the vastness of his own dark galaxy. Grinning, I felt a warmth spread through me at the sight of his smile.

"What can I say? I learned from the best," I replied, my voice laced with playful banter.

Hanbin's contented sigh mingled with the gentle sounds of the buzzing city below, a symphony of ambiance that enveloped us in its embrace. Turning his head to look at me, his eyes glimmered with a depth of gratitude that tugged at my heartstrings.

"Thank you," he whispered, his voice soft yet resonant with sincerity. As Hanbin's gratitude washed over me, I understood the unspoken significance behind his words. It wasn't merely a thank you for a simple gesture as bringing him to my rooftop; it was an acknowledgment of the light I had helped him find in the midst of his darkness. And as I gazed into his eyes, filled with a depth of emotion that mirrored my own, I felt a swell of gratitude in return.

"I want to be a rock," I declared, the words slipping from my lips with a hint of whimsy that caught Hanbin off guard. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, probably thinking I was delirious, but a playful glint danced in his eyes, amused by the sudden declaration.

"A rock?" he echoed, his eyes alight with curiosity and amusement. I couldn't help but chuckle, recognizing the perplexity in his expression.

"Do you remember when you asked me what I would choose to be if I could be anything in the world?" I inquired, observing as his gaze flickered with recognition, albeit reluctantly nodding. "You said you'd want to be Earth itself."

"Yeah, I remember," he replied, his voice tinted with nostalgia, a gentle smile forming at the corners of his lips as he reminisced about our past conversation. I

"And if you're going to be the earth," I continued, a glint of excitement shining in my eyes, "then I want to be a rock."

"Imagine," I began, my voice filled with a sense of wonder, "being able to experience the natural effects of time, weather, and the elements shaping you, molding you into something beautiful and unique. To stand tall and proud, rooted firmly in the earth, letting nature freely take its course, knowing that with each passing day, you become a testament to the passage of time."

I paused, the image of a starlit sky etched in my mind. "And when dusk falls, watching as the sky transforms into a canvas of colors, painting a masterpiece that takes your breath away. To witness the world in all its glory, knowing that you are an integral part of it, unwavering and unyielding."

Glancing at Hanbin, I couldn't help but smile. His eyes held a mixture of awe, amusement, and gratitude, silently acknowledging the depth of my words. Without uttering a single syllable, he gazed at me with tenderness, his expression conveying a profound sense of appreciation and affection.

"If you're the earth, then I want to be a rock in your world," I declared, my voice steady and resolute.

"Through all the storms and sunrises, I'll stand firm by your side. Come whatever may, throw it at me. I won't budge."


The throbbing bass of the club's music could be heard from blocks away, a stark reminder of the night ahead. Neon lights flashed intermittently, casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the pavement. Hanbin and I exchanged a glance, our mutual reluctance evident.

"This is going to be... something," Hanbin muttered, his voice barely audible over the thumping bass of the club. I watched, mesmerized, as he adjusted the collar of his shirt with a fluidity that bordered on hypnotic. His movements were graceful, almost unreal, drawing my attention to the way his collarbones peeked through the fabric, accentuated by the chains hanging around his neck. I couldn't help but feel a flutter of attraction deep in my chest, mixed with a healthy dose of disbelief. 

He looked... good.

"Way too good," I mumbled, my voice barely above a whisper as I tore my gaze away, feeling a flush creep into my cheeks. Hanbin shot me a sideways glance, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

"Did you say something?" he asked, his voice low and husky, sending a shiver down my spine. It was then that I realized just how alluring and seductive he looked, effortlessly commanding attention with every move. 

Great, Sooyoung. Way to keep your thoughts to yourself.

"N-no, nothing," I stammered, my face growing warmer by the second. I ducked my head, hoping the dim lights of the club entrance would hide my embarrassment. Hanbin chuckled softly, the sound sending another shiver down my spine.

"Alright then, let's get this over with," he said, his hand lightly brushing against my as he guided me towards the entrance. His touch was electric, making it even harder to focus on anything but him.

The bouncer gave us a once-over and nodded us through. As we stepped inside, the full force of the club's atmosphere hit us. Bodies everywhere, brushing and bumping into each other, both accidentally and deliberately. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, alcohol, and a hint of expensive perfume. Strobe lights flickered overhead, adding to the chaotic atmosphere.

Jiwon spotted us from across the room, his eyes lighting up with recognition amidst the sea of faces. With a wide grin, he made his way over, weaving effortlessly through the throng of dancers.

"Yo! You made it!" Jiwon boomed through the loud music, grabbing Hanbin's hand and pulling him into a shoulder bump.

Hanbin laughed, returning the gesture with equal enthusiasm. "Of course, man. We on the same page."

I offered a small smile, feeling a bit out of place amidst the enthusiastic partygoers. Jiwon turned his attention to me, his grin widening, "Pretty Sooyoung! Good to see you! Come on, let me introduce you to everyone."

I glanced at Hanbin, who gave me an encouraging nod. We followed Jiwon deeper into the club, weaving through the crowd. The pulsating music and flashing lights made everything feel surreal, almost dreamlike. My senses were overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of it all.

Jiwon led us to a VIP section, where a group of familiar faces from YG Entertainment were gathered.

"Ayo, B.I! What's good, man?" someone called from the seats, their voice carrying over the music as they greeted us with cheers and raised glasses. The crowd welcomed us into the fold with an infectious energy that, despite my initial discomfort, began to ease my nerves slightly. The warmth of their reception was reassuring, and I started to feel more at ease in the vibrant, chaotic atmosphere.

Hanbin stayed close, his presence a comforting anchor in the chaotic environment. He leaned in, his breath warm against my ear as he spoke. "You doing okay?"

I nodded, though my heart was still pounding from the sensory overload. "Yeah, just... a lot to take in."

He smiled reassuringly. "Stick with me. We'll get through this together."

I nodded, grateful for his support. I found myself relaxing bit by bit, enjoying the company of friends and the infectious energy of the celebration. Occasionally, people from YG Entertainment would come up to Hanbin, exchanging brief words or sharing a laugh. He handled each interaction with ease, his charm and confidence never wavering. Despite the interruptions, he always returned to my side, making sure I never felt left out or uncomfortable.

Despite the chaos, there was a certain charm to the night, and I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of belonging, especially with Hanbin by my side. 

"Hey, B.I!" a guy called out, his voice cheerful and bright as he gave Hanbin a playful nudge, "Long time no see, man!"

Hanbin grinned, returning the gesture.

"Good to see you, bro." Hanbin greeted with a grin, then turned to me, his hand resting gently on my back. "Sooyoung, this is Raesung, aka Millenium. He's one of the best producers at YG."

Then he gestured towards me.

"This is Sooyoung, she's my..." Hanbin hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering with uncertainty before his lips and coughing slightly as he trailed off. His pause was brief, but it spoke volumes, reminding me of the unspoken complexity between us. "Sooyoung. The nurse."

Raising an amused eyebrow, Raesung extended his hand to me, his eyes sparkling with friendly curiosity as he teased. "Nice to meet you, My Sooyoung The Nurse. Any friend of Hanbin's is a friend of mine."

I chuckled as I shook Raesung's hand, feeling a bit awkward as I caught Hanbin's sheepish expression.

"Just Sooyoung is fine." I said with a chuckle, trying to keep my voice steady despite the unease.

Raesung's smile widened as he glanced between us. "So, how do you two know each other?"

I exchanged a quick, slightly uncomfortable glance with Hanbin. The unspoken tension between us was palpable, a reminder of the undefined nature of our connection. Despite the shared moments and undeniable chemistry, we had yet to put a label on whatever it was that existed between us.

Hanbin hesitated for a moment before offering a response, his tone cautious.

"We're just... good friends," he replied, his words tinged with a hint of uncertainty that mirrored my own feelings.

"Yeah, just friends," I echoed, feeling the flush creep into my cheeks as I tried to mask the tumult of emotions swirling within me. It was a simple answer, yet it felt inadequate in capturing the complexity of our relationship.

Raesung chuckled, sensing the awkwardness but choosing not to press further. "Well, I'm glad you're here, Sooyoung. Let's make it a night to remember."

As I forced a smile in response, I couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty gnawing at the edges of my consciousness. Despite our attempts to downplay it, the undeniable connection between Hanbin and me lingered like a shadow, casting doubt on the simplicity of our supposed "friendship".

"Why don't we take a shot to commemorate?" Raesung suggested eagerly, already fumbling to find a pair of shot glasses. However, as soon as Hanbin shot him a glare, Raesung's enthusiasm faltered, and he giggled sheepishly. "Or maybe not."

The humor in the situation wasn't lost on us, especially considering Hanbin's reputation as a lightweight drinker. Raesung's eagerness to dive into the festivities was met with Hanbin's silent protest, and we couldn't help but share a knowing smile at the unspoken understanding between them.

As we joined the others in the VIP section, the awkward moment lingered between Hanbin and me, but his reassuring presence and the warm welcome from his friends made it easier to relax. 

Put aside the fact that Hanbin no longer worked for YG Entertainment, he still mingled effortlessly with others, his charismatic personality drawing people towards him like moths to a flame. With a quick wit and a charming smile, he navigated the social scene with ease, engaging in animated conversations and sharing laughs with old friends and acquaintances alike. Even in a setting where he was no longer professionally bound, Hanbin's presence commanded attention and respect, a testament to his enduring charisma and magnetic charm. 

"Hey, we can't have a YG Party without a performance from the former YG prodigy, am I right?!" Jiwon declared, raising his glass of beer high. The rest of the group chimed in, cheering and clinking their glasses in agreement. The energy in the club surged, the excitement palpable as they rallied around Hanbin. I watched in surprise and amusement as the cheers grew louder, the whole club joining in to celebrate Hanbin's talent and success.

As Jiwon's suggestion hung in the air, the excitement among the group intensified, their eager anticipation palpable. I watched with bated breath, my curiosity piqued, as Hanbin hesitated, his reluctance evident despite the enthusiastic encouragement from his friends.

Part of me couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of seeing Hanbin perform. I had heard snippets of his talent, witnessed the passion he poured into his music behind closed doors. The idea of him showcasing his skills on stage, in front of a crowd of a cheering crowd, sent a thrill coursing through me.

But another part of me couldn't shake the unease that gnawed at my insides. I knew how much pressure Hanbin was under, how much he struggled with the expectations placed upon him. The last thing I wanted was for him to feel obligated to perform, to put on a show for the sake of appeasing others.

As Hanbin's resolve wavered under the weight of their insistence, I found myself torn between conflicting emotions. Part of me wanted to urge him to stand his ground, to prioritize his own comfort and well-being above all else. But another part of me couldn't deny the flicker of excitement that ignited within me at the thought of witnessing his talent firsthand.

In the end, as Hanbin succumbed to the peer pressure and agreed to take the stage, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. I hoped, with all my heart, that he would find joy and fulfillment in sharing his music with others. But I also feared the toll it might take on him, the vulnerability of baring his soul to a crowd of strangers.

As the cheers erupted around us and the crowd urged him forward, I braced myself for whatever lay ahead, ready to stand by his side no matter what.

I turned to see Jiwon grinning as he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, his eyes alight with confidence.

"Don't worry," he said, his voice filled with reassurance. "He's in his element."

His words offered a glimmer of comfort, a reminder that Hanbin was more than capable of rising to the occasion. Despite my lingering apprehension, I couldn't help but find solace in Jiwon's unwavering belief in his friend's abilities. Nodding in acknowledgment, I forced a small smile, though the knot of worry in my stomach remained. 

As the music began to pulse through the club, a contagious energy swept through the crowd, setting the atmosphere ablaze with anticipation. The beat throbbed in perfect harmony with the rhythmic pounding of my heart, each pulse drawing me deeper into the mesmerizing spectacle unfolding before me.

Then, with a sudden surge of confidence, Hanbin stepped onto the stage, his presence commanding the attention of every person in the room. The music swirled around him, wrapping him in its electrifying embrace as he began to rap with effortless precision. His lyrics flowed like poetry, weaving a vivid tapestry of emotions that resonated with each listener in the crowd.

With each word, Hanbin's voice grew stronger, more impassioned, until it reverberated through the club like a thunderclap. His movements were fluid, almost sensual, each step a testament to his mastery of the stage. He danced with a raw intensity, his body moving in perfect sync with the pulsating rhythm of the music.

As Hanbin's performance reached its zenith, his gaze swept through the crowd, searching, until his eyes locked with mine. In that electrifying moment, it felt as though the rest of the world faded away, leaving only the two of us suspended in a timeless embrace.

His eyes, ablaze with passion and intensity, bore into mine with unwavering determination, as if seeking solace in the depths of my gaze. It was as if he was singing to me, his words carrying a hidden message meant for my ears alone. 

Only you, who is so breathtakingly beautiful, makes me breathe
You make me fly without wings, 
You are my ethics, my law, my world,
You say you need a true love,
Someone to kiss and hug you,
You feigning for some touching
I could be all that and above, 
I just hope that I'm enough,

'Cause I don't ever do this

In that moment, everything else faded into insignificance, leaving only the two of us, united by the unspoken bond that pulsed between us. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as I watched him, spellbound by his performance. And as our eyes remained locked in a silent exchange, I knew that this was a moment I would carry with me forever, a memory to cherish in the quiet moments when the world grew still.

As Hanbin's last verse echoed through the pulsating atmosphere of the club, the crowd erupted into a frenzy of applause and cheers, their voices blending into a cacophony of admiration.

"B.I! B.I! B.I!" The energy was palpable, crackling in the air like electricity as the chant of Hanbin's name reverberated off the walls.

I stood there, utterly speechless, my heart pounding in awe of the spectacle unfolding before me. Jiwon flashed me a triumphant grin, his words lost in the deafening roar of the crowd, but his meaning clear: "I told you so."

Raesung, ever the voice of insight, chimed in beside me, his expression filled with reverence and pride.

"There's a reason they used to call him TigerBin The Prodigy," he remarked, his voice barely audible over the din. "Hanbin has practically trained every YG trainee ever since he joined."

The realization hit me like a wave crashing over me, washing away any doubts or reservations I may have had. Hanbin's talent was undeniable, his presence commanding the attention of everyone around him. As I watched him bask in the adulation of the crowd, a sense of pride swelled within me, knowing that I had the privilege of witnessing his brilliance firsthand.

"Oh no," Jiwon's voice cut through the celebratory atmosphere, drawing my attention away from the lingering euphoria of Hanbin's performance.

I followed his gaze, my eyes narrowing in concern as I spotted Hanbin surrounded by a small group of beautiful girls. They laughed and flirted with him, their laughter tinkling like wind chimes in the stuffy air. Occasionally, one of them would reach out to touch his arm, a gesture that made my stomach churn with unease, though I couldn't quite pinpoint the source of my discomfort.

An amused yet concerned expression crossed Jiwon's face, his brows furrowing slightly as he observed the scene before us. 

Raesung burst out laughing, his amusement evident as he exclaimed, "Someone has to save him!"

I glanced at him, puzzled by his reaction. From where I stood, it seemed like Hanbin was enjoying the attention, basking in the adoration of his admirers. Jiwon caught my puzzled expression and offered a knowing smile.

"Look closer," he advised, his voice low yet filled with a hint of amusement.

Frowning, I turned my gaze back to Hanbin, studying him more closely this time. And as I observed the subtle nuances of his body language, I began to notice the small details that betrayed his discomfort. The forced smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, the way he shifted nervously from foot to foot, as if eager to escape the attention that surrounded him.

I couldn't help but find the situation downright hilarious. There stood Kim Hanbin, aka the legendary B.I, the epitome of a lady killer and swagger, yet here he was, as awkward as a penguin on roller skates when faced with a group of beautiful women. It was a spectacle that would have had me doubled over with laughter if I wasn't trying so hard to stifle it.

Jiwon caught my amused expression and chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he shook his head in mock disbelief.

"This is why he's chronically single," he quipped, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. His tone dripped with both amusement and affection, as if he couldn't quite believe his own words.

"I almost feel bad for him," I said with a chuckle, unable to contain my fascination at the sight.

Jiwon's eyes lit up with mischief as he leaned in closer, lowering his voice conspiratorially. I could already sense the forbidding shadow of dread creeping over me, signaling that my pride might be at stake.

"I've got an idea," he said, his grin widening. Oh no. This did not sound promising.

Cut to the scene, I sighed before straightening my posture, determined (although, very much reluctant) to execute Jiwon and Raesung's impromptu plan. With purposeful strides, I made my way toward Hanbin, the pounding rhythm of the club and the girls' shrilling giggles echoing in my ears. As I reached him, I didn't hesitate wrapping my arms around his waist with a feigned confidence that masked the nervous flutter in my stomach.

Hanbin's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of confusion and amusement flickering across his features as he looked down at me. I met his gaze with a playful glint in my eyes, mustering every ounce of flirtatious charm I could summon. It was as if Ahn Sooyoung, the nurse, had been acutely possessed by a succubus, unleashing a side of me I didn't know existed. And honestly, by the end of the night, I wouldn't have been surprised if someone suggested I needed an exorcism to rid myself of this newfound boldness.

"Well, well, well, look who I found," I purred, my voice dipping low and husky as I leaned in closer to him. The scent of his cologne enveloped me, sending a shiver down my spine as I pressed myself against him. "Didn't expect to see you surrounded by so many admirers, baby."

Hanbin blinked in disbelief, his cheeks flushing slightly as he struggled to regain his composure.

"Sooyoung, what are you doing?" he whispered, his voice barely above a breathless murmur. Ignoring his question, I leaned in closer, playing along with the charade.

"Just thought I'd come to rescue my poor, helpless boyfriend from the clutches of these vultures," I teased, punctuating my words with a playful wink and ending it with a tap on his nose. "Wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea now, would we?"

As I leaned in, our faces mere inches apart, the tension crackled between us, electric and charged with an undeniable magnetism. Or was it the succubus reacting to the scent of a man? Idk. 

Sensing the girls' uneased gazes, I knew I had to take things up a notch.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were still here," I said, turning towards them with a smirk. Placing a hand on Hanbin's chest, I purred seductively, "Baby, how about we take this..."

I trailed off as I stared back up at him, mustering the most seductive eyes I could manage and bit my lower lip, "somewhere more private?"

With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I held my breath, waiting to see how Hanbin would react to my bold move. And react he did. A visible gulp betrayed his sudden realization of what I was implying. Who needs Hollywood when you've got a nurse with a smile brighter than the sun and a heart full of darkness? After all, we're experts at putting on a brave face, even when battling our own internal trauma.

I held his gaze, my heart pounding in my chest, a rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. It was a risky move, one I hadn't entirely thought through, but in that moment, all I could focus on was the intensity of the connection between us (and hoping to whatever heavenly being that Hanbin would finally ing realize what's up).

As Hanbin's eyes darkened, finally realizing the game I was playing, and a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. Without missing a beat, he pulled me closer by the waist, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through me.

"Yeah, let's go, babe," he murmured, his voice low and enticing, sending a tingle of excitement coursing through me. Had I not known better, I would have probably asked 'damn, boy, what are we?'. 

Together, we turned away from the bewildered group of girls, their stunned expressions a testament to the success of our performance. With each step we took, the world around us faded into the background, leaving only the electrifying tension between us.

Glancing back over my shoulder, I couldn't help but send the girls a mischievous smirk.


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