I always thought that you loved me



new fanfic.. er.. actually is a continuation I hope your will still continue to give me comments.. (:


see you guys at the new site.. (:


Lil_property saying good bye.. (:

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llamalove #1
This is freakin sad!!! u bastard Jaejoong.
Mary517 #2
aww...this ended no bueno. i mean it was an unhappy ending.<br />
but i'm not sad...this gives jongber a chance ;D <br />
anyhoo...off to read the sequel ^___^
Mary517 #3
i don't think ppl should stay together 'for the kids' .....it will lead to more drama yrs later.<br />
Amber ...divorce him....jae doesn't deserve you...jjongy is in love with you....stay with him ^___^
Mary517 #4
WTF....jaejoong...you douchebag.....how dare you cheat on amber! <br />
rawr...i'm very upset with jae at the moment >.<"
Mary517 #5
dang...for not wanting to be a burden on jae....or being scolded.....chilling in the hospital for a week was totally not the answer....tsk tsk..these two. i'm glad they got it out of their system though....hopefully they'll be okay.
Mary517 #6
just so you know...when you say 'amber's pov' ...you should use 'i' instead of 'you' <br />
and amber being mad over jae is quite ridiculous cuz its so petty. hopefully they don't get into a heated argument....xD
Mary517 #7
jaejoong and amber's marriage seems tough. and their kids miss their appa. i hope workaholic jae will come to his senses before amber finds comfort in jjongy. not that i mind jongber =P <br />
anyhoo...gotta keep reading ^__^
aidaruka #8
I like it,,, thanks for this ff,,, I like them both hohohoohohoh
BassLover16 #9
YUHGYERWYEU .....wae?....why is it like this? I was just starting to like the pairing of JaeBer!