
I always thought that you loved me

Over at Jonghyun's place, Amber caught up with a few of her closer friends and drank some alcohol. Knowing that Jaejoong wouldn't like it, Amber asked Jonghyun if she could sleepover for the night amazingly he agreed. Around two o'clock the next morning, everyone left the mansion except for Amber and Jonghyun who were asleep.

Next morning:

Amber woke up and felt abit drowsy and had a slight headache. She slowly made her way down and ask for a cup of water and some vitamin C tablets. After taking the vitamin C tablet, Amber had her breakfast. Not long after, Jonghyun came down to take his breakfast. He offered to send her back home.

On the way back Jonghyun asked you how the kids were doing since he could hardly see them with his busy schedule.

'The boys are fine. Last night, Jae Hwa was crying wanting Jae to tuck him in bed.'

'Typical, I guess that's how the younger one would do just to catch his father's attention. Haha.'

'Sounds like someone did the same thing to get his father's attention.'

It was only a 10minutes drive from Jonghyun's place to Amber's place. Amber invited Jonghyun to come in but Jonghyun had a CF to do. With that they bid their goodbyes.

While waiting for the kids to come back, Amber went to clean their toys and change their bed sheets. She looked at the clock and it was only 2pm in the afternoon.

Amber's POV

'I should go to the gym since it was a long time since I went there.'

You went to pack your bag and drove to the usual club house. You did your usual runs and did some weight lifting (the small dumbbells).


You turned your head and saw Danson.[I’m Back ft. Amber ]

‘What you doing here?’

‘Err, are you asking the obvious Danson?’

‘Not that. Shouldn’t you be at home and taking care of the kids?’

‘Later at 5pm.’

‘Okay. Take care; I got to go off for the next class. Bye.’

Danson ran off into one of the classrooms. You stayed in the gym till 4pm and made your way back home.

End of Amber’s POV


‘Coming,’ shouted Amber. As Amber open the door, both her cute sons ran into their rooms and wait for Amber to shower them. Amber laughed at her two cute sons while closing the door, but a hand suddenly appeared and made Amber screamed. Both Jae Sun and Jae Hwa came running to their mother.

‘Eomma, what happen?’

Jaejoong quickly stepped into the house and close the door, looking at his wife worriedly.

‘Huh? *looking at her kids* Nothing, eomma go prepare for you’re the water okay. Jae, can you get the clothes for the kids and bring them to the bathroom later.’

Amber went to the bathroom and prepared bathing water for both her sons.

‘Appa, is eomma angry?’

‘I don’t think so Jae Sun. Okay, go into your room now. Appa will choose clothes for you and Jae Hwa.’

Over at Amber’s side, ‘Stupid Jaejoong! Scare me for what? Argh!’

Jaejoong bath the two kids, while Amber went to change her clothes for dinner at some restaurant. Throughout the whole trip, Amber did not talk to anyone. Even when Jae Sun and Jae Hwa were fighting over toys, Amber did not even scold them. Jaejoong felt that Amber was acting weird, but he didn’t want the kids to hear their conversation.

lets just skip dinner, caused no one actually talked.

Since it was a holiday the next day, Jaejoong brought the kids to his parents place for 2days 1night. Besides that, he wanted to have another child with Amber. He also needed to talk to Amber about what happened just now.

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llamalove #1
This is freakin sad!!! u bastard Jaejoong.
Mary517 #2
aww...this ended no bueno. i mean it was an unhappy ending.<br />
but i'm not sad...this gives jongber a chance ;D <br /> to read the sequel ^___^
Mary517 #3
i don't think ppl should stay together 'for the kids' will lead to more drama yrs later.<br />
Amber ...divorce him....jae doesn't deserve you...jjongy is in love with you....stay with him ^___^
Mary517 #4 dare you cheat on amber! <br />
rawr...i'm very upset with jae at the moment >.<"
Mary517 #5
dang...for not wanting to be a burden on jae....or being scolded.....chilling in the hospital for a week was totally not the answer....tsk tsk..these two. i'm glad they got it out of their system though....hopefully they'll be okay.
Mary517 #6
just so you know...when you say 'amber's pov' should use 'i' instead of 'you' <br />
and amber being mad over jae is quite ridiculous cuz its so petty. hopefully they don't get into a heated argument....xD
Mary517 #7
jaejoong and amber's marriage seems tough. and their kids miss their appa. i hope workaholic jae will come to his senses before amber finds comfort in jjongy. not that i mind jongber =P <br />
anyhoo...gotta keep reading ^__^
aidaruka #8
I like it,,, thanks for this ff,,, I like them both hohohoohohoh
BassLover16 #9
YUHGYERWYEU .....wae?....why is it like this? I was just starting to like the pairing of JaeBer!