Amber and Jaejoong

I always thought that you loved me
Amber and Jaejoong has been married for 3 years already. Amber decides to follow her dream and become a kindergarden teacher and as for Jaejoong, he took the position of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) General Manager (GM) in his father's company. They have two very cute boys, Kim Jae Sun (Respect and Goodness) and Kim Jae Hwa (Respect and Beauty) aged 2 and a half years old and 18months respectively. Their lives were what everyone wanted - a perfect family.
4th year of their marriage Jaejoong's father past away. This made Jaejoong very stressed and soon he became a workaholic. He would only come back home at least after 2am the next morning and leave home at 7am, sometimes he won't even come back. Amber tried explaining to her children that their father is just busy with work and not because they are too noisy and don't want them. Jae Sun was closer to his mother and did not ask for Jaejoong anymore, since he was more sensible but Jae Hwa still cried for Jaejoong every night. Some times, Jaejoong has to bring back work to do just for his younger son.
'Eomma, what time is appa coming back?'
'Jae Sun, appa is going to come home very late. You go sleep first okay?'
'Good night eomma..' with that Jae Sun went to his room.
After 15minutes, Amber heard cries from her sons room. She hurried over and open the door, carried Jae Hwa to the living room hoping that it will not disturb Jae Sun.
'Eomma, where appa? I want appa!!'
'Jae Hwa, appa is working. You want power ranger right? Appa needs money to buy them so appa is working very hard to get them.'
'I don't want power ranger, I want appa!! APPA!!!'
While trying to get Jae Hwa to sleep, you gave Jaejoong a call.

[conversation with Jaejoong]
'Amber, I'm kinda busy now. Can you wait till I get home?'
'I was going to ask you that question, what time are you getting back. Jae Hwa is asking for you.'
'WHAT! Why isn't he asleep? Okay, I'll be back in half an hours time. Bye'
[end of conversation]
'Jae Hwa, appa will come home soon. You want to go sleep first?'
'Don't want. I want appa tuck me in bed.'
'Then you want to watch television?'
'Don't want. I want power ranger.'
Amber went to his room to get afew of his power ranger and took them out into the living room. Not long after, Jae Sun came out of his room and sat next to Amber and tried to sleep in Amber's embrace..
After half an hour, the door opened and it was Jaejoong. He picked Jae Hwa up and sat next to you.
'He doesn't seem to be awake. Was it because you want to have another one with me that's why you asked me to come back?'
'Jae, two is enough, plus you are hardly home. Even if I had a child in me now, you won't even know.'
'What your pregnant?!!'
'No. Jae lower down your volume. If the kids wake up you are the want getting them to sleep. And I only said "if".'
Jae Sun rubbed his eyes and saw Jaejoong sitting next to you.
'Eomma, am I dreaming or is appa sitting next to you?'
Jaejoong ruffled his son's hair and said, ' It's real son.'
Jae Sun went over to give Jaejoong a kiss and because there were too much movement Jae Hwa also woke up.
'APPA!!! Your home.' Jae Hwa smiled very brightly and gave Jaejoong a big hug.

Jaejoong gave his two sons a hug and kiss on the cheek. The family of four sat there hugging one another till Amber got up and went to her room. Few minutes later, Amber came out wearing a skirt and a tank top. When Jaejoong saw her, he immediately jumped off the couch and blocked her way.
'Jae, I don't have time to play with you.'
'Who say I was playing? And where do you think you are going in this?'
'I told you last week and told your secretary this morning to tell you that I was going to have class gathering today at Jonghyun's place.'
'Did you? Anyways, even if you did. You can't wear this and go to his house like that.'
'His your brother for goodness sake. Plus, who would want to touch a mother of two kids?'
'Er.. Me' said Jaejoong very ily and seductively.
'Jae, stop joking. I dont have time. Jonghyun is going to fetch me. Help me send the kids to school tomorrow. I'll be back in the afternoon. Oh and remember to buy them breakfast. Bye.' Amber kissed Jaejoong good bye.
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llamalove #1
This is freakin sad!!! u bastard Jaejoong.
Mary517 #2
aww...this ended no bueno. i mean it was an unhappy ending.<br />
but i'm not sad...this gives jongber a chance ;D <br /> to read the sequel ^___^
Mary517 #3
i don't think ppl should stay together 'for the kids' will lead to more drama yrs later.<br />
Amber ...divorce him....jae doesn't deserve you...jjongy is in love with you....stay with him ^___^
Mary517 #4 dare you cheat on amber! <br />
rawr...i'm very upset with jae at the moment >.<"
Mary517 #5
dang...for not wanting to be a burden on jae....or being scolded.....chilling in the hospital for a week was totally not the answer....tsk tsk..these two. i'm glad they got it out of their system though....hopefully they'll be okay.
Mary517 #6
just so you know...when you say 'amber's pov' should use 'i' instead of 'you' <br />
and amber being mad over jae is quite ridiculous cuz its so petty. hopefully they don't get into a heated argument....xD
Mary517 #7
jaejoong and amber's marriage seems tough. and their kids miss their appa. i hope workaholic jae will come to his senses before amber finds comfort in jjongy. not that i mind jongber =P <br />
anyhoo...gotta keep reading ^__^
aidaruka #8
I like it,,, thanks for this ff,,, I like them both hohohoohohoh
BassLover16 #9
YUHGYERWYEU .....wae?....why is it like this? I was just starting to like the pairing of JaeBer!