Hurtful Truth

I always thought that you loved me

Amber stayed over at Jonghyun’s place in the mean time. She needed to leave Jaejoong, she didn’t want to face reality at this point in time. She needed him by her side but he stabbed her in her back.

Jonghyun didn’t ask much, he knew that only his brother, KIM JAEJOONG is the only person that can make Amber cry like there is no tomorrow. He wanted to beat Jaejoong up, but that would only hurt Amber even more.

Jonghyun has always been Amber’s guardian angel. He fell in love with her when they were in high school but she was already in love with Jaejoong.


[Over at Jaejoong’s workplace.]

“Yoona, I got to continue on the project.”


“Yoona, this got to end. I have a wife and two sons. Don’t waste your time on me anymore. Plus, I only treated you like a pet.”


“Yoona, I want your resignation slip on my table first thing in the morning. NOW, SCRAM!”

“You will regret your decision Kim Jaejoong.”

Jaejoong continued to work till 3am the next morning. He wanted to go back to have a quick shower and see his family.


The moment Jaejoong stepped in the house, a cold wind greeted him. He walked to the boys room, it was empty. He thought that maybe his mother brought the kids back home for a night. He walked into his room silently, not wanting to wake Amber from her sleep, but the bed was empty. He thought that maybe you stayed over with the kids and forgot to leave a message behind for him.


Next day, Jaejoong went to office as usual but he received a very unusual thing. It’s a divorce paper on his table....






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llamalove #1
This is freakin sad!!! u bastard Jaejoong.
Mary517 #2
aww...this ended no bueno. i mean it was an unhappy ending.<br />
but i'm not sad...this gives jongber a chance ;D <br /> to read the sequel ^___^
Mary517 #3
i don't think ppl should stay together 'for the kids' will lead to more drama yrs later.<br />
Amber ...divorce him....jae doesn't deserve you...jjongy is in love with you....stay with him ^___^
Mary517 #4 dare you cheat on amber! <br />
rawr...i'm very upset with jae at the moment >.<"
Mary517 #5
dang...for not wanting to be a burden on jae....or being scolded.....chilling in the hospital for a week was totally not the answer....tsk tsk..these two. i'm glad they got it out of their system though....hopefully they'll be okay.
Mary517 #6
just so you know...when you say 'amber's pov' should use 'i' instead of 'you' <br />
and amber being mad over jae is quite ridiculous cuz its so petty. hopefully they don't get into a heated argument....xD
Mary517 #7
jaejoong and amber's marriage seems tough. and their kids miss their appa. i hope workaholic jae will come to his senses before amber finds comfort in jjongy. not that i mind jongber =P <br />
anyhoo...gotta keep reading ^__^
aidaruka #8
I like it,,, thanks for this ff,,, I like them both hohohoohohoh
BassLover16 #9
YUHGYERWYEU .....wae?....why is it like this? I was just starting to like the pairing of JaeBer!