
I always thought that you loved me

At home Jaejoong went to his room to set the environment right. Amber went to the kitchen to get a drink but before she got her drink Jonghyun called her.

'Amber, I'm kinda hungry. Care to join me? I'm at the noodle shop near your place.'
'Give me 10mins.'

Without telling Jaejoong, Amber left home and went to find Jonghyun. She ran there but because she didn't see the path, she fell and she also twisted her ankle. Amber tried standing up but because of her injury, her legs were unable to carry her weight. Not wanting to disturb Jaejoong, she called Jonghyun to fetch her.

Less than 5minutes, Jonghyun's car was next to her. Immediately, Jonghyun carried Amber on the car and drove her off to the hospital.

Amber's leg was swollen and she told Jonghyun not to tell Jaejoong about her injury. Maybe was because she thought that Jaejoong was still angry at her for ignoring his through out the trip? Or maybe she didn't want to trouble Jaejoong? Or even maybe she doesn't want to be scolded?

At the same time at home, Jaejoong was finding Amber in the vicinity. He could not find her, so he went home tried called everyone he and Amber knew. All of them said that they didn't see amber.

Jaejoong remembered that amber had this closed friend called Danson. Jaejoong tried called Danson but no one picked up the phone. Jaejoong called Jonghyun wanting to know Danson's address and try to ask him if he was or saw amber. Sadly, Danson didn't know amber's whereabouts.

Jaejoong made a police report saying that his wife(Amber) is missing. Next few days, the police went out finding Amber. Meanwhile, Amber was in the hospital room sleeping. Jonghyun didn't allow her to get out of bed without anyone near her.

One week later, the police were still unable to find Amber. It was also about time Amber went home. That day, Jonghyun send Amber back home and told her to rest. Once Jonghyun left, Amber prepared dinner for the family of four.

Amber cooked all their favorite food for dinner. Amber waited from 6.30pm till 12am the next morning. She was worried for her two sons, she knew that Jaejoong won't have time for them so might have put them over at his parents place. But it was already so late. As she was about to leave home to find her two kids, Jaejoong came home.

'Jae, where are the kids?'
'So you do know you have kids. Then where have you been this whole freaking week?'
'Do you know, Jae Sun and Jae Hwa has been asking for you for the past week? You know that you have kids, you know that you are responsible for them. And you went missing!? Do you know I was finding for you? Those useless police couldn't even find you. Do you know I was ing scared that you would leave me and the kids behind. Whats the problem with you?'
'Sorry. I needed a break from everything. Now I'm back, you don't have to worry so much already. But where are the kids?'
'You need a break?! Break from what? I think I'm the one that need that ing break. You are always home doing nothing. All you have to do is just to take care of the house. There is nothing for you to worry about.'
'Nothing to worry?! Do you know everytime I watch the news, everytime I see the accidents happening near your workplace I start to panic? Everytime the house phone rings, I will think the kids are being punished in school again? Do you know this year how many times I had to make trips down just for Jae Sun? ALMOST 30! All you think is about your work, not wanting to stress you I didn't tell you. Not wanting the kids to be caned, I didn't tell you. Do you know everytime Mrs. Lee sees me she will freaking hell boast about her son, Taemin? Saying how fantastic her son is and how obedient he is. Do you even know the problems I face? Correct that I don't put any money on the table but do you even care about how the kids feel when their own dad don't even come to their parents day celebration?'
'You always think that you are the best or you are in the worst scenario, you never look about and think about others.'
'I'm sorry but you should have at least told me where have you been right?'
Amber turned to face Jaejoong, 'Does it even matter?'
'Of course it does. I love you and the kids.'
'But I dont feel safe anymore. I was safe in the past while we were dating, now I dont even see you around unless the kids cry for you.'
'I'm sorry dear. I promised that I'll come home early from now on,' Jaejoong hugged Amber and bringing her closer to himself.

Jaejoong told Amber that since she went missing, the kids has been staying with his parents. Knowing that the kids are in safe hands Amber walked towards her room. Trying her best to walk at her normal speed but her ankle was hurting. Lucky for her, Jaejoong was just to ignorant to notice anything.

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llamalove #1
This is freakin sad!!! u bastard Jaejoong.
Mary517 #2
aww...this ended no bueno. i mean it was an unhappy ending.<br />
but i'm not sad...this gives jongber a chance ;D <br /> to read the sequel ^___^
Mary517 #3
i don't think ppl should stay together 'for the kids' will lead to more drama yrs later.<br />
Amber ...divorce him....jae doesn't deserve you...jjongy is in love with you....stay with him ^___^
Mary517 #4 dare you cheat on amber! <br />
rawr...i'm very upset with jae at the moment >.<"
Mary517 #5
dang...for not wanting to be a burden on jae....or being scolded.....chilling in the hospital for a week was totally not the answer....tsk tsk..these two. i'm glad they got it out of their system though....hopefully they'll be okay.
Mary517 #6
just so you know...when you say 'amber's pov' should use 'i' instead of 'you' <br />
and amber being mad over jae is quite ridiculous cuz its so petty. hopefully they don't get into a heated argument....xD
Mary517 #7
jaejoong and amber's marriage seems tough. and their kids miss their appa. i hope workaholic jae will come to his senses before amber finds comfort in jjongy. not that i mind jongber =P <br />
anyhoo...gotta keep reading ^__^
aidaruka #8
I like it,,, thanks for this ff,,, I like them both hohohoohohoh
BassLover16 #9
YUHGYERWYEU .....wae?....why is it like this? I was just starting to like the pairing of JaeBer!