made for me (i belong to you)


A feisty omega who always knows what she wants and gets what she wants. An empty-headed alpha who doesn't have a clue on everything apart from the things she likes.

Together, they are a mess. Together, they are the best ing couple in the whole world.


the long-awaited brat actress wendy x architect irene (for my twt followers, iykyk). once i give more thought about this, i can't help but to think that the aboverse will fit them perfectly (i just came across a really good abo manga thats why) plus the thought of bratty omega and stupid alpha in terms of life is just so damn interesting.

like usual, i will just write whatever i want and put it randomly here and there. will i go in-depth with them? probably (because this story is interesting but like usual idw to promise on anything) but we can talk about it in myΒ twitter! and feel free to support me on ko-fi!

so, enjoy this story!


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19 streak #1
Chapter 11: I'm loving your story, please continue, she's beautiful πŸ₯°
19 streak #2
Chapter 9: joohyun's family is also as adorable as the son's
19 streak #3
Chapter 8: we already know where seungwan's personality came from, it was certainly from mrs. son πŸ˜…
19 streak #4
Chapter 6: damn, the first time they were amazing, you really did something pure and at the same time enjoyable to read, thank you author-nim
19 streak #5
Chapter 5: hahahaha that dating request was funny, joohyun is so cute 🀭🀣
19 streak #6
Chapter 4: god this is so fun, seungwan's personality makes me laugh 🀣 the contrast between them is cute, joohyun is so peaceful, they're literally fire and water ❀️
Taitai84 1279 streak #7
Chapter 11: They broke up before?

With joohyun ‘s tendency to think a lot and keep things to herself, can understand why there will be many miscommunication. N seungwan is not someone naturally patient with all the whims, so she might give up at some point too.
Chapter 11: Jealous Joohyun so cute. The fluffff but the calm before the storm?
Ty for the update! Looking forward to the next πŸ‘€
Demima #9
Chapter 11: Oh wow, I like these romantic-jealousy-fluff story! Great works writer πŸ‘πŸ»

I got emotional when ssw mentioned hyun’s first lego etc. There are many things that hyun compromised for ssw but so does ssw.

WR prevails.!!! Yeaaah πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Chapter 11: It's kinda understandable tbh she's her first in almost everything and there's always this gnawing feeling that you want to have something unique that you two can share together. I find joohyun funny because how come she isn't jealous with Seungwan's ex or of the things she has done with them and she is jealous because of what? A dance that she did because of work??? Hahahaha what a cutie