all of the girls wendy loved before


one shot collection of wendy x everyone


heyho we are back with a new project (again)!

this will be a silly fun project that i didnt put my commitment in it since clearly i cant commit with my own works even,,, but i will do my best in writing the stories with the pairings that comes to mind

that being said, you can also give me a prompt if you think about something! it was fun talking about prompts with you guys and i hope we can continue this since im having fun in writing so far and its all thanks to you guys who keep feeding me with yall imagination! clearly, i'm flattered

like usual, feel free to reach out to me on my twitterΒ and see you all in the next stories!


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Favebolous #1
Chapter 4: More please
19 streak #2
Chapter 2: I really liked this couple πŸ˜† many women make a beautiful pair with our wendy
xinddnix #3
Chapter 4: Thank you for writing, I love this collection - more love for Wendy! I'd be really interested in reading more about Wendy x Winter’s backstory if you ever decide to explore it further
Chapter 4: Awesome job!!

Love how the story flowed and how adorable these two were
pararuntenatuh #5
Chapter 2: finally, wenrina. Biaasanya sulit dapet konten kapal satu ini.
Chapter 4: Winter pouncing on her unnie c*ck because she’s desperate omg author why do you have to be so good
_wendyshon_ #7
Chapter 1: awwww wendyxyeji so cutie pie
chchcn #8
Chapter 2: Wait authornim, you like to match wendy with a younger girl are you? 🀣
len_rinto #9
Chapter 2: WENRINA AAAAAA. Gila susah banget ketemu story wenrina 😭😭 terus yang ini cakep bgt thorr, ada, develop relationshipnya mereka juga ada. Lengkap pol ❀️

Suka banget juga karina kayak mahasiswi nackal (lebih milih dibanding kelas) HAHAHAH. Thank youu for the wenrina! 😭🫢🫢🫢🫢
Chapter 3: ineed more wenseulrene and wenseul! and with your writing the idea of reading a wenseulyeri or wenrine drives me crazy! idon't like seulrene do much and im happy that in this fic they were just best friends sharing a girlfriend! miss too wannie g!p