Chapter 9

Welcome to the sad reality of being a fan


a/n: thanks to those who commented and have asked for an update! here it is!


Your POV

I walked back home silently after Yoseob left to go back to his girlfriend’s place.

I plugged in my earphones and some acoustic songs and hummed to them while walking home.

It was cold and the wind was blowing harder than I thought it would.

I sat at the bus stop and waited for the midnight bus.

My music was so loud that I didn’t notice someone sitting next to me until they tapped my shoulder.

“Hey there girl, do you want to come somewhere with me?” the man asked. It was too dark so I couldn’t see him.

“I’m a student. Back off.” I said before shooting lazers from my eyes through his head.

“Oooh, a hard-to-get kind of girl huh? I like them.” he said and moved closer.

“Get away before I get angry.” I threatened.

“What are you going to do huh? You know what, I’m feeling nice, I won’t do anything and back off, if you watch me do this.” he said and stood up.

In the glimpse of the moonlight, I could see him wearing a black coat.

I cleared my throat and tried to threaten him.

"What, are you one of those creepy es who are sad enough to go and show their small to girls like me?" I snickered.

"Don't be so confident young lady, it might cost you later." he winked.

Alright, I'm going to make a run for it and he'll never be able to catch me.

"Don't bother trying to run, because I will hunt you down. Go to your school everyday and things will be complicated. I mean, it's not even that hard, just take a look and then you'll be free." he said.

How the hell does he know what I'm about to do?

"Alright, fine. Get it over and done with." I said.

There's no point in fighting back. I just might as well go through this once and not ever endure it again I guess.


Joon's POV

I checked my watch and it was already midnight. What the hell. The fansigning was supposed to end 2 hours ago. Where is she?

I paced around in front of her house. Sigh, where the heck is she?

"Yah, did you know there's a crazy long coat man going around town? he's one of those who wears nothing but a coat and does things to female students!!" someone said as they walked past me with their friend.

Holy crap. If that guy is putting my lady in danger, I will kill him.

I ran as quick as possible to the fansigning area.

I called her but she doesn't even pick up. What the hell, what kind of girl doesn't bring her phone with her?

Alright, where would she go after she goes to the fansigning? I looked at all the alleyways and no sign of her at all.

"Wait, not yet. Let me prepare myself." I heard someone say.

I ran to the voice and saw Jaekyung.

[a/n: its been awhile since i updated. kinda forgot if i gave the character a name or not == so just stick to jaekyung for now. sob sorry ><]

I saw the guy in the coat and he was struggling to his coat. Oh that is not on.

My girl is not going to see any at all, ever, unless it's mine. I mean, when we're married. What the hell? Why am I even thinking of these things?

I ran past her and straight to that strange man and tackled him to the floor and just threw punches at him.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HUH? GO BACK TO THE MENTAL HOSPITAL YOU CRAZY MAN!!!" I said and stood up and turned back to Jaekyung who's eyes were wide open.

"Come on, we better go before that weirdo chases us." I said and grabbed her hand to run but she didn't even move.

Oh god. She can't be frozen out of shock right? Not right now.

I sighed and came back and placed her on my back before running out of there.

I didn't know where to run and just ended up taking her to our dorm.

"Hey guys. There was some problems before so JaeKyung's going to stay here." I said and explained to the guys while she awkwardly greeted them.

"DAMMIT HYUNG! We wanted to have a sleepover in your room today. I guess you and Jaekyung can share the room then." Mir pouted. That kid just sure love to make everything awkward huh..

"Wow wow, Joon my man. Already getting to second base huh? You're being serious about her yeah? Bringing her back to our dorm a few times?" G.O winked.

But I can't help but notice Thunder silently leaving the room.

Is he ok? I'll talk to him later, first I need to take care of JaeKyung.


Your POV

"Sorry for being such a nuisance." i said as Joon sets up the bed for him on the floor.

"Nah, it's ok. You're my girlfriend, I'd do anything for my lady."he said.

I didn't know how to respond to that.

He's helped me so much. I can't believe he would be my boyfriend. I just wanted to slap myself to see if it's one of my illusions again.

"Joon, I can sleep on the floor. You've been practicing and training all day. I'm fine." I said and went to sit on the bed he made on the floor.

"Nope, that's not fair. Pretty women don't sleep on the floor. Besides, it's not like I haven't slept on the floor before." he laughed.

"But I feel bad about it." I said.

"But it's cold on the floor. I don't want you to catch a cold or anything." he said

"The bed is large enough to fit the both of us, wanna join me?" I smiled.

"Really?" he asked surprised and blushed.

How can someone be so perfect?

I nodded and he hopped onto bed and patted the space next to him.

"This really is like a sleepover!" he said excitedly.

"Wait, let me go change first." he said before taking some things and racing outside.

I took my hair tie out and made myself comfortable on the bed.

The door bursted open and he jumped on the bed and hugged me tight.

"You must have been really scared before. I'm sorry for not being there earlier." he said sincerely.

"It's not even your fault. Don't worry about it." I said but he already fell asleep.

It's nice. This kinda thing. Being able to hug the man you love the most and knowing that you're happy. It's been so long since I went to sleep happy, and it feels nice. It feels nice to not have those worries cramming inside my head anymore. It feels nice to have Joon here, and I'm hoping that he isn't joking around with our relationship.

I shook away my thoughts and pulled myself closer to him and breathed in his scent before going to sleep with my dreams.


a/n: sorry, been so busy lately and all, and I was lazy and had writers block too == dammit

lol but ill try to focus and write more!!! sorry if the chap was boring or short!! :[


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abdb923 #1
new reader. ^_^ omo creepy guy, good thing Joon heard those girls talking about that guy. don't tell me Thunder is having feelings for her too? anyways update soon! :D
Update soon please! ^^
Nice update can't wait for the next one
Update soon please I really love this story
nikast1 #5
??????? Update soooon
Love the storyy!!! Update soooonnn :3
mluvpurple #7
update soon. ^^
nikast1 #8
Kekekeke update soon
nikast1 #9
She needs to do some pay back!!!!!!! Make her famous!!!!
Update soooooon!!!!!
nikast1 #10
omo update soon ^_^