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After a day filled with laughter and adventure at the amusement park, Serena and Charlie finally arrived at the grand Vanderbilt estate, walking side by side towards the imposing front door.


Cornelius, who had been eagerly awaiting Charlie and Serena's return, greeted Charlie with a warm embrace as she entered.


“Hi, my princess. Weren’t you back a little late? Did you enjoy your day?” Cornelius asked, his fatherly concern evident in his tone.


Charlie couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort at the overly affectionate gesture from her father.


“Too close, brother,” she muttered to herself, subtly pushing Cornelius away with an annoyed expression.


“Yeah, Leora treated us well…” Charlie lied casually, eager to change the subject.


“Hey, let’s head up!” Charlie said, taking Serena's hand and leading her away before Cornelius could ask any more questions.


As they reached the hallway leading to their rooms, Charlie turned to Serena with a concerned expression. “Hey, if you’re not comfortable having dinner with us… you can just stay here… I’ll tell Dad you’re not feeling well,” she offered, genuinely concerned for Serena's well-being.


Serena's eyes widened at Charlie's kindness, but her expression quickly turned cold. She couldn't afford to let her guard down, especially not around the Vanderbilts and Celia.


“Thanks…” Serena replied coldly, her demeanor shifting from warm and gentle to guarded and distant in an instant. It was a stark reminder that trust didn't come easily for her, especially after months of hardship and betrayal.


Charlie nodded in understanding, feeling a pinch of sadness in her heart. Despite the genuine connection they had shared at the amusement park, it was clear that Serena still didn't fully trust her.


As they retreated to their respective rooms, Charlie couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. Despite their fun-filled day, the lingering shadow of distrust between them.


Charlie let’s out a sigh after closing the door.


‘When will you learn to trust me, Serena?’ she muttered to herself.


Charlie → T.T


‘At this rate, I could just offer Serena my glands… T.T’ she cried on her thoughts.


At the dining table, Cornelius watched as his daughter, Charlie, descended the stairs, his eyes searching for Serena but finding her absence instead. A fleeting look of disappointment crossed his face, his gaze betraying his true intentions as he longed to lay his eyes on Serena once more.


"Where’s Serena?" Cornelius asked, his smile masking his ulterior motives as he directed his question towards Charlie.


Charlie saw through her father's facade, her stomach churning with disgust at his erted desires. Despite her inner turmoil, she maintained a composed exterior.


"She’s feeling a little under the weather, dad… but she’s fine… let’s go have dinner," Charlie replied casually, her tone belying the tension simmering beneath the surface.


Throughout the dinner, Charlie remained distant and detached, her attention elsewhere as she navigated the uncomfortable atmosphere. She listened to Cornelius and Celia's conversation with indifference, offering only terse responses when prompted, her disinterest in their company palpable.


As Serena sat at the table, surrounded by her so-called family yet feeling utterly alone, she couldn't shake the sense of isolation that weighed heavily on her heart.


After the dinner, Charlie quietly slipped away from the dining room, determined to offer Serena some solace amidst the tense atmosphere of the Vanderbilt estate. Holding a tray of food and a paper bag, she made her way to Serena's room, her footsteps echoing softly in the hallway.


Gently tapping on Serena's door, Charlie waited anxiously for her to answer, her heart fluttering with uncertainty.


"Hey, it’s me," Charlie said softly as Serena opened the door, revealing the tray of food in Charlie's hands.


"You should eat something… We had a long day," Charlie offered, her voice gentle and caring.


Serena was taken aback by Charlie's unexpected kindness, her heart swelling with gratitude at the gesture of compassion in an otherwise cold environment.


As Serena invited Charlie inside, the room felt like a sanctuary away from the tension of the Vanderbilt household. Charlie placed the tray on a nearby table and watched silently as Serena began to eat, the quietude of the moment broken only by the soft sounds of their breathing.


Serena, sensing Charlie's unease, attempted to alleviate the tension by offering her company. “Eat with me… I feel awkward with you watching me eat,” she suggested, extending the slice of cake towards Charlie.


Feeling the weight of Serena's discomfort, Charlie hesitated before accepting the slice of red velvet cake offered to her.


“S-sorry… thanks,” Charlie mumbled awkwardly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.


“Um…” Serena murmured, her uncertainty mirrored in her expression as she glanced at the paper bag in Charlie's hand.


“Uhmm… anyway… here, I have something for you…” Charlie interjected, her voice bubbling with excitement as she extended the bag toward Serena.


Serena's curiosity piqued, she looked at the bag with intrigue. "What is this for?" she asked, her brow furrowing slightly in confusion.


“You can say it’s a thanksgiving gift?” Charlie replied casually, her tone light and nonchalant.


Taking the bag from Charlie, Serena peeked inside and her eyes widened in surprise as she spotted the 3D moonlamp she had admired earlier.


Caught in a moment of contemplation, Serena hesitated, unsure whether to accept the gift. But when she met Charlie's hopeful gaze, she couldn't help but smile.


As if reading Serena's mind, Charlie's expression seemed to urge her on, silently saying ‘take it, take it, take it’. A playful 'pft' escaped Serena's lips as she surrendered to Charlie's infectious enthusiasm.


“Thank you, Charlie,” Serena said, her voice filled with genuine gratitude as she looked at Charlie.


“You’re welcome!” Charlie beamed, her heart swelling with happiness as she watched Serena accept her gift.


Before leaving Serena’s room, Charlie turned back and flashed a warm smile at Serena, her eyes filled with genuine affection.


"Hey, Happy Thanksgiving!" she said cheerfully, her voice carrying a sense of warmth.


"Um, Happy Thanksgiving," Serena replied softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she returned Charlie's sentiment.


Serena lay on her bed, her mind consumed by thoughts of Charlie once again. Over the past few weeks, Charlie's presence seemed to have taken up residence in Serena's thoughts, occupying her mind more than she cared to admit. 


As she reflected on Charlie's recent behavior, Serena couldn't help but notice a profound change. Charlie, once known as a notorious bully who reveled in belittling others, had seemingly undergone a transformation overnight. Instead of cruelty, Serena found herself on the receiving end of unexpected kindness and compassion from Charlie.


"It's baffling," Serena thought to herself, her brow furrowing in confusion. "How can someone like Charlie change so drastically?"


The absence of deceit in Charlie's actions only added to Serena's bewilderment. Despite her initial skepticism, Serena couldn't detect any ulterior motives behind Charlie's newfound kindness. From coming to her rescue multiple times to going out of her way to make her happy, Charlie's gestures felt genuine and sincere.


But it wasn't just Charlie's behavior that had shifted. Serena couldn't ignore the dramatic improvement in Charlie's grades either, prompting her to ponder the possibility of genuine change.


"Is it truly possible for someone to change so drastically?" Serena questioned, grappling with the complexity of human nature.


Yet, amidst her doubts, Serena couldn't ignore the

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finale is just around the corner 💚🫶🏻


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272 streak #1
Chapter 72: WOW! I just found this story and I'm very impressed author. I enjoyed the originality. The idea is very clever and it was hard not to get attached to the characters. Thank you! Can't wait to start the next story 🧡
Chapter 63: The scene where serena slapped celia and hand her to the security is so who’s a afraid of little old me coded 😭 Serena literally be like “i was tame, i was gentle till the circus life made me mean, don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth” 😭
Minjeonglabz #3
Chapter 10: Yes serena let’s go! standing up for charlie uwu.
Kkuratingz #4
Chapter 5: Charlie please protect serena from cornelius.
Kkuratingz #5
Chapter 4: I'm curious what will be charlie's test result. Serena still doubtful about charlie's sudden change about her.
Goofy_Kid23 #6
Chapter 71: A happy ending😁 I will most definitely reread this story over and over. I absolutely loved it.
ttblub #7
It’s really good authorssi! Thank you for making this! Can’t wait for the sequel
JiHyun12 #8
Chapter 71: Thank you author!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😍 ang galing mo naman
flowersemm #9
Chapter 72: Ahhh what a beautiful ending for two beautiful people 😭 and you’re telling me there will be a married life sequel!! 😭🩷
Chapter 71: This Alpha-Omega SeulRene AU story beautifully captures the transformative power of love and the strength found in unexpected connections. The way Serena and Charlie's relationship evolves from resentment to profound love is truly heartwarming. Their vows are filled with genuine emotion and sincerity, showcasing their deep understanding and appreciation for each other. The imagery of their kiss sealing their union amidst cheers and applause paints a picture of a love that is celebrated and cherished by all who witness it. This story is a testament to the enduring power of love to overcome adversity and forge bonds that last a lifetime.
Hats off to Author-nim for skillfully bringing characters to life and immersing us in their journey. A round of applause for delivering a story that tugs at the heartstrings and leaves a lasting impact. 🐻🐰😌🙏