only one


Tiffany gets stood up and she finds Taeyeon instead. Or Kissing Jessica Stein but make it Taeny, minus the annoying guy and with a different ending.



"Every time I feel you, it feels like a miracle"



please go watch kissing jessica stein if u haven't and then come back here to seek solace HAHA



please do not repost my work

I added more stuff and rewrote some parts because it felt a little incomplete and rushed to me, hope its better now :3


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Fire_trek 394 streak #1
Chapter 2: This was a great ending to an already great story! I love how everyone was accommodating and accepting of them and their relationship. Taeyeon and Tiffany’s relationship is so majestic and beautiful it made me want to not be single lol I also saw the potential of Sunny and Yuri and I squealed! I love SNSD pairings.. this story was so good, thank you author nim
Fire_trek 394 streak #2
Chapter 1: This was great! I really liked the progression of their relationship and Tiffany going from “straight” to we’re dating! This was sweet and I loved Yuri and Sunny’s involvement in this. Onto the epilogue!
Chapter 2: So effing sweet. its like a 180 degree changes after the cat's out of the bag. how free fany felt after the important people in her life knows. and the tae-leo skit were cute too
maemae08 #4
Chapter 2: Aww sooooo sweet I want moreee
Chapter 2: I love love love love love love it so so much esp washroom kiss🫠
1166 streak #6
Chapter 2: I really like this one too authy...
Chapter 2: This epilogue is full of love... 🥹
It's nice seeing them loosening up at their own pace, and people around them , especially the people who matters most are accepting of them.
Also Taeyeon giving the kind of support she had from her family to Tiffany... ❤️
Yep, the dialogue did great! Especially Tiffany's! She's braver now on saying what's on her mind... And heart. 😁
And Taeyeon setting Yuri and Sunny up... 🤭
Again, wonderful epilogue! Thank you! 🫶
Chapter 2: thanks for the epilogue! i was really looking forward to it and i would love to see more from you in the future. thanks again for writing this 🥹
thegloomy11 #9
Chapter 2: Thank you for the epilogue author-nim, it's rare to find taeny story with Tiffany as centre
wishesdiary #10
Chapter 1: This is nice!