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When mildly reclusive Irene starts hanging out and hooking up with her new neighbour, Seulgi, their attraction is instant, though neither of them expect their relationship to progress into anything more, especially since they both continue to pursue other people. What happens when two extremely chill people strike up a friendship and then some? Practically nothing. An anti-romance and anti-angst ode to all our comrades-in-boredom.



This is a little writing experiment to see if I can write a slow burn without any angst. 

Wendy doesn't appear for a while, and Rosie appears even later in the story. I don't think I've ever read a Seulrosé pairing in a story, but I thought it might be interesting. Feel free to point me in the direction of any Seulrosé stories that exist, I would love to check them out. Endgame is Seulrene (it will be pretty obvious anyway), and please don't expect much in the way of plot, just lots of chillin', lots of conversation, and a reasonable amount of . 

I hope you all get a kick out of this, and I love getting feedback (even if it's to yell at me in frustration).



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298 streak #1
Chapter 19: Oh author you've exceeded my expectations. I couldn't help but read this with a smile on my face hehe So fluffy and hot! The best of both worlds. I just feel so giddy... Thank you! 🧡
Chapter 19: Weee so happy for them. They didn’t straight away jumped into having and I think that’s a healthy decision they made for the sake of their relationship 😌
regurgitate #3
Chapter 19: The planetarium thing totally reminded me of Ross and Rachel. I like that they get to do things instead of just having . It's not just about the dates, but just doing the mundane things. While is important, thing is, even with how good it can be, relationships are not all about that.
Chapter 19: <3<3<3<3<3
298 streak #5
Chapter 18: "I would set buildings on fire and punch anyone in the face for you" Hahahahaha Only seulrene could make this sound so romantic. I was smiling so big when I read that. I love them! Seulgi taking her time to heal and be emotionally available to serve as Joohyun's personal toy is a good sign that she is really serious about being with Joohyun. And it looks like she's ready! They're going on a date! You rock author! 🧡
Chapter 18: The return of the ex 😌 Seulgi did the right thing for not jumping into a relationship with Irene even though she knows their feelings are mutual because she wasn’t in the right headspace.
Chapter 17: Oh damn didn’t expect Seulgi will move in with Rosé. The saddest part is they have always known they love each other 🙂‍↔️
eunxiaoxlove 32 streak #8
Chapter 18: Yieeeee nicee
Chapter 18: Oops, we are on a ride! ... Well, the first few paragraphs were indeed quite a rollercoaster of revelations. 😂 I can't say that I'm completely surprised, but I also can certainly say that I am FAR from disappointed.

FINALLY. The universe has conspired well! A COSMIC kind of love that transcends time and space 🥹 (Which, hey, by the way is such a fun coincidence. Our space buddies are indeed reaching for the stars again soon!)

Can't wait to see more of these crackheads again soon!
scarlet511 #10
Chapter 18: Omggg this chapter is so cute and ngl I'm happy reading the revelation of their feeling. It's funny but heartwarming nonetheless.
I thought it's gonna end w the story goes but you still have more? Yeay thanks!