Love has gone

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Duchess Yongsun watches her husband Yul, the love of her life die. 

Every sunset, the woman visits the place where he perished.

On the 366th day, the brunette watches a mysterious woman walking on ice without struggle near her husband's accidental grave 

Yongsun doesn't understand how the stranger may be a messy female version of her deceased lover.






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_moongalaxy #1
Chapter 10: ahahahahahahahahahahaha uncle Per are slayyy💅🏻🤣
hah yong's craving human food instead the blood are because of the baby😆🙈 auwwwww🙈
Tugvasconcelos1 #2
Chapter 9: Oh she's pregnant '-' Byul really wants to expand the clan hahaha😃
greenjade21 #3
Chapter 9: Damn! I want more! Left me hanging! hahha ... That was a different introduction to the clan! It left them wondering why their old man was suffering from what he sees in Moonbyul's past! Wow! The next chapter is definitely a thing to wait! And so ... she really is pregnant already?! That fast huh?! hahha ... Thanks for the update Author Jana! Awesome one!
_moongalaxy #4
Chapter 9: daymnnnn🤣after the union, yong already carrying their pups👏🏻🤣byul you beast🤣
but...ahahahahahaha shame on you old man, now you know what you need to know and shut that filthy mouth😌
greenjade21 #5
Chapter 8: Wow! Awesome decription of their past! But, Yong sun lost part of her memory ... thinking ... will she ever recall that brutal days? If yes, how will she nor Byulyi deal with it?! It'll probably a harrowing moment? But, hope it will not happen. Awesome update, author Jana. Thanks.
Chapter 7: the moon hid the sun came... 🤭 amazing chapter though, thank you
_moongalaxy #7
Chapter 8: looks like yong lost her memory due to excessive shock🥺
and for byul, if yong is the friend that her late mom told that would help her, i hope they work well😌
Tugvasconcelos1 #8
Chapter 7: Uau
toni_yowhatzup #9
Chapter 7: Wow
greenjade21 #10
Chapter 7: Eh ehhemm ..?! Hot!!! 😄😂🤣😁