
A Cherished Ray
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A new school term has finally begun. Min Ho dragged himself to school but got excited when he saw Da Eun walking passed him at the corridor to get to their classroom. However, his excitement was shortlived just thinking about the long day ahead. He hastened his steps, and quickly took a nap at his desk. The bell finally rang, it woke Min Ho up just before the first period teacher made her way into the class.

“Good morning class…” greeted the teacher with Min Ho rubbing his eyes as he adjusted himself in his seat while his class's rep led everyone in class to reply to the teacher's greetings. The subject teacher was taking attendance and when she was all done, the class was interrupted by the presence of their homeroom teacher as she announced,

“Today you have a new classmate that will be joining you,” stated the teacher as she walked towards the door and told the new student to come in.

“Go ahead and greet your friends.”

“Good morning, I’m Shin Hye… Nice to meet all of you…”

Min Ho was surprised to see the new face of the class. The very person that had helped him during one of his most important nights as a budding musician. The teacher showed her to the only available seat and she walked towards it without looking at her surroundings. She quickly settled down and started to focus on the subject at hand. Min Ho could not believe his eyes as he stared at her who was seating a seat away from him.

When it was finally lunch time,

“Nice to meet you again…” said Min Ho. The sudden intrusion causes Shin Hye who was busy packing her belongings to look up.

“Oh… It’s you…”

“Yeah… It's me…” replied Min Ho awkwardly.

“You go to this school?”


“And your bandmates?”

“Nah… We don’t go to the same school…”

“I see… Alright then…”

“Hmmm… Are you going for lunch?”

“I don’t think so…”

“Why not? The food here is delicious…”


“Yup… It would be a waste if you don’t try it…”

“Okay then… Lead the way…”

And so, they went to the school’s canteen together and Shin Hye being the new face, immediately caught other student’s attention. The unwanted stares and chatters were causing her great discomfort, as she tried to excuse herself,

“Min Ho… I'm sorry but I think I’ve changed my mind…”

“But why, Ssinz?”

“I’m not hungry… I’ve got to go…”

“Where are you going?”

“The library… There’s a book that I had been waiting to read… And I would think a school this grandiose would have it in their library.”

Min Ho was left confused by her actions. When he got his senses back, he made his way to the snack shop and got pre-packed buns along with two small boxes of milk. He walked towards the library in search for Shin Hye, and he finally found her seated in between two giant bookshelves at a corner,

“There you are…”

“Why didn’t you have your lunch?”

“I didn’t want to eat alone…” with Min Ho placing the bun and milk in front of Shin Hye before taking a seat adjacent to her, with his back to the shelf.

“Sorry about what happened earlier…”

“Nah~ It's okay... But did you really have to read this book that bad?” asked Min Ho as he peeked at the cover of the book that Shin Hye was holding.

“Mm… Guess so…”

“You are strange…”


“Yeah… I don’t even wish to lift a book much less read it…” as Min Ho shrugged his shoulders causing Shin Hye to smile.

“Why not? Reading is fun… And I don’t believe that you hate reading… I don’t think it’s possible…”

“This is embarrassing for me to admit but my grades speak otherwise…”

“I still don’t believe it… And I trust my instincts…”

“You don’t even know me… So, I don’t know what instincts you based that conclusion on… “

Shin Hye smiled upon hearing his reply before she continued, “Do you need help in your studies?”

“Why? You want to help me with it?”

“Hmmm… On one condition…”

“Condition? What condition?”

“I want you to read a book that I’ll recommend…”

“What?!” Min Ho exclaimed, causing Shin Hye to hush him, “This is a library… Quiet down…”

“Just tell me that you are not willing to help me instead of telling me to read…”

“Oh, come on… We start off easy, okay?” said Shin Hye with Min Ho reluctantly nodded.

“Give me a moment…” as she stood up and got a famous classic children’s book before passing it to him.

“What? Are you kidding me?”

“Why? Too easy? Well, you should have told me if you wanted something difficult.”

“Hey, hey no… I will settle with this…”

“Once you're done reading that book, inform me and you can ask me anything that you are not sure about.”


“Yeah… Anything…”

“But how do I even know you are good in your studies… For all I know you may just at your studies as I do…”

“I think by the time you finish your book; I might have already proven to you once or maybe twice that I don’t at my studies…” with Shin Hye picking up the milk and bun from the floor and walked away.

“Hey what is that supposed to mean?” asked Min Ho in a voice that was louder than what was acceptable in the library causing others to shush him, which made Shin Hye turned around and smile before pointing to the book in his hand, to ensure that he remembered to check the book out at the counter. When he was done with the process of borrowing, Shin Hye was already seating at the staircase eating the bun and drinking the milk that Min Ho had bought for her.

“Thought you were not hungry?”

“I’m not… Really… Hungry… But I take it as an offering from my student…”


Shin Hye let out a hearty laugh, causing Min Ho to smile as well, before she stated, “So, you have officially borrowed the book, remember lessons only start after you’re done reading… Now have a seat… You still need to have your lunch…” as she tapped on the empty space next to her. Min Ho began eating and drinking too as he occasionally looked at her wondering about the person who had just successfully negotiated with him, by making him do something that he would not even think of doing unless his life is threatened. He brushes his thoughts off by justifying that he would fall asleep as soon as he starts reading, and that negotiation will ultimately fail. After that day, Shin Hye simply waited for him to finish the book. Even when Min Ho wanted to have small chats with her, she simply asked him, “Are you done with the book?” And when he would reply, “No,” as an answer, she readily countered, “Then why are you talking to me?” which caused Min Ho to be taken aback. He was surprised by her words, but Shin Hye was undisturbed and went about her ways.

That day, after school, Min Ho met up with his bandmates for practice. He got himself seated on the chair when Jae Ho passed him his guitar. The very guitar that Shin Hye had given him.

“Min Ho… I need to tell you something…”

“What is it?” as he began to the guitar bag.

“I took a look at it without telling you…”

“Why would you do that?”

“I’m sorry… But I was just curious…”

“What were you curious about?”

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Oh dr... U r back.... With minshin.... Yes sure they are otp.... I was so much in love with them.... If I turn back now.... 10 years have been... Both has their loved ones..... Anyways God bless them
Chapter 6: you out done yourself again dearest Piecesofrainbow...Loving this mysterious Shin Hye.Hahaha Lee Min Ho remains the Lee MinHo I recognize from MinShin days.
apinyaYC #3
Chapter 6: Thanks author...I can't wait next chapter (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
apinyaYC #4
Chapter 4: Author.. Can you update everyday??? It's very fun...I like you story (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
apinyaYC #5
Chapter 3: I can't wait next chapter!!!! Your fanfic so interesting.. thank you so much author for update (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
apinyaYC #6
Chapter 1: Thanks for update minshin fanfic...I am so glad to see minshin's writer comeback... hope that you update next chapter soon(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡