The Truth

Don't Leave Me Again

It was History lesson again and the class was loud. Donghae and Eunhyuk were at their respective seats, doing nothing. They were awkward and silence cured the uncomfortable atmosphere. Heechul did not do anything yet. They knew he would tell somebody soon. Even if it was the world biggest secret, it was not Heechul if he did not tell a single person. That was Heechul.

Light steps were heard from the outside of the class. Everybody in the room quickly went back to their particular seats, pulled out a random book, read the book on their table and pretended to be a good student.

“Good morning, class,” A lady-like voice filled the silent mood.

The first student to lift up his face was Eunhyuk. He thought it would be Mr. Chen again but his guessing slipped too far away from the truth. It was Mrs. Shin. She was not supposed to be in their class on that period. She did not teach their grades but she was standing in front of the class. He stuck on a puzzled expression on his face.

“Well, as you see, class. Mr. Chen is not here. He has a personal problem regarding his health,” Mrs. Shin explained.

Almost the whole students went ‘yeah!’ for a few seconds before were silenced by the teacher. Their smiles never parted away from their lips. The principled-sounding teacher frowned at the whole class. Then, she put her things on the table and smiled warmly.

“I’ll be your temporary teacher for today. In addition, I’m Mrs. Shin Hanna. Most of you might not recognize me because I’m not teaching in this grade and I’m not good with History subject. Surprisingly, Mr. Chen didn’t give me any paper to be given to all of you. So, you can do your own work,” She continued explaining.

The students became noisier as soon as the good news greeted their ears. Donghae had a smile on his face. He looked at nowhere at ceiling. He really did not want to face Mr. Chen, at least for today, and God granted his wish. Eunhyuk grinned broader and clapped his hand happily. His wish was granted by God too. Both of them were grateful.  

“Ah, we’re not going to face that old man today. What a great relief, Donghae! I hope he’ll stay sick on his bed,” Eunhyuk said with that idiotic smile.

“Hey, watch your mouth,” Donghae advised.

Eunhyuk was silenced. Yeah, he admitted he was not a good proper-talking boy but he felt hurt by Donghae’s words short second ago. Actually, Donghae did not mean to upset him at all. He was just trying to advise his friend.

A few minutes past with them doing nothing. Since both of them had nothing to do and talk about, Eunhyuk made a comfortable bed using his arms on the table. He laid his drowsy heavy head on them and made himself comfortable. Unsurprisingly, he went to sleep seconds later. After a long night they fought through yesterday, he deserved some sleep. He was exhausted and his muscles were tired. A short nap would recover it all.

Donghae was staring blankly at the window when something hit his head lightly. He turned his head to the direction of the force and saw a crumpled paper on his table. He looked at it curiously for a few seconds before reaching his hand to grab the scrunched up paper and neatened it. He swiped his palm flatly on the surface of the paper to remove its crinkles. Then, he put it in front of his face to read the words scribbled on it.

‘Hae, is it true that there’s something going on between you and Eunhyuk? Something more than friend? –Sungmin-‘

Crap! Donghae was a bit surprised. He looked at Sungmin who was crutching his head with his hands on the table. He put on a ‘what-are-you-talking-about’ innocent look on his face. Sungmin raised his head from its position and pointed his forefinger to Heechul. The said person was unaware of it. He was busy joking with his friends. Donghae understood. Heechul must be the one telling Sungmin about this.

Donghae just smiled palely at Sungmin as reply. Sungmin was mindful enough to understand that Donghae did not want to talk about it. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders before changing his interest to Kyuhyun beside him. Donghae face-palmed. He never expected the thing to be spread this fast. It just happened about an hour ago and somebody already knew about it. Heechul was really something. He hoped the person would not spill the beans at anybody again. Yet, Heechul was Heechul.



Donghae sighed when the last bell rang, singing out its tensionless tune. He was glad that he could go back early on that day. His Mom would be extremely worried about him and he needed to armor himself with lies and reasons soon at home. He would never tell his Mom the truth for what had happen last night. It was way embarrassing and something.

He packed his belongings at usual slow rate and stepped his way away from his table before he heard a loud “Wait!” from Eunhyuk. He turned around and leaned his body against a table. He waited for Eunhyuk to gather his things. Eunhyuk shoved everything into his bag and zipped it carelessly. Donghae chuckled at how childish Eunhyuk was.

Then, they walked to the door to be stopped by a foot on the floor. They looked at the owner. Heechul. This guy would never stop bothering them. Both of them ignored him and sighed. They needed to escape themselves from Heechul before new disaster happen. 

“Hey, both of you! Where’re you going, sweeties? Having some romances in the toilet again?” Heechul teased in his way.

Eunhyuk pulled Donghae’s hand and whispered to his ear “Let’s run.” And when they was about to run, they felt something pulling them from behind. Heechul reflexively had grabbed their collars from their back. Donghae grunted followed by Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk struggled with the strength a little to pull himself away but he failed. Although as lighthearted as he looked, Heechul certainly was a strong person. Donghae just went motionless on his spot. He was somewhat afraid with this guy. Heechul put his hands on both Eunhyuk and Donghae’s shoulders as they walked.

“Actually, I’m curious. What did you guys do in the cubicle? Were you guys making out in the morning? What a ‘perfect’ timing,” Heechul said, emphasizing on the ‘perfect’.

Eunhyuk and Donghae just sealed their mouth shut. Being quiet was the best thing to do at that time. They hoping if they were quiet, Heechul would get bored and leave them soon. But the chance of that to happen was a tiny ten percent. Heechul would never give up.

“Haha! Didn’t I told you that both of you make a perfect couple, Donghae? Monkey and fish. Good, right. Or this is better. Anchovy and Fish. Cute, isn’t it? When did you start this relationship? I’ve never known about it. Or am I the first one? Wow, you hid it perfectly then, not until I busted you this morning! Ah, it must be so hot to be together in one cubicle,” He added and applauded his hands, chattering on nonsense.

“Urgh. Heech -” Eunhyuk wanted to cut but instead, he was cut by the unstoppable Heechul.

“Hey, how long have you guys date? I’m sure you’ll never stand this childlike midget, Eunhyuk. But something charming in the fish must have attracted you. I wonder what it is. I thought there was nothing in him that is attractable to people. I’m wrong, then?” It was significant on their faces that they did not want to talk to Heechul.

Heechul turned to look at Eunhyuk, digging for answers. Eunhyuk looked at his forehead instead, refusing to make eye contact. He sealed his lips shut for any words. Heechul sighed and remembered something. His face lightened up and his smirk went broader. He snapped his fingers and looked at both Eunhyuk and Donghae.

“Ah! Yes, I’m wrong. Eunhyuk, you are lucky. Donghae is a master in kissing. He’s a good kisser. Wow, you’re so fortunate to have him. Have you tried his lips?” Heechul teased.

Eunhyuk closed his eyes and tried to ease his wanting to punch Heechul squared on his face. He balled up his fists and crumpled the fabric of his blazer in his fists. He was annoyed with Heechul’s relentless flowing words. Donghae just dropped his head to hide his pinkish blushing appearing on his cheeks when Heechul mentioned he was a good kisser. He never thought he was.

“You guys are dating, right? So, you should have some skinship in public. Don’t be shy. Come on, Eunhae. I’ll help you,” Heechul continued his annoying lines.

“Eunhae?” Eunhyuk repeated as a confused and disgusted look on his face.

“Yeah. A good couple name, right? Suits both of you completely,” Heechul said.

Heechul grabbed both of the boys’ hands and put them on each other’s waist. Donghae went pinker but was unaware to Heechul and Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk blushed in shady pink. He blinked his eyes, trying to get rid of the change of color dusting his skin of cheeks. Heechul smirked at his work. He really thought that Eunhyuk and Donghae looked sweet together. A little skinship would not hurt, right?

“Tada, this is how a couple should walk. It looks sweet,” Heechul praised them.

Unknowingly, they had reached the school main gate. Heechul smiled at them and pecked on the boys’ cheeks. Eunhyuk looked at Heechul grossly and wiped his cheek with the back of his hand secretly. What the heck with him pecking on my cheek? Gross, Eunhyuk asked himself inwardly. Donghae just kept on the sweet-as-always smile on his lips though he actually wanted to puke. He really hated public skinship.

“Okay, guys. I’m going. Have a nice day. Bye,” Heechul bid goodbye with his classmates and walked away.

As soon as Heechul was out of their sights, both of them heaved a sigh of relieved. Without their knowing, they were actually walking a few meters at the same time as they held each other’s waist like a perfect lovable couple. They felt comfortable in that way however it was not good for students, who passed by them, to see. They quickly pulled their hands.

Eunhyuk smiled awkwardly at Donghae. They stayed on their spot for a silent minute. Then, his eyes caught a familiar car a few meters away from them. His driver was waiting for him patiently in the car. He looked at Donghae and gestured at the car. Donghae raised his eyebrows.

“Ah, my driver had arrived,” Eunhyuk mentioned, grinning.

Donghae looked at the shiny black deluxe car Eunhyuk was pointing. Wow, no doubt. Eunhyuk is really from a rich family. He is so lucky, Donghae thought as his eyes scanned the car. He smiled and walked Eunhyuk to his car, side to side. When they reached the car, Eunhyuk stood beside it as if waiting for something. He leaned his back against the door.

“Bye. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Donghae said, sounding like it was a must.

“Yeah, tomorrow,” Eunhyuk nodded his head, agreeing but in fact he was waiting for something more.

“Thank you,” Donghae whispered quietly as he rotated his body to walk away.

Eunhyuk chuckled and shook his head. Donghae was about to take the first step when Eunhyuk grabbed his hand. He was turned around to meet with Eunhyuk’s eyes. He pulled up a confused face. He thought everything was done. He had bid his goodbye and thanked Eunhyuk. If it caught Eunhyuk’s ears… Anything more?

“I thought I heard a ‘thank you’?” Eunhyuk started, smirking.

“Oh really? I did not hear it,” Donghae denied and decided to play along with the game.

“Did somebody just say thank you?” Eunhyuk teased.

“I guess you have hearing problem. I did not hear,” Donghae fought back, looking innocent.

“Yes. It was you, right?” Eunhyuk asked, playing foolish.

“You must have hearing problem, Hyukkie?” Donghae said in a kind of tone.

Eunhyuk chuckled and tapped Donghae’s nose lightly with his finger. Donghae was certainly a playful boy. He grinned and nodded his head as if to say. ‘I was just kidding and fooling around. No offense. You can go back now.’  A nod could express a lot of meaning. Then, something caught his mind. Donghae turned around to walk away for the second time, but a strength pulling him from behind stopped him. Before he could think, he was already in Eunhyuk’s car. Donghae’s mind went blank.

“What -” Donghae was wordless.

Things were happening too fast for him to pick up the pace. When he was able to move his limbs, he reached for the handle to grab it. He knew he needed to get out of the car quickly. Again, beyond his thinking, Eunhyuk had reached the lock and locked the car earlier than he was able to blink his eyes. Donghae stared at Eunhyuk for a stupid second. Eunhyuk kept on a straight face.

“I need to get h-” Donghae tried to talk but was cut by Eunhyuk’s loud voice.

“Drive the car,” Eunhyuk ordered his chauffer to move the car.

“As you say, Eunhyuk-ssi.” The chauffer nodded his head and drove the car.

Donghae was surprised when the car started moving and he was in it. He shook his head and looked at Eunhyuk. Why did he ask his chauffer to move the car? When I’m in it? I can walk home, Donghae thought as his eyes bored into Eunhyuk’s eyes. He chuckled mindlessly.

“Eunhyuk, I can walk home,” He protested straightly.

“No. I’ll send you home,” Eunhyuk replied, smiling his gummy smile.

“Eunhyuk,” Donghae called again to object.

“Tell my chauffer your home address. He will drive us there. No worry. He is good with directions around here,” Eunhyuk replied again, not leaving his gummy smile.

“B-but,” Donghae voiced out.

And he was stopped by Eunhyuk again. Eunhyuk seemed not to give up easily. He raised his forefinger and placed them on Donghae’s lips. Donghae was silenced in no time. He was somehow surprised and shushed with the sudden skin contact. When he was not uttering any words anymore, Eunhyuk pulled back his finger and grinned.

“I’ll send you home. Now, tell my chauffer your home address,” Eunhyuk repeated again.

Donghae was defeated. He nodded his head and craned forward to the chauffer. He uttered his address clearly to the chauffer for him to get it fully. The uniformed man looked at the road for a while before shaping a smile on his face. He nodded his head.

“Ah, yes! I know that residential area. We will arrive shortly,” He announced.

The chauffer started to drive his way to Donghae’s house. It was comfortable hush in the car. The relaxing melody filling the atmosphere was a good help. Donghae sat back on his original position and looked out at the tinted window. Suddenly, he felt an arm creeping on his body. He cringed and looked at Eunhyuk who was stretching his body towards Donghae. Donghae enlarged his eyes. Dirty thoughts knocking on his mind, making a layer of pinkish color warmed his cheeks.

“Wear your seatbelt, Donghae,” Eunhyuk muttered and reached for the strap of seatbelt.

Eunhyuk pulled the strap and buckled the seatbelt. When he was sure it was securely locked, he pulled away and looked at Donghae’s face. Seconds later, it turned into staring. His eyebrows jointed together, showing his puzzled look. Then, a smirk appeared on his face. Donghae lowered his head and looked down at his laps.

“You are pinkish, Donghae. Again,” Eunhyuk teased playfully.

The blushing went worse. It became more and more rosy. Eunhyuk stretched his arm and pinched Donghae’s warm cheek. He chuckled and sat properly on the seat. He grabbed the seatbelt strap and buckled it securely. The smiled never fade away from his face. He’s so cute when he’s blushing, Eunhyuk thought and giggled inwardly.

It was a whole silence again…

“Eunhyuk-ssi, may I know where you have been yesterday?” The chauffer asked, looking at Eunhyuk through the rear-view mirror.

Eunhyuk was surprised. He did not expect his chauffer would ask him this question and the best thing was that he did not prepare any practical answer yet. His lips clashed together as they trembled. Eunhyuk tried to dig for a good reason in his mind. Donghae beside him too was feeling uncomfortable about this question. The chauffer sensed the nervousness between the two schoolboys. He cleared his throat purposely to gain their attention and explained further.

“Err, I waited outside the school gate for about two hours but you did not turn up. Did something happen? I tried to call you but you were not answering,” He continued.

“My battery was dead,” Eunhyuk answered about his phone instead of the things that happened.

“Oh, I went back home and waited for your call. No wonder I did not receive any. Why you did not use the public phone?” He asked.

“We did not have, I mean, I could not find any near school yesterday. I am still new, right?” Eunhyuk replied nervously.

“Oh, okay then. Nothing happened to you fortunately,” He responded.

“Hyung, did Mom and Dad knew about my absence yesterday?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Ah? No. They came back late last night. They were tired so they went straight to bed,”  The chauffer answered.

Eunhyuk sighed in relief and looked at the chauffer via the rear-view mirror. Donghae sighed inwardly. Luckily he did not mention me just now. So close, Donghae thought.

“Hyung, can you please not tell them about this. Please?” Eunhyuk pleaded.

His chauffer raised his hand and made an ‘okay!’ sign.

“No problem, Sir,”  He replied.

Eunhyuk smiled and thanked him. In fact, Eunhyuk astounded Donghae with the way he talk to his chauffer. Though he was a rich boy, he talked to his chauffer like a ‘dongsaeng-hyung’ relationship way. He was close to his chauffer. Donghae thought rich boys were a spoilt brat who treated their personal assistant in a bad way but Eunhyuk changed his perception.



“Thank you for sending me home,” Donghae thanked the driver and Eunhyuk.

He was about to step out from the car when Eunhyuk called his name. He turned around and looked at him.

“Hae, can we meet later, this evening in park. I will wait for you after your work. Okay?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Wh-what? No,” Donghae replied.

“Yes? Okay. I will wait for you later. See you,” Eunhyuk replied, overlooking what Donghae just said. He would still wait for him even he say no.

Donghae just shook his head and went out of the car.



Donghae sighed when his shift was over. He walked out of his workplace with his bag bouncing on his side. He saw Eunhyuk waving at him, leaning against the same car he rode on this afternoon. Donghae shook his head and smiled at Eunhyuk and the previous chauffer. As Donghae reached Eunhyuk, he was surprised. Eunhyuk’s lips were pale. He was okay just now.

“Hey,” Eunhyuk greeted as usual in a little different voice.

Donghae did not reply. He palmed Eunhyuk’s forehead and warmth seeped through his skin. Eunhyuk was warmer than necessary. He might be having fever and he looks pretty pale. Donghae pulled back his hand. He shook his head.

“You might be having fever, Eunhyuk. Go back. We’ll meet some other day, okay?” Donghae said, concerned.

“N-no-oh. No. We’re going as we planned. No objection,” Eunhyuk protested like a young kid that did not get his cotton candy.

“Eunhyuk, you’re warm. Don’t y - Whoa!” Donghae was not able to continue his line.

In the next blink, Donghae was already in the car again. Eunhyuk really liked to pull people into his car. He’d be a good kidnapper soon, Donghae thought in his mind. Eunhyuk quickly did as he did this afternoon. He locked the car and buckled Donghae’s seatbelt in one breath. The blush did not even have the chance to surface on Donghae’s cheeks.

Donghae gawked at Eunhyuk in a foolish way. Eunhyuk smiled innocently and buckled his own seatbelt. Then, loudly he ordered for the chauffer to drive them to the park. Donghae’s eyes did not leave Eunhyuk as the other boy looked out at the window, sniffing sometimes. He looked unwell.



They finally reached the park. Both of them got off from the car. Eunhyuk was over-excited to hang out with Donghae that day despites his bad condition. Eunhyuk quickly grasped Donghae’s hand, pulling him to walk faster but Donghae stayed on his position, not moving an inch. Eunhyuk turned to Donghae to check on him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

Donghae did not answer him. He put his palm on Eunhyuk’s forehead and moved it to all over his face.

“Hyuk-ssi you’re having a fever. Maybe we should come here later, let’s go home. You’re sick,” Hae said with worried face.

Donghae’s touch on his face poisoned Eunhyuk. He had anticipated this day for a long time to hang out with Donghae. Besides, he really needed to clear up his curiosity about Donghae. Eunhyuk showed his determination.

 “No, Hae. I really want to hang out at park with you. Please,” Eunhyuk whined like a small kid and gave his pout to Donghae.

“But look at your condition today. You look pale and horrible,” Donghae insisted to request Hyuk to go home.

Eunhyuk would never want to lose. He grabbed Donghae’s hand.

“Don’t worry I’m alright. Let’s go now,” Donghae could not finish his word and Eunhyuk had already pulled him.

Eunhyuk told Donghae to sit at the swings since there was nobody playing with the swings. Eunhyuk landed his on the swing next to Donghae, who immediately swung himself back and forth when he sat on it. Then, he stopped and panted. He looked at Eunhyuk and giggled.

“Look. Who wanted to go home just now? He’s clearly enjoying,” Eunhyuk muttered.

“Eunhyuk-ssi, why are we here actually?” Donghae asked in serious tone suddenly.

“Well, I just want to hang out with you. Why?” Eunhyuk replied with another question.

“Ah, I’m still worried about you. Let’s go home now,” Donghae suddenly said after a long minute and was ready to stand up.

“Wait, Donghae!” Eunhyuk said, grabbing Donghae’s forearm to make him stayed on his spot.

“What? You have hidden agenda behind this, right?” Donghae asked and received a firm nod from the other.

“What is it?” Donghae asked with his solemn tone.

Eunhyuk silenced for a few seconds thinking whether he should ask about it or not. He then decided yes, he really needed to clear his stack of curiosity. 

“I - I’m still curious about the picture in your wallet. Why does he have the same face with me? Wh-why do we look alike?” Eunhyuk asked solemnly.

Donghae did not respond and refused to answer. He looked up at the evening sky and stood up. Muttering “I want to go back.” to Eunhyuk, he was about to walk away. Eunhyuk quickly gripped on his forearm and asked about the question again. Donghae looked at the ground and sighed. He deserved an answer, Donghae thought and turned his head to look at Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk was surprised to see the watery eyes of Donghae.

“I don’t want to tell you. Because it hurts me a lot,” Donghae slipped the words cautiously to Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk felt guilty washed all over him for making Donghae cried. He his hand on Donghae’s back and kept repeating sorry, hoping that would make the crybaby felt better.

“I…I think you should know about this either way. That person in the picture was Lee Jaehyuk. Funny, right? He happened to have the same surname as you. He looked exactly like you. He was my best friend. We were close,” Donghae started his sad story.

“Oh. So, he’s your best friend. B-but, why do we have the same face? Ah! Where is he now? Can I meet him?” Eunhyuk asked Donghae, not hearing clearly.

Donghae sniffled and tried to stop the tears that were about to flow. He breathed deeply and seeped the leftover courage he got in him.

“He was my best friend,” Donghae repeated, stressing on the ‘was’ silently.

“Oh, I-…I’m sorry. I didn’t hear well just now. W-What happened to him?” Eunhyuk asked uncomfortably.

“He died about 5 years ago in a car crash. We were walking home on that day. I was carrying a stack of project papers. I don’t know whether God was cruel at that time or it’s me bringing bad luck to people, a few papers flew onto the road. I went to take it and a car was coming really fast toward me. He saved me but the car hit him. And, he died in the accident. I…I thought you were him when I first saw you. I thought he was still alive,” Donghae storied more to the boy, tears streaming nonstop.

“I- I’m sorry for him. He was a really good person. He was truthful in your friendship. I’d love to have a friend like him too,” Eunhyuk said softly.

“Thank you, Hyuk. I’m grateful to have a person like him in my life. I’m sorry for what I did to you since we met. You know I’ve been avoiding you all of this time, right? I…I’ve been avoiding you because I don’t want to fall for you. That’s the reason,” Donghae said with a tiny sad smile.

“So, that’s why? I thought you hated me all of this time,” Eunhyuk whispered in relief.

“I don’t want the past to repeat. I don’t want the person I love to leave me again. I’m sorry for that. Truly sorry,” Donghae was sobbing so hard but still managed to talk about it.

He did not know where he plucked the courage from but he felt good and light-minded when he finally let it out. Eunhyuk was surprised to hear that. He was speechless for a minute. The explanation from Donghae really astonished him. The cheerful mood they were having just now turned to sorrow. However, Eunhyuk did not want to keep this unhappiness mood between them so he put his arms around Donghae’s shoulders and squeezed them trying to calm him. Eunhyuk wiped off his tears from his cheeks. He tried his best to calm him down.

“By the way, didn’t you just say about falling for me?” Eunhyuk teased.

As expected, a layer of rosy pink covered Donghae’s wet cheeks. He nudged Eunhyuk’s waist for making him blush. Eunhyuk made a painful sound. It was fake-sounded but it sounded pure at the same time.

“Damn you, Hae! It hurts, you know. See there, your ears are red too,” Eunhyuk teased again; how much he loved teasing Donghae.

Donghae covered his warm ears with his hands cutely. Eunhyuk chuckled and muttered a soft, “I think I’m falling for you too, Donghae.” Then, the brown-headed boy just walked away, leaving the stunned Donghae behind.  Eunhyuk’s face looked like he was joking but he sounded serious, as if he really meant it instead of his teasing.

Donghae, who had his head lowered, looked up at Eunhyuk a few meters from him. Eunhyuk was coughing lightly which turned into serious case when he barely able to breathe. Donghae was worried. Before he was able to catch up with Eunhyuk, the boy had already passed out and fell onto the ground.

Donghae rushed rapidly to Eunhyuk, calling his name. He tapped on the boy’s warm and pale cheeks but he did not wake up. Donghae gained all of his strength and carried Eunhyuk in his arms. He walked almost unsteadily to the car where the chauffer was waiting.

“Would you want me to send you -” The chauffer was about to ask.

“No. We need to bring Eunhyuk home first. He’s having high fever.” Donghae cut.



The chauffer drove the car into the luxurious house area. He parked the car right in front of the main door of the huge building and gestured for Donghae to carry Eunhyuk out. He told Donghae to bring him in and the maid would call for his mom. Donghae nodded and carried the unconscious boy into the house straight to the nearest couch. Eunhyuk was getting warmer and warmer. Donghae laid him on the couch and pillowed his head with the cushion.

“Oh my! What happened?” A lady shouted from their back.

Donghae turned around. He looked at Eunhyuk’s mom and moved further away for her to check on Eunhyuk. She was a bit panic as she massaged Eunhyuk’s head. Donghae took the opportunity to tell the whole story to her. Donghae looked at Eunhyuk who started to regain his consciousness. The closed eyes parted slowly and he was mumbling someone’s name. Everybody was worried.

“Hyukjae! You okay?! You’re warm. I should cancel my flight with Dad today,” Mom said in an out-of-control tone, grabbing her phone.

“No, Mom! You shouldn’t. It’s Dad’s biggest trip. You should go, Mom,” Eunhyuk said.

“B-but, Hyukjae. You’re sick. You’re having fever,” She protested, searching for her husband’s name in the contact list.

“No, Mom. I’ll be okay. I…I have Donghae to take care of me,” Eunhyuk blurted out without thinking.

Donghae’s eyes widened. What the hell, Eunhyuk? You told me to watch my words before but now, Donghae cursed mentally. Eunhyuk’s mom turned around to have a good view of Donghae. She slightly cringed after a long staring but no one noticed it. She looked at Donghae with hopeful look on her face. He wanted to refuse but seeing the lady’s face properly, something hit his mind and unconsciously and involuntarily he agreed and said ‘yes’.

“Oh my God. Thank you very much Donghae. I’m very grateful Hyukjae had met such a good friend like you,” Eunhyuk’s Mom said to Donghae while patting his back.

Donghae just smiled. Seemed like he was going to spend another night with Eunhyuk.



Credit goes to Monkeyfish for the pic. :)

A/N: This is so disappointing. I'm Sorry~

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Chapter 13: How can you be so crueeeel ToT please updaaaaateeeee
I'm dying here ! Pleeeeeaaaaseeee
EnidBlyton #2
wow amazing stories
257471 #3
Chapter 13: It's getting more complicated now. Get rid that kibum...
please update soon...
Chapter 13: somehow kibum's plan scaring me :| donghae has suffered a lot, he doesn't need kibum to add more salt into his wound. eunhyuk, please go back to the bookstore, donghae needs you ;uuuu; huhuhu

thanks for the update! Happy new year! :)
Chapter 13: this! Kibum off! Hyukjae you flipping cowardly idiot! Ugh! Go make up with Donghae please! STOP
fishy_haehae91 #6
Chapter 13: ah kibum, why??
dont do that
u will end up hurting more people and the people that u love
ELFhyukhae #7
Chapter 13: Aigoo~ just kill kibum already loool I hate him in here I wish hae will not fall for his trap and try to make up with hyukkie,happy new year for you too update soon
Chapter 13: ouh gosh!! Why why why??? Poor haehyuk... Dat kibum! Wanna kill him... Stop ur evil plan...!! Grrr...
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 13: poor eunhae..
dun want them to suffer...
now kibum appeared and getting more complicated... hope he did not hurt hyuk..