Cold Manner

Don't Leave Me Again

Donghae was dumbfounded. Everything around him seemed to stop. He could not believe his eyes. The brown-haired boy in front of his eyes should not be here. He’s here. He’s really here. He’s in front of me. B-b-but…, Donghae thought. He exhaled the gulp of air he unconsciously holding.

“Are you okay?” the boy repeated, his face showed the curiosity in his mind.

‘Are you okay?’ Those words that came out from those lips kept replaying in Donghae’s mind. He still had his eyes widened since just now. Eunhyuk looked at Donghae confusedly. Why he’s acting so strange? Is he always like this? I scare him or something else, Eunhyuk thought. He held his hand to shake with Donghae, as a friendly first meeting. He put on his best gummy smile and tried to search for Donghae’s eyes.

“Hi, I’m Lee Hyukjae.” Eunhyuk said.

Lee Hyukjae. His eyes… His lips… His jaw line… the same… he can’t be…him, Donghae thought and was pulled out of his ‘paused-for-a-while’ own little world. He blinked his eyes a few times as he shook his head. His sight caught the hand held out by the boy. He stared at the pale hand.

“Hi, I’m Hyukjae. Nice to meet you,” Eunhyuk tried to grab Donghae’s attention again.

Donghae nodded his head without having a single word out of his mouth. He could not think properly right now. Everything was blur and confusing to him. He could not pick up the pace of his surroundings. He needed some time to refresh his mind, and think properly.

Eunhyuk on the other hand was taken aback with Donghae’s act. He shrugged about it off and pulled back his hand. Maybe he’s feeling a little sick this morning…or maybe he’s not in a good mood today. Maybe not today, should be next time. We’ll be friend next time. It’s just not today, Eunhyuk. He’s just moody, maybe, Eunhyuk consoled his hurt heart.

“Umm…May I know your name?” Eunhyuk asked, looking at Donghae.

Donghae was silent. He straightened himself on the seat and turned his head to face the front, oblivious with the question. He put on a straight face and did not say anything.

“What’s your name?” Eunhyuk asked again, tired of repeating the same line.

Donghae did not answer. Eunhyuk nodded his head mentally. Yeah…he’s moody. Never mind, Eunhyuk. He’ll talk to you later…, Eunhyuk consoled himself again. He turned his head to the front.

“Donghae,” Donghae said flatly.

Eunhyuk turned his head back to Donghae. Did my ears are tricking me? He just said something, Eunhyuk thought. He parted his lips to speak.

“Pardon?” Eunhyuk said.

“My name is Donghae.” Donghae repeated flatly with a vibrating voice.

“Oh, nice to meet you,” Eunhyuk replied, nodding his head.

Eunhyuk wanted to ask a load more of questions. But judging from the way Donghae spoke just now, maybe he should just stay silent on his spot. Eunhyuk turned to the front and looked at the opened book on his table. His eyes trailed the alphabets on the page blankly. He was not reading, he was just glancing at the words but his mind was over the Moon.

Eunhyuk was still new in this school. He did not make any friends yet and he knew he would soon. But the thing that hurt him was he expected Donghae to be nice, warm and friendly toward him but it turned out 180 degrees the opposite. Donghae just spoke a few words to him and that was because he asked him. He felt like being turned down by him.

Eunhyuk also felt something fishy about Donghae. Why he was so shocked to see me just now? As if he just saw some kind of ghost. Hell! I’m not a ghost or a freaking monster or zombie who just came alive, Eunhyuk thought as he felt a bit angry and pissed off at Donghae but soon forgot about it as the teacher entered.

“Morning, class!” The teacher greeted warmly as she placed her books on the table.

Everybody in the class stood up. They greeted the teacher in synchronize but a few of them were just yawning.

“Good morning, Mrs. Lee,” The students greeted.

“Okay, class. Did you finish your homework?” Mrs. Lee asked.

Grumbles could be heard throughout the class. Some girls walked to the teacher’s table with their book in their hands. They looked at both Donghae and Eunhyuk as they passed by their tables. They whispered to each other but were really audible for the boys to hear.

“Don’t you think both of them are good-looking?” A pony-tailed girl whispered to her friends.

“Yes and they look cute together,” The other replied in low whisper.

The girls giggled before sitting back on their seats. Donghae scoffed at the girls’ whispers. He took out his book from his bag and almost vigorously slapped it on the table.

“Are you okay, Donghae?” Eunhyuk asked; he felt good to utter the name for the first time.

Donghae ignored the question and stood up. He walked to the table and placed the book on a stack of the similar books. Without any words, Donghae walked back to his place and sat on the chair. Oh my, please, I want to get out of this class now. When will recess time arrive? I can’t handle this situation any longer, Donghae thought. He felt really uncomfortable with Eunhyuk beside him and wanted to get away from the mind-wrecker problem.

Mrs. Lee nodded her head, looking at the stack.

“I hope everybody has his or her book here. Okay?” Mrs. Lee commented.

“I hope so too,” Heechul added, chuckling.

He could not stand still if he did not add a few words on people’s lines.

“Class. Pay your attention now. Please open your workbook. The one blue in color. Make sure you have it on your table now,” Mrs. Lee ordered, pulling out hers.

Suddenly, Eunhyuk raised his arm to grab Mrs. Lee’s attention. He stood up from his seat nervously. Luckily Mrs. Lee saw his hand up in the air. She looked at Eunhyuk and smiled helpfully at him.

“Yes, boy? What’s wrong?” She asked.

“I’m s-sorry. N-no, I don’t h-have it. I’m n-new in this class,” Eunhyuk replied, stuttering a bit.

“Oh, boy. Don’t be scared. I’m not going to punish you. You must be the new boy Mrs. Wi told me. Never mind, I’ll get one for you. For the time being, you can share with Donghae,” Mrs. Lee said, relieving Eunhyuk, not until she mentioned to share with Donghae.

“Pardon?” Eunhyuk said, making sure he heard it right.

“For the time being, you don’t mind sharing your book with your new friend, right Donghae?” Mrs. Lee asked.

Donghae startled upon hearing what Mrs. Lee just said. He tried to avoid Eunhyuk as far as he could and everything was going smoothly and Mrs. Lee just ruined it. Nice, thanks to Mrs. Lee, Eunhyuk thought. He nodded his head as he sat on his seat. He turned his head toward Donghae.

“You don’t mind, right?” Eunhyuk asked, grinning.

Donghae did not reply anything. He just pushed his book to the middle part of their table to share it with Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk muttered a ‘Thank you’ and dragged his seat closer to Donghae. He wanted to get a good view of the content of the book.

Their sleeved arms brushed against together and their shoulders touched. And their clothed-knees almost touching each other. Deep in his heart, he felt something different. Donghae felt warm and comfortable having Eunhyuk this close to him. As if chemistry was running between both of them.



Eunhyuk was feeling drowsy suddenly. He slept late last night and the chattering Mrs. Lee in front of the class was not helping at all. The short nap he took early in the morning at class was not enough to cover his sleepiness.

Eunhyuk hit his head on Donghae’s shoulder for a few seconds. He popped open his eyes immediately due to the pain. He lifted his head and blushing seemed to appear on his cheeks. He was so embarrassed to Donghae. He apologized to him non-stop.

And for that few seconds, Donghae felt the most different thing he had ever felt. He was not mad at Eunhyuk, and he did not know why. He did not feel the pain when the boy’s head fell on his shoulder. He could smell something from Eunhyuk. Something really nice, his scent. The sweet strawberry scent of Eunhyuk made his entire fake ego faded away for a moment.

“I’m sorry. I fell asleep just now,” Eunhyuk apologized to Donghae.

Donghae cleared his throat and Eunhyuk went silent. They continued focusing on whatever Mrs. Lee was explaining, pretending nothing happened. Eunhyuk tried a few times stealing glances at Donghae, hoping he would speak something to him. But everything was useless.

Donghae kept his straight face and looked at the book all of the time. He was not even bothered a bit to look at Eunhyuk. Truly, the straight face was masking Donghae’s curiosity about the new boy beside him. He could not concentrate all of this while during their lesson too.

“Class, turn to the next page,” Mrs. Lee ordered before continued the explaining session.

Donghae and Eunhyuk wanted to turn the page at the same time. Their skin brushed together and the tip of their fingers touched. A kind of tingling feeling flowed across in Donghae’s body making his heartbeats increasing rapidly. Donghae could feel the warmness radiating from under the skin of his cheeks, turning them slightly pink.

Eunhyuk was a bit bothered with the touching. Living for five years overseas, he was used with touching. Being slightly touched by random person to him was not a big deal. But he did not know why, when it came between him and Donghae, he felt different. I should apologize to him. This is his book, Eunhyuk thought.

“I’m sorry,” Eunhyuk apologized again to Donghae.

Donghae quickly pulled his hand away from Eunhyuk’s one. He kept his straight face and just nodded his head in response. His ego was controlling him at that moment.



Finally, recess time arrived. Donghae was so happy. He quickly gathered his things and shoved everything into his bag. He leaved the bag on his seat and went out of the class without any words.

Eunhyuk just stared at Donghae’s back as he walked out of the class. He was kind of disappointed with Donghae’s act just now. Ugh. He does not even bothered to ask me to join him? What’s wrong with him? Why he’s acting this way to me, Eunhyuk whined inwardly. He gathered his things slowly and put them into his bag.

He did not feel like eating any food. He took out the strawberry milk his mom packed for him this morning. He grinned, looking at the bottle of milk, his favorite. Eunhyuk could not wait any longer. He paced out of the class, realizing he was the only one left. He walked to the cafeteria, which he recognized not to be far from the class, to have his yummy milk.

“Oh, I can’t wait to have this,” Eunhyuk said happily.

Eunhyuk was impatient. He twisted the bottle lid and took a sip of the drink. His lips curved upward into a smile as the milk went down through his throat. Strawberry milk is the best, Eunhyuk thought as he held his bottle firmly with his right hand while his left hand fisted the lid. He tried to search for any empty space for him to enjoy his milk. Ahh! There’s one there, he thought. He found an empty chair at the corner of the cafeteria. Eunhyuk started to pave his way to there before anyone took it.

All of the sudden, something bumped with Eunhyuk’s shoulder. It was a really great force. He stumbled backward and fell on the ground, landing with his first. His grip on the milk’s bottle loosened and the bottle hit the ground. The content of the bottle spilled out and stained his shirt. Then, the bottle rolled on the ground, spilling more pink milky liquid onto the floor.

“Oops! I’m sorry!” Heechul apologized with his sarcastic face, standing a meter from Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk looked up at the person who he bumped into. Heechul?! What the… Why he always troubled me? This diva. Aish, my second day and I’m already in his list, he cursed Heechul mentally.

“Do you need help, monkey?” Heechul asked, smirking evilly.

Eunhyuk kept himself calm and controlled his anger while he was still on the floor. He smiled at Heechul and shook his head.

“Good that you don’t need my help!” Heechul exclaimed, obviously there was hidden meaning in his line.

Eunhyuk looked at his spilled drink. Then, somebody lend his hand out for him. Eunhyuk hoped it was someone who wanted to be friend with him and who he can hang out with. Or Donghae. He looked up at the person’s face. His lips curling into a smile but stopped. Damn, it’s Heechul, Eunhyuk cursed again. Heechul looked at him expressionless. Eunhyuk accepted the offering hand and gripped on it. Heechul pulled him as Eunhyuk helped himself to stand up. He stared at the bully who just helped him with a puzzled face. Does he have any hidden agenda? I don’t really trust this guy, Eunhyuk thought as he continued staring. Heechul patted on his back a bit forcefully. He smiled at the guy awkwardly. Heechul’s expressionless turned into a smirk.

 “Do you want to wait till the stain dried up?” Heechul asked, back to his own self.

“Eh! Oh, my shirt!” Eunhyuk yelled, looking down at his stained shirt.

Eunhyuk turned around to go out of the café. He suddenly turned back around.

“Thank you, Heechul.” Eunhyuk thanked, bowing slightly.

Heechul, who have his arms crossed over his chest, nodded his head, looking satisfied. Eunhyuk walked away from the building. He could not stand the stares and giggles he was getting from the students surrounding them just now. That was way too embarrassing, Eunhyuk sighed. He found a restroom. He quickly entered it and walked straight to the sink. He turned the tap on and cold water flowed. He could hear some random students chattering in one of the cubicle.

Eunhyuk just shrugged it off and focused on cleaning his fresh pinkish stain. He wetted his hand and sprinkled a few droplets of water on the stain. Fortunately, the stain came out. He sighed, relieved that the stain started to disappear.

“Thanks, God! I won’t hear Mom nagging today,” Eunhyuk exhaled, grinning.

Suddenly, a cubicle door opened. Donghae came out from it and walked to the sink. He actually did not realize Eunhyuk’s existence there. Eunhyuk stared at Donghae as he washed his hands. He broke the stare when Donghae looked at his reflection at the mirror. Donghae was startled to see Eunhyuk next to him. Oh gosh, why does this boy always around me wherever I go, Donghae talked in his mind. Eunhyuk continued to clean the stain although they were gone. Donghae looked at the wet spots on the boy’s shirt.

“Oh, my! My shirt wet a lot,” Eunhyuk muttered, looking at his uniform.

He shoved his hand into his pocket and fished for any tissue. But he found none. He could not possibly walk around the school with wet spots on his shirt. That looks idiotic he thought. Donghae cleared his throat to grab the boy’s attention. Eunhyuk looked at Donghae with ‘what-did-you-just-called-me’ look on his face. Donghae held out a white handkerchief to Eunhyuk, his eyes looking at the ceiling. Eunhyuk grinned thankfully.

“Thank you, Donghae,” Eunhyuk thanked.

Donghae just nodded his head. Eunhyuk received the handkerchief and tried to make a conversation with Donghae. He was about to open his mouth but Donghae was nowhere to be seen. He had gone out immediately after handing Eunhyuk the cloth. Eunhyuk used the hankie to dry the wetness on his shirt. He felt more comfy after drying his shirt. The white cloth became damp after that. I should give this back to him tomorrow, Eunhyuk decided.



The last bell finally made their sound. Eunhyuk happily packed his things. He was so excited of going home and had lunch. Since he did not get to finish his drink just now, his stomach had been grumbling throughout the day at school. While Donghae was gathering his things, Eunhyuk saw a black pen on the floor. Whose pen is this? Mine is different. Maybe, it’s Donghae’s pen, Eunhyuk thought as he picked up the pen.

“Donghae, is this yours?” Eunhyuk asked, holding the pen.

Donghae turned his head around upon hearing his name being called. He avoided eye contact with Eunhyuk, but still look at his direction.

“Is this yours?” Eunhyuk repeated.

Donghae looked at the pen and nodded his head. He took the pen from Eunhyuk’s hand and kept it in his pencil case. Then, he continued packing his stationery into his bag. Eunhyuk was feeling upset when Donghae did not even thank him. Donghae indeed did not talk much in school that day since he saw Eunhyuk. Donghae was actually someone who loved to play around like a kid. But he was acting weird and different since he met Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk could not hold it anymore. He called Donghae’s name again, grabbing his attention. Donghae turned again with a slightly annoyed face.

“Why are you like this to me?” Eunhyuk asked, finding his hidden courage.

The only reply he got was pure silence.

“Why you don’t speak to me? Did I do something wrong that hurt you or something else?” Eunhyuk added.

Donghae just keep on his straight blank face. He shook his head and ignored Eunhyuk’s questions. He zipped his bag and swung the strip over his head. Gripping at the strip firmly, he started to walk out of the class to leave Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk quickly zipped his bag and paced out of the class, trailing Donghae. He kept stalking the quiet boy, just inches away from him, to the gate of the school. He was trying his best to make friend with Donghae.

Suddenly, Donghae’s wallet fell from his pocket. Donghae seemed oblivious about this. He just continued walking, as if nothing happened. Eunhyuk stepped on the wallet unintentionally. He picked up the wallet. He opened the wallet to look at the owner’s identification card. There’s supposed to be something belongs to the owner in here, Eunhyuk thought as he looked at the picture in the wallet.

And that was when the world stopped to him.

The noisy students surrounding him were silent.

His brain became slow.

And his mind could not process the thing he was looking. Just like when Donghae first saw his picture. Karma was happening on him.

H-how d-did Donghae h-have m-my p-p-photo? My face, Eunhyuk even stuttered in his thought. He widened his eyes, unbelieving the face on the photo. He looked up at his front, his sight searching for Donghae’s figure. He found a figure walking away from him. He quickly ran to him.

“Donghae, wait!”  Eunhyuk shouted while running to stop Donghae.

Donghae turned his body around. Eunhyuk tripped over a stone and stumbled on Donghae. Donghae caught the stumbling skinny body with his arms reflexively. Wow! After avoiding him for the whole day at school, I’m still kind enough to help him, Donghae thought. He could smell the same strawberry scent from Eunhyuk again. But this time it was stronger. Maybe it was the effect of the pink stain on his shirt at the toilet just now. Donghae was enjoying the scent till his eyes caught a thing Eunhyuk’s holding.

He quickly pushed Eunhyuk away from him. Eunhyuk stood there holding a thing. His thing.  How did he get it? That’s my wallet, Donghae thought. Eunhyuk looked at him with some kind of expression.

“How?” Eunhyuk straightly asked, running out his breath due to his run.

Donghae was confused.

“How did you get my photo?” Eunhyuk asked, holding the wallet, showing the old photo.

Donghae’s eyes widened. He quickly grabbed the wallet in a heartbeat and kept it deeply inside his pocket. Eunhyuk was puzzled. Why he’s acting this way again? He looks scared, Eunhyuk thought. He just wanted some explanation.

“N-No! It’s nothing! You’ve seen it wrong!” Donghae yelled, looking scared.

“What do you m-” Eunhyuk wanted to ask again.

“No, It’s nothing. I’m going now. Bye!” Donghae yelled.

Donghae went off, leaving the confused and puzzled Eunhyuk behind. How did he have my photo? I’ve never have that before. Who is he actually? Why he’s like this? Who is the person in the photo? He looks exactly like me, Eunhyuk thought as he was confused. Really confused.


I'm sorry for a really late update. I hope you'll like this update. I don't have much to say now. Any of you have any idea about what should happen in the next chapter? Maybe it will inspire me to make a better story. Haha!~ I'm just saying. It'll be my pleasure if you're willing to help. Thanks for reading, guys. I love you! *big hug*

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Chapter 13: How can you be so crueeeel ToT please updaaaaateeeee
I'm dying here ! Pleeeeeaaaaseeee
EnidBlyton #2
wow amazing stories
257471 #3
Chapter 13: It's getting more complicated now. Get rid that kibum...
please update soon...
Chapter 13: somehow kibum's plan scaring me :| donghae has suffered a lot, he doesn't need kibum to add more salt into his wound. eunhyuk, please go back to the bookstore, donghae needs you ;uuuu; huhuhu

thanks for the update! Happy new year! :)
Chapter 13: this! Kibum off! Hyukjae you flipping cowardly idiot! Ugh! Go make up with Donghae please! STOP
fishy_haehae91 #6
Chapter 13: ah kibum, why??
dont do that
u will end up hurting more people and the people that u love
ELFhyukhae #7
Chapter 13: Aigoo~ just kill kibum already loool I hate him in here I wish hae will not fall for his trap and try to make up with hyukkie,happy new year for you too update soon
Chapter 13: ouh gosh!! Why why why??? Poor haehyuk... Dat kibum! Wanna kill him... Stop ur evil plan...!! Grrr...
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 13: poor eunhae..
dun want them to suffer...
now kibum appeared and getting more complicated... hope he did not hurt hyuk..