First Day

Don't Leave Me Again

“Yeah! Korea, I’m here!” A brown-haired boy yelled, who supposedly to be Eunhyuk.

“Eunhyuk, please behave yourself. We’re at the airport, dear,” His mom scolded.

“I’m sorry mom. I got over-excited,” Eunhyuk said sheepishly.

“Eunhyuk, you’ll start school tomorrow. So, be sure to get prepared by tonight,” His father reminded.

“Hell what? Tomorrow? Can’t I register in few more days?” Eunhyuk grunted.

“Please mind your language, dear,” His mom reminded .

“Our P.A. had registered you in a school few days ago before we flied here. So, you’ll just need to confirm everything with the Principal tomorrow and that’s it. You just continue with your studies,” His father explained .

"But…” Eunhyuk wanted to refuse.

“No buts, Eunhyuk. Just follow what Dad said. We want the best for you,” Her mom cut his word before he could say anything, softly but stern enough to shut Eunhyuk up.

“Urgh... Fine,” He replied, simple but the news seemed to drew away his good mood.

“I know you will agree with this,” His father said to him.



It was 7 a.m. but Eunhyuk was still sleeping on his bed; probably he was still exhausted with long flights yesterday. Besides, he was not ready for school yet as they had just arrived at Korea yesterday, after 5 years staying oversea. Out of the sudden, in his comfy sleep his mom knocked on the door, calling out his name.

“Hyukjae! Dear, what are you doing? You have school today, remember?”

Whenever his mom started to mention about school, that would blown away his mood. Being annoyed, Eunhyuk buried his head into the pillow deeper and replied lazily. 

“Yeah, mom. I’m getting ready right now. Just wait for me downstairs.”

His mom could barely hear what he just said as his voice was muffled by the pillow. Not to bother his son so much, she just added another reminder to her child to be quick as it was his first day of school. Eunhyuk did not reply this time. He was actually still lazing around his bed, lying to his mom just to make sure his mom would not nag and leave him alone for good. He walked to the bathroom sluggishly and got ready for school. It took him about 30 minutes to get all done. After trying hard not to gobble up his breakfast, Eunhyuk stood up.

 “Ok, Mum. I better get moving now. I think I’m late.”

“So, at least you realized that you are late,” His mom poured sarcasm comment on him.

 “Mom…,” Eunhyuk groaned like a kid, pouting and sulking for what his mom just said.

"I’m sorry, dear. You should leave now. You can’t be late for your first day. Remember to be good with everybody.”

”Yeah. Right, Mom. I guess everybody will hate me since I am a new student there,” Eunhyuk said, not having confident on his first day.

“No. That’s not true. You might find someone as your best friend later. Maybe not today. But I believe you will, sweetheart. Now, go...,”  His mom replied while placing a kiss on his cheek and forehead and massaged his shoulders while he took his last sip of orange juice.

 “Ok, Mom. I love you,” Eunhyuk said, kissing his mom back and went into the car where their driver was waiting waiting for him.



Eunhyuk sighed for maybe the hundredth time on that day. He swung his small backpack over his head, letting it landed on his shoulder and stepped into the new school. Everything is going to be okay, he thought. He took a deep breath and made another step. He wandered around the school compound, trying to search for the Principal’s office.

It’s just a Principal office. Why I can't find it, Eunhyuk complained mentally. He decided to ask the students walking around him. He saw a black-haired diva-like guy walking from the opposite direction of his. He cleared his throat.

“Excuse me, where is the Principal’s office?”  Eunhyuk asked to the random guy.

“Principal’s office?” The guy repeated, rather smirking.

“Yes. I’m new here so, I don’t know much,” Eunhyuk tried to explain.

“Just go straight this way till you find a white door. Turn left and go upstairs. You’ll find the Principal’s office on the same corridor. Brown wooden door. Get it?” The guy cut .

“Ah? Yes. Thank you,” Eunhyuk thanked , bowing his head.

The guy walked away, mouthing ‘idiot’. Meanwhile, Eunhyuk looked at the way in front of him. He started to pace slowly till he saw a white door. He turned to his left and saw a flight of stairs.

“Go upstairs?” He recalled, eyebrows crossed on his face.

He climbed the stairs slowly. He walked along the corridor, having pairs of eyes staring at him. Well, that’s normal for a new student, he thought. He just shrugged it off and continued walking. As he saw a closed brown wooden door, he stopped his feet. His eyes wandered around the door, searching for any ‘PRINCIPAL OFFICE’ plate on the door but found none. He decided to just enter the room.

Eunhyuk turned the doorknob and pushed it open, only to find a few nerdy-looking students doing a study group activity in the room. They stared at him with a ‘who-is-he’ look. Eunhyuk could feel warmth on his cheeks. He was flushing in embarrassment. A boy with thick glasses hanging over his nose stood up and smiled warmly.

“You’re new, right?” asked him.

“Ahh? Ah! Yes,” Eunhyuk answered , embarrassed.

“You want to join us?” He invited, gesturing at the tones of books.

“Ahh? N-no. Never mind,” Eunhyuk answered .

“Oh, okay,” The boy said  meekly, kind of disappointed.

Eunhyuk turned around to walk out of the room but stopped again. He turned around back. His gummy smile pasted on his face. He cleared his throat to gain the attention of the group.

“Do you need anything?” A girl asked.

“Since I’m new, can you tell me where’s the Principal office?” Eunhyuk requested .

“That’s far from here. How’d you get here? Wait - it must be Heechul." The girl said.

Heechul? Who’s that? He must be the guy who told me the direction just now. Whoever he is, he must be the bully of this school. He looks kind of one of the popular guy here and has a very handsome face, Eunhyuk thought. Whatever it was, Eunhyuk's plan was to just be aware of him the next time. He could expect this from the start. His first day would not be good. Something like this might happen. At last, Eunhyuk was standing in front of the door of Pirncipal office. He breathed in deeply and let it out lightly before knocking on the door a few times.

“Come in,” A deep fatherly voice answered from inside.

He turned the doorknob and pushed it open, revealing a spectacled man sitting at the table. The man put his pen down and smiled at him.

“Hello. I’m Lee Hyukjae,” Eunhyuk greeted, bowing 90°.

“Oh? Lee Hyukjae? So, you’re the new student?” The Principal asked .

“Yes. I’m Lee Hyukjae,” Eunhyuk said .

“I’m Mr. Jung. I’m the Principal as you know,” He greeted.

Eunhyuk shaped his gummy smile on his face. Mr. Jung gestured him to sit on the chair in front of him. Eunhyuk promptly took a seat on the chair. Mr. Jung brought out a few files and report cards in front of Eunhyuk.

“This is your files and reports from your previous school, right? They just sent them to me yesterday. From what I see, you’re quite good in your studies. And you dance, right?” asked Mr. Jung.

“Yes, I dance.” 

“Good. You can join the dance class.” 

“Oh? I would love to do so.” 

“You’ll be in class 3 A1. The teacher in charge now is Mrs. Wi Maeri. I’ll bring you to the class now.” 

“Okay, Mr. Jung.” 

“Let’s go now,” Mr. Jung said , giving a stack of files to Eunhyuk before standing and walked to the door.

Eunhyuk took the files with his hands and followed the Principal. His eyes roamed around the places he passed through during his way to the class, just to make sure he would not being pranked again. Upon reaching the first level of a two-leveled building, he could hear noises from a class.

“You prank people again, Heechul?” Somebody yelled .

“He’s just an idiot.” Heechul answered.

Eunhyuk and the Principal walked to the door of the classroom. Mr. Jung knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Someone said in a lady tone.

Mr. Jung opened the door and entered into the classroom. The class went silent, for a while. Everybody laid their eyes on Eunhyuk, making him feeling shy and embarrassed all of the sudden. The teacher, Wi Maeri as the Principal told just now, walked to Eunhyuk.

“Why are you here, Mr. Jung? Along with a boy?” She asked.

“Mrs. Wi, this boy will be in this class.” 

“Oh? New student?” 


Mr. Jung and Mrs. Wi had a conversation which Eunhyuk knew he, as a good boy, should not eavesdrop. So, he looked around the class to distract himself from the adult conversation. His eyes widened when he saw the guy who lied to him before hand. That guy was laughing with his friends, probably talking about him. He tried not to make any eye-contact with them. He looked at the empty places near the windows. Nobody was sitting there. He just hoping the teacher would not ask him to sit there. He did not want to be alone as he got loss in class easily and barely understood what the teacher was teaching. That made a good reason why he needed somebody to be next to him in class.

“I’ll take care of everything from now," Mrs. Wi said.

“Thank you. Hyukjae, I hope you’ll be a good student. I’ll go now,” Mr. Jung said , patting his back before leaving the class.

“Can I take a look at those files?” asked the teacher.

Eunhyuk gave her the files. She walked to the table, followed by Eunhyuk and placed the files on her table. Eunhyuk still had those curious and suspicious pairs of eyes on him. He stood there uncomfortably. The teacher noticed about it and looked at the curious students.

“Continue with the work I gave you,” She said.

The students, only a few, looked at their papers on the table. The teacher looked at the content of the files and nodded her head. She turned to Eunhyuk and smiled. She handed back the files to Eunhyuk.

“Mr. Jung didn’t tell me about you earlier. So, I didn’t prepare anything. I’m so sorry about it,” She said, her eyes were scanning the classroom, searching for a place for him.

It did not take long before Mrs. Wi saw a perfect place.

“Please sit there,” She said, pointing to two empty spaces beside windows at the corner of the class.

Not as Eunhyuk wished. He hated to sit alone but now he had to survive in this new school, sitting alone. He knew this was a very bad idea and he wished to argue with the teacher for a new place but he did not have the guts to do so.

“Oh! Donghae is still absent today, Mrs. Wi!” Heechul yelled.

“Why you didn’t tell me earlier, Heechul?”

“He’s having fever. I guess?”

Mrs.Wi shook her head and sighed. Eunhyuk’s thought about sitting alone there was wholly wrong when the teacher informed him that the student next to him was absent today because he was sick. Eunhyuk was relieved to hear that.

“Ah! I forgot to ask you. What’s your name?” The teacher asked.

“Lee Hyukjae.”

“What should we call you then?”

“People call me Eunhyuk.”

Mrs.Wi cleared purposely to make everybody got their attention on her before introducing Eunhyuk to the class.

“Well, class! This is Eunhyuk. He’s a new student in this class. So, please treat him well,” She said.

Eunhyuk exposed his gummy smile to the class. He could hear some girls at the back were squealing. “Oh my, that new guy is so cute.”, “His jaw line is perfect.”, “His body looks y too.” and such was shot at him. Eunhyuk was used to those kinds of praises whenever he entered a new school. To him, he looked ugly compared to the guys in his new school but the girls were still falling for him which still gave him a point that he still looked great actually. 

“Ok. Eunhyuk, this is Heechul. The class president,” Mrs. Wi said , gesturing at Heechul.

Eunhyuk looked at Heechul.

“Remember me?” Heechul said followed by a smirk.

“Heechul, please don’t start this again,” Mrs. Wi warned with her warning eyes.

Shoot. That was the guy who pranks me just now. Why must I be in the same class with him, Eunhyuk sighed inwardly.

“Where should I sit again, Mrs. Wi?” Eunhyuk asked .

He got tired of carrying the stack of files for a long time. And his legs were going to wobble in any time. 

“Oh! You sit there. Donghae supposed to be beside you but he’s not here today. He’s having fever again and had been absent for two days. But don’t worry, he might be in school tomorrow,” Mrs. Wi explained.

“Okay,” Eunhyuk said .

“Oh! Eunhyuk, I need a few of your few passport-sized pictures. For your library cards and so on…,” Mrs. Wi demanded.

“I brought some, just in case,” Eunhyuk said , handling a few pictures demanded by his teacher.

“Thank you,” She thanked as she walked back to her table.

Eunhyuk walked to the empty space he was supposed to sit. He put down his bag and sighed. He looked at the empty space beside him. He looked out at his partner’s table and hoped that he would be there right now. He spotted Lee Donghae’s name on the table and had a first thought that this guy must be a sweet guy as he assumed from his neat handwriting.

‘I hope we’ll meet tomorrow, Donghae.’ Eunhyuk thought .



Donghae was back to school after being absent for two days. He was a lot better now. He arrived at school early as usual. He put his bag on his place. There were not many students at the school yet as it was still early at that time. Only a few students were in his class, revising subject at their places.

While putting his bag, he sensed something weird about his place. His place was disturbed from the original position. But he was sitting alone all of this while, that was what he wondered about. That matter did not bother him much and he just walked straight to the cafeteria to have his breakfast. He usually has his breakfast in school because he has to get ready early for school and did not have time to have breakfast at home.

Approximately 30 minutes later, Eunhyuk arrived at school, earlier than yesterday. He was walking to his class, feeling happy and excited on his second day. His bag was bouncing up and down against his back. He could not wait to make new friends and learn new things in a new place. He got a little bit excited than yesterday. He entered the class and smiled as he saw a bag besides his place. Donghae must be here today, he thought. He really could not wait to meet Donghae.

There were a lot of questions that he wanted to ask Donghae. He just hoped Donghae could be his best friend. Therefore, he could get rid himself from the class bully, Heechul. But he knew he just got too excited to meet Donghae. Once Donghae was in front him, his mouth would be numb, finding the perfect word to start a conversation. That always happened to him when he met a new stranger.

It was Monday, which meant Donghae had duty as librarian and he usually entered the class late on Monday.  The teacher entered the class for the first period and Donghae was still not on his place. Eunhyuk was disappointed as he really hoped to meet his partner beside him. During the lesson Eunhyuk was loss, since that was his first class. As he expected, he would not understand any single thing the teacher was talking. All he could see was the teacher mumbling in front the class. He cursed himself inside his heart. Damn. Why am I so slow? What the heck the teacher is talking. Is he talking in alien language or what, he sighed.

The girls at the back were squealing when they saw Eunhyuk sighing. Out of the blue, somebody knocked on the door and asked for him, saying that his parents were waiting for him in the Principle room for an emergency case. Eunhyuk took his bag and leave. He started to worry about what actually had happened. It was just his second day in school and something bad had happened. Lots of thoughts played around in his mind. Eunhyuk ran down to the staircase and Donghae, who had just done his duty, was on his way to the class. Donghae turned to went upstairs when Eunhyuk was on the opposite side, rushing to the Principle room.

Eunhyuk just walked away to the opposite side and Donghae went straight to the class without noticing Eunhyuk at all. Yes, they bounced to each other but they did not get to see each other. Maybe it was not the day they were meant to meet. At class, Siwon told Donghae about Eunhyuk. After all, Donghae was right about his place had been disturbed this morning. Just as curious as Eunhyuk, he wondered how the guy next to him would look like not realizing the guy that he bounced at the staircase was Eunhyuk.



A/N: How is the first chapter? Do you like it? Well, I don’t have much to say for Chapter 1 as this is just the beginning of the story. There’s more to happen in Chapter 2 and so on. I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter. Please give me your feedback about the starting. Comments from silent readers are welcomed. Haha! XD. Stay tuned for the next chapter!


just an encourangement for me :D


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Chapter 13: How can you be so crueeeel ToT please updaaaaateeeee
I'm dying here ! Pleeeeeaaaaseeee
EnidBlyton #2
wow amazing stories
257471 #3
Chapter 13: It's getting more complicated now. Get rid that kibum...
please update soon...
Chapter 13: somehow kibum's plan scaring me :| donghae has suffered a lot, he doesn't need kibum to add more salt into his wound. eunhyuk, please go back to the bookstore, donghae needs you ;uuuu; huhuhu

thanks for the update! Happy new year! :)
Chapter 13: this! Kibum off! Hyukjae you flipping cowardly idiot! Ugh! Go make up with Donghae please! STOP
fishy_haehae91 #6
Chapter 13: ah kibum, why??
dont do that
u will end up hurting more people and the people that u love
ELFhyukhae #7
Chapter 13: Aigoo~ just kill kibum already loool I hate him in here I wish hae will not fall for his trap and try to make up with hyukkie,happy new year for you too update soon
Chapter 13: ouh gosh!! Why why why??? Poor haehyuk... Dat kibum! Wanna kill him... Stop ur evil plan...!! Grrr...
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 13: poor eunhae..
dun want them to suffer...
now kibum appeared and getting more complicated... hope he did not hurt hyuk..