no. 9

The Time [ HIATUS ]



# sticky notes #    Seohyun = Pink

                             Eunhyuk Indigo 

                             Dongwoon = Dark Green

                             Kiseop = Navy Blue 

                             Jiyeon = Dark Orange 

                             Se Hun = Teal 


Narrator’s POV


Dongwoon kneeled down and almost cried . Kiseop patted his back . Se Hun felt pity to him . he grabbed the torchlight and beamed it to the mirror in front of them . there’s had a hand-writing ... by a BLOOD .

         “ hyung ! noona ! look at this ! “

He shouted . all of them turned their head to the mirror . their mind went blank and looked at each other .

          “ what should we do ? what is our sin ? “


Eunhyuk closed his eyes for a second . he didn’t know what to do right now . he read a hand-writing again and again .

           “ what is that mean ? a congrats ? and hide this corpse ? this is crazy .“

Seohyun asked . all of them sighed . now , they had two missions . number 1 -find their parents and number 2 -hide the corpse or all of them will be a suspect for the murder . Dongwoon touched Hyuna’s hand and squeezed it .. but , he felt something on her palm . Dongwoon slowly pulled . it is a paper ! he pulled it slowly .

            “ Se Hun-ah ! give me the torchlight ! “

Se Hun quickly handed the torchlight to him . all of them looked at him .

            “ why , Dongwoon ? whats happen ? “

Eunhyuk asked curiously . Dongwoon didn’t answered him but kept read something on the paper . Kiseop looked at his cell phone .

            “ hyung ! I think I’m know where is our parents been concealed ! “

Dongwoon said while holding a paper . all of them shocked ! 

            “ where is it Dongwoon-ah ?! tell me ?! balli ! “

Kiseop looked like very desperate . Seohyun holds him .

            “ Kiseop-ah .. be patient . “

Dongwoon handed the paper to Eunhyuk . Eunhyuk slowly read it . he smile . he patted Dongwoon’s back .

            “ good job Dongwoon-ah .. “

All of them started to walk away .

            “ hello .. are all of you didn’t realize ? we had to hide or bury this corpse .. or , all of you want being a suspect on this murder ? “

Jiyeon asked them . all of them turned back .

            “ yeah .. that’s true .. “

For a very first time , Dongwoon agreed with Jiyeon and agreed with other’s suggestion . they stood like a plain doll , thinking the right move . if not , all of them will live in a jail , for sure . suddenly ,

            “ ahha ! I think I know the safe step ! “

Se Hun said . they turned to him .

            “ what is it ? “

Se Hun tell them the details and complete . all of them nodded when they heard a suggestion from Se Hun .  Eunhyuk , Dongwoon , Kiseop and Se Hun lifted Hyuna’s dead body and make sure that the blood won’t dripped onto the floor . Seohyun and Jiyeon cleaned the mirror and the floor in music room . after that , they continue their plan . Seohyun and Jiyeon will checked the surrounded . everything clear until they must walked through the home guard . Seohyun peeked at the window . she saw the guard were laughing hardly while talking on the phone . fortunately , the weather on their side . they walked slowly while lifted the corpse and at the same time the storm strike loudly ! Seohyun and Jiyeon covered their ear because of scared . when they arrived at the car , Seohyun opened the car bonnet and all four guys placed it into the car bonnet . their raincoat were mixed with rain-water , blood and the corpse smell . all of them get into the car and Eunhyuk drove away .


         “ hyung ? where will we go ? and this corpse .. where will we hide it ? “

Se Hun asked while opened his raincoat . Eunhyuk still shut his mouth . Dongwoon elbowed him . Eunhyuk looked like was comeback to the reality .

         “ ye ye . Mianhae . what are your question Se Hun-ah ? “

Se Hun looked at him with a worried face .

         “ are you okay hyung ? “

Se Hun asked .

         “ I’m okay .. just tired . “

Eunhyuk answered and kept his eyes on the dark road . Kiseop leaned his head on the car-window and shut his eyes slowly . he felt very sad , numb and not useful . he is a guy , but why he can’t protect his own mother ?

           “ hyung , if you feel tired . tell me . I will exchange with you to drive . “

Dongwoon said . and at the back , Jiyeon secretly smile when looked at Dongwoon’s changes . he’s really changed ! Seohyun kept stared at the window . Se Hun tried to close his eyes . they needed a rest , and a food of course ! suddenly ,..

          “ omma .. mianhae .. I can’t protect you .. I’m a weak guy omma .. Omma .. I need you .. I miss you Omma .. “

Kiseop .. all of them looked at Kiseop . He’s cried and sobbed in his sleep . Seohyun , which sat on the seat at back , caressed his hair slowly while whispered to his ear .

          “ all of us will protect your Omma and our Omma .. shh , sleep tightly . “

Seohyun said and kissed his hair . Eunhyuk , who is looked the scene from the rear view mirror felt something stabbed his heart .



the journey , begins ....



butterfly in the stomach .. do you know whats that mean ? LOL . I am happy now .. I'm a LONER and I don't have any crush on someone . I'm freeeeeee !!


ellainloveskiseop [block]  on 4-4-2012 18:05:50 says: x
Oh this is scary! Please update soon!! *kneels in front of you* I can't wait for the nest chapter!!!! :) 


ME : whoaaa ! don't kneel in front of me maa >,< ye ye . I'm update the new chapter now :) kamsahamnida !


seohyun10 [block]  on 4-6-2012 11:55:38 says: x
This so so creep but cool. I love this story. This story is creepy cool. Update soon! I can't wait to see the next chapter!


ME : kamsahamnida ! my story is creepy ? ohmy .. I don't know how to make its creepy and scary .. btw , kamsahamnida for the comments !


aidalovekpop [block]  on 4-6-2012 22:55:10 says: x
aigoo...the story is so DEPRESSING but yet amazing
update often author-nim
and about Seohun...yes,they DO suit each other...LOL


ME : kamsahamnida ! uwaah ! I can update when I had a free-time and the idea came to me .. bhahahaha *eveil laugh* and about Seohyun and Se Hun .. well . I still don't know who I want Seohyun end up with .. teheeee ^^, mianhae !

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seoexo_01 #1
Chapter 10: New reader here! I really like this story.. Update soon.. Hwaiting! ^^
seo_exoFallenAngels #2
Chapter 10: I love SeoHun please make them end up together in the story im a milky makbae you know kekekeke btw im so curious yeahhhh~~ and its interesting !!! Update Sooon!!
uri kiseopie is coward..........dont worry seopie...i'm always at your side but you didnt know i exist...

please update~!
i ship all of them wth seohyun
memememe3296 #6
I love how Sehun is jealous of Seohyun when she is close with other guys!:))
Update Soon!^^
I hope Kiseop will fall for Jiyeon! I ship them. LOL I'm so random...

Please update soon!^^
JIyeon and dongwoon <3
super_purple #9
this is rly great story, why kiseop looks so coward in this story? but, he is cute though.
SeoHun, i ship them. kkk~
update soon.^^
yeay, an update!! ^^
no, no. your grammar is good. it's just i can't believe it was a dead body. i thought he saw a kidnapper's face. :P
anyway, thank you!! i wonder if the culprit is among them. *giggle*