Chapter 4

Accidentally Manager

This is like a random fact about Xuan but she’s pretty much taller than the girls except Yuna (because no one is taller than her lol) so the height order is: Yuna, Xuan, Yeji, Chaeryeong, Ryujin, and Lia. She’s around 5’6.5 so yeah. That’s all I want to say. Anyway, enjoy reading!


The morning came the next day. Xuan groaned as she heard her phone alarm go off. She slowly opened her eyes and went over to turn it off. She checked the time, “8AM, time to make breakfast for the girls.”


Xuan sat up from her bed and stretched out her body. Then she got out and made her bed quickly before going out to the kitchen. She the coffee machine and made herself a cup of coffee. She took a sip and went over to the fridge to gather the ingredients for breakfast. Xuan made a simple breakfast of eggs and avocado toast. 


After she was done making breakfast, Xuan set up the table and went to wake up the girls. Xuan first arrived at Yeji and Yuna’s room. She knocked, “Yeji. Yuna. Time to wake up. Breakfast is ready.”


Xuan could hear Yeji groaning from her room. “Okay we will be up soon.” Xuan chuckled and proceeded to go to the other room.


Xuan knocked on their bedroom door. “Lia. Ryujin. Chaeryeong. Get up please. Breakfast is on the table.”


The door immediately swung open, startling Xuan in the process. Ryujin was standing there with a happy smile on her face. “I heard breakfast is ready.”


Xuan chuckled, “It’s always food with you. Wake up the others and then come out for breakfast.” Ryujin nodded and went back inside. 


After that, Xuan headed to the table and sat at her seat. She scrolled throughout her phone while waiting for the girls to wake up. As she was scrolling through her phone, she received an email notification from the marketing team. Xuan was sweating bullets. Holy , they responded quickly. She took a deep breath and opened the email.


She read it… and…

“WOOOOOO!” Xuan stood up from her seat and cheered as she read the good news.


Yeji and Yuna came out of their rooms in time to see Xuan’s excitement. “Unnie~ you’re being too loud.” Yuna said as she let out a yawn.


Xuan bushed and sat down back in her seat. She nervously laughed as she scratched the back of her head. “Sorry sorry but I’m just so excited!”


“For what? Today’s fan event?” Yeji asked.


Xuan shook her head. “It’s something else but I want to tell all of you when you’re all here. Speaking of which, where are the rest?” Yeji and Yuna shrugged her shoulders.


Right on cue, Chaeryeong and Ryujin came out of their room but with no Lia. Xuan looked at the two girls with a confused look. “Where’s Lia? Didn’t you tell her breakfast is ready?”


Ryujin sighed. “I tried waking her up but she didn’t move. She just groaned and went back to sleep.”


“Yeah, she’s being her usual sloth self.” Chaeryeong explained.


“Aish.” Xuan sighed as she got up from her seat. “I’ll go wake her up myself.” She looked at Ryujin and Chaeryeong. “Permission to enter your room?” The two girls nodded and Xuan made her way to their room.


Xuan opened the door and shook her head as she saw lying peacefully on her bed with the blanket covering her. Awww she looks so peaceful… too bad I’m about to ruin it. Xuan walked over to her bedside and gently pulled the blanket down. Then, she squatted down and gently shook Lia’s shoulder. “Lia, wake up. It’s time for breakfast.”


Lia groaned, “Five more minutes please.”


Xuan crossed her arms. “No can do. You need to eat and get ready for your fan event today.”


“But I want to sleep more…”


“Well, alright. You give me no choice.” Xuan pulled off the blanket completely which led to Lia curling up. Then, she put her arms under Lia’s back and legs and carried her bridal style.


Lia slowly opened her eyes to see she was face to face with Xuan. “Xuan, what are you doing? Are you gonna carry me to the table like the princess that I am?” Lia smirked.


Xuan smirked. “Nope! I’m gonna do this.” 


“What? GAH!” Suddenly, Xuan let go of her grip and dropped Lia onto her bed. She groaned, “What the hell Xuan?!”


Xuan chuckled, “You have working legs, Lia. Use them and come eat breakfast with us.” As Xuan tried to leave, Lia suddenly grabbed Xuan’s shirt. “What is it now-GAH” Before Xuan could finish her sentence, Lia pulled Xuan down and put her into a body lock. She wrapped her legs around Xuan’s waist while her arms locked Xuan’s head. “Lia! What are you doing?!”


“This is what you get for dropping me!” Lia held onto Xuan tighter.


“Okay! Okay! I’m sorry I did that. Now let me go please.” 


“Okay, since you asked nicely.” Lia smiled as she let go of Xuan who fumbled onto the floor, gasping for air.


“Geez, for someone who has a small frame, you grip hard.” 


Lia crossed her arms, “Are you calling me short?”


“I’m not calling you short. Because you are short so it’s a fact.” Xuan laughed but winced as Lia flicked her forehead. “Owww you’re mean in the morning.”


“I’m not mean. You’re just annoying.” Lia playfully stuck out her tongue.


Xuan rubbed her forehead. “Whatever, let’s just eat breakfast before it gets cold.” Xuan left the room with Lia following behind her.


Xuan and Lia entered the dining room and the girls greeted the two. “Finally, you’re here. I wondered if we were ever going to eat breakfast at all.” Ryujin said.


Xuan and Lia just took their seats at the table. “Well, we’re here now so we eat now.” Xuan smiled. All of them prayed and thanked for their food and started eating.


After a while, Yeji spoke. “Xuan, what were you trying to talk about earlier?”


“Ah that’s right!” Xuan took a sip of her coffee and set her cup down. “So yesterday, Chaeryeong told me a great idea about something.”


The girls looked at Chaeryeong with confusion. Chaeryeong shyly smiled. “Uhh hi…”


“Anyway,” Xuan continued, “I realized that I don’t really tell you girls about my life back in the states. Most of the time, I just tell random stories relating to something happening or whenever I cook you guys food. So it got me thinking… what if when we go to California for your World Tour, I show you girls my life.”


The girls’ eyes widened. “R-Really? You’ll show us LA?” Yuna asked.


Xuan shook her head. “My point exactly. Most people know cities like LA or SF because it’s well known to other countries but I want to show you girls the city I grew up in, which is Garden Grove (I don’t like in GG I live somewhere else close to it). I pitched the idea to make it into a reality show to attract attention to you guys.”


“Wowwwww, that’s so cool. What will be doing?” Chaeryeong asked.


“So the plan is to arrive around 10 days eariler than your performance date for the LA concert. We will spend 5 days exploring my city and my life. Day 1: We will land in California and we will head to my home and have dinner with my parents. It’ll be a surprise for my parents but I’ll contact my older siblings to help prepare. I can show you girls my old room.”


“So a free home cooked dinner from your mom? I’m in.” Ryujin said.


Xuan rolled her eyes. “Always food with you.” Xuan chuckled. “Day 2: we will visit my college campus and go to my club. It was hard saying goodbye since I was an officer for it but they understood. But I wanted to show you guys my campus life.” 


“Day 3-4 are together. Day 3: We will visit my old workplace and I’m gonna show you girls how I used to do my old job. Then I’m gonna train you girls so that on Day 4, you will work in the boba shop for the day. And by day I mean 5 hours. I don’t want to tire you girls out. It’ll be good for MIDZY to come and support you girls.”


“Do we get free boba?” Lia asked.


“Of course you will. It’s a rule back when I worked. You get free boba drinks after your shift. Anyways, on the final day… It will be a surprise after I finalize the details with the marketing team and public relations later today.”


The girls groaned. “Why not now?” Yeji asked.


“Because I have to make what I’m doing possible. If not, I have to come up with something. But let’s just say… it’ll be a mini concert at my college campus.” Xuan smiled.


The girls gasped in excitement. “So we will perform at your school?” Chaeryeong asked.


Xuan nodded. “But of course there is a twist to that but let me finalize details later. Now finish your breakfast and get ready for your fan event.”


“Okay~” The girls said and continued eating their breakfast.


After breakfast, the girls started to get ready for their event today while Xuan washed the dishes. When she was done, Xuan headed to her room and grabbed her shower essentials and headed to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and did her usual routine. When she was done, she headed to her room and changed into her clothes for the day. Her outfit was a black jean jacket, white v neck shirt, gray joggers and her white air forces. Xuan decided to not bother with her contacts and just wore her glasses.


She packed her backpack and left her room. Xuan was happy that the girls managed to get ready and were waiting in the living room. “You girls ready?” The girls looked up and their eyes widened. There was a moment of silence between all of them as the girls stared at her. Xuan was starting to get self conscious. “I-Is there something wrong with my outfit? Or my face?”


“You wear glasses?” Lia asked.


“Oh yeah! I do! I usually wear contacts but I don’t want to bother since I’ll be out all day so I wear glasses to give my eyes a break.” Xuan rubbed her neck, “Do I look weird?”


The girls shook their heads. “Nonono you look cute!” Chaeryeong said.


Xuan blushed slightly. “T-Thank you. Anyway let’s get going. The other manager should be here any moment to pick us all up.” Xuan put on her black mask and all the girls left their dorm. All of them met with the main managers and they headed to the venue.


As they reached the venue, there were already so many cameras surrounding the place. The girls exited the van one by one and waved and posed for the cameras. Xuan was the last one to exited the van. She stood at the side so that the cameras and MIDZY can observe the Itzy girls.


Xuan scrolled through her phone as Itzy talked to the fans outside of the venue. Little did she know, there were some cameras taking pictures of her.


Afterwards, the girls entered the venue with Xuan and their main manager following behind. Xuan helped set up the fan event along with the other staff to make sure the event went smoothly. When she was done, Xuan met with the girls at the back. “Alright everything is set up for today’s event. Are you girls ready?”


The girls nodded. “Yes Xuan/unnie.”


Xuan smiled. “Alright girls. Go on and have fun! And if you need anything, just signal me and I’ll come over.”


The girls smiled at Xuan and made their way to the front of the stage. Xuan went out and stood at the side to assist the fans when it was time for them to meet Itzy.


The event went well. Itzy performed a bit, did some random covers, and bantered a bit with the fans. Xuan couldn’t help but smile at the girls. I love my job… Now it was time for the signing portion of the event. The fans lined up and Xuan helped them in an orderly fashion. 


As she led the fans to the seats, one of them approached Xuan and handed her a small gift bag. Xuan blinked at her with confusion. Then she pointed at the girls. The fan shook her head. Then Xuan pointed at herself. The fan nodded her head and smiled. Xuan’s eyes widened. “Why?”


The fan tried her best to speak English. “I am big fan! I watch all videos and you are handsome. Please accept.”


Xuan bowed and took the bag from the fan. “Thank you.” The fan happily clapped and took a seat for the fan sign.


Xuan turned her head when she felt Lia tapping on her arm. “Yes Lia, do you need anything?”


Lia smirked. “So you’re flirting with my fans?”


Xuan blushed furiously. “I-It’s not what it looks like. I really wasn’t expecting that to happen.”


“Yeah sure.” She teased.


To Xuan’s surprise, she received more gifts from her fans and she was getting nervous since it was supposed to be Itzy for the center of attention. Lia couldn’t help but laugh at Xuan’s situation. “You’re really popular.”


Xuan blushed, “I’m going to take a break.” Xuan went and informed the main manager. Then, she went into the back room and set down all her gifts that she received. She sat down in a chair and took a deep breath. “I didn’t think I would grab this much attention…” Xuan grabbed her water bottle and took a sip. “I feel bad for the girls… it’s supposed to be their day and here I am ruining it.” Her hands started to tremble. “Damn it, my anxiety is going through the roof.”


Suddenly, a memory came into her mind.


Xuan was sitting outside of the building. Her club is doing a performance but all Xuan could think about is how bad she will mess up her speech.


Negative thoughts clouded her mind, she couldn’t think straight. Xuan looked at her hands as they started to tremble. She tried doing breath exercises but it wasn’t working for her. Her heart rate was rising and her hands kept on shaking.


Suddenly, she felt a pair of soft hands grab hers. Xuan looked up and her eyes widened. “H-Hien?”


Hien smiled. “You look a little nervous.” She squatted down and met with Xuan’s level. “Stage fright?” Xuan nodded, “Don’t worry babe. I’m here now.”


“I thought you had work.”


“I managed to get a switch at the last minute. I didn’t want to miss your moment.” Hien kissed the back of Xuan’s hand. Then, she went in and kissed her forehead. Afterwards, she kissed her cheek. Lastly, she went in and gave a quick peck of Xuan’s lips. “For good luck.”


Xuan smiled and pulled Hien into a hug. “Thank you so much, baby. I love you so much.”


Hien caressed Xuan’s back. “I love you too, honey. I will always be there for you…”


Xuan sighed. “I wish you were here with me now…”


Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The door opened and the main manager entered. “Xuan, are you done? It’s time to get back.”


Xuan nodded. “I’ll be there in a moment.” After that, the manager left. Xuan stood up from her seat and took another deep breath. She looked at her hands and balled them up into fists. “I need to stop relying on Hien for my anxiety. I need a new anchor.”


Xuan went out of the back room and headed back to the main room. Everything continued as normal. Xuan looked over to the girls to make sure they were doing okay. Her eyes landed on Chaeryeong who was rubbing her shoulders with her hands. She must be cold. Then, Chaeryeong looked toward Xuan, her eyes filled with discomfort. She’s not cold… Xuan looked at the fan that’s currently talking to Chaeryeong and realized that the fan is making her uncomfortable. She might not understand what he was saying in Korean but Xuan can understand that whatever he’s saying, it’s appropriate. 


Xuan went over to the main manager. “Hey, I need security to that man that’s talking to Chaeryeong.”


The manager looked at her with confusion. “Why?”


“He’s making her uncomfortable. I think he’s saying inappropriate stuff to her. It’s our job to protect the girls.”


“Okay, okay. I’ll bring security over. Go and help Chaeryeong.” The manager left while Xuan went to Chaeryeong’s side.


The man gave a creepy smile to Chaeryeong. “I think we would make a great couple. You look so hot and y right now.” He his lips.


Please stop saying that.” Chaeryeong pleaded.


Come on baby. I’ll rock your world.” The man was about to reach for Chaeryeong’s hand.


As he was about to touch her hand, Xuan came in and pulled Chaeryeong’s chair away a bit, making sure she’s out of the man’s reach. Then, she put her jacket over Chaeryeong’s shoulders. Chaeryeong looked up to Xuan who was smiling at her. “You look a bit ‘cold’ there Chaeryeong so wear my jacket.” She leaned into her ear and whispered, “Security will come. I told the other manager already.”


“Thank you, Xuan unnie.” Chaeryeong whispered and smiled.


What do you think you’re doing?” The man yelled at Xuan.


Xuan looked at him and glared. She walked up a bit and stared at him. “Be respectful to Chaeryeong or leave.


The man clicked his tongue. “The disrespect… you think you can tell me what to do? You’re just a naive little-” Before the man could finish his sentence, he felt someone grab his shoulder. He looked over, “What’s going on?


The manager crossed their arms. “You’re being escorted for inappropriate behavior and gestures toward Chaeryeong. You are hereby banned from any events held by Itzy.


Banned?! I did nothing wrong!” The man exclaimed as he was being removed by security.


When he was gone, there was a moment of silence between the girls and the fans. Then, the event went on as normal as if nothing happened right now. Xuan sighed with a huge wave of relief. “I’m so glad that was handled.” She looked at her hands as she felt them shaking. “My anxiety is at it again…”


Suddenly, she felt Chaeryeong’s hands holding hers. Xuan looked up and her eyes widened. “C-Chaeryeong?”


“You did well Xuan unnie. Thank you for saving me.” Chaeryeong smiled.


“You’re welcome.” Xuan smiled as she felt her nerves disappearing. Xuan was about to leave but Chaeryeong pulled closer to her side as she sat down. “What?”


“I think you should stay here near us. It’s safer like that.” Chaeryeong explained.


“Okay okay I will.” Xuan let go of Chaeryeong’s hands and continued to observe the event close to the girls. Luckily nothing else happened after the incident.


When the event was done, Xuan was helping the staff clean up and put away the items. After she was done, she went to the back room and met with the girls. “Great job girls. You did wonderful at today’s event. A minor incident happened but nothing too major to ruin our day.” The girls clapped and Xuan smiled. “Anyway, you girls have the rest of the day off so let’s go back to the dorms. I still need to get ready for my meeting.”


“Okay~” The girls said and they gathered their stuff. Xuan grabbed her gifts from her fans and all of them walked outside. 


As they got outside, all of them saw that fans and the cameras were all there waiting for them to say their final goodbyes and leave. Xuan quickly went to the van to avoid the camera shots and put her stuff away. When she was done, Xuan walked back to try to help the girls with their stuff.


⚠️⚠️ Slight Violence Warning ⚠️⚠️ 


As she was walking back, suddenly, she felt a fist hit the side of her face. Xuan fell to the ground and held her face. “Ow! What the?” Xuan looked up and saw it was the same guy who was harassing Chaeryeong. She saw anger in his eyes.


The man smirked. “You think you’re all that but really you’re just a pathetic .” He went in closer and kicked her in the stomach, making Xuan clutched onto her stomach. “Just because you’re a young manager doesn’t mean you can’t disrespect older people.” He landed another punch onto her face. “You deserve the beating you’re gonna get from me.” Before he could punch Xuan again, two bodyguards quickly grabbed the man and moved him away.


“Xuan/unnie!” Xuan looked up and saw the girls running towards her. The girls gasped as they saw the black eye and the bruising on Xuan’s lips. Yeji went to her side and helped her, Xuan struggling to stand. “Xuan, are you okay?”


Xuan spit blood out from mouth. She looked at the girls and shook her head. Her head hung low in embarrassment.


“We need to go home now!” Lia said. The girls nodded and all of them quickly went into the van, Yeji and Ryujin helping Xuan into the van.


The van ride to their dorms was silent. The girls looked at Xuan who was staring at the window, no words, no emotion. When they arrived, the girls exited the van, Yeji and Ryujin still helping Xuan out. 


The manager got out of the car and went to Xuan. “Hey, I think it’s best to postpone your meeting with the marketing team to tomorrow.” Xuan nodded. “Please rest up.” The manager looked at Itzy. “Take good care of Xuan, girls. Today was rough for her.


Okay.” All the girls said and the manager left. 


All of them made their way to their dorms. Lia opened the door for them, Yeji and Ryujin made their way to set Xuan on the living room couch. 


Where’s the medical kit?” Yeji asked.


I think it’s in our bathroom.” Ryujin said.


We will go get the kit. Yuna, go and get ice for Xuan.” Yeji instructed.


Okay unnie.” Yuna went to the kitchen and prepared an ice pack.


Meanwhile, Lia and Chaeryeong sat on each side next to Xuan. Chaeryeong held Xuan’s hand while Lia was caressing her back. Still, no words or emotion from Xuan.


Yeji and Ryujin came back with the medical kit. Yeji opened it and got the rubbing alcohol. “This will hurt but we need to clean your bruise.” She put some of the rubbing alcohol onto a cotton pad and started applying to Xuan’s lips.


Xuan winced and gripped onto Chaeryeong’s hand more. Chaeryeong patted Xuan’s hand. “It’s okay, Xuan unnie. It’s almost over.”


After Yeji was done applying, she grabbed healing ointment and applied it to Xuan’s lips and to her black eye. Yuna came back with the ice pack and gave it to Xuan. She held it up to her black eye.


There was a moment of silence between all of them, worriness and concern filled the Itzy girls as they just stared at Xuan who remained emotionless.


“I’m sorry…” The girls looked at Xuan who had tears flowing out of her eyes. “I’m sorry about today.”


“Xuan, you don’t have to be sorry. It’s the guy’s fault who made Chaeryeong uncomfortable. You were just protecting her.” Lia explained.


“It’s not just that.” Xuan continued to sob. “Today was supposed to be a good day for you girls. It was supposed to be your time to have fun and to interact with your fans. The attention was supposed for you girls. But after receiving gifts from your fans at the event, I started to get anxious from the unwanted attention. Then, there was me telling the guy to leave and then him hitting me afterwards. I’m pretty sure all eyes will be on me if someone wrote an article about the incident today. 


“I can’t imagine the comments of an article like that published. But worse of all, I feel like I ruined your day today, girls.” The girls’ eyes widened at Xuan’s statement. “I feel like I ruined your reputation. I feel like… I’m not worthy to be your manager anymore. So that’s why I want to apologize.” Xuan continued to sob.


Then, she felt Lia grab her face and have her head turned towards hers. “Xuan… never ever say that again.”


Xuan blinked in confusion. “W-What?”


“Don’t say you’re not worthy of being our manager!” Lia exclaimed, “You’re doing so much for us. Even if you feel like you’re not doing a lot, we still appreciate the things that you do for all of us. We can tell that you deeply care for us and you’re protective of us. I knew I made the right choice to pick you as our manager.” Lia smiled.


“Lia is right.” Xuan turned and looked at Chaeryeong. She smiled at Xuan, “You protected me from that guy. Most staff usually ignore it when a fan makes uncomfortable comments toward us. But you helped and I’m grateful.”


Lia gave Xuan a side hug. “So stop saying bad things about yourself. And remember, it’s not just you who supports us. We can support you too if you open up to us if something is bothering you. You’re not just our manager. You’re our friend too.”


The girls came in closer and gave Xuan a big group hug. Xuan couldn’t help but smile and broke down in happiness.


“Thank you girls…”


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qwertyuiop1216 #1
Chapter 9: Gemmmmm!
Meimew #2
Chapter 7: I wonder what kind of hell Xuan will put through the girls …
Meimew #3
Chapter 6: i feel like xuan is the whipped type of person based on the interactions with chaeryeong lol
insanity77 #4
Chapter 2: lol