Until We Meet Again

Until We Meet Again



After 9 Years


I bit my lower lip so hard that it almost bled, as I saw a handsome yet beautiful guy came out from the white room that says “Audition Room”. His eyes were flooded with sadness and I knew what it means. He probably didn’t make it, I thought. My heart then started beating wildly, almost skipping from my chest. I was so nervous – I have never been this nervous all my life.

I took a step and gulped before I looked at him with sad eyes. He tried to smile and tapped my shoulder. “Good luck.” He said in a soft voice and I just nodded in response. I was really afraid I’d end up running out from the building if I would speak just a word. I took a deep breath then turned the knob of the door. In this white room, lies my future – my dream – and that promise that I am about to fulfill.

I bowed down and went to the center stage, with three gentlemen on the desk and one older woman with a scary glare that sent chills on my spine. My knees were shaking while I made my way there; I thought I’d fall on the wooden floor that reflected the room’s elegance.

“Introduce yourself,” the man in between the panel of judges spoke as he looked at me deep on my eyes. The other judges paid attention as well and made the room even more freezing.

“I’m Yoo Youngjae. I am 17 years old. And my dream is to become an idol. I am very confident in my singing skills.” He started and took a deep breath. “I am going to sing MusiQ Souldchild’s Dear John.” The judges just nodded -- a signal for him to go on.

He clenched his sweaty and cold fist to gather guts and looked at the judges then started singing with his best.

“So here is my dear John
Don’t waste your time
When you respond
I’ll be long gone
Before I change my mind
I’ll just stop now and say goodbye…”

As he was done, he gave a satisfying smile and bowed down again. He was surprised as he heard claps from the judges. He looked at them with wide eyes and they only smiled. “Why do you want to become an idol so bad? I heard you auditioned in other companies as well.” The strict lady asked.

“It’s because it is my dream and I made a promise that I will make my dream come true, no matter what it takes.” He answered confidently and honestly. God must have rally good to him as he was blessed with the hidden talent in talking.

“And who is this someone? Mom? Dad?” It was the man’s turn to ask as other judges were busy writing something on their paper.

Youngjae just smiled brightly. “A really treasured friend.”



The really annoying ringtone of my cellphone woke me up and ruined my perfect sleep. I have never realized how irritating my ringtone can get until now. Without opening my eyes, I threw my arm to the bedside table and grabbed the noisy thing.

“Hello?” I said in a groggy voice, trying to sound polite as I didn’t even bother to look who the caller was.

“Yoo Youngjae.” The other line said, with such authorative voice.

That woke me up. I blinked my eyes twice and looked at my cellphone screen. There was a form of knot in my forehead as I saw it was an unregistered number. “Yes?”

“Pack your things today and say good bye to your parents. You are on the road of catching your dream.”

“Huh?” I asked in a confused voice. My brain weren’t really working this time, must be the effect of being woken up from sleep. “I don’t get it.”

“You’re now a TS trainee started today.”

That was it and the line was cut. I stayed looking at the ceiling with my eyes narrowing; my mouth agape like a fish. One second. Two seconds. Three sec--- “OH MY IN’ GOD!!!!!!” I screamed as my brain finally processed the program that it just received.

I then got up from bed, not giving a damn that I was still on my pink pajamas. “Mom!!! Dad!!! Good bye!!!!!!” I kept screaming as I reached the living room with my parents’ questioned look.



“You’re late.” A deep voice startled me as I put my heavy black bag on the front door that the CEO of TS told me to go. “You’re still a trainee yet you’re not being polite already.” He continued.

I knotted my forehead as I looked at him, examining his face. He was really scary. And I knew it. I have felt this chilly feeling already. I cringed as I remembered that scary woman on the panel of judges way back from the audition day. “S-scary…” those words escaped from my mouth and the guy in front of me almost burst with anger.

“Hey, stop scaring trainees, Bang Yong Guk!” A pretty guy appeared beside him and was smiling, making his squirrel-like teeth appear cutely. His hair were brown and it made him an undeniably ulzzang. “Hi, we were only a month trainee here before you, so don’t worry.” He greeted me and smiled as his eyes sparkled. This creep is cute, I thought.

“Uhm, h-hi.” I responded awkwardly. “I’m Yoo Youngjae.”

“Welcome, Youngjae!” The pretty guy responded and helped me carry my bag that I forgot it existed on the floor. “I’m Kim Himchan. I’m the leader.” He continued.

I stared at him with wide eyes, looking really surprised. Before I could say anything, the guy named Yong Guk whacked his head. “I knew it. You are after my spot. You’re dead, Kim Himchan.” He said and paced his hand on his throat, on a motion as if he was cutting it.

I gulped the huge fear that was stocked on my throat and blinked as I looked at the real leader. Himchan just laughed loudly and pushed Yong Guk in a brute force, making him almost fall on the floor. “I was just kidding, Yong Guk-ah. Of course, I’m not after it.” He said and started coming inside the house. “What will happen if we switch places? The visual of our group would be really disappointing.”

Before I could praise Himchan’s talent in humor, I already fell on the floor as hard thing passed by me in the name of Bang Yong Guk. “You are so dead, Kim Himchan!” He screamed that made the whole house surrounded with a chilly aura.

I winced and looked at them as Himchan ran for his life to be spared. “This is going to be a tough training period.” I said as smiled a bit.

“Are you fine?” A towering kid asked me, with his pretty doll-like eyes made me feel uneasy. I brimmed and nodded as I stood up from the cold tiled-floor. “I’m fine.”

“So you’re the last member to be trained with us.” He said as he held my hand, helping me stand up. “I am the maknae here, Choi Jun Hong.” He introduced his self.

My smile turned into a sour look as I looked at him from head to foot. Wow, he’s towering over me, I whispered on my mind. I then lifted my bag that was on the floor again that Himchan must have dropped. “Welcome, hyung.” A sudden voice told me as he peeked from Jun Hong’s back. “I-I-I’m Jong Up.” Yes, this kid Choi Jun Hong is this tall.

Oh, my in’ God. He was such an awkward turtle. I smiled back at his really awkward expression then looked at Jun Hong that was almost like a robot as he didn’t move even a bit, except those really annoying yet cute blinking.

“Thanks.” I said and headed to a room with a paper on the door that says Vacant. I then threw my bag on the really small bed and let myself fall on the floor. “This is such a tiresome day.”

I then made a smile as I got a picture frame from my black bag. I put it on the little table beside the bed and stared at the two young kids with really happy look. They were both holding a can of Tropicana, with microphone on their hand.

“I’m almost there.” I said in a whisper.



A/N: OMG. It has been so long since I updated, right? My laptop was dead and had its burial. ;____; Also, I had my Finals exam just this week so.. yeah. And, after this chapter.. I swear we're almost there. :) Thank you for reading and enjoy!

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Chapter 4: Please update!!! I want to reeeaaaadddd!!!!
Chapter 4: Argggh~Please update iittt!~ >_<
GoodbyeGirls331 #3
Chapter 4: Update soon please author-nim~
blackjack_915 #4
please update !!!!!
Chapter 4: omg. finally. update soon. >< <3
Chapter 4: Pls update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why don't you.. please.. update! :o
update please ;;
95lineyoung #9

update update update^^