[HOT!] DLF (desperately looking for): FRIEND / BESTIE / OOMF / TRIAL OOMFIE / ETC. VISIT THIS AD NOW


I have one leg over the precipice. Scroll further and I will jump. This is a  threat.


hi good morning, afternoon, evening and night to readers of this versatile ad. thank u for stopping by. just gonna cut to the chase now so i don't lose your attention!!! now focus on me. 

THIS is a friendship/oomfship ad for my friend. he's been stuck w me for a very long time and i believe it is time for him to err... leave me alone lol! u didnt hear this from me tho cuz like.. yea..

below are his unique selling points (he has quite a few, but it's 6AM for me rn so i cant rlly name all... how abt u apply and find out urself)

  • of age. mdni neh sorry... he's alr had a fair share of crimes :(  
  • he doesn't operate in a fixed timezone this man is up 24/7 i tell u... but if u insist, he's a minus (and i'm a plus but we talk almost 24/7. U see now?)
  • his usual fcs are juyeon & hyunjae, and on some days kimlip eunseo yves or lara but tbh he just fcs anyone really. sorry this isnt a Flaw he isnt indecisive he just loves changing default pics omg
  • A CERTIFIED GAMER... Some days he's a loser some days he'd get an ace U'll never know with him really. Point is he plays games n would make time for u anytime u want to (tested to be true. I am his best friend he always shows up when u make plans)
  • Some of the games he plays are PLATO (addict), Phasmophobia, OC2, Gang Beasts, Don't Starve, Pacify, etc. He owns both PC and Mac so he can basically play all games u suggest 
  • Uhh he also plays VALORANT but errm he is Mr Agent 2000 ping so idk if i should include it here
  • he likes watching stuff on hyperbeam n i'm p sure he has the premium subscription (this mf only has me and a few more friends to take advantage of it ohhh please apply and go on watch dates with him. Shed a tear thinking of this rlly) 
  • would stay with u in hyperbeam for 6hrs ++ he is THAT jobless
  • he's very funny but he at small talks so if ure the type to joke around and prefer to skip the "how's your day?" "what r ur plans today?" and jump to "haha ure sooo y" then u're prolly the right person for him
  • he's also open to joining rps together (lets be losers together...!)
  • platforms are twt & dc. preferably dc bc we are all dead on twt rn 
  • HES RLLY FUNNY & CARING + HE HAS ME AS FRIEND WHAT MORE COULD U ASK... LOLL please drop me a message if ure interested :)




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midsummer_sorrow #1
im sorry my computer lagged
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